Rabu, 05 April 2017

crash diets do work

crash diets do work

hello friends! welcome to fit tuber. is your fitness goal weight loss? if you are not getting the desired results,there are high chances that you are following some of these 5 myths.

crash diets do work, this is a common myth where people believethat a low fat diet promotes weight loss. experts recommend that one third of totalcalories should come from fats. now, when i say fats i mean healthy fats viz.

fats are essential for our body for energy,tissue repair, for transfer of vitamins like a,d,e and k. we should cut down on saturated fat intake. not more than 7 percent of the total caloriesshould come from saturated fats. crash dieting may seem to help in the shortterm but in the long term your weight will increase. crash dieting removes not just the fat butalso lean muscle mass and tissues. moreover, crash dieting reduces basal metabolicrate. bmr is the rate at which the body uses caloriesfor its basic functioning. so, crash diets in the long run are bad forhealth. let us talk about packaged foods.

if the label says it's low fat, that doesnot mean it will have less calories. this is a marketing gimmick. even though the label says low fat, it isloaded with extra sugars, flavors, synthetic materials, preservatives etc to enhance thetaste and texture. so, these extra sugars later convert intofat. moreover, these synthetic substances are veryunhealthy. so next time when you buy such low fat products,check thoroughly what all is added in it. you may have heard people say that if youare exercising, you can eat as much as you want. if you are exercising, that is really good.

but it is serving only 20 percent of the wholeprocess. remaining 80 percent depends upon the foodyou eat. unless we eat healthy, our body will not produceresults. i don't mean to say that there is no needto workout. my point is that diet is much more important. this happens so many times.... this is a common myth. whatever may be your fitness goal, it is mostimportant to have a healthy and balanced diet. if you are eating only salads, then the bodyis getting only vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates.

besides these, it is essential to consumeproteins and fats. your body should get all the nutrients. eating only salads is an incomplete diet. checkout this video where i have discussedthis topic in detail. friends! these were the 5 myths that i feelpeople commonly have. i hope this video was helpful to you. if yes, do give it a thumbs up. also, please subscribe to my channel. my name is vivek . thank you so much for watching.

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