say goodbye to diabetes, cholesterol, triglyceridesand ulcers just by using leaves of this tree! by lifebuzzfeed.com. please like, subscribe and share this videoto friends and family. thank you. did you know that fig tree leaves can helpyou treat diabetes and other diseases and
type of diet for ulcers, conditions? there are many natural remedies that can treatdifferent ailments, but you will be surprised to learn that fig leaves can treat almostany known disease and condition! they are rich in fiber and calcium and arealso a great source of antioxidants.
figs contain a lot of fiber, magnesium, copper,manganese, vitamins a, b, c and k, folic acid, sodium and zinc. they also contain potassium which is vitalfor proper blood pressure. figs are a powerful anti-diabetic and anti-tumoragent that can also regulate your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. the leaves of the tree can treat diabeteseasily and will reduce the insulin resistance in your body. diabetics should take fig leaves extract alongwith their breakfast in the morning, while a nice cup of fig leaves tea can further helpin the fight against the disease.
besides reducing cholesterol, fig leaves canalso reduce the level of triglycerides in your body. triglycerides are a type of fat stored inthe body. they are required for proper organ function,but too much of them significantly increase the risk of obesity and heart disease andcan even be fatal. fig leaves are great against ulcers as well– chew a couple of them every morning to prevent ulcers from developing in your body. as we already mentioned, fig leaves are richin fiber and are great for losing weight. they are recommended to obese people who needto lose weight immediately and are often part
of rapid weight loss programs. here’s how to prepare a fine cup of figleaves tea that will regulate your blood pressure and protect you from cardiovascular diseasesand cancer: ingredients: -fig leaves-water preparation: fill a pot with water and add the fig leaves,then boil them for about 15 minutes. drink this cup of tea to protect yourselffrom serious disease and to treat bronchitis easily.
to eliminate ulcers in your body, chew 2-3fig leaves every day. you are watching: say goodbye to diabetes,cholesterol, triglycerides and ulcers just by using leaves of this tree! please like and share this video to friendsand family to help people live healthy and prevent diseases. and subscribe our channel for more daily videos. share with us your knowledge and what youthink about this video. thank you for watching. why celery tea is good for weight loss?
the best recipe for weight loss! everyone knows that vegetables are one ofthe best dietary supplements for losing weight. they’re a great source of vitamins, minerals,antioxidants, and other essential substances that help the body function well so it canburn fats and eliminate unnecessary wastes. celery is a perfect example of the types ofvegetables that aid in weight loss. they’re low-calorie, they don’t containany fat, and they are rich in nutritional value that stimulates several bodily functionsfor easier weight loss. a lot of people are still unaware of celery’sproperties and weight loss benefits, so today we are going to share the most relevant detailsabout its composition.
we’ll also talk about why it’s so healthy,and how to prepare it celery tea. the nutritional properties of celery tea:one of celery’s main characteristics is that it is made up of between 90 and 95% water. this makes it one of the lowest calorie vegetablesaround. it contains just 16 calories in every 100grams. this also makes it one of the easiest vegetablesaround to digest, and one of the best options for hydrating the body and nourishing cells. it has anti-inflammatory properties whichcan act against abdominal inflammation and other types of inflammation that affect jointand muscle health.
it is also rich in essential nutrients, suchas: vitamins a, b1, b2, b6, b9 and c. minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. essential amino acids. because of its nutritional value and highwater content, eating it could be one of the best decisions for any type of diet. it’s not strange at all that celery is currentlyone of the most in-demand vegetables around, both for weight loss and medicinal uses. making a tea with celery allows to use optimallybenefit from its nutrients. primary weight loss benefits of celery tea:there are several reasons why this vegetable
is good for people that want a healthy wayto lose weight. first of all, we need to talk about its diureticand cleansing properties. these are due to its essential oils, likelimonene, selinene, and asparagine. these are located primarily in the stalk andseeds, although they are also present to a lesser extent in the leaves. because of its water and fiber content, celeryis classified as a powerfully capable of satiating. this can put an end to the anxiety of consumingmore calories than necessary. it has antibacterial and antiviral effectsthat fight different types of gastrointestinal infections for improving digestive health.
