Rabu, 05 April 2017

crash diets bodybuilding

crash diets bodybuilding

[music] so today is yourfirst rest day. it's the wednesday of week 1,and you should be feeling really sore from the workout,but that's totally normal. this weight training programwill be a shock to your body.

crash diets bodybuilding, but today i'm gonna speak to youabout nutrition and how to shop and what you should be shoppingfor and how to prepare those foods. i'm very strict with my dietto make sure that i get

the best results possible atthe end of this transformation, so you should be eatingexactly what i eat. today, we're gonna goto the supermarket, so come along with me so you cansee exactly what foods that you should be eating, and foodsyou need to stay away from. eating healthy doestake a commitment, and although it may notnecessarily be cheap to buy healthy, it can be affordableand is definitely well worth it in the long run.

okay, we're hereat the sweet potatoes. we've also got the yams herethat you can have on this transformation, or in theuk you'd call 'em sweets. it's good to mix up yourcarbohydrate sources. like, the main source forme comes from brown rice, but i also like to mix it upwith some sweet potatoes and some oatmeals as well. it stays very basic witha carbohydrate source. it's a slightlyslow-digesting carb,

along withthe brown rice and oats. okay, another form ofcarbohydrates that i recommend on this program is brown rice. so, a lot of people arecarbophobes when doing a program such as this. i'm a carb freak. i like to have my carbs,keeps the metabolism firing. providing that you're gettingthe right kind of carbohydrates, you're gonna getthe results that you want,

and providing that you'resticking to your nutrition and training program, andfrequency of those meals. so we like to gofor the short grain. i've been told by my wife thatthey are a lot more moist than a long grain brown rice. one of the tips that i like topass on to clients is to eat before you actuallycome to the supermarket, so it'll prevent less amount ofcravings and you're less likely to pick up foods thatyou shouldn't be eating.

just because you're on thistransformation doesn't mean that you need to excludeother people, like friends or family thataren't on this transformation, when you're going shopping. so my wife just pulledsome almond butter here, which is fine. she needs the healthy fats,but when you're doing this transformation, you don't needthese healthy fats so much. you need to be burning offthe fats that you're storing,

not the fats thatyou're ingesting. okay, the next carbohydratestop for us is the quick oats. so get a big bag likethis for convenience, because we'll go throughone of these in a month. between having this forbreakfast with the egg whites and using it as a mealreplacement with protein powder, it's very easy togo through the oats. and i never cut this out atall during the entire 12 weeks. the next thing on myshopping list is steak.

so the macronutrients thatwe're really focusing on on this transformation are your proteinand your carbohydrate sources. so obviously, not goingtoo much for the fats, we need to keep meatsources very lean. so for that reason, i like togo for the eye of round steak, which is a very lean source. so we can just throw that onthe grill or on the barbecue. another one that i like toget is the eye of round roast. so i've actually got ameat grinder at home.

this is great to put throughthe grinder and have it like ground beef. and one more that iget is a tenderloin. now, it looks a littlebit fatty on the outside. that's okay, youcan trim that off. but throughout the rest ofit is very soft, very moist, and very lean. another lean protein sourcethat i like to include in this program is fish.

so i like to go fortilapia personally. it's very tasteless. i don't like anything that'stoo fishy, and it's cheap. don't go too much for, like, thedeli meats or anything like that or anything that's gonnahave a lot of preservatives. so i know that lean forms ofsteak and fish and stuff like that, i know exactly whati'm going to get into my body because it's listed on theingredients list on the back. next protein form thatwe're taking are eggs.

so we separate the eggwhites from the yolks, because the yolks is whatcontains all the fat and cholesterol. between myself and my wife,we go through 24 egg whites just at breakfast. hence, we're getting'em in bulk like this. sometimes we do order 'em frombodybuilding.com and just get the egg white formulafor convenience. other times when we'reat the supermarket,

we'll just grab 'em like this. so the last stop for protein,i like to grab the poultry. so here i'm just pickingup the turkey breast. it's very lean. always go for the breast asopposed to the leg or the wing. you know, you're gonna geta leaner cut of the bird. so i've got loadsof chicken at home, so no need to getany more chicken. just turkey and that's it.

