Kamis, 06 April 2017

crash diets reddit

crash diets reddit

warren: welcome, everyone, to cellular healingtv, episode 19. we’re here with david asarnow, my co-host and aspiring natural health expert.i think he knows more about natural health than most people i know, at this point, becausehe’s immersed, like i have. that’s how i’m here. my name’s warren philips. wealso have our leader, as far as this movement in cellular healing, dr. dan pompa. we’reexcited. in the last two weeks, we spoke about

crash diets reddit, hormone dysregulation and the effects of that.how it can lead to cancer, obviously fatigue, hair loss, how it even connects into a lotof the debilitating conditions we have. your body’s controlled by hormones, and if yourhormones are off, as we know if you’re watching this and you’re a lady, or even a guy—whenyou’re [0:52] the stress, you’re throwing

things through the wall and you wonder why?that’s all driven by hormones. we’re trying to give you the information to get to thecause of that. dan, this week—i wasn’t on last week, didn’t know what you talkedabout, but i think this would be a good week and conversation to move into, we talked about,estrogen. obviously, estrogen dominance, some of the cancers, it can be caused through hormonedysregulation and the ability of the body not to move toxins out of the body. we talkedabout that causes hormone dysregulation. i don’t know what you guys planned on doing,but if not, we can maybe move into thyroid and some things like that, which is a naturalconversation when we’re talking about hormones. thyroid is a hormone.dr. pompa: actually, i wanted to give—i

announced on facebook that we were going totalk about ketosis, and ketogenic diets, as far as a way to actually normalize hormones.it’s a tool that we use. it’s a trick. it’s a way to utilize fat, and a lot ofthe things we talked about. i call it the advanced cellular healing diet. we have thecellular healing diet, where we talk about getting rid of grains and sugars and reallyincreasing fat. i always define that diet as it’s a moderate protein diet. high proteinis not good. it’s a moderate carbohydrate diet. i wouldn’t consider it super low,because you can eat berries. you can eat as much vegetables as you want. there’s carbohydrates.nuts and seeds. there’s a lot of different carbohydrates there. i would say as far aswhat society would consider, they probably

would consider it a low-carbohydrate diet.in my eyes, it’s not. i would say it’s moderate. i do consider it a high fat diet.the advanced cellular healing diet, aka keto-adaptation—and we’ll talk about what that is. some of youmay not even know what that is. it is a way, it is better defined as a low-carbohydratediet. moderate protein, just like the cellular healing diet, and an extremely high fat diet.it works. it works for certain conditions. it works for hormone conditions. it can beused for a short period of time. some people choose to stay in it, just like many culturesin the world have, and still do, stay in that state. we’ll talk about that today.warren: awesome. that’s what our viewers ultimately want. we usually create the problem,but we want to offer the solution. i know

that from the results you’re seeing in yourpatients, even the doctors in our program, that you are coaching in their health as theyjump into our program as part of our—sorry about that. as part of their program to excelin their life, to excel in their business, they have to be doing the things that givethem their life back, so they can have that energy, the brain function, which the ketosisdiet, the keto-adapted body can do. i’m really excited, because honestly dr. pompa,i’ve probably been in ketosis, but i haven’t strictly done your ketosis diet. i’m goingto be taking notes today, i have my notebook right here, on this topic.dr. pompa: i don’t know. david, let me ask you. if someone used the word ketosis, whatdoes that bring to mind, to you?

david: to me?dr. pompa: yeah, what does it mean to you? david: to me, it’s a high fat diet thathelps you burn fats more efficiently. it gets your brain functioning more clearly.dr. pompa: alright, alright. you know too much. you know too much. yeah. [4:32] theaverage person’s response. david: when we started talking about the ketogenicdiet, i’m like, “what? what is that? i don’t understand it.” now, all of a sudden,i’m putting mct oil and butter into my coffee in the morning.dr. pompa: [4:49]. okay, well let me back up.warren: ask me, dr. pompa, because i don’t know anything about it.dr. pompa:â yes you do, you lie. alright,

so anyways, we want to be honest with ourselveshere, and realize that most people— warren: nobody.david: when you were talking about it, i didn’t know anything. i’m like, “what? who?”i didn’t understand anything. yes, and that’s what most people who are watching this todayare. dr. pompa: yeah, exactly. a lot of our listenersare saying, “what? who? what is keto-adaptation?” hey, look, we’re familiar with it. probablythere’s been a few movies that you’re familiar with. one was “first do no harm,”and the other, “lorenzo’s oil.” both of those movies were really made about theutilization of putting the body in an adaptive state called ketosis. i’ll explain whatthat is in a second.

