Rabu, 05 April 2017

crash diets celebrities use

crash diets celebrities use

recording before i was ready hi everybody my name is rosalie and welcome back to my table back to cut my hair i know it's mess is like 40 mile-per-hour winds outside right now

crash diets celebrities use, and i've been running all day not running running be nice but i could you know busy all day and outside with windows down so sorry for that already

object good start off to a good start ok ok can be very quick video hopefully because a lot of stuff goes on today i'm a lot of people need to get time but i wanted to get this record so maybe sometime during the day while i'm waiting on some of the other stuff i can edit it but she's really quick way in and blog and i guess i'll prolifically

about the last video that was actually kind of shocked when i was reading some of the comments because like yeah i felt crappy because i've been eating a lot and going overboard and i knew what i was doing what i shouldn't have felt bad about that but over on a pretty good with my thought is actually find coming across as in assessments but apparently

not a lot of people were really worried that i was like giving up for stopping some people are saying we're going to stop watching the channel because i was just really depressing and the only thing i can think is that i stopped using the stupid peppy music in the background i mean you're like when you watch a movie just like a lot of the

tone is that was the music i think stopping using some of the music made me seem less happy people and i really don't know what to do about that because i heard a lot of people say that they didn't like me the funeral video but only one person since i started the channel has to debate you like music so i don't know what to tell you i would

like to see more happy and peppy and i probably kind of picking out because i'm in a hurry but i'm just not that person unless they have something you i'm usually this pretty chill my back so i'm not trying to come across depressing but i'm also not going to try and be one of those people who should upbeat and happy all the time because

it's not who i am so again mostly today a policy little bit more because i'm gonna be curry so let's do a real quick and then we'll go from there come out training 370 6.4 pass ok so sony 6.4 is a 2.6 pounds from last week and i knew there was gonna be gay

they talked about in my last video the week before i was pretty frustrated because i felt like i was doing everything right and i was trying to do everything i could and scale is still not working with me and then i was really frustrated this week i'm a little bit more frustrated with myself i know what's happening so it's less

frustrating another way i know why the scale did this week it doesn't feel like oh poor me everything she's working against me i know what happened i'm already on it i'm already succeeded i got back on track on wednesday after i made that video and if i hadn't done pretty sure the sealer been worse this

week the next week will be better that's all we can do is make it better next week keep moving on doing the best we can that means that we started out at 235 pounds and still down to get 16 pounds so it's still pretty good not where i want to be i'm sorry i want to be two setbacks in a

row we'll just kind of a bummer but it's fine it'll be fine so just to really address those concerns from last wednesday i'm not giving up i haven't given up i don't know why it came across as that my watch back the video and i feel like it's a sign but i i didn't need to worry everybody i'm not giving up though she's

having a bad day well actually it was an undergraduate i mean it was felt that but it wasn't having a bad day i was having a good day having a good day today i just have so much stuff i have to do anyway also one of the things i have to do today is just getting walker but one of the things i have to do today is go sign

up for p.o box and so several people have asked me about appeal boxes and send me things which i love and i really appreciate this is really registered to give out my home email email my home email address so i'm going to get a post office box today in another town which is a long story but by the time this goes up i should have a p.o box i'll put

down in the description box below and well as way too much scale also a messenger linked to a biggest get healthy youtube collapse diet that so you guys know that i've been part of the biggest get healthy youtube collapse which is a bunch of youtubers all working together to lose weight talk about losing weight

talk about our lives and our struggles and successes cetera and so being from the channel one beam has been taking me on it getting everything set up and she's wonderful and amazing and she also went ahead and set up a diet that specifically for the biggest get healthy youtube collapse and some people have asked me how to join the collaboration

and i sent them messages but there seems to be a problem with the youtube commenting feature there's also some comments 13 cotton span and i can't release them or reply to them i sent you the message i'm getting off track the point is if you want to join the collab and for whatever reason we're going to see my response to you go to

the channel 1 derby and ultimately to it down in the description of blue and let her know that you want to join the collaboration and her message shoes she's on top of it but she also set up a diet bet specifically for this collaboration so since none of us are trying to do like gimmicky fast weight loss thing we are focused more on

long-term study weight loss so rather than one month long diet but this is a six-month-long diet that and the goal is to lose ten percent of your body weight starting at the beginning of the diet so for me and at man 376 my goal would be to lose 37.6 pounds six months which i feel is completely doable if your lower like if you are 400 pounds your goal be

lose 20 pounds in six months which completely doable safe study is actually like safeguards in place where someone is obviously like crash dieting or doing something a little bit extreme and they lose like more than twelve percent of body weight in a month really i don't know what you're doing figure disqualified if you have more

questions just leave them in the comments down below and i'll try answer the best i can or head over to the links that i will click down below and read some of their faq look at a 45 minutes to get to another town so i'm gonna rest of the video now be sure to follow me on social media if you want to have been trying to be more active so

far how much is cover that the best ok you can also visit my blog back to ww press.com where i put my meal plans and grocery list like that except the last week but i'm going to have any more weeks like last week in the future so far in the future on monday or tuesday whatever next week i've already made the meal plan for next week i'm already back

on track far as that goes so hopefully next week all that real quick video but this week we are going to see some more people out of town so i'll get the meal prep done i don't know if i'll get phil that's all i could think anyway i also been going to start sort of going back to basics for me just start doing what was working again like

going on kiddo going off of kyoko kind of got me off track and i really don't like and have never really professed to do like quick fixes it was really just to break the plateau though and so i guess i sort of fell into that trap and then we'll talk about it more money i don't have time right now so i hope i will see you guys next week on tuesday

or wednesday or whatever i give you uploaded with the doing weight-loss real proper blog or whatever happens and for now hope that you guys are safe and happy and healthy if you live in the midwest drive you i hope you are enjoying the nice freak weather could just straight 20 degrees and debate 67 degrees so all over the place

welcome and sorry for the sort of minutes frantic video but i will see you guys next week i've got nothing rush

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