Kamis, 06 April 2017

crash diets long term effects

crash diets long term effects

alright! this is john kohler, with oraw.com.today we got another exciting episode for your, coming at you from the 2015 woodstockfruit festival here in new york and one of the reasons why i like the woodstock fruitfestival is i get to meet new friends, but also some old ones actually. and that’sthe purpose of this episode actually. my friend, david here, i’ve known since nineteen ninetynine, when i started meeting him and check,

crash diets long term effects, seeing him at different raw food events. andhe was learning and i’d already been into it for a long while, and you know after livingon raw food diet since nineteen ninety nine, so that’s like sixteen odd years now, hehad a health, a big health challenge that none of us want to get. actually many peoplethat think they’re raw or vegan, or immune

to, and i just want to go ahead and turn overto him and let him tell his story and what health challenge he had. so david, what actuallyhappened to you after being on a raw, vegan diet for sixteen years?okay, so i had a stroke, and fortunately it wasn’t that serious but, when i was beingexamined to determine what was wrong, i had a problem walking. all of a sudden, my rightleg wasn’t functioning the right way. it’s like, when a puppeteer pulls on the strings,like all the strings weren’t there and the leg just wasn’t behaving. and to make along story short, i had a cat scan and an mri done on my brain, things that i normallywould avoid particularly, the the cat scan. and it showed not only that i had a recentstroke, thank god not one that paralyzed me

or caused any major problems, but it alsoshowed previous infarcts, or dead brain tissue happen previously, and they can’t exactlydetermine when. there were several of them and i was just shocked, and caused me to reallyre-evaluate my health program and what i’ve been doing since nineteen ninety nine andeven earlier and this event. wow, i mean that that’s pretty huge like,wow having a stroke and having some infarct and getting your blood supply cut off. youknow your blood supply cut off to different places in your body will cause different thingsand most of the time it’s like a heart attack and usually you don’t make it after that.so i want to encourage you guys to eat a plant-based diet, but a plant-based diet is not enough,as we’re learning here from david. so what

i really want to get into, is not, you know,tell you guys what happened then, but tell you about what he’s learnt since then, sothat he’s making changes to a judge and make his diet better. so this not happen again.so this is why i’m so serious about eating a plant-based raw diet. because i almost lostmy life. i was in the hospital, doctor said ‘you might not make it out alive’. butdavid got through, you know, this situation, but you know he wants to make sure that thisdoes not happen again. and so he , he’s identified maybe four top reasons why thismay, but not definitely have happened to him and i guess we’re going to get into thefirst one. david let’s talk about stress right.definitely, and i also want to add that, i

was told by several of my experts that i consultedand i consulted people who are experts in this, not only from the allopathic communitybut the naturopathic community and really all health modalities, including chinese medicine.i obviously i went through quite a bit when i determined this because you know, i havetwo young children and family and a wonderful partner and i want to be around. you knowso, i really investigated carefully and what really struck me from that was my naturopathictold me that if i weren’t raw and i weren’t vegan, i would probably be, quote ‘six feetunder’. and he was, he was dead serious. but my, my improvements in my heath had happenedafter i became vegan and raw. although i was mostly vegan before i knew what raw food wasall about or natural hygiene. the fact that

my, the, my, the tone of my blood vesselsor other issues of my body, were helped and improved with the raw vegan diet,, probablysaved my life. yeah i mean, once again i want you guys todo preventative measure now before traumatic situations happen later and that’s why i’mmaking this video with david, so you guys could act. you know not just listen to thisvideo, take in information, but actually make changes in your life, starting after you’redone watching this video. so that you’ll be, you know, more disease-free than ever.so david let’s get back to you know, one of the top reasons why, the you know yoursituation may have happened, which is the stress, right. no matter what diet you eat,you could eat, you know, a raw vegan diet,

you could eat a vegan diet. you could eata standard american diet. but stress is something that everybody could change today. unfortunatelyin our society, we’re not taught effectively how to deal with stress. i want to encourageyou guys to figure out some stress management techniques. but let’s talk about stressand how that may have played a role in what happened to you.right right, ‘cause nobody knows or understands why a person has a stroke or heart attack.they’re identifiable issues that go along with the the, with the those illnesses, oneof them is the stress factor and i have to recommend there’s a mainstream fellow nameddean ornish and he wrote a book about all the factors really that affect health, talksabout the necessity of stress management and

i had a life that was, i have a life thatis full of stress or is like most people do and people manage stress differently. youhave to be sure what you’re talking about. you know, the stress is okay and most peopleare setup to be able to handle stress okay. but when there’s chronic stress or was anintense stress or was over a period of time, your body really isn’t set up for that andthe fight or flight response is supposed to be that, it’s fight or flight and when itgets stressed out and your body reacts, it’s not supposed to be continual, it’s supposedto be like the lion is just appeared but then he went away. you know it’s like you, youkind of get a reaction. it’s not supposed to sustain itself. but when it does over time,that’s the effects of stress. so it isn’t

the stress itself that kills you, becausestress is a killer, it can be. it’s the way you reacted. so john talked about stressmanagement techniques are very important and that’s why i mentioned that he wrote a veryinteresting book about it and he’s a he’s an md. but there are a lot of people in theraw food movement who are not knowledgeable about this and other health modalities thatare knowledgeable about this. but the bottom line is to be able to get back to homeostasiswhen you get riled up and your brain ca really do amazing things to you, that may not bethere in reality. you know, you’ll have a reaction to a grizzly bear coming at you,but if you think there’s one outside your door and there really isn’t, there’s noreason why you should have the same reaction