warren: can you say those movies again, becausei think it would be really powerful for someone to watch—dr. pompa: “lorenzo’s oil” and “first do no harm.”warren: “first do no harm.” i think that’s a must-watch. that transformed my life, thatmovie. dr. pompa: absolutely. as far back as the1920s, they’ve utilized this state called ketosis, where we can eat a super high fatdiet and a super low carbohydrate diet, and we’ll give you those parameters in a moment,and put the body in a very unique state of healing. they used it for all types of differentbrain conditions. i think it got popular with seizures, and how it controlled seizures.really, they used it for many different brain

conditions. memory problems, neurodegenerativediseases, whether it’s parkinson’s or alzheimer’s. who knows? that was back inthe 1920s. then, with the advent of certain new brain medications like neurontin and others,it was just put to the side, like, “we won’t have to do all that anymore, because we havethese new drugs.” that didn’t work out. it really hasn’t worked out at all, actually.now, in the last few years, with the research of some really bright scientists and what’sgoing on, they’re really utilizing the ketogenic diet for multiple different conditions, noteven just brain conditions. hormone conditions, for one of them. autoimmune conditions, foranother. the list is growing. then, what is this tool that we can utilize, even to getpeople that are in severe weight loss resistance

burning fat again? if you’ve watched someof our last shows, or past shows, i should say, we’ve educated you on your cells canonly use two things for energy. one, sugar, aka glucose. two, fat. that’s it. the bottomline is, is when we put someone in ketosis, or a keto-adapted state, we’re forcing theircells to only use fat. the problem with this is the brain can only really use glucose.it can’t utilize fat. what happens is, is this process is so unique that through theprocess of burning fat, you actually make something called ketones. ketones, your braincan use. not only does your brain use them. david spilled the beans a little bit and said,actually, your brain prefers ketones. as a matter of fact, your brain works about 25percent better on them. that’s why we see

a lot of the healing and the brain healingthat takes place. through some more modern day studies now, we know that some other thingstake place. we used to think when we put someone in ketosis, in this fat burning state, thatthey would produce more fats and certain things in this state. the fact is, what happens isbecause the cells are only burning fat—let me give you an analogy i think everyone canrelate to. if you put coal or wood in your fireplace, you get a lot of smoke. if youburn natural gas from your stove, do you see a lot of smoke? no, it burns much cleaner.that’s the way fat burns. fat burns very, very clean, as opposed to sugar or glucose,which burns like wood or coal. there’s a lot of byproduct. when you put someone ina state where their cells are only burning

fat for energy, you take away all these pollutants,we’ll just say, in the cell. it’s called ros, reactive oxygen species. those thingscan cause inflammation. our body has to get rid of those things to down regulate thatoxidated stress and inflammation. when we put someone in a state of ketosis, we seea down regulation of cellular inflammation. it’s a way of fixing the cell membrane,what we’ve told you in the past is on the cell membrane is where the hormone receptorsare. we know that when we put the cell in this adapted state, where it’s only usingfat, it burns much cleaner. it therefore down regulates all the pollution and the inflammationthat the cell’s making when it burns energy. the neat thing is the same thing happens inthe brain. ketones burn very clean. it’s

a very clean source of fuel. that’s someof hte basic principle of what ketosis is. we’re forcing the body to go into a statewhere it needs fat for energy. how long does it take to get into that state? it takes abouttwo to four weeks, depending on the person, to get into that state. we have to drop theircarbohydrate intake, on average, some people less, but on average, under 50 grams.warren: what does look like, 50 grams, dr. pompa, as far as vegetables? dr. pompa; anybodycan go online and google “how many carbohydrates are in broccoli?” you have to measure thecarbohydrates even in vegetables, even healthy vegetables. the idea is we’re starving downthe body of glucose so it must utilize fat for energy. we can’t get any type of carbohydrate,even from good sources, because we’re switching

the cell’s energy source. what does thatlook like? you could eat a nice big salad. that would probably only be maybe 10, 15 gramsof carbohydrates, if you ate a really big salad. the average salad’s probably underten, or ten. of course, meat has zero carbohydrates. eggs have zero. heavy whipping cream has zero.cheese has zero carbs. vegetables, nuts, seeds, yeah, you have to count those. of course,you can go online and say, “how many carbs does this have?” there’s a thousand websitesthat help you do that. warren: dr. pompa, as far as protein though,you’re probably getting to that, is there some complications there at all?dr. pompa: yeah. you don’t want to—the old atkins diet, people were just loadingup on protein. protein can rev up the cell,

