hi, i am jyothi chabria. we will be talkingabout glowing skin diet. well, diet plays a very integral role in glowing skin. oneof the nutrients that is most vital for glowing skin is, water. in fact the minute you keephydrating yourself, you can definitely see a difference in your skin, it starts improving,it start glowing. in terms of food, vitamin e is the vitamin that is needed for skin.so, foods rich in vitamin e would include
crash diet videos, things like walnut, wheatgerm, wheat grass,nuts as in almonds and flaxseed, aloe vera. if you see lot of the products today thathave come out in the market, in terms of cosmetic products also are using papaya, are usingflax seed and other things for enhancing a glow in skin. lot of patients come to us withacne, it all depends on your skin type. some
have oily skin, some have dry skin, so accordinglywe recommend to the patient what is required. but when the patient has oily skin what werecommend is one, that they reduce on their oil quotient because that helps to you knowbring up a glow in their skin and keep the acne at bay. whereas a patient comes to uswith dry skin, dry skin could be a result of couple of things which could be thyroid,when we sometimes just improve the diet in terms of low carb diets and high protein dietsand we include vitamin e into their diet, we have seen a lot of patients improving interms of glowing skin. if they have any freckles we see certain pigmentation's clearing up,though its a little slow process, its not immediately happening but it takes a while.but the minute you correct your lifestyle
and your diet, we have seen a significantimprovement in glow of skin.
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