Selasa, 04 April 2017

crash diet is cure for diabetes

crash diet is cure for diabetes

what your not supposed to know about recoveringfrom diabetes by phillip schneider. diabetes is considered to be one of the mostcommon illnesses in western society. nearly one in ten americans have it, makingit one of the most serious health epidemics of the 21st century.

crash diet is cure for diabetes, the pancreas of a type 1 diabetic produceslittle to no insulin, which the body needs to carry glucose from the bloodstream to thecells of the body. this form is only found in about 5% of thepopulation, and is usually diagnosed in children and teenagers.

typically, a type 1 diabetic will take frequentinjections in order to maintain proper insulin levels in the body. a type 2 diabetic has a similar problem. the most common form by far, type 2 diabetesis where the body does not know how to properly process insulin resulting in hyperglycemia,a rising of blood sugar levels beyond what is considered healthy. �at first, your pancreas makes extra insulinto make up for it. but, over time it isn�t able to keep upand can�t make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose at normal levels.� ~americandiabetes association

some symptoms of diabetes include frequenturination, extreme hunger, sudden vision changes, dry skin and more. dietary choices found to aid in reversingdiabetes in 2010, diabetes was the 7th leading causeof death in america, but it doesn�t have to be, and scientists in the fields of naturalmedicine and nutrition have been working to find a cure. in the documentary �simply raw: reversingdiabetes in 30 days,� several patients with diabetes were given the challenge of droppingtheir regular diets and living a purely raw vegan lifestyle for thirty days.

the participants came from all different backgrounds,heritages, and weights. these participants included michelle, age36 and obese; bill, age 58 and had experienced total numbness in his feet due to the diabetes;austin, age 25 with type 1 diabetes and a drinking problem; kirt, age 25, who had ablood sugar level of 1200 (normal is about 80-100); henry, age 58, who took 9 pills aday in addition to insulin; and pam, age 62, who had diabetes throughout her family. �you can chase them around with medicinesand try to get it down, but you�re just chasing your tail. the fundamental thing in treating diabetesis what you put in your mouth.�~dr. john

picken, pam�s doctor after only three days, the participants wereseeing results. austin was able to cut his insulin intakein half, while pam was able to cut hers by one-third. simultaneously, kurt, bill, and henry�sblood sugar levels had all fallen into the normal range even after dropping all of theirmedications. on day twelve, henry had successfully droppedhis blood sugar levels by 256 points and relieved himself entirely of his need for medication. however, on day 17 he felt that such a suddenchange to his lifestyle was too much and his

family took him home. on day thirty, the results were in and thechanges were astounding. not only were each of them taking less medicationwith healthier blood sugar levels, but their energy levels and moods were improved as well. michelle, bill, and pam were all freed fromtheir medication (and 81 pounds collectively) and their blood sugar levels all dropped intothe normal range. austin had lost 20 pounds and reduced hisdaily insulin intake from 70 units to just 5. kirt, who had blood sugar levels so high hisdoctor told him he �should be dead� dropped

over eleven hundred points to as low as 73. �no matter what anybody else says to mei know what i�m feeling and i know what i felt before�and i don�t need medicationto not have to feel that way. that�s amazing.� ~kirt new study shows fasting can �regeneratediabetic pancreas� additionally, new research has come out whichshows that the pancreas of a diabetic person can be regenerated through fasting. although this method shows some promise, noshort-term or long-term human trials have been done, suggesting a raw food approachmay be more sound.

in fact, the diet fed to these mice was similarto the diet that the participants in the documentary had, but with 25 days of eating what theywant, creating intermittent periods of feast and famine. �our conclusion is that by pushing the miceinto an extreme state and then bringing them back � by starving them and then feedingthem again � the cells in the pancreas are triggered to use some kind of developmentalreprogramming that rebuilds the part of the organ that�s no longer functioning.� � drvalter longo, university of southern california although in certain individuals fasting hasbeen found to produce benefits such as weight loss, speeding up of the metabolism, and aregeneration of the immune system, it can

also lead to negative effects such as possiblemalnourishment, loss of muscle, loss of energy and more. people are advised not to try this withoutconsulting a doctor. there is hope for diabetics for many, reclaiming your health could meanreclaiming your freedom. remember that diabetes is a lifestyle disease. it was hippocrates who said �let food bethy medicine and medicine be thy food.� an increasing amount of research is provingthat by following this advice, it is possible to prevent or even reverse �incurable�diseases like diabetes

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