Jumat, 07 April 2017

crash diets yahoo

crash diets yahoo

(doorbell rings) kk dad, creepy neighbor's back again! okay i got it. uh, hi, can i help you?

crash diets yahoo, yes.. can i have some duct tape? duct tape? yes?

we don't have duct tape. sorry dude. i'll see you later. shawn, is that guy weird? (creepy music intensifies) that guy's weird, huh shawn? yeah. yeah, i don't like that guy... (intro)

what's up everyteevergeevees? alrighty, we are playing this game called "hello, neighbor!" as you saw before, my neighbor, he's creepy. yeah, he's really creepy. you know what? he has, like, something.. ..hidden in his basement.

whoa. yeah, and he just moved into the neighborhood. and i'm gonna find out what it is, because it's a little... a little too creepy, right? mm-hmm. so, dude, me and you have to find out what he's hiding. uh-huh. you up for the journey?

uh-huh! as you can see we're in a room. it looks like this is my bedroom, out there is my street. wha- you hear that? it's very noisy outside and there's like this circle dot in the middle of the screen here. now we have not seen anything about this game, so excuse us if we are noobies. but look, when i-

oh you're lo- but see that? when i go to the door, look! there's like 2- the door looks like it's hot to touch! you wanna open the door? you- press e, i'm scared! euh! euh... ok, alright, it's just another hallway.. little light there...

ehe-chase is going crazy on the e button.. oh dude do we wanna go outside? pre- le- lets see, press that. press e. oh- we could turn the lights off... yeah, let's creep out... ok so we are outside. yep.

this i- wow! our house is... pretty.. big! yeah! i was gonna say.. not in the bestest shape. oh look we can't go back there, there's like a.. there's like a evil something. so where is my neighbor at? like-

it's over there. it is? alright let's see. oh i can pick this up and then... throw! oh! what's tha- open? why would- wha- wha... oh- i can turn off the lights to the neighborhood?! that's brilliant!

can i ride the car? is that a cop car? am i a cop? i must- i'm probably breaking the law without a warrant! oh i can't go in the car... it's not letting me. alright, chase is gonna be my designated e presser. ok, not yet... let's find something. so wait a minute...

wha- is this the house? yes! are we- is this the house i want to sneak into? it's just, like, open! we should go through some of his trash, make sure he's not creepy! or, would that make me creepy? (creepily laughs) what is this thing? that looks creepy-is that a propane tank?

wait press f. press f... oh, okay.. let's throw that.. what's this? f. what is that? well he likes apples. wai- this is his car- wait should we check his-

check his mail? (gasp) wait there's a pikachu in his mail! in his mailbox? pika! that's creepy, he has a pet pikachu! should we try the garage? press e. wha- did you hear that? listen, shh! (creepy music)

oh man, his house sounds creepy... is he inside? ah! right there! where? you saw him? no jump! ok. hello? should we be yelling? oh is that his hat?

i should wear it, how can i put it on my head? lets- put it there. oh man. oh my goodness should we- should we hit the light switch? yes. do it. no no. f. f. no no e. e. e quick! why is it going crazy all the time?

no no! go! go! ok, ok its dark. dude why is his house.. ..so scary? wha- we've got some plants over- (gasp) thank goodness there's like.. ..no sound in the game dude, i am so scared.

me too. should we- it's like- (laughing) (neighbor catches them) gah! he caught us! that was him! (slow-motion) oh my goodness! alright, alright! oh, it's daytime! no, even harder!

even harder.. alright. we have to... we have to be better at this. we have to be better. (spanish talk) what? why are you talking sp- (beep) is that an alarm? wait, what, when i get- aah! aah! he's coming!

no! noo! i can't see! my glasses fell! aaah! dude! what- aah! are you scared? put your glasses on! do you wanna keep playing? okay.

