Jumat, 07 April 2017

diet for 14 year old boy to gain weight

diet for 14 year old boy to gain weight

yo what's going on, guys? troy here with weightgainnetwork.com.i'm chillin inside l.a. urban fitness, one of my favorite supplement stores in the l.a.area. if you guys are anywhere in marina del rey or santa monica, california, make sureyou guys check it out. they've got a sick selection. i want to get right into the best proteinpowders for naturally skinny guys.

diet for 14 year old boy to gain weight, being a naturally skinny guy, being an ectomorph,you got to keep in mind that you have a really fast metabolism. i'm also assuming in thisvideo that you guys can only afford one quality protein powder a month. in a perfect world,you're going to want that really rapid-digesting protein post-workout; you're going to wantthat really slow-digesting protein right before

you go to bed, and then you're going to wantthat meal replacement protein. but the three proteins i'm going to recommendto you guys actually are going to achieve all three because i have a blend of six differentkinds of proteins, which is perfect for big and naturally skinny guys. you have the reallyrapid-digesting protein like your isolate, your hydrolyzed protein. you have the medium-digestingproteins like your eggs and your whey protein concentrate. and then you have the reallyslow-digesting form of protein – the casein protein that'll keep you guys full; it'llkeep drip-feeding your muscles with all those amino acids. so i want to get right into my three favoriteprotein powders for naturally skinny guys,

and these are three of the more mainstreamprotein powders. you guys should be able to pick them up on bodybuilding.com or amazon.com,or essentially any of the major nutrition and supplement websites. first up – this is a newer one. it's actuallyone that i've been taking recently. this is combat protein powder by muscle pharm, andthe thing that i really like about combat protein powder here is it has 25 grams ofprotein per serving and it also has a really high amount of branched-chain amino acidsand l-glutamine. glutamine is going to naturally boost your immune system, so if you're goingto the gym, you're hitting all those compound exercises – i hope – really hard, you'redoing your deadlift and your squat and all

those awesome compound exercises, and you'rebreaking down your body, and your body is – you're actually lowering your immune system.you're entering a state of – a catabolic state, so by having lots of glutamine alongwith your protein post-workout, this is going to help your body recover quicker, help youguys turn into a machine. and it also has those branched-chain aminoacids, your body's most important amino acids for going from the state of catabolism togetting in that muscle-building, anabolic state. it's got all six proteins here – excuseme, this one has five. it's an eight-hour release of five protein sources, so it's gotyour fast-release, your medium-release and your slow-release, so you guys are coveredthere. it also has really low sugar – just

1.5 grams of sugar. obviously when you'retaking it post-workout, you want to spike your insulin but just as a quality meal replacementshake. this is going to drip-feed your muscles with really good amino acids; it's delicious,and i highly recommend combat protein powder. next up we got muscle tech phase 8. now supposedlyphil heath takes this stuff. he's pretty big if you've seen him before, but this is themulti-phase, eight-hour protein. a lot of that's just marketing you know, some say it'ssix hours, some say eight, some say nine – all three of these proteins are essentially thesame thing. with that being said, muscle tech phase 8, it's got the same thing – it'sgot your slow, medium and fast-release protein powders. it's got some digestive enzymes thathelp your body break down protein easier,

and only 2 grams of fat, no grams of sugar,7 carbs and most importantly, it's going to give your body an abundance of quality aminoacids. when you buy stuff like this, you can takeit post-workout. it's got some fast-digesting proteins; you can take it even before yougo to bed because it's going to slowly release these amino acids into your bloodstream. soyou can really kill two birds with one stone and use this stuff post-workout and even beforeyou go to bed, being a naturally skinny guy. so muscle tech phase 8 – another reallyhigh-quality ingredient profile. and last but not least, syntha-6. this stuffprobably tastes the best out of all of them. this is a new one here – peanut butter cookie.i mean, i've had this stuff before; it literally

tastes like a milkshake. the thing about this stuff, i would only recommendit to the really serious hardgainer. it's got a ton of carbs in it; it only has 2 gramsof sugar, but you're looking at about 15 carbohydrates per serving, so it's got a lot more carbsthan the combat protein powder and the phase 8. but if you guys just started working out,you guys are in-between the ages of 14 and 18 and you're a really serious hardgainer,the extra carbs are sure not going to hurt you, and this still has an abundance of branched-chainamino acids and l-glutamine. we have 22 grams of protein per serving; it's got a few morefiller ingredients, but if you guys don't like the taste of some of these other proteinpowders, i promise you, you guys will love

this. and most importantly, if you enjoy thetaste, you guys are going to drink it more and be excited to drink it post-workout andbefore you go to bed and as a meal replacement. like this one, they advertise “use anytime,day or night” and being a naturally skinny guy, that is ideal for you. and let's seehere – we have the whey protein concentrate, the isolate, the casein, the milk protein,the egg protein, the glutamine, the branched-chain amino acids, so all the stuff that the othertwo have, just a few more filler, but syntha-6 is another high-quality protein for you naturallyskinny guys to bulk up and gain lean muscle mass. so those were my three favorite proteinpowders for naturally skinny guys to build muscle.

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