Rabu, 05 April 2017

crash diets for brides

crash diets for brides

hi my name is sarah o'neill. welcome backto bridal boot camp on my wedding scrapbook. [music]today we are going to talk about breakfasts. we all know that breakfast is the most importantmeal of the day. the reason being you are breaking your fast. so when you have beenasleep overnight in a fasted state, you metabolism down regulates. for any period of twelve hoursor more without food, your body goes into

crash diets for brides, starvation mode. so it is so important tohave breakfast first thing in the morning in order to give you a welcomed boost of nutrientsand also kick start that metabolism for the day. so first thing that we are going to lookat is some of the most common mistakes that people make in breakfast choices. most ofthese are around having too much sugar at

breakfast time. for example, fruit juice ispacked full of sugar. the more that you process the fruits from whole fruits to juice, thehigher you increase the gi of the fruits and therefore the effect on your blood sugar levels.preferably opt for whole fruit as opposed to juices in your breakfast. so the secondmistake is having something quite insignificant like a cereal bar. again, artificial sugarsand trans fats are not a great start to the day. it is much better to grab some fruitsand nuts for example. thirdly, what seems like a healthy bowl of granola is actuallypacked full of sugar and fats. this is in fact two portions but you would easily eatthis as a one person portion and this is about thirty percent of your sugar and your fatfor the day. preferably avoid those sugary,

maple sugar type granola cereals. one of myfavorite breakfasts to have and this is so easy for on the go is some chopped up fruit.you can have banana, apple, melon, blueberries. so i take this in my handy little plasticpot, a couple of spoons of natural yogurt, and a little bit of porridge oat sprinkledon top so you have got your slow release carbohydrates and then some chopped nuts. anything, cashewnuts, almonds, brazil nuts for some nice protein and some healthy fats. another fantastic breakfastchoice is your porridge slow release carbohydrates. so you can either make it in the pan or makeit in the microwave. personally i only add water, but you can add milk if you want to.water just is a little bit healthier. that is fifty grams of porridge as a portion andyou can see that you actually get quite a

lot with that. a healthy way to top it iseither with bananas perhaps or some berries, blueberries, any mixed berries and then youhave got a load of vitamin e going in there, and then perhaps some mixed seeds. chia seeds,linseeds, anything like that, and then if you have made it with water, perhaps a littlesplash of milk. [music]another great breakfast choice, ryvita with a thin spreading of a tahini spread of anextra light filling, chopped hard boiled egg, spinach, and chopped tomatoes on top. hereyou have got a protein rich breakfast. you have got your iron in your spinach, lycopenein your tomatoes. it is super filling and highly nutritious. then finally, if you arein a rush it is still great to grab something

for breakfast. so it could be a portion offruit, a couple of clementines, banana, apple, and then a handful of nuts such as about fifteento twenty brazil nuts and it is still going to set you up well for the day. i always accompanymy breakfast with a big mug of black filter coffee which is less than ten calories a cupor if you prefer to have something a little less caffeinated, you can go for green teawhich is still a little bit of caffeine and a great boost of antioxidants. that is allfor this week. if you like this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel.you can also like us on facebook and follow us on twitter. i will be back next week witha great workout for chest and back. see you then.

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