(laughs) alright. did you- did you check your pants for poop? is that what you're doing? no. ok, because i kind of have to. and let's go back out- it's nighttime already? what is he do- is he like keeping me hostage for like.. ..seconds at a time? oh there's a trap!

go go go! he's gonna come! he's coming daddy! we don't know that for sure. should i step on the trap? daddy! he's coming! (bear trap activates) ah! ah i'm stuck! i'm stuck! oh no- aah!

aah! go back to our house! go back to our house! aah-no! what? he caught me... it's daytime. alright, we got this, we got this. it's getting dark. so-wait-what do-what should we do? when you hear the spanish guy, that means he's coming. go go go! he's coming! what? just go around the side like this?

that's his room. he said something about (spanish word). that means "tired" in (spanish word)! (gasp) i found a window! what? wait, i can't get in! oh my goodness... hiya! i'll press shift. hey-ya!

nope. hiya. if we sprint can i run faster? hiya! i can't try from the side. let's hop over the fence. oh i can't! maybe when he caught us, we have to sprint and go to our house and then shut the door. oh, you think? but it wasn't- he's go- daddy!

he's gonna come out of his house! should i ring his doorbell? (doorbell rings) ok, i think i rang it. now, run run run run! (spanish guy talking) ho? (more spanish) okay, i don't think he's coming.

okay, let's just go in. let's just- go inside, go inside. ok, shut the door, shut the door. ok, now what now what now what? let's try this room. ok. (huffing) shut the door. (laughing) this is getting so scary!

alright, i'm in his garage. i seriously have no idea what we're doing here we're in his garage. we have to the basement. why is it so- oh! turn off the light! why is it so hard to get to the basement? what does this do? that turns on the light. that does? mmhmm. should we move- oh wait what?

why is it stacked up like this? no! nono! don't fall! (crashing sounds) he could've heard that! ok, what's this? (spanish guy starts talking again) wait, does that mean he's coming? wait-wha? wha?

how do i turn off the light? alright... throw that. should we go in here? no he's in there. oh no! ah! ah that's his house! what's this one? how many- aaaahhh! guh!

how many doors does the dude have in his garage to get to his house?! (slow motion) he's coming. oh no! nono. aah.. aah! ah! go! do it! ok (x3)

just had to pick my nose real quick alright listen. going this way.. aah... wait, wait wait let me in let me in! can't see anything! ge-wha? what was that? is he?

rrrrrgghh! that wasn't so scary, i could barely see him. he has doors all over his house! (gasp) i f- ah! i forgot about the bear trap! i'm st- why does he have gloves on? "fatal error!"?

yeah! i did die. congratulations for realizing! that's why this scary! (laughs) really scary! oh my gosh, i didn't know this was a scary game like that! i know. alright, is there any bear traps? jump! what? it's open! that's it, we're doing something different this time.

wah! whoa, why is his upstairs barricaded? wait, wha? it's locked? what's in there? can i hide in here? oh yeah, hide. dude, where do we go though? (beep) wha?

oh! oh! wait wha? no the camera caught you. it did? do you think we could hide from him, or.. yeah, we can hide from him. how long should we stay in here? for like 100 minutes. it smells like venomoth balls!

moth balls are things that old people use to keep venomoth from eating their clothes. maybe they're used for young people, but i don't think so. so is that like a dectection system? no that's a camera. can i just pick it up? f. f. f. dude how do we get to that? should i just sprint-run? go go go! (beep)

oh what? it's locked! ok so-aaaaahhh! all the doors were locked! daddy, that's why you should've hid in there! but for how long? i can't hide my entire life! i'm neighborhood watch! oh goodness... that's me-what am i? i'm like an 8-bit creatur-

am i freddy?! dude! i'm not even a human being! i'm like a pixel monster! daddy, he's coming. oh! wait what? this is open? wait what? i've never saw this before! right? what do- ah.. what's he got in the fridge?

go hide in there! i can't get in! it's just an apple! and i'm hungry. let's take one for later. ok, get out of my way. ooh- (beep) ah aah ah ok this room. ok, go. go!

