Rabu, 05 April 2017

crash diets doctors use

crash diets doctors use

these are the seven worst plane crashes inhistory. after hearing about these airline incidents, you may reconsider ever steppingonboard a plane ever again. today's video was brought to you by theywillkillyou.com.come see it for new releases & exclusive footage you cannot yet find on our channel. number 7: the 1972 andes flight disasteroctober 13th, 1972: uruguayan flight 571 crashes

crash diets doctors use, into the andes mountains, immediately killing12 of the 45 passengers on board. several others would die before they could be rescued.over the next two months, the survivors endured harsh winter weather, avalanches, & resortedto extreme measures to survive. the chartered flight departed on october 12thwhile transporting the old christians club

rugby union team along with members' friends& family from montevideo, uruguay heading for santiago, chile for a match. but due tobad weather conditions, the plane landed in mendoza, argentina to wait out the storm.it departed again the next day with its 45 passengers to finish its journey, which includedflying over the andes mountain range. because of the weather, the pilot was unable to flyhis plane over the mountains & instead, was forced to fly around them. on that particular day, however, the cloudcover was so intense that it caused the pilot to miscalculate where the plane was in relationto the mountains. as a result, the plane crashed into the side of a mountain near malargue,argentina, instantly killing 12 of its passengers

upon impact. within days, six more passengers—includingthe only doctor on board—died, leaving just 27 people alive. the survivors were left withvery little food & water & virtually no winter clothing or footwear to protect them fromthe cold, snowy weather. two medical students onboard the flight survived & were able toerect makeshift splints for various injuries, including broken arms & legs. when the plane did not arrive to santiagoas expected, chile, argentina, & uruguay sent out search parties to find the missing plane.but because the plane was white, it blended in with the snow, making it nearly impossibleto find. the search team was called off after

eight days, a fact that the survivors wereaware of since they had a transistor radio & heard the news of the search team givingup. since the passengers had little food withno means of obtaining any more as there were no animals or vegetation to be found, thegroup resorted to eating the flesh of dead passengers to survive after much deliberation.some of the passengers had reservations about doing this but eventually decided to do soin order to stay alive. one more month had passed & the survivorswere still stranded when suddenly, an avalanche killed eight more people. and by december12th–nearly two months after the crash, two men from the group decided to take a dangerousjourney seeking help for the group. the trek

lasted over a week & involved scaling a mountainthen hiking down into a valley. but nando parrado & roberto canessa ultimately succeededin making contact with another human being. on december 20th, 70 days after the crash,parrado and canessa came across three men on horseback, to whom they communicated theirsituation. the riders realized they were survivors of the crash & immediately sought help. inthe end, the remaining survivors were rescued from the wreckage after an arduous rescuemission that concluded two days before christmas. 16 passengers total survived 72 days afterthe crash. since this incredible event, books, movies,& documentaries have been published recalling the crash & the ensuing struggle for survival.a feature film entitled alive: miracle in

the andes was also produced in 1993. number 6: china airlines flight 611may 25th, 2002: china airlines flight 611 is leaving taiwan for hong kong when it disintegratesin mid-air, killing all 225 passengers on board. to this day, it remains the deadliestaviation accident in taiwan's history. the plane was flying at approximately 35,000feet 20 minutes after takeoff when they lost contact with air traffic control. the planedisintegrated in mid-air soon after, with the wreckage crashing into the taiwan strait.the crew—which was comprised of captain ching-fong yi, first officer yea shyong shieh,& flight engineer sen kua choa—were all very experienced & did not appear to makeany errors that led to the accident.

a recovery effort turned up the remains of176 people, many of which were found floating in the ocean. an investigation into the accidentmade it clear that no distress signals were sent out by the crew, suggesting the accidenthappened very quickly. it was also discovered that the disintegration was the result ofmetal fatigue after insufficient repairs were made to the plane following a minor accidentin 1980. out of respect for the dead, china airlines opted to discontinue flight 611. number 5: air france flight 447june 1st, 2009: air france flight 447 scheduled to fly from rio de janeiro to paris crashesinto the atlantic ocean. of the 228 crew & passengers on board, no one survived. the accident remainsthe deadliest crash in air france's history.

