Rabu, 12 April 2017

type of diet for gallstones

type of diet for gallstones

greetings. eric bakker, naturopath from newzealand, author of candida crusher and formulator of the canxida range of products. i've gota question here from natalie. natalie curvin from sweden. natalie has set up a facebookpage in sweden for a lot of swedish people and european people in general who want candidasupport. natalie is asking me a question here. "eric, what about people who have no gallbladder? does the candida crusher program

type of diet for gallstones, work if you've got no gall bladder or if you'vehad cholecystectomy, you've had the gall bladder removed?" that's a great question, natalie.i've written a few articles on gall bladder dysfunction. you can read those on ericbakker.com.it's actually a two-part series i've written. many patients have their gall bladder removed.in fact, i think 600,000 people in the us

per year have a cholecystectomy. generally,women more so than men have it removed. having no gall bladder does pose a lot of problemsfor your body regardless of what a doctor will say. in most cases, gall bladders don'tneed to be removed. people can have gall bladder flushes and they can be clean out. i personallyknow one doctor in australia whose performed over 10,000 flushes on patients in all theyears he's been in practice and he's never had any problems. i've helped hundreds ofpeople to overcome gall bladder problems by having first a liver detoxification and thena gall bladder flush. you can read my articles on ericbakker.com on gall bladder. that willgive you a bit of an understanding on how to do a flush.when you haven't got a gall bladder, it's

best that you take enzymes, especially enzymesthat help to break fat and protein down. this is really going to help your digestive systemcope easier. people without gall bladders are more prone to bloating, constipation ordiarrhea, all sorts of issues there with their gut. they can also be more prone to allergiesand more prone to getting gastrointestinal discomfort on many different levels. digestiveenzymes have a very, very good effect on these people. check out the canxida restore productthat i made. that's got seven different enzymes in it. one capsule per day should help a personwith no gall bladder significantly. the other good tip with no gall bladder isto make sure that you don't drink a lot of alcohol. sugar is the enemy of the gall bladder,so watch out for sweet foods. and, of course,

you're not going to have those on the candidacrusher program. like ice cream and coca cola and high fructose corn syrup and junk likethat, so you're not going have that. that should help. watch out for the fats that youhave in your diet. deep fried food is a no-no for people with no gall bladder. the fryingpan not a good idea. coconut oil is a better kind of fat and so is olive oil, especiallythe ones like the extra virgin olive oil are good. lemon juice and olive oil are two goodthings to have in your diet regularly if you haven't got a gall bladder.when you've got no gall bladder, make sure that you keep an eye on your vitamin d levelbecause you need good liver and gall bladder function to have good vitamin d levels, soyou may need to either have your vitamin d

injection or take enzymes and a vitamin dsupplement regularly without a gall bladder function. all the fat soluble vitamins canbe problematic and the gall bladder is lacking vitamins a, d, e and k are fat soluble. makesure they are assessed or taken with supplements that contains those vitamins.make sure you chew food properly. eat a lighter food. particularly a lot of salads and steamedvegetables and a light protein lower in fat. fish is a very good protein to eat withouta gall bladder. some experts i've spoken to in america believe that egg is not a goodfood for people without a gall bladder, but i think a few eggs per week should be fine.i think fish is the best protein, as i mentioned and organic chicken is also quite good eat.and they are quite suitable on the candida

crusher program.i hope that answers your question a bit, natalie, regarding no gall bladder. you can be quitesuccessful. make sure if you've got no gall bladder that you do a liver detoxification.you still do a flush. even though you haven't got a gall bladder, you're going to do a liverflush, which are the same principles as the gall bladder. that should help you significantlyovercome a lot of toxins. thanks for tuning in.

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