Rabu, 12 April 2017

type of diet for heart disease

type of diet for heart disease

vegan. vegetarian. gluten free. high-carb. low-carb.

type of diet for heart disease, no-carb. trying to eat healthier? overwhelmed with allthe options out there? there are so many benefits tokeeping healthy eating habits.

you can reduce yourchance of developing diabetes, heart disease,obesity, cancer. have more energy, and feel better! with all of the informationswirling around out there it's hard to know where to start. eating well doesn'thave to be hard. in fact, it'seasy as 1, 2, 3. lets bring it backto the basics. step 1!

make healthy food choices. instead of eating processed junkfocus on home cooked meals. it doesn't have to be fancy.it has to be balanced! replace your burger and frieswith something like this: choose mostly poultry,fish, legumes and red meat once or twice a week aboutthe size of your palm. 1/2 your plate should bebrightly coloured vegetables, with a similar portion -about the size of your fist - of whole grains likebrown rice or quinoa.

aim to eat 7 servings offruits of veggies a day. a serving is about 1 cup. choose a variety! fish is full of healthyfats. bbq, pack, broil, or bakeit with a slice of lemon! legumes like beans,lentils, nuts and seeds can replace meat on your plate. eating them 4 to 5times a week may help to prevent heart disease,and lower blood pressure.

add a handful toyour soup or salad. which brings me to step 2! keep in mind how we eatis just as important as what we eat. eat regular meals - aboutevery 4 to 6 hours to avoid getting too hungry. the hungrier you are, the longerit takes for your brain to send a message to your stomachletting you know you're full. if you let yourselfget over-hungry,

chances are you'llend up over-eating! don't multitask while you eat. can you guess why? same reason. the more distractions youhave, the less chance your brain has to focus onwhen you become full. step 3! plan ahead! if you plan your meals aheadof time and make a grocery list to stick to you're lesslikely to fall in to the

trap of unhealthy eating. here's a little tip that'salways worked for me... plan to grocery shoppingon a full stomach. the less hungry you are, theless tempted you will be by processed or refined foods. so - you see, it doesn'thave to be fancy. by making small changes,listening to your body and planning ahead, youcan be eating and living better in no time at all!

now, lets get cooking! visit www.francoforme.ca

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