and protein can obviously affect your dna.high protein is not good. we don’t want to replace our calories with high protein,which many do. we want to replace it with fat. you want 70, 80 percent of your caloriescoming from fat. we’ll talk about some strategies that i give my patients, called my 2-2-2 rule,to get those fats in them. warren: awesome.dr. pompa: [11:54] replace that. pretty much after 25 grams of protein per meal—biggerpeople can probably tolerate more, smaller people less, but most of the protein is thenconverted to sugar through a process called gluconeogeneis. we really don’t want togo over 25 grams per meal. i’m always asked the question of, “how much protein per day?”i would say the average 150-pound person,

anywhere from 50 to 100 grams of protein aday is probably normal. you’re exercising real heavy, could you do 150? yes, but anythingover that is going to be damaging and convert to sugar. i stay, myself, under 100 grams.probably more around 50 to 75 is where i say, for [12:42] protein.david: this is very different than people are hearing anywhere. this is 180-degree lifestyle.dr. pompa: yeah, always. right? exactly. we’re actually forcing people to eat more fat, andwe’re dropping their carbohydrate intakes. again, i think one of the problems we seein studies where people say, “this study showed that low carbohydrate diets—” blahblah blah blah. again, they call low carbohydrate diet, believe it or not, 180 grams of carbohydratesa day. none of us listening to this, even

when we’re not in a ketogenic diet, wouldeat that many carbohydrates. that’s oftentimes, in studies, what they call a low carbohydratediet. also, they look at studies where they don’t allow somebody enough time to adapt,keto-adapt, so they’re looking at the first two weeks and getting results. you can’tlook at it that way, because it takes about two weeks to four weeks to keto-adapt, meaningthat in that time, your body’s still using sugar in the cell. it’s a very difficultprocess, for some people, until they adapt. once you cross that threshold, now you’rean efficient fat burning machine. i became re-interested in this. for years, i’ve utilizedthese diets with some of the seizure patients that i’ve had, and also, some neurodegenerativepatients. it’s amazing to watch what happens.

i never really utilized it for hormones, hormoneconditions and other things like that. it was after reading a lot of studies over thepast year or so that i really got interested in using it for other types of conditions.it’s amazing what happens in this time. it was really reading an article in men’sfitness—i spoke to a gentleman on the airplane. i was talking to him about high fat, and howimportant fat is, etcetera, and he says, “oh look, this article will interest you.” itwas about a cyclist named david—did you all lose me? okay.warren: oh, no. david: you opened a capture smile, it says.dr. pompa: i didn’t open anything, it just clicked on. can you hear me now?warren: yes.

dr. pompa: okay, back. okay. i x’d out ofit, just popped up on my screen. anyways, so the article was about a cyclist, dave zabriskie,and others, who basically, to make themselves more efficient and to be able to race 100plus miles without even eating, they put themselves into a keto state. they get this lasting energy.here’s the bottom line. look, cyclists have to eat every few hours, or marathon runners,whatever, endurance athletes, because your body can only store about 1500 to 2000 calories,which you can burn through in a couple hours. on even someone very lean, like myself orany of us here, we have at least 100,000 calories stored in fat. therefore, in this keto state,your body utilizes that fat very quickly for energy. you become what we call bulk proof,where you can literally just go and go and

go and go on fat. last summer, i experimentedwith it myself, and i realized i could go out without eating, and i could ride five,six hours and not have to eat, because i’m in this keto state. came out of it, and theni obviously wasn’t able to do that. it’s really neat, from an athletic standpoint,and it’s obviously, for our standpoint, really, it’s really neat from just a healingstandpoint. i know i opened up a lot of questions that are on [16:25] minds, so fire away.warren: [16:30] if they’re on cellularhealing.tv, there’s a facebook chat down below thisvideo. if you’re actually on the site cellularhealing.tv, if you go there, in order for the programto work, you have to accept our [16:45]. that’s the only way this cellularhealing.tv worksthrough the social platform. you can ask your

questions there, and there’s also a “askquestions” button down, which will send me an email. i was working out yesterday,and i’ve been intermittent fasting. actually my trainer, who is kind of an 80s trainer,we listen to 80s music, at some level, great guy, but he’s very open to new things. someof the younger trainers coming in do blood work and all this stuff, understand ketosisand intermittent fasting. he’s noticing on intermittent fasting, he says, “hey,i’m losing a lot of mass.” i said, “you say you’re in ketosis because you can seethat you’re getting leaner,” but i said, “you’re actually probably now. if you’rein ketosis, you may still be able to maintain your muscle mass.” of course, he eats sugarand bread and things like that on occasion,