ok, he's not taking a shower. ooh! is that-is he- is he a bottle flipper?! stop playing! can i bottle flip? oh my gosh we're gonna bottle flip! go! aw, i failed! alright ready? and..... go!

do you think we should be bottle flipping or finding out what's in his basement? oh! i almost did a cap flip! you did! pretty much, alright, that's good enough. alright, so wait a minute. should i open this? no, that's a danger room. you sure? is he behind me?

ok, that was scary! i feel like he's in here.. oh this is that back room! what does he burn in there? some pikachus! he's burning his pet pikachu! wait that's me? i wanna see what i look like. hey. i look pretty-

i look pretty handsome. he's coming to this door. (scary music plays) dude, i'm so scared but nothing's happening it's just loud music! ok.. he left. this guy's so dirty, i can, like.. put one in the toilet! i'm gonna have to open it!

ok, run, run, run, run! try this door! quickly! wait what?! (screaming) did i open it?! what is this?! it's a small closet!!! wait..

ok, ru-try this one! quick! ugh! it's closed. open. open! open!! ok. wait wha? go this way.. and now... oh, that's outside!

i don't wanna be outside! we have to find out what's in his basement! the music is scary. i have to check it out. he locked it! no! ah! ah! ah! upstairs?! upstairs? oh gosh..

oh gosh! oh gosh!! aahh! i don't know what we're supposed to do here! this game's legit just scaring me! ok, i'm just gonna run inside. look out for the bear traps! look out for the bear traps.. no bear traps! what? no!

what if i just ring the doorbell? is he nice? (doorbell rung so many times the sound glitches) (and again) i'm ringing the doorbell- hi-no! that's not cool! he's a mean neighbor. i keep on ringing his doorbell! wow! he can come to my house, ring my doorbell,

but when i ring his doorbell, i get grabbed?! oh! jump! now run to your house! run to your house, daddy! well, i don't- but we gotta get ins- wait wait wait! there was a door over here, remember?

so that means we can go in this way! awww! should i check another neighbors house? oh, i can't! it won't let me. no-one likes me in this town! if it's locked, like i don't get it, what are we supposed to do? ow. alright, now i'm definitely gone. i'm gone.

ok, let me go. let me go! aaaaah i was trying to run and jump! alright, i'm stuck. he lo- i'm lo- he locked me inside my own house?! he locked you inside of his- inside of your own house! (giant neighbor scares them)

aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! dude! is he a giant?! can you let me out of my own hou- i'm legit confused right now. (giant neighbor breaks window) ah! what?! oh, it was a dream!

oh... i thought that was a real- i thought he was actually locking us in our house. and that's what i was saying, how is he a giant? i thought, "well duh, now we know what's in the basement." a giant- oh he just went in there! open this- wait wha- daddy stop! he's- (glass breaks) he just broke something...

where's everything that was on his porch? maybe we should keep getting him out. (rapid doorbell ring) quickly! quickly! quickly! i'm stuck on the porch! i'm stuck on the porch! he's right there! he's right there! what's he staring at? i heard a door shut! wait where is- what should i- wha? wha?

dude.. (double doorbell ring) see if i could sneak in there.. (laughs) that didn't work. that was scary! it legit was, and i- an digestion in my throat, i feel like i just ate tacos. and a, um, acid reflux.. and i feel like that changed-

(somehow, the neighbor sees them) who's doing that?! he's trying to get into your house! open it! he's trying to get in my house?! i can't even go to my own backyard! no! i didn't do anything! we're in our own home! well he just doesn't like me! what did i ever do to you?!

well that's it for this gameplay. this is hello neighbor, he's a creepy neighbor, don't know what to do, comment down below if you do know what to do, if we should play again we will play again, but for now my neighbor is not my friend! he's scary man. that dream was probably the creepiest part. i was legit so confused and scared! (outro) don't play anymore, it's too scary! no more?

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