Sabtu, 01 April 2017

cheap and easy diets that work

cheap and easy diets that work

what's up beautiful people? it is your homegirl shameless. and i havethe brothers green. - hey guys.- what's going on? mike and josh.

cheap and easy diets that work, and i met them at theunicef event, at the un. and we were talking about food. i found out you guyshave a cooking channel. we talk about foodthere. [crosstalk]

check it out, check it out. - a lot. - yeah. so, i asked them, i'mlike let's do a video, and let's do itfor college students. and then you suggestedfour ingredients for each meal. yeah, you knowcollege students these days they're so busy,you've school work, you've got otherthings to do rather than -- yeah so, you've onlygot four ingredients,

and it's quickand it's delicious. yeah, we simplify it. we have abreakfast, lunch, and dinner, and it's all vegetarianwhich is great for -- and it can be made vegan, too. you could. and can be madenon-vegetarian, too -- [crosstalk] for all the meat eatersyou can throw it in there.

but we're going tostart off with breakfast, which is going tobe an egg sandwich, in a pepper ring moldwith a special treat, a vegetarian bacon. what do we got next joshua? this is a flatbread pizza, andit's basically really simple, because all you'redoing is taking flatbreads and you'remaking pizzas in a pan, you don't even need an oven.

such a great recipe.and then we're going to finish it off with afour ingredient stir-fry with tofu, broccoli -- - this is throwing me off.- it is throwing you off. just wait, trust us here. it'sdelicious. i've tried it once. once? tried it once! - it worked once, yeah.- it'll work again. i'll try and think twice. we'll get started withthe breakfast sandwich.

all you need to do to make baconcheese is just some cheese. take a non-stick pan, and you sprinkle alittle bit of mozzarella, or some goodmelting cheese, cheddar works,mozzarella cheese. sprinkle that down toa little bacon strip, sprinkle another one, andthen let it fry on one side, the oil is going to cook out. and then you flip it over,

and then you crisp itup on the other side. - oh, that's so crispy.- and you end up withthis crispy bacon cheese. yeah, and it'sactually healthier than cheese because you'recooking out the oil. healthier than cheese? ohyou're cooking out the oil. yeah -- so, it's healthierthan eating regular cheese. fried baconcheese is better than -- fried cheese isbetter than regular cheese?!

that's this guy's concept. idon't know if i trust him on it. you're cooking out the oil. it makes, yeah-- common sense -- but don't you haveto put oil in the pan? no, because there's somuch oil in cheese already. so after we'vegot our bacon cheese you can take thatout on a paper towel, and just let it,you know, like bacon you let it dry out.

so, for the pepperring mold, very simple, take a bellpepper, any color will do, and just chop off aring just like that. throw that in the panwith a little bit of oil, and i just likesautã©ing it on one side, you get a little extra flavor. then i flip it over and i crackan egg right into the ring mold, it's so genius, youcontain it right in that thing. if you want it runny,you can skip this step,

but if you wantit cooked through i would just pokea hole in the yolk, spread out the yolkso it's nice and even. when the pepper is cooking we're going totake the english muffin and we're going toput down a little oil, and just get that extra crispy, because it's just going to tastebetter when you get a little -- just because it's a pepperdoesn't mean salt and pepper,

don't forget thesalt and pepper. and now we're ready to plate,take off your english muffin, stack on thatpepper ring egg creation, and then top it with alittle bit of bacon cheese. whoooo! and you can obviouslyput extra sauce on that, whatever you want, ilike the hot sauce -- maya: you can break the rules. with ketchup.

maya: add more ingredients. yeah, you can add tops. flatbread pan pizzais incredible because you don't need an oven. most people incollege don't have an oven, you can do this onlike a foreman grill or a little hot plate. all you do is you takethe flatbread, not the pita, pita would work, but --

- pocket less.- yeah, pocket less. - pocket less. - it's the same as a flatbread. put a little oil down in thepan, cook it on the one side, and what that's going to do isget it like a little bit crispy, so then when you flip it overthat side is already heated, so that's the trick, right? it's like an -- it'san instant pizza oven. instant pizza oven. it's crispiness.

and then you putyour little sauce down, don't use too much,or it'll get too watery. sprinkle some cheese, and at this point youjust kind of let it cook. you can cover it if you want, it will sort of createa little oven in there, and steam up the cheese soit's this up and down thing. this up and down thing?what are you talking about? the heat, it willbounce off the lid.

