Sabtu, 01 April 2017

crash diet diabetes cure

crash diet diabetes cure

type 2 diabetes is a conditionin which your blood sugar level is too high. after you eat foods thatcontain carbohydrates, chemicals in yoursmall intestine break them down into singlesugar molecules called glucose.

crash diet diabetes cure, next, the cells liningyour small intestine absorb the glucose, whichpasses into the bloodstream. when the bloodreaches your pancreas, beta cells inside the pancreasdetect the rising glucose

levels. to reduce the glucoselevel, your beta cells release insulin intoyour bloodstream. as the blood circulatesthrough your body, the insulin and glucoseexit the bloodstream into your tissues toreach your body's cells. most cells of the bodyhave certain receptors on their surface that bindto the circulating insulin. insulin acts likea key in a lock

to open up the cell so thatthe circulating glucose can get inside the cell. now, your cell canuse the glucose to produce the energy itneeds to function properly. if you have type 2 diabetes,either your pancreas does not produce enoughinsulin or your body's cells resist its effects or both. if you have insulin resistance,your insulin cannot unlock the cells to let glucosein because the locks,

called receptors, areabnormal or missing. as a result, glucose islocked out of your cells. consequently, theamount of glucose builds up in your bloodstreamin a condition called hyperglycemia. to compensate forhyperglycemia, your pancreas produces more and more insulin. your overworked beta cells tryto keep up with the demand, but gradually lose their abilityto produce enough insulin.

due to hyperglycemiaand the lack of insulin, you may experience thefollowing classic symptoms of diabetes-- excessivehunger, excessive thirst, increased urine volume, andunexplained weight loss. symptoms of type 2 diabetesthat may appear over time include fatigue, recurrentinfections, changes in vision, itching, andtingling or prickling sensations in your skin. life threatening complicationsof type 2 diabetes

include diabeticketoacidosis, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketoticsyndrome, and hypoglycemia. if you don't receivetreatment for hyperglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosiscan result. because you no longer haveenough insulin circulating in your blood, yourcells can't get the glucose they needto produce energy. as a result, your bodyturns to fats and proteins as an alternativesource of energy.

during the fatbreakdown process, certain byproducts,known as ketone bodies, accumulate in yourblood, resulting in a condition called ketosis. if ketones build up todangerously high levels in your bloodstream, you maydevelop diabetic ketoacidosis, or dka, which can leadto coma and death. another complicationresulting from failure to treat hyperglycemiais called hyperosmolar

hyperglycemic nonketoticsyndrome, or hhns. as the insulindeficiency continues, your blood glucoselevel increases. in response, your kidneys filterexcess glucose out of the blood into urine, along withlarge amounts of water. unless you consumelarge amounts of water, your kidneys cannot keep upwith the demand of removing the glucose from yourbloodstream and diluting it sufficiently in urine.

as a result, your bloodbecomes much more concentrated than normal, a conditioncalled hyperosmolarity. hyperosmolarity pullswater out of your body tissues into your bloodstream,causing severe dehydration, which may lead to hyperosmolarhypoglycemic nonketotic syndrome. neurological symptoms, such asseizures and coma, can occur. if you take an excessivedose of diabetic medication, you may experiencean acute complication

called hypoglycemiaor insulin shock. excessive insulin or oralhypoglycemic medication causes too much glucoseto go into cells, leaving an insufficientamount in your bloodstream. certain organs,such as the brain, need a constant energysupply to function properly. because the brain's primarysource of energy is glucose, it is the first organ affectedby lower glucose levels. when your braincells, called neurons,

are starved for glucose,they start to malfunction, causing symptoms such asnervousness, shakiness, and confusion. if your glucose levelcontinues to drop, the electrical activityof your neurons diminishessignificantly, resulting in seizures or diabetic coma. over time, chronicpoorly controlled type 2 diabetes can causedegenerative tissue damage,

resulting in longterm complications such as atherosclerosis,blindness, neuropathy, and renal failure. to avoid the complicationsof type 2 diabetes, you can take steps tokeep your glucose level within a normal range using acombination of blood glucose monitoring, a healthydiet, regular exercise, and medications as necessary. you will need to check thelevel of glucose in your blood

frequently with a glucometer. to do this, you willprick your finger with a small needlecalled a lancet and place a drop of bloodon the strip attached to the glucometer. based on your bloodglucose level, you may need to adjust yourmeals, physical activity, or medication dose. eating a healthy diet will helpto lower your glucose level

when you eat a diet rich infruits, vegetables, and whole grains, have meals and snacksabout the same time every day, consume the right balanceof carbohydrates, proteins, and fat, and minimize yourintake of high sugar foods. getting regular exercise--even just 30 minutes a day-- will lower yourblood glucose level, decrease insulin resistance,and may lead to weight loss. you may need to take one ormore diabetic medications to help lower blood glucose.

some of these medicationsincrease insulin production in your pancreas. others decreaseinsulin resistance in your skeletal muscles. some treatments increase insulinsensitivity in certain tissues. others promote a slightdecrease in absorption of glucose in yourdigestive system. if your type 2 diabetes cannotbe controlled with diet, exercise, and oral medications,your doctor may prescribe

insulin and train you toinject it just under your skin. by treating and controllingyour blood glucose level, you may prevent theoccurrence of complications from type 2 diabetes.

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