it is recommended for stimulating all sortsof toxin accumulations in primary bodily organs, promoting proper functioning because it hasa powerful cleansing effect. once bodily fluids are stabilized, the kidneyswill function better and inflammation caused by fluid retention will be reduced. it’s great for people who suffer from highcholesterol or triglycerides. its properties help stabilize levels, reducingcardiovascular risks. it supports digestive processes to improvenutrient absorption and prevent problems like gas, inflammation, and other symptoms affectingthis system. regular celery tea consumption helps regulatethe body’s metabolic processes, which are
largely dependent on the body’s abilityto remove excess fats. in addition to everything already mentioned,we should also point out that eating celery provides important nutrients for skin, hair,and vision. how to prepare a weight-loss celery tea: thistea makes a refreshing beverage that can be drank hot or cold, as a supplement to weight-lossdiets. the traditional recipe uses only water andcelery, but we add a bit of lemon juice to intensify the detoxifying effects. ingredients: 3 stalks of celery, 1 liter ofwater, 1 lemon, 1/2 tsp. powdered ginger (optional) (2.5 grams)
directions: wash the celery stalks to makesure they’re clean, and that all germs have been removed. boil one liter of water. once boiling, add the diced celery. reduce heat and simmer for five to ten additionalminutes. if you want to add ginger, do so one or twominutes before removing from heat. once ready, remove from heat and allow toset for 10 minutes. then add the lemon juice. consumption: drink one cup before breakfast.
drink the remaining liquid throughout theday, either before each main meal, or between meals. add this tea to your regular diet, but it’sbest when drank for 15 consecutive days, rest for 15 days, and then once again follow thesame cycle. keep in mind that this is not a miracle drink,or anything like that. its weight loss powers depend heavily on yourlifestyle that you’ve chosen for this purpose. you are watching: why celery tea is good forweight loss? papaya leaf juice recipe that will detoxifyliver, reverse fatty liver and liver cancer. by lifebuzzfeed.com
since few people actually eat papaya leaves,juicing it is a great way to take advantage of its tremendous health benefits. according to research studies, phytonutrientcompounds in papaya leaves act in synergy to promote a powerful antioxidant and immuneenhancing impact in the bloodstream. papain, alkaloids, and phenolic compoundsare responsible for their positive health properties. the enzymes papain and chymopapain are thetwo biologically active components, which aid in digesting proteins and are generallyused for treating indigestion, bloating, and other digestive problems.
also, the alkaloid compounds, carpaine, pseudocarpaineand dehydrocarpaine provide chemopreventive effects. health benefits of papaya leaf juice. blood platelet production: it is highly importantto keep the blood platelet when you are seriously ill. papaya leaves are the best in improving itsproduction in the agreement with asian pacific journal of tropical biomedicine. supports the liver: due to the very potentcleansing effect of papaya leaf juice for the liver, it is the basis of healing formany chronic diseases, especially of the liver,
such as jaundice, liver cirrhosis, and livercancer. prevents diseases: the papaya leaves juiceis loaded with acetogenin, a compound able to prevent from dengue fever, cancer, andmalaria. it is a back-up for the immune system andcan fight bacteria and viruses in the body. boosts energy levels: papaya leaf juice canhelp improve your energy levels and help you get started on the day more quickly. also, it could be helpful for improving chronicfatigue. supports the digestive system: papaya leavesare loaded with protease, amylase, chymopapain, and papain compounds that separate carbs,protein, and also enhance your digestion.
it can also help in healing the stomach liningand peptic ulcers. this healing process can help in reducingcolon inflammation from inflammatory bowel diseases (ibd). soothes inflammation: inflammation is a commonside effect of illnesses and allergies. the anti-inflammatory properties in papayaleaf juice are helpful for reducing inflammation, and possibly also reduce chemotherapy sideeffects. regulate menstruation disorders: drinkingpapaya leaves may reduce pms symptoms and possibly regulate menstruation cycles dueto its very potent healing properties that balance hormones.
protects cardiovascular health: the powerfulantioxidants in papaya leaf supports the immune system, greatly improves blood circulation,dilates blood vessels and protects heart health from stroke and diseases. lowers blood sugar levels: the juice enhancesinsulin sensitivity and helps regulate blood glucose levels. the high antioxidants content is helpful todecrease the secondary complications of diabetes such as fatty liver, kidney damage and greatlyreduces oxidative stress. how to use papaya leaves: there are severalways to consume papaya leaf juice. papaya juice: you should place some cleanpapaya leaves in your juicer and juice it
in order to extract the juice from it. also, you can mix it with your regular juicefor it to be more palatable. note: papaya leaf juice is very bitter andextremely potent. start with only one tablespoon a day and workup to a maximum of two tablespoons a day, if taking for therapeutic purpose. papaya tea: take 2 liters (about two quarts)of water and 10 medium-sized papaya leaves. boil the leaves in the water till it’s reducedto about half the quantity. leave it to cool, discard the leaves and consumein small doses as needed. drink it as fresh as possible to benefit fromits nutrients.
leaf extract: you can find it in capsule form,tea leaves, and tincture, but opt for organic. those in the market are mostly gmo. you are watching: papaya leaf juice recipethat will detoxify liver, reverse fatty liver and liver cancer.
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