oh, the heat is going up, andthen it's going down, i get it. yeah, and then you take itoff, you rip on some basil, or whatever you want, no basil,basil it's all good with me. and then you just cut it up and you have this deliciouscrispy on the bottom pizza. and that thing isgreat with extra vegetables, whatever you want to put on it. maya: you can addanything you want. yeah!

pizza for breakfast. when your pizza on the flatbreadyou can have pizza anytime. so, simple and so good. and if you're vegan youcan get rid of the mozzarella, or the cheese and use pesto. yeah, just make it like a tomatopie or you can use pesto. very easy to convertthat into other things, but the crispiness you getfrom a pan, so underrated, so underrated.

so, for the finalrecipe, the dinner experience. we're going to do thefour ingredient tofu broccoli and pineapple stir-fry. so, what we'regoing to start off with is a little bit of firm tofu, i took the tofu and i justput that in some paper towel to really drain out the liquid, because we want to getsome crispiness on this tofu. it's going totaste so much better.

we're going to get apan, pretty nice and hot. get some oil on there. then i chopped upthe tofu in some cubes, so it fries up nice,threw that in the pan, and just let that sit for likea few minutes on the one side. you're going forthat brown crust. that is the flavor, that'sthe experience right there. then i flip thatover to the other side, just toss that around until allthe sides are nice and brown,

nice and crispy. make sure you hit the tofuwith salt every now and then, because the tofu loves the salt. it needs it, it's going tobe pretty bland without it. so, once that's done,throw that off into a bowl. now we're onto the broccoli. i add a littlemore oil into the pan, and i literallyjust take the broccoli and shave it offright into the pan.

- a broccoli haircut? - a broccoli haircut, exactly. these ones? ok, josh -- thatis the broccoli head, i think this broccolihead needs a broccoli haircut. a lot of broccoli in this head. so, the broccoli is cut up, it's starting tofry up in that pan. while that's happening youcan make your quick sauce. we're going to open up acan of pineapple chunks,

and i know thatsounds a little weird -- maya: so weird. but it's going to be delicious because you're starting to get alittle sweetness in the sauce. so, you pour off some ofthe juice in the pineapple, and then you're goingto add soy sauce to that, that's our last ingredient. so, right there two ingredientinstant salty and sweet in the sauce. it's perfect.

- sweet & sour, i like it.- sweet & sour, exactly. so, then we're going to takethe actual pineapple chunks and throw them inwith the broccoli, and just start tosautã© those off together, and then oncethat's looking real nice, right at thispoint, looking real good, we're going to takethe tofu, put it back in there, and add on yourdelicious sweet & sour sauce. mmm!

just let that sitand build it's flavor, the sugars are going to reduce, and it's going tojust turn into glory. i'm telling you, look at that. just absolutely glory -- praise the lights. just cook it for a few minutes, everything isgoing to come together, you still got alittle extra sauce,

you can serve that over rice,of course, or over noodles. that's going to be delicious, but again we are fouringredients right here. mm, so good. pineapple. that actually isjust straight vegan, the others are vegetarian. you can add alittle scallions in there, some brown rice, oh yeah.

holy hell. look at these yummies. [laughter] look at these yummies. not too bad, right? i really like a stir-fry, i would neverthink to put pineapple, or any fruit with a stir-fry. make sure you guyshead over to their channel. brothers green eats.

you know, budget cooking,a lot of fun videos over there, but we also did a collabvideo with maya on our channel, you can click onthat right here, "back to schooltoaster ovens recipes." toaster oven! ilove toaster ovens. - yeah. - they're so small. everyone -- you know ifyou've got a toaster oven you can make alot in that thing, so make sure you check that out.

yes, so these are theirfavorite college recipes. i want to know what yours is. comment below, letus know, mine was close to this. yeah, you -- [crosstalk] i had this, but onan english muffin. when we originallytalked to maya she said her favorite waslike a pizza bagel, or pizza on an english muffin. so, you're saying you canbasically put these together

and you have the ultimate -- yeah, combo pack. cool, kind of like -- combo pack! this tastes good and -- let us know what you guyswhat you guys want to see next. we'll do another collaboration,we'll do volume two. that's it, remember to do you. be you.

stay true. be shameless! whooooo!!! whoo!!! [laughter] i want to eat. hold on, do we need this? ♪ ♪

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