hello, guys! it's brooklyn and bailey, andfor part of our summer, we are going out to utah to visit some of our friends and familyfor a few weeks. so we thought it would be cool to show you guys what we use on the plane,as some of our plane essentials, to make long plane rides less boring. because sometimesyou are on the plane, and you are bored out of your mind, or you are cold, or you needsomething that you don't have, so we're going
crash diet vacation, to show you guys what we use, or what we keep on the planes to make it bearable! first things first, um, we needed a bag to pack all our stuff in, so we found this one. it's just a simple handbag, and we are going to be able to putall of our stuff in it, and carry it on the plane. so this is the bag we are using. thenext thing i pack is usually a little wallet.
normally you can keep like a bigger one thatholds, like, your money, or your id, or your, you know, your driver's license if you arethat old. but, while you're traveling, um, i like to downgrade, kind of, to a smallerone so that i can just keep some cash and whatever i need in here. and this one is kindof actually old, i probably need a new one. it's kind of falling apart, but i, this iswhat i keep all my money and stuff in. yep. next, um, of course, i always need my phonewith me at all times, i am a teenager. plus, you've got to be able to communicate withpeople, even though you are on a plane. you want to keep this with you. um, next up, iusually keep, like, tic-tacs, something to suck on. you know, when you are on a plane,i usually tend to get hungry, even if they
do give me snacks. yes. so i do keep theselittle things to suck on, to, you know, kind of keep the hunger down. and we also haveother snacks that we like to bring as well. yeah, i'll grab some of these. yeah, we havethese snacks. and they are just little, like, portable yummies that are, just like, youcan snack on. and these are dried apples, they're like crunchy and yummy. these aremy favorites, so i love to pack them when i am on a plane. and also teddy grahams, becausewe like to snack on teddy grahams, and they are yummy! yes! next, we have a jacket. itdoesn't really matter what jacket, because it always gets cold. i always get cold ona plane. planes tend to be freezing, and i don't know why. so, i like to pack a jacketin case it gets cold on the plane. yes, i
do too! um, next up i usually pack a charger.some planes have plug ins that you can, like, plug your chargers into and plug your phonesin. if not, then you bring your mophie. yeah, you can bring a mophie. i like to bring amophie. this is actually a "halo", but it is not a mophie, but a mophie is a type ofportable charger, so you can use that. yeah, because you never know when you're going tobe able to charge your phones. so, having a mophie with me at all times is very important.and don't forget your charger, either, because you're going to need the cord. yeah. next,i have, i usually like to pack, like, a little bag with all my little necessities. like mypersonal hygiene stuff, ear plugs, tissues, chapstick, head phones, hand sanitizer, lotion.kind of all the little liquids in one bag,
so that when you, um, they scan it, you know,when you go through airport security they have to scan all the liquids. they are allin one place. i also like to pack, like, um, ibuprofen or something in case you get a headache.and also melatonin, which is an herb that helps you sleep, so, in case you have, like,a really long flight, i like to pack, you know, stuff that helps. and if you are nota sleeper like i am, you can always, i always bring my pho, or not my phone, my phones andmy books that will help distract me. so, i just keep a book with me so that i can read,you know, if it is a long flight, i can read. or you can bring homework, if it is duringthe school year. i like to do that, too, because it gives me time to finish my homework. andi'm still probably going on vacation. yep.
and, uhhh, one of my last, i don't know ifyou have anymore, i have a, this is my last thing... is socks. i, my feet, for some reason,are always cold. so when i get on a plane, i already mentioned the planes are cold soi bring a jacket, and i bring socks in case my toes get cold. you can put the socks on.very important, my toes need to be comfortable. and, for your sleeping, usually bring a neckpillow. i know i do, because the seats, you know the little heads of the little, planeseat things, they're always so uncomfortable on your neck. so the neck pillows are reallycomfy to sleep on. and they are portable, so we bring these as well. yep! i mentionedthese earlier, and they are actually dried peaches, not dried apples. but they are stilldelicious, and i still love to pack them.
and you can get them at target, if you wantto, you know, pack them for your plane essentials bag, if you are making one. so. and, last,but not least, gum. this is very important, because if you are like me, you do not liketakeoff, and freak out like a chicken. but, it's ok. um, gum, is there. oh, also, forlanding, that's true, for takeoff and landing. but, i like landing. if you chew the gum,you know, the motions, something about it, keeps your ears, like, from plugging. because,if you do takeoff or land, your ears usually plug. or you just wanted your breath to smellgood! yeah! either way, gum is a necessity for the plane. is that all we have? i thinkso! sweet! thanks you guys so much for watching this video! um, i hope you enjoyed seeingwhat we usually pack in our airplane essentials
bags! um, don't forget to leave a commenton places you have traveled, or going to travel to during this summer. and, also, don't forgetto follow us on instagram @brooklynandbailey! and, we will see you guys next week! bye! bye! click here to subscribe! click above to see our diy frozen banana pops tutorial! thank you, from brooklyn & bailey! hi guys! it's bail... ub, blub, blub, blub! sorry! {laughs} i am used to saying brooklyn & bailey!
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