fitlifer, drew canole here. were here at thefitlife ranch and i want to talk to you about something personal today, if you don't see, flashback 3 years ago, i was handling stress in the wrong way. i like to look atstress as a bathtub. you know you have the bottom of the bathtub that fills up with stress,your whole entire life your collecting stress. some people don't know how to get rid of thisso the tub continues to flow and flow and
crash diet juice fast, flow over time the bathtub can overflow andthat's when all kinds of stuff can settle. high blood pressure, lack of sleep, you know differentdiseases, more or less different things like that so my goal by the end of video is toshow how to release that little hatchet at the bottom of the tub and then also at thesame time turn of that faucet. that's the
goal. so you have the empty tub, throughoutyour life, you have little stress coming in and you don't know how to deal with it. iwas dealing with stress the wrong way and bend through it. i know how its like and idon't want you to go through that fitlifer. nobody likes to have a stressful life becauseit impacts all facets of your life. you don't need to go through that. in this video, i'mgonna give you some food, some technologies, some tips some tools that you can impact in your life rightaway. if you like the idea of that, give this video a two thumbs up and i'm looking forward with you on this saturday strategy, let's do this thing! alright so how do you know your adrenal fatigued? well there's 2 tests that you can do. number one, hold a flashlightin your eye in the dark. if your pupil gets
small and stay small, have someone do it foryou. have someone do it for you. watch your pupil. and if it stays small, then your adrenals are working pretty well. if it gets big after it gets small, its adrenal fatigue. another, if you scratchyourself, either on your arm or your abdomen, if it turns red pretty quickly, then youradrenals are pretty good. at least that's what doctor logue told me, she'smy naturopathic doctor and i will consult with your doctors as well you guys. some otherthings that you can do to know if your adrenal fatigued, your ankles could be swollen. mentally, yourthoughts are always racing. maybe your the type of person you take a lot longer to recoverfrom illnesses, that's a sign as well. you have frequent headaches, things that can have, you know,once a week you just get this migraine you don't
know why. you could be adrenal fatigue. youcould have a decreased sex drive. you could feel like you've lost passion for life, andthat's a very dyer place to be, fitlifer. so if your experiencing any of these symptomswhatsoever, if you done the test and you know you could be adrenal fatigue, i'm gonna giveyou solutions right here, right now. alright what are some ways to restore your adrenals?number one light exercise okay. people that have adrenal fatigue should not be in thegym lifting real heavy weights. number two is simply to eat really food. cut out theprocessed stuff like sugar, dairy, wheat, things that have more than five ingredients.get rid of 'em. you don't need 'em. okay. eat really really good food. get better sleep.start sleeping and crawling to bed before
10:30. this magical things happen when yousleep. at 10:30 this blanket covers the earth. its like this electromagnetic field that allowsyou to plug in and get som rem sleep. i think its important for you to get rem that helpsyour adrenals as well. and you also wanna get those negative stressors away. if thereis people in your life that aren't building you up, that aren't contributing to your dreams,their like every vampire that are negative stressors, they wanted you to go out. theyalways wanted you to drink because they wanted you to change state to be happy. you don'tneed to change your state to be happy. you need to become all that you are. you needto admit to the light and the more you admit your light from within, the better your lifeis gonna be. trust me. and the last thing
that you can do, one of the things that iencourage all of my clients to do is to do a juice cleanse. real simple and easy. onceyou do a juice cleanse your body is going to come back to harmony. your body is goingto do so much better and to get you started on the right track, i've prepared a specialjuice recipe with one super herb adaptogen that you can use today that's gonna boostyour adrenals up and have you feeling better. alright so let's make the juice fitlifer.real simple and easy. so what have we got? we got some celery, we got some swiss chard.and were gonna make some chard on it. that's what were gonna do. we got some ginger. andi'm gonna add some ashwagandha to this juice recipe as well. i have a tablet form but ashwagandhais an adaptogen. you guys know what adaptogen
s? it's essentially super herb, that's whati like to call it. its super antioxidant that goes in your body and adjusts everything thatyou need in regards to cortisol. helps you deal with stress. they've done research onashwagandha and a lot of clinicals in regards to it as well. more different poducts outthere. i'm excited to add that to this too. i'll leave a link below. if you want someashwaganda, you can get it there. let's get on with this juice shall we? i need some cucumberstoo for the base. here we go. here's our juice. yeah. have you ever had a juice and it's kindalike good analogy is like it brightens up the whole room up. that's what this juicedoes. makes things brighter. its an amazing anchor to health, vitality, fitness, everythingthat you want in life. when you have this
juice, i want you to think about it. i wantyou to think about your goals, your dreams, everything that you want in life fitlifer.and what is it gonna take to get to those? its gonna take real energy, not false know not things that will give you a quick high then tear you back down. and that's whatadrenals is all about. you know unfortunately people get rapped up in the trap of quickaffixes, doing things that will give you a quick energy but ultimately you know its notbest for you. so drink your juice. add some ashwaganda. at this particular point, in thisvideo, i'd like to give a juicer. the juicer's going out to denise hofstra. she just hadspinal fusion, it's a really painful surgery. she wants to loosen up her back so she needsto loose weight. we wanted to send the juicer
out to denise and also this week we wantedto send out the juicer to someone who inspires the community, somebody who has it in theirheart to make an imprint on this world and inspire somebody to transform as well. yousee this is what its all about fitlifer. transforming 10,000,000 people's lives this year. that'sthe goal. we know we can't do it alone. i can't do it alone. i'm one person and therest of the fitlife tv team, they're only individuals so we need you to do your partand you can do your part in three different ways. number one, share it with just one person.send an email, somebody that you care about. say hey, send this fitlife videos out. theycan make an impact in your life. number two, share it in facebook, youtube, whatever socialmedia platform you love, wherever you are.
simply share this video, share this message.and number three, leave a comment on the blog below this saturday strategy to win the's really important that you do that because that energy will win for the juicer and alsoenlightens the community. you need to share your wisdom. maybe you've experienced adrenalfatigue, maybe you've had some health condition that you're able to break free from, somebodyneeds to hear that today fitlifer. coz together, we can transform ten million people's lives.and i know, you know i know this, and you know you feel this when i say it, remember,were in this together! drew canole, i'll see you soon!
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