having their days off, if you will. i justwanted to see what your opinion was on ketosis diet and still building muscle and stayinglean. i know for me, i’m not in ketosis right now. i’m intermittent fasting. eversince we came back from california, eating three meals a day, i definitely put on fivepounds of fat. i was chunky and not lean. two weeks of intermittent fasting, i’m rippedagain. however, i know i’m not in ketosis. when it comes to muscle building, that sortof thing, can ketosis actually be a benefit? dr. pompa: yeah, it is. as a matter of fact,warren, when i go into ketosis i—actually, i asked for this. i want to show this. i askedmerily to bring me this up. she was [18:24]. warren: did she just whip it at you?dr. pompa: not trying to whip at me, but trying

to give it to me without being seen in hernightgown, probably. [18:32] what did it look like? did it just come falling in like a meteor?anyways, that’s funny. i’m going to have to rewind. i want to see what that lookedlike. anyways, i will show you want came flying in like a meteor in one second. yeah, wheni go into a state of ketosis, warren, i actually gain some weight. i’m a muscle eater. mybody will take muscle and burn it into glucose, if i don’t have it. when i’m in ketosis,it doesn’t need glucose, because it’s very efficient at using fat. therefore, itdoesn’t touch my muscle. we know in studies, also, that we have higher levels of branched-chainamino acids. branched-chain amino acids are utilized for muscle building. if we test someonein ketosis and not in ketosis, we see higher

levels of branched-chain amino acids. it’sunclear if the body’s producing them. dr. jabolek [phonetic 19:29] feels that our body’ssparing the muscle, and that’s why we find higher levels. i agree with him. we find higherlevels of branched-chain amino acids because your body doesn’t need them. it’s sparingits muscle. therefore, they’re higher in circulation yes, it means that you’re maintainingyour muscle mass. we see higher levels of branched-chain amino acids. we see less musclewasting. someone thin like myself, it’s magic. therefore, i get more out of intermittentfasting when i’m in ketosis, warren. yesterday, i didn’t eat one meal until 5:00. i burnedfat. i tested my ketones, which i’ll talk about in a second, and it was extremely high.i ate dinner last night, and actually, i ate

probably, i ate a ton of carbs. i fasted allday, i ate a huge salad, i had some raw milk with some protein in it, i had soy, i hadsome of these seed things. it was only one meal a day, so i was still under 50 i’msure, but for that one meal, it was a lot of carbs. then this morning i tested my ketonesand i was in the twos. in your notes, you cant write, “nutritional ketosis, not diabeticketosis.” there’s a massive difference. that’s from having no insulin. your bodywill run blood ketone levels far above 20, and it’s not good at all. it’s deadly,actually. however, nutritional ketosis is defined by blood ketone levels of .5 to 5..5 to 5, that’s nutritional ketosis. once you adapt, you will always be within thatrange. morning level ketones are typically

lower. as the day goes on, it raises about25 percent. i utilize this machine here. it’s called precision xtra, and it comes with oneof these little prickers that are super fast, you don’t feel. i take it and i prick thefinger. you don’t even feel it, these things are so fast. put out a little blood. thereare strips that go in there. this meter, by the way, is about $25 online. the strips,however, you have to buy on ebay, because they’re expensive. you can get them forabout $2 to $3. ebay, you’ll get them for $2, or $2.50. you put the strip in there,and then you just touch [21:55] blood, that’s it. in about ten seconds, you have your reading.i was, like i said, a 2.7, i think, this morning. warren: wow.dr. pompa: which meant that i was burning

fat all night long, very efficiently. it’sa cool way to see when you adapt. i’ll talk about some strategies, because the body canget so adapted that it wants to hold on to fat. again, your body always is worried aboutstarvation. there are some tricks that we’ll talk about here in a minute that can breakyou out of that phase. it makes it really neat, because during those times, you canactually carb load and burn more fat. warren: hey dan, i wanted to try a littledrawing app. it’s going to visually show what the cell is doing, versus being a sugarburner for fat burner. you mind if i try that real quick, with a new tool?dr. pompa: no, try it. warren: okay, if it works—accept that invitationfor drawing app, by the way, i sent you.

dr. pompa: maybe that’s what popped up.warren: yeah, that was what it was. dr. pompa: i x’d out of it now.warren: that’s alright, i’ll re-invite you. i think i may have to re-invite you onthat. yeah, so let me see if i can get this to work up on my screen here. there, can yousee that? does everyone see that? dr. pompa: yeah, i see that. yep.warren: okay, so as long as i’m talking, you can see it.david: i don’t see it. warren: you don’t see it? wait, hold on.look at my picture down belong. david: oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. i see it.warren: perfect, okay. as long as i’m talking, i think i might be able to lock my screenin. i can turn yours off. then dan, you can

