Rabu, 05 April 2017

crash diets effects body

crash diets effects body

hi vangel weight loss expertfounder of substitute health club .com easy solutions just for obese & over weight with this video i will show you how tostop the yo yo effect after you lose weight on a diet. if you have ever tried a diet and lost weightthen the big issue is when you go back to

crash diets effects body, your normal habits and food your weightcomes back on, and some. this is called the dreaded yo yo effect. so how do you stop it ? well its quite easy,you just adapt a lifestyle that doesn't allow weight to come back on and continue thatfor the rest of your life.

let me explain, what i mean. so you have just finished a diet with meor any one else and your weight goes down 7, 10, even 20 kilos, that's 15, 22, or 45pounds. fantastic, great, your feeling really goodreally happy ? then what do you do, you stop dieting, and you go backto your normal foods, normal habits, and stop exercising if you ever started. thenyour weight goes back on and even more then before you started.the yo yo up effect. just one of the problems with other dietsis if you have been told to only weigh your self once a week. the reason why this issuch a problem is that you cant tell that

over a week your weight is creeping up,and that you have put on 5 kilos that's about 11 pounds in 7 days between weigh ins.so you don't have time to do any thing about it. when you weigh your self after a week andrealise the weight is creeping back on with a vengeance, it too late, you then you getdepressed and blame the yo yo effect. you give up trying and suggest you just cant lose weightits impossible, so what do you do? . well, i've solved this problem, with us,we have a weight stability program. to control your weight after youhave lost weight. what i mean is

after you lose weight, you go fromweight loss lifestyle mode to healthy lifestyle mode. my stability program eases you intohealthy lifestyle and the amount of time you have to be on the program dependson many factors like how much you lost. but usually after 4 weeks we get a bit ofan understanding of how long you haveto stay on it for. with other weight loss programs forthe 1st month or 2 your metabolism drops and your weight loss slow down.as your body goes into defensive mode, will lose say about 1 kilo of fat, and water,

also your digestive system will emptyout, and even worst, lose a bit of muscle, maybe even 200gram. so your now instarvation mode on this restrictive type diet, your stomach, small and largeintestine which holds around 3 days of food processes and unprocessed,i know im going into a bit of theory now that can weigh about 3 -- 10 kilos. whichis 7 -- 22 pounds that's quite a bit of weight so your weight is down on your scales,and you think you cant lose any more weight, you've lost some weight so yourhappy, but staved, then you decide to get off your diet, andeat again, you go back to some of your

old foods and try to be good. yourdigestive system starts filling up, you get heavier. your digestive system like i saidcan hold 3 days food which is about 3 -- 10 kilos that's about 7 -- 22 pounds. bingo, your 10 kilos heavier or 22 poundsheavier then when you stoped at, and the yo yo, effect and fad diet, has set in,all your hard work is going down the drain, and this is a dangerous habit.nutrition down, hair falls out. depression, wost of all, metabolism is slow soany food you eat is mostly stored as fat, to get your body ready for yourthe next starvation diet attempt, so you get flabbier as more fat comesback on but muscle doesn't.

if you don't use your muscles, it you loseyour muscles for ever. you get week, small and un healthy somore prone to sickness and sore joints. and plan your next diet, i'll startnext week next month, and when you do you have less strength to do fullbody exercises, like mine, so you are more prone to the effect ofa yo yo diet, making you weaker and weaker every time you diet. year after year.so your flabbier then ever. the list goes on and on, i don't want to depressyou any more. what you can be happy about is that ihave destroyed the yo yo diet syndrome in my programs.

this also means less flabby excessskin then on any other program, because your weight stays off forlonger. after you have lost your weight with meor any other method, join my stability program and get 1 month free, membership.during the stability program i will get you to do simple sample diet and exercise routineswith habit builders to minimise the show diagram weight gain all on video. you might stillgain a bit of weight, say 10% but you will be able to control it there after so a tip to achieve your original goalweight is to stop dieting to lose weight at a weight 10% lower then whatyour original goal was, to allow for a small

increase of weight and tolerance in yourdigestive system and my stability program helping you adjust to your new healthy lifestyle. i hope that's helped you. hi, im sara, i was 17kilos, ( 40pounds )over weight and i felt really bad, nothing worked luckily i found substitute health club.comvangel made it so easy, i didn't think i could lose it, but i did! then after the weight stability system,and we are both happy at the weight you will stop at, and we are sure thatthe weight will not come back on

then you are ready for the finalstage of your weight loss journey which is the maintenance program,and i call this membership happiness. why happiness, well that's what weare looking for as an ultimate goal after weight loss, we all want tobe happy for ever with our body. to see what my membershipsinclude join in my daily live streamedweight loss party class split into 7 groups of excessweight, or . a different level for each dayfrom over 300 pounds (150kg+) over weight, on mondaythrough to sundays for those

with just 20pounds (10kg) or lessweight to lose. i teach you how to substituteyour food, substitute your habits and substitute your exercisesall in the comfort of your own home, which i believe is thebest place to exercise for weight loss the foods are yummy withmost that you normally eat. so no special foods, powdersor shakes, and you lose weight every time. try it and get great resultsin just 7 days. substitute health club.comjust for obese and over weight

works, metabolism is increasedskin elasticity improved vangel also has maintenance lookedafter so once it is off it stays off. please let me chose one ofmy programs just for you. based on your weight, ageand gender. if you prefer i can give youa รข½ hour sample video of a customised stability program as afree sample pop on over to the " how to "programs area or click the link below im vangel your new weightloss guardian angel

and don't forget im here to help

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