the crash was ultimately the result of icingconditions, as it was eventually discovered that the plane’s pilot tubes were obstructedby ice crystals. this caused the autopilot to stop working & after the crew overreacted,the plane entered an aerodynamic stall & fell straight into the ocean about three hours& 45 minutes after takeoff. an extensive search effort was underway twodays after the crash, with the brazilian navy being the first to discover wreckage fromthe site. after close to three years of recovering pieces of the plane & extensive investigations,it was finally concluded that when the autopilot function went out, the crew did not respondcorrectly, causing the plane to rapidly lose speed while gaining altitude before it stalled& lost altitude. furthermore, they did not

recognize that the plane was stalling andtherefore, did nothing to correct the situation. the incident has been the subject of severaldifferent documentaries, including a 2012 film called fatal flight 447: chaos in thecockpit. during this documentary, a black box recording revealed that the crew was concernedabout storm clouds & lightning they were seeing. but many experts conclude that this shouldnot have been a problem for such an experienced crew, which was flying under the command ofcaptain marc dubois & his two co-pilots. number 4: september 11th, 2001the september 11th attacks against the united states claimed the lives of 2,996 people,including firefighters & police officers as well as the 19 terrorists who hijacked theplanes. the attacks, which were a highly coordinated

event planned & carried out by members ofal-qaeda, sparked the global war on terror. it ultimately led to the u.s.'s invasion ofafghanistan in an attempt to dispose of al-qaeda, who often found safe harbor in afghanistan. the series of attacks involved four differentplanes being hijacked & crashed into american landmarks, the most famous of which were theworld trade center towers in new york city. american airlines flight 111 and united airlinesflight 175 flew into the north and south towers of the world trade center early that morning.within minutes, american airlines flight 77 also crashed into the pentagon in arlington,virginia. additionally, united airlines flight 93 was also hijacked with the intention offlying into the white house. its passengers,

however, were now aware at this point of theother terrorist attacks & attempted to subdue the hijackers. the plane crashed into a fieldin stonycreek township in pennsylvania, killing all 44 people on board. in addition to the nearly 3,000 lives thatwere lost that day, it cost the nation more than $3 trillion in damage to property, infrastructure,& the economy. also, the ensuing “war on terror” killed over 6,000 military personnel& injuring another 50,422 people. number 3: the ermenonville air disastermarch 3rd, 1974: turkish airlines flight 981 from istanbul to london crashes into the ermenonvilleforest near paris, france killing the 346 people on board. it was caused by an improperlysecured cargo door & remains the deadliest

aviation incident to occur in france. during the flight, the cargo door broke offcompletely, resulting in an explosive decompression. this caused vital cables to break apart, whichwere vital in controlling the plane. as soon as the cargo door blew off, six passengerswere ejected from the plane while still attached to their seats. their bodies were eventuallyrecovered in a field. by this point, the pilots had no way of controlling the plane as itplummeted through the air towards the earth. the plane was traveling at 490 mph when itcrashed into the forest. upon impact, it shattered into millions of pieces, 20,000 of which werebody fragments. number 2: the charkhi dadri mid-air collisionnovember 12th, 1996: saudi arabian airlines

flight 763 & kazakhstan airlines flight 1907collide in mid-air over the village of charkhi dadri near new delhi, india. the planes carrieda total of 349 passengers, none of whom survived. the accident remains the deadliest mid-aircollision of all time as well as india's deadliest aviation accident. the two flights were in fact scheduled topass one another. but after a series of miscommunications, kazakhstan airlines flight 1907 was flyinglower than planned. air traffic control tried reaching the plane to warn them, but theyreceived no reply. when the two planes collided, flight 1907'stail cut through the left wing of flight 763, breaking up the plane almost immediately.the other plane remained intact but quickly

lost control & descended to earth at a rapidspeed. it finally crashed into a charkhi dadri field. investigators looking into the matter suspectthat a language barrier between the pilot & air traffic control was what caused confusionabout the plane’s altitude. when the pilot discovered he was flying too low, he beganclimbing, which was when the two planes collided. experts believe the accident may have beenable to be avoided had flight 1907 not attempt to correct its altitude. number 1: the tenerife disastermarch 27th, 1977: 583 people are killed during an accident at the los rodeos airport on tenerife,an island in the canary islands. two boeing

747s collided on the runway, killing all but61 people aboard the planes. to this day, it is the deadliest aviation accident everto occur in the history of human flight. earlier that day, a bomb planted by terroristsexploded at the gran canaria international airport, causing many flights to be redirectedto los rodeos. the planes involved in the accident were two of the five flights beingdiverted to the small island, which had an airport that was incapable of handling thatmany planes at once. the airport has only one runway & klm flight 4805 & pan am flight1763 were attempting to take off at the same time. miscommunications between air traffic control& the klm cockpit resulted in their takeoff

before they were actually cleared to do so.additionally, the air traffic controller was unable to see the runway that day due to heavyfog while at the same time, the crews of both planes could not see each other. as soon asthey realized they were about to collide, klm was already approaching at takeoff speed.the pan am crew attempted to turn the plane right to avoid a collision while klm triedclimbing early, causing its tail to strike the ground. as klm began leaving the ground,its right-side engines crashed through pan am's cabin. both planes were destroyed byfire & explosions, killing all 234 passengers & crew members on klm & all but 61 peopleaboard pan am. find out more about deadly events in historyby subscribing or clicking on one of the links


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