speak to this. i’m just going to do thebest i can as far as drawing. the only thing that where you can do text and stamps andall kinds of cool stuff here. last week, i remember, i was starting to draw this foreverybody. actually today it’s really clear. i was going to do mitochondrial cars. maybei should just—you guys can see that pretty well, i’d imagine.dr. pompa: yeah, yeah. it’s perfect. warren: yeah, so what i was going ot discusson this is those are cells and those are your little mitochondria. this is dr. pompa’sanalogy. if you are in—i’ll put one ketosis, one not in ketosis, because we want our viewersto really understand what we’re doing. dr. pompa’s an amazing teacher. if i were toexplain this, i would never come up with this

analogy, but he does. that’s what i love.i’m going to make a little tailpipe on each of these and really show the mess versus whatketosis does. i think this shows some benefits, dan, to [24:59] the ketosis [25:00] even thoughi have my black thing in there, and that messes it up. when your cells are running on sugar,which everybody’s getting cravings throughout the day, you’re eating multiple times, you’regetting woken up in the middle of the night—your hormones are telling you, “i need sugarto run my mitochondria,” which are the cars of your body. they’re the little enginesthat make you speak, talk, think. it supplies energy to every metabolic pathway in yourbody. it’s the energy acp. it’s the life. it’s one of the 5 r’s. it’s going todo whatever it takes, if you’re not a fat

burner, to give you the cravings of sugar.there’s a major issue with that, right dr. pompa? it’s the waste products that’sproduced, which causes internal toxicity, cellular inflammation, less production ofatp, obviously. as you’re looking at this, dan, you can tell me to write some other thingsdown on these two different scales. dr. pompa: one of the things is, and it’san analogy gave at the seminar, is i said these new natural gas cars, they burn no emission.that’s like when you’re in ketosis. they can go for miles. they can go for 800 miles.they’re not only more efficient, but they burn so clean. that’s really the analogy.otherwise, you’re burning sugar, which burns much more dirty, if you will. the other thingthat’s really important to not is that really

what’s aging us, there’s something calledglycation. glycation is sugar, or glucose, that attaches to proteins in your body, andit causes an aging process, like rust. glycation, we heard of age spots. glycation is, there’ssomething called ages. it’s called advanced glycation end products. those things are linkedto really premature aging. people that have more of these ages, these advanced glycationend products, they’re aging faster. by the way, that’s why diabetics, they die andage faster than normal. they have too much glucose at times, up and down. this glycationis really degenerating them from the inside out. when you’re in ketosis, you don’thave glycation. fat is innocent, it doesn’t cause glycation. by the way, that was a questioni had. fuel is so much better. why would our

cell prioritize the glucose? if you give ita choice, it’s going to burn the glucose instead of the fat. why would it do that,it’s intelligent, if the fat is so much better? glucose is so damaging in the blood.it causes this glycation. therefore, when it’s there, the body wants to burn it out.otherwise, it knows it will poison itself. if we take the glucose away, we lower ourcarbohydrate intake, then we force it to use this more clean, efficient fuel, now we candown regulate cellular inflammation, affect hormones, and even get our bodies to burnfat where it otherwise would not. it sounds so simple, but there’s something that happensin this process. the body is always very, very intelligent and wants to survive. itthinks, at times, “i don’t know if another

day’s coming when we’re not going to havefood.” therefore, it becomes so efficient at fat burning that what it does is it reallystarts to almost cause the insulin receptors to become less efficient, if you will. why?it wants to hold on to that belly fat that you have. it wants to hold on to those stores,just in case food runs out. your body always wants to survive and adapt, so it will slowthe fat burning process down, get more efficient at using fat, but therefore, it’s burningless. it’s good, but if you want to burn more fat, it’s bad. how do we deal withthat? how do we break the body out of that adaptation mode? something in the weight liftingworld we know is true is you never want to go in the gym and do the same thing over andover again. your body adapts, it reaches homeostasis,

and then it really doesn’t get any strongeror better. good trainers are always changing every workout. change, change, change, change,change, change, change. therefore, the body doesn’t know what’s happening. it’scalled the confusion principle. it works. we don’t think about using that for diet,but it does work. what i do is i put people on what i call my 5-1-1 rule, where we do5 days a week of keeping carbohydrates under 50 grams, 1 day a week your choice, and youfast completely, don’t eat at all. just take in water for this 24 hours period, andthen eat the next day. then the other day—so that’s six days. the other day, i typicallydon’t put those to the fasting day near this day, we do a carb load day. i’m nottalking about eating pizza, although it would

