Selasa, 11 April 2017

list 3 fad diets

list 3 fad diets

hi! so, you know what's been really buggingme lately? other than you know, life, and how the universe is, and ferguson, and howi generally hate human beings, and how they've been acting lately? the gluten-free fad diet!if you are unaware, gluten-free means not eating wheat, barley, rye, oats, tritacale,and so forth. and recently, the gluten free diet has become essentially the new atkinsdiet. which is really really shitty, because

list 3 fad diets, with the atkins diet, it's not medically neccessaryfor a small part of the human population to eat the atkins diet. whereas with a gluten-freediet, it is! for celiacs! and you know what? i am a celiac! and i am going to tell youhow actually damaging this is for us! and how we need to stop treating it like justsome stupid losing weight diet! okay? just

stop and listen for a sec! now, i could giveyou a whole other on explaining what exactly celiac disease is, but first of all, i don'thave enough time for that. second of all, it can be a bit tmi. second of all, that'sanother video for another time! but tl;dr, celiac disease means my body is stupid andreacts to gluten by attacking itself. and, if i eat gluten, basically i don't digestit and at a point become malnourished and make my risks for a whole bunch of other crappycrappy crappy disases go up! but y'know you can google it, if you wanna learn more. inthe past couple of years, it's become a new fad diet. some of the celebrities were doingand quit three days later, 'cause of how terrible it is. people think it's an actual way tolose weight! and then go and eat the gluten

proccessed foods which have more sugar andcarbs in it, which ironically will make you gain more weight. so, i don't know! it's alsobecome a new "hipster" thing to eat gluten-free. if you watch any mainstream media shows thattalk about eating gluten-free. like, in orange is the new black for example, in which theysaid "if you can't eat gluten, don't be in prison. gluten is prison, and is she talkingto her mother again." the media treats the gluten-free diet as a fad diet, as somethingthat people or crazy people do to lose weight or not want to fit in. or, i don't even know!because, i don't get it. because, i have to eat gluten-free. or else my body essentiallyhates me and i get really really sick both physically, mentally, and emotionally. personallyas a celiac, i don't understand how anyone

would ever choose to be gluten-free. like,half of the stuff made is frozen like the breads and stuff, tastes like cardboard. allof the pizzas are thin crust, because they haven't figured out a way to make it so it'sthick, slightly thicker than the super thin crusts. you know what i would doto be able to eat a real pizza? do you? because, if you want, if you really want to eat gluten-free,i can figure out a way to transfer my celiac disease over to you. so, you can be forcedto eat gluten-free for the rest of your life! and when i say eat gluten-free, i mean youhave to get rid of all of your utensils in your house, you can't go to social eventsand eat anything, you can't travel without having a hot meal for your entire trip; youbasically live off lara bars and nuts and

maybe you'll go to the gluten-free bakeryin your city before you travel beforehand and you'll find out all of your bread wentbad halfway through! so, why is it that a peanut allergy means no trace of peanuts whatsoeverand it has become so socially acceptable, but gluten-free means 20 parts per million?and you're just doing it as a way to lose weight? because, even though, i won't dieon the spot from eating gluten, i will feel like i want to die for like i don't know amonth or two? and by the way, don't ask me what the symptoms are. it varies from person-to-person,it can get tmi. and because of the whole bunch of the gluten-free options when i tell peoplei can't eat gluten-free, they offer me this whole list of restaurants that i could possiblyeat at. but the truth is, they all have cross-contamination.

so, unless your restaurant only makes gluten-freestuff or has like a completely separate kitchen to make gluten-free stuff, it's not safe.and a lot of celiacs would disagree with me on that, but i personally am super sensitiveand react if a crumb is on my plate. if i use a non-stick pan to cook stuff and so onand so forth, but that's just me. and i have to be super strict or else my body is justnopes! basically what i'm trying to say here is when someone tells you they eat gluten-free,don't interrogate them. don't be like "oh you just doing the fad diet" "ohhhhhh" yeah,don't do that. instead ask them "oh so are you a celiac?" and they say yes, like "ohthat sucks" say "do you have any food with you?" is there any places you can eat at?"don't interrogate them! believe them! okay?

because, of this stupid diet, no one takesme seriously anymore. i get sick, i am cranky, i blame you. okay? anyway, that's all i wantedto say. i don't know how many of you watching me are celiacs or whatever, but if you knowsomeone whose celiac, show them this video! or, if you are a celiac and want people tounderstand, you can also show them this video! and comment question of the day is: what fadsdo you hate? um, and why? so, yeah. sorry i haven't made a video in a while. can like this, you can share it, you can do all that stuff or subscribe if you wannasee more of my face! and me rant about life. and everything. so, yeah, until next time!

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