so another fibrous carb thati like to utilize within my diet, especially as i'm cuttingout the carbohydrates in the latter meals, i like toreplace it with the fibrous carbohydrates to replacethe complex carbs, like your brown rice orany of your potatoes. it's very important to havefiber within your diet to make sure that you're regular, tokeep your metabolism firing as well. i don't eat a huge amount ofvegetables, but that's okay.

you can eat as manyvegetables as you want. a lot of it is water, so you'llprobably burn off as many calories digesting it asthe amount that's in it. i personally just like to haveit in the last couple when i cut out my complex carbohydrates. although coffee isn'tan essential part of this transformation, it's essentialto my transformation because i really feel like i need thisin the morning and before my workout, just to give me thatextra boost of energy as

a stimulant, especially in themorning when i really don't want to do my cardio, and in theafternoon when i'm having that mid-afternoonkind of crash. so the coffee really gives mestimulant to get a more intense workout, so that's why i havemy coffee black and just with a natural sweetener. so we're here at thesweetener/sugar section. obviously, you can't have sugarwhile you're on this program, so what i like to use isit's like a stevia extract.

it's from the stevia leaf soyou're not gonna have anything that's, like, any additivesor any additional calories. this is calorie-free. so this is great to have in yourblack coffee because you can't have milk on this program. not every supermarket sells it,so you can actually get this on bodybuilding.com as well. so in this transformation,fat is big no-no, especially saturated fats.

so here you've got yourcorn oil, your olive oil. you shouldn't be fryingyour foods anyway on this transformation, so what i liketo use if i'm going to use a fat is just a spray, so it givesme a very thin lathering. i'll put that, like, on mybarbecue grill so my food doesn't stick to it. so if you're gonna use a fat,use something along the lines of a spray. an essential tool on this12-week transformation are your

tupperware containers. so i eat nearly every singleone of my meals out of these tupperware containers, andas my training partner, you should be, too. so i like to get the largercontainers just to store my chicken and my tilapiaand my rice in, just to keep in the fridge, andi get the smaller containers just to put in my cool bagto take to work to eat my single meals out of.

so water is a huge part ofyour transformation performance during these 12 weeks. your body is madeup around 70% fluid. i'll drink about a gallon, whichis about this amount... during the day, and i'lladd my bcaa xtend formula within there as well. so if i've got a grapeor an orange flavor, the chances are i'mgonna drink more of it. so yes, the upfront cost ofstocking up on healthy foods

while grocery stopping mayseem like a lot at the checkout station, but actually you'llmost likely be saving money on a weekly basis. so now that you've boughtall the foods that you need, let me give you some tipson preparing those foods. so i always like tomake my foods in bulk, so i'll cook a couple of days'worth of chicken breast and fish and stuff like that, so i justhave to get it out of the fridge and just cut it up per meal.

but i'll always make surethat i prepare my meals for the following daythe previous evening, so when i wake up i'vegot no distractions. i can just get my meals,put 'em in my cool bag, and off i go to work. and i always make sure that igrill or boil all my foods i don't like tofry 'em too much. i need to drain out all thefat that's actually in the meat sources, so i always use agriller like a foreman grill

or a barbecue grill. i measure all mymeals with a scale, just to make sure thati get accurate portions, but what you can also do ismeasure your food portions up against the size of your fist. just to make sure that thesefoods aren't getting too bland and too boring, i also liketo add various things to it, like some ginger, cayennepepper, some spices, garlic, and things like that.

i even add salt on there just tomake sure that my body's holding enough fluid so i can pusha little bit more weight in the gym. the only time i'll cut the saltout is like a couple of days before my "after" photos. so don't worry about thesalts at this stage as well. remember, you've got to makesure this diet is part of your life, whether it's at work,whether you're traveling, at social gatherings,or at school.

you've got tostick on this plan. so you'll notice, throughoutthis transformation, i travel quite a bit, but inever waver off my nutrition plan, ever,and neither should you. so tomorrow's gonnabe a training day. we've got back andbiceps, but today, i'm gonna be doing cardio. i've done it this morning. i'm doing it again this evening.

are you whining already? come back tomorrow and i'llget you thinking differently.

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