still work, if you’re not a sick person.you carb load and you eat tons of vegetables, drink tons of amasi, tons of suero gold, andyou literally just load up with carbohydrates, and something amazing happens. you’ll findthat just two days after that, you’ll be leaner than you ever have, even though youbroke out of ketosis for that day. what you did is you said to your body, “it’s okay,we’re not starving,” and you filled your glycogen stores back up. it says, “okay,we’re good. we’re not going to starve,” and it breaks out of that adaptation mode.it’s neat. i’ve experimented with it, even for two days. for some people, everybody’sa little different, some people even two day things—so you can take friday and saturdayand just eat what you want, basically, or

at least higher carbohydrates. i try to bringthe carbohydrates up to at least 100 to 150, even 200, depending on how big the personis, etcetera. it works magically. you can also, some of the thyroid people that we see,they do better with high protein days. instead of a high carb day, we’ll actually justincrease their protein to 100, 150, even 200. that seems to work better for some of thosepeople. it’s interesting, warren, because when we came back from napa, i was out ofketosis for about four days, maybe even five. soon as i came back, i put myself back intoketosis. soon as i went back in, i noticed that i got massively lean. vascular lean likei couldn’t believe. it was because i actually fooled my body once again, and i did it formore days. the confusion principle works.

it’s something that i’ve learned overthe last year, that changing it up is really the key. most people out there, they’reon the same diet, same foods. it actually is working against you, because of the innateintelligence and how it adapts. the more you change it up, the better. everybody is a littledifferent. i’ve learned that, too. some people do better with high protein, some peopledo better with two days, one day. i works like magic. that’s something that we do,and it really does work. it’s amazing. david: looks like warren’s been drawingsome pictures over on his screen. dr. pompa: yeah, exactly. warren, start talking.david: what are you doing? warren: can you guys see my pictures at thispoint?

david: yes, we do. we see you.warren: okay, so this is a new drawing tool, which i like, and then i can make smiley facesfor my daughter with this. this will be good. these are two cells. again, this is the mitochondriaright here, in both of these cells. two mitochondria. what dr. pompa’s talking about, when youmake the transition and you keto adapt, your body goes through a really unique processwhere it’s no longer using glucose, which is very inefficient, like nasty gasoline.think about an old model t car spitting big puffs of smoke out of the back tire—theback tire, the back of the car, or chitty chitty bang bang, something you can relateto that. it is definitely just putting all kinds of smoke and toxins—and not only isit inefficient, meaning it doesn’t make

as much energy per calorie, if you will, italso creates a lot of internal toxicity. just think about this is now a toxic cell. notonly is it creating more toxins, as we show here, this also creates cellular inflammationand aging for multiple reasons. one of them, dan said, is advanced glycation end products.as we know, it’s pain or pleasure to get people to move. you realize, and obviously,our internal vanity, those big nasty age spots that you start getting on your face as youget older, the main way that that’s a reflection of what your cells are doing, and those agesdr. pompa’s talking about. if you want to get rid of those age spots and not age andlook old, you got to move and keto adapt over to where you’re using fat for energy. whenyou’re using fat for energy, you’re actually

lowering your aging. you’re slowing downthe aging process. your skin’s not oxidizing. it’s not getting, essentially, burnt andoxidation rusted. you’re going to have less toxicity. you’re going to get rid of a lotof the cellular inflammation, which when you have cellular inflammation, as dr. pompa teachesin his 5 r’s, good things can’t come in and bad things can’t go out, so you havewhat’s called cellular toxicity. eventually, you get a sick cell, which dies. that’scalled something mit—cellularmit, whatever you said.dr. pompa: apoptosis. warren: apoptosis, that dies. if you continueto do what you’re doing, you’re going to age faster and create toxicity leadingto disease, dysfunction, even cellular division

issues, which they call cancer. if you dohigh fat diet and you become a fat burner, you can see there’s very little waste product,you’re very efficient, you have high energy, you actually put energy in here, and—whoops.i’ll use the writing tool from now on, but you’ll have higher energy. here you’regoing to have lower energy. one of the main things that people care about, dr. pompa,can really be solved through the keto adaptation, having the ketose diet, getting on the advancedcellular healing diet. doing the rules that you just shared, following that program, you’regoing to get a lot of what you want on the inside and outside. you’re going to lookbetter, you’re going to get leaner, you’re going to lose fat, burn fat, and you’regoing to have more energy. coffee can’t

do that. coffee can stimulate a cell, jackup your hormones, and things like that, but it’s not a long-term solution and you crashagain. if you really want to be efficient, look and feel great, and make a differencein your life an the lives of those around you, this message, we have to continue topreach it, and people like you need to get onboard, share it on facebook, and make adifference with your friends. dr. pompa: one of the keys is when you’rein a keto-adapted state, glucose is the same across the board. most [36:31] glucose up,glucose is down. glucose is up, glucose is down. they’re hungry all the time. theycan’t control appetite. they’re up, they’re down, they’re up, they’re down, burningmuscle. when you’re adapted, you’re like

this. you want to age slower? you want tohave constant energy all day long? this is what you want your glucose to look like, andthat’s what ketosis does. it’s a really neat adapted state. david, i know you havesome questions, but before you get off, i do want to explain my 2-2-2 rule. it’s away of getting into ketosis faster, and it’s a way of making the adaptation process smooth.go ahead, david. david: two questions. actually, one big question.the quality of the fats, because we’re talking about fats, and people are thinking they canjust go out there and just eat fat. let’s talk a little bit about the quality of fats,because a lot of it is gmo filled. how important is the kind of meats that you eat and thekind of fat that you’re putting in, the

quality of?dr. pompa: yeah, right. of course, fats that come from meat are fantastic. saturated fats,which your body actually loves to burn, by the way, saturated fats. if it comes froma cow that eats grain, then yeah, it’s filled with a gmo, or it’s filled with the wrongtypes of ratios of fats, etcetera, it really messes the fat up. we want grass-fed fat,which we’ve talked about in the other shows. saturated fat and cholesterol really are hekey. they’re key fats. there’s another type of fat that we love to help push intoketosis. it’s called medium-chain triglycerides, mcts. we’ve heard of the benefits of coconutoil. matter of fact, online, if you google “alzheimer’s and coconut oil,” you’dfind some videos of people taking two tablespoons

of coconut oil—if you see, there’s a clocktest that they have alzheimer’s patients draw. then they’re not able to draw it.they take two tablespoons of coconut oil, and an hour later, they can draw the clockdramatically better. there’s plenty of videos to see that. why does that occur? they’reusing it to show the benefits of coconut oil. it’s because of what coconut oil contains.60% of the fat in coconut oil is a medium-chain triglyceride. they burn very quickly. theyhelp you become a fat burner, and they burn ketones. the [38:52] are these things calledketones, for medium-chain triglycerides. the brain works 25 percent better. when you eatthose two tablespoons, you just get a burst of ketones. what they don’t show on thevideo is three hours later, they’re back

to drawing the clock messed up again. howcan we get that state all the time? we get someone burning ketones all the time, notjust taking the one tablespoon. the point is this. we like those types of fats to getthat ketone ball rolling, and those fats are very healthy. my 2-2-2 rule ensures that somebody’seating enough fat in their diet. not just fat, david, but what you brought up, the goodfat. i have them do two tablespoons of coconut oil a day, minimum—minimum, these are minimum,two tablespoons of raw butter a day, and, this may surprise some of you, two teaspoonsof salt. why salt? when you’re adapting through ketosis, your body’s losing tonsof water. when it loses glycogen, glycogen is stored sugar, there’s three—for everymolecule of glycogen there’s three molecules

of sugar. what happens is you’re losingthis—i’m sorry, sugar—water. you’re losing water when you lose glycogen, and youlose electrolytes like sodium potassium, and then you start feeling weak. 2-2-2. two tablespoonsof coconut oil, two tablespoons of grass-fed butter, and two teaspoons, teaspoons, of seasalt a day. the rule is this. if you feel dizzy, tired, rapid heart rate, or just mentallyslower, more sea salt. it’s the antidote for those symptoms. the 2-2-2 rule applies.oftentimes we, on our website, warren, we have a medium-chain triglyceride that’smade from just coconut, which i prefer. it’s in a glass bottle, which i prefer. that’spure, 100 percent mct oil. that acts like glucose. when you’re in this adaptationphase and you feel your energy going, this

pure mct oil acts as this fuel. you can utilizea tablespoon of that a day with a tablespoon of coconut oil a day, offset and utilize bothof them. anyways, there’s one more product i do want to recommend. when i said two tablespoonsof butter, because butter has some very unique fats. i would give one tablespoon of grass-fedbutter you can buy at whole foods or another grocery store, then i’ll give it anothertablespoon of something called x-factor butter oil. we sell it on our website. x-factor butteroil. matter of fact, i have a boy who is a severe colitis patient. when we started givinghim the x-factor butter oil—they’ve taken it all, they’ve done it all. it was thething that gave him normal stools. immediately, when they started taking it, it was like immediately,his gut inflammation went down. i have watched

amazing things happen since i’ve been utilizingthat oil with my gut patients. it is unbelievable. butter oil is, the cows graze only when thegrass is rapidly growing, and that’s all they eat. it produces something weston pricecalled x-factor. it’s only in that butter. it’s not in other butter. it is absolutelyhealing to the body, the cell, and the gut. anyways, i’ll replace a tablespoon of thatin there. that’s a way of getting very unique fats, david, very special fats, and makingsure a patient gets enough fat. the 2-2-2 rule, it works.warren: hey, dr. pompa, on that x-factor butter, i know they have a lot of different products.which ones do you recommend? i know [42:47]. dr. pompa: in weston price’s travels, hetraveled the earth looking at people who are

extremely healthy and people who weren’t.he found that these people who really thrive, they all ingested this x-factor oil. he foundthat it was a combination of x-factor oil with cod liver oil, fermented cod liver oil,that made the biggest difference. they have one called blue ice royal that is a combinationof cod liver oil and x-factor oil, just the way weston price said that he saw these miracleshappening. i like the plain x-factor oil, butter oil, and i love the combination. thosetwo are absolutely my favorites. by the way, they have flavored ones that are real flavors,because sick people take these things and they can’t do artificial anything. the flavoredones, especially with the blue ice royal with the cod liver oil, definitely the way to go.i think we carry those on our website. we

may have ran out, and we may be waiting fora new shipment coming in, but the mct oil and the x-factor butter oil, amazing, amazinghealers. one more thing about the mct oil. people that go, “i can’t digest fat,”because they’re toxic and their bile is all sludged up, right? that’s very common.they don’t produce much bile that you need to digest fat. mct oil absorbs right througheven the worse of a gut, and you don’t need to break it down. it just absorbs right in,and it’s pure energy. if you have trouble breaking fat down, the mct oil is magic. don’ttake too much at once, or you’ll end up like dr. pompa, with severe stomach pain anddiarrhea. you have to take little bits at a time.david: yeah, but you took a bad brand, dr.

pompa, so that was part of the issue.dr. pompa: it was a bad brand. it had a lot of the palm stuff in it. i didn’t do wellwith that. if you take too much though, and i took four tablespoons at once, i experimenton myself and warren. that wasn’t smart. anyways—warren: i just ran to our store that we have, we have a store here at our office, and thisis what we’re using. dr. pompa: yeah, that’s a great product.warren: a lot of our docs will see this as well, that are watching that. this is a reallyhigh quality mct oil. boy, this picture’s really clear today. it’s by numedica, andit’s on our site. if you want the revelation health, like revelation in the bible, revelationhealth.com,if you just type in the “search for a product,”

you type in mct—not mtc, m molly, c cat,t tom, you’ll be able to find that. it’s the best quality. we’ve looked at a bunchof them, actually spent several hours, made some phone calls. there’s a lot of otherbrands out there that are in plastic bottles, and they say that they’re best. even someof our physicians [45:46] that have them, they’re in plastic bottles. this is theonly one i could find online in glass. all coconut oil, all straight medium-chain triglycerides.i’m pretty proud of that one, and i know dr. pompa [46:01].dr. pompa: i told warren, i said, “look, find the best dang mct oil on the market.it has to be all from coconut. warren does it every time. warren, you might want to,before we get off, show them the bottle of

the x-factor oil. we probably don’t haveone. i think we’re sold out right now. warren: we are sold out, but we have a shipmentcoming in tuesday next week. david: just in time for me to be in pittsburghand take one home with me. dr. pompa: next week, i want to announce nextweek’s show. warren, i’m going to be showing—speaking of warren’s little research on great products,i put together a very simple little detox, little daily detox program. i get a lot ofquestions on infrared saunas. which one, what about them, how good are they? i want to dothe show about infrared saunas. i’m going to introduce something that i just—it’sa little daily detox thing with how to utilize infrared saunas. how to actually dump yourliver and your bile. it’s a liver cleanse

an a cleanse utilizing infrared sauna on nextweek’s show. i’m actually going to show it here. i’ll be a really neat show. you’regoing to get a lot out of it. this is something that we all can do. you can do it periodically,and really just purge out some toxins very quickly. i think it’ll be a great show.tell your friends tune in. you’re going to gain a really cool thing that i’ve learnedalong the way. warren: i’m excited, guys. it’s been agreat show. i’m excited for next week. i haven’t heard this new protocol yet. i justgot the sauna. i’ve been searching for saunas, i don’t know how long, dr. pompa—since2006. i haven’t found the right sauna for us, because the wood ones, and they get toohot, and the toxins in it, and then they’re

smelly. are they junk? are they from china?all this stuff. we finally found a really good brand that we’re testing and usingwith our doctors and physicians across the country. that’s really exciting, becausei just got mine after years, believe it or not. i’ve used them, just a few weeks ago,and so did dr. pompa. we’re going to show you how to use it, and i’m going to learnfrom it again, just like i learned from it today. thanks, dr. pompa, for your time, david.dr. pompa: thank you. warren: let’s rock out our days, everybody.[48:16]

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