as if he were really there. so, but thingslike yoga, you mentioned yoga, and and just meditation, whatever that word means to you.it just basically means you come into yourself and just relax and tune into your breath,tune into your bodily functions and not be upset by environmental cues and stimulus,but just to be able to relax and get your body just in a totally relaxed state. notall the time but a good part of the time. and that’s that’s the, that’s what we’retalk about managing stress. so to to, answer your question, to get what i think is the,and by the way this is all what i think, you’ll have differences of opinion from probablyeverybody i talk to, but stress is really a common denominator for a lot of problemsand i guess i can sum it up briefly by telling

you what a chinese doctor friend of mine saiddoctor voy in oriental medicine, who teach who taught at a university, in i think itwas beijing. very knowledgeable woman. seen a lot of people over lots of years. she saidto me when i discussed my issue with her, that she has patients who come in and shecould have somebody in perfect health. nothing wrong, pulses are good. everything g looksgood, but they have severe heath challenges, i won’t go into what they could be, butthey really could be anything and then she said that she could have another patient whois overweight, grossly obese, does drugs, drinks, smokes and also has no health issuesat that time, although they’re pre-disposed to having some in the future. but the pointthat she was making was, is the function of

your frame of mind. the fellow who is in reallygreat shape and didn’t have any signs of health problems, had severe health problemscome suddenly, and she identified them as relating to his extremely stressful life andhis constantly stressful situation, which made one aspect of his, which really kindof took over everything else. doesn’t matter how healthy you are, but if you’re physiologicallyout of balance, because of stressors what it does to you by nature and we’re supposedto be kind of bent out of shape when you’re being chased by a tiger, or you have somethreatening event. but our minds don’t really perceive reality with with with non-realityabout stressors. you know everybody hears something, they freak out and horrible thingsare going to happen and most of the time they

don’t. but the point is that that excitement,if it carries over it will affect you long term and that’s what we talking about withstress. so being fully aware of your situation, as mindful as you can be, as conscious andaware as you can be, will be health, what’s the word, health, will help improve your health.so that’s the point with that. so the state of your psychological state, emotional state,are all tied together and all of this does certainly help by being a raw vegan if youif you’re an animal eater or meat eater cooked food eater, although i have no problemwith some cooked food, but i’m taking about deep fried something or the other. it affectsyour ability to deal with stress, in spite of meditating or whatever else, or in spiteof your genetics or whatever, it’s not as

important as your your your frame of mindand all these things are tied together, as exemplified by this one book i read by deanornish called ‘the spectrum’, ad by the way there are many books i could recommend,but that was one that really brings in all the factors. so that’s what i mean by stress.wow, yeah i mean we’re all stressed and i had stressyeah i mean we all have stress, but we all deal with stress differently, so you knowif you could basically nullify the stress, or you know minimize the stress, you knowi mean. we can edit this whoops, look at that. alright, if we’restill on, i don’t know if we’re still on but maybe you’ll wanna keep that there‘cause this is one thing that i think will

be good for your viewers, that i do – myphone is set to go of a few times during the day like that, as a reminder and my alarm.and why it goes off, is to remind me, since i, i wasn’t very successful in doing itmyself, to stop what i’m doing, relax, take some deep breaths, and the right way is toblow it out through your nose like four or five times, just to get tuned in and, andjust realize you know, thank god we’re living and thank god we have great opportunity andunlimited bounty. wow, that is an excellent idea. if you didn’tnotice, david’s alarm on his phone just went off, to let him know, to remind himselfto destress, relax and be grateful, i mean one of the things i try to do in my life,is live with gratitude, be grateful and thankful

that i’m sure ‘cause a lot of people didn’twake up today you know. and things are really not that bad, no matter your situation, you’realmost out of money, whatever, you know, you’re still alive, you’re still here. you canmake a difference, you know, starting today. and what i really want to mention is thatfood is really only one aspect of many aspects of health. stress is of course another, gettingenough sleep, enough exercise, getting enough sun. you know, all this stuff, super important.and the last thing i wanted to say about the stress is, you know, we’re all confrontedwith situations right. things will happen in front of us – our spouse, our loved ones,will do something that you might not be happy with, right. but how you react is key. somebodydoes something you don’t like, you could

be pissed off and like want ‘em to do ityour way. or you could be like, no big deal, they didn’t take out the garbage, it’soverflowing. i’m just going to handle it, you know and. and i think it’s really sad,in this day and age that you know, a lotta families are taught yell and scream and thatjust increases stress, decreases your health, and it doesn’t fix anything right. so likein my relationship these days, and it took me a coupe four relationships to figure thisone out, whatever my girlfriend does, or whatever, it’s alright. you know, it’s not thatbad, unless she tries to pull a gun and shoot me or something, i’m not really stressedout about it. i just kind of laugh, you know. whatever, it’s not worth the stress it’sgonna cause and decrease your health.

right, and if you’re already on edge, thatjust makes everything worse. so the idea is you wanna just, you want to be calm, relaxed,see things for what they really are and realize that most of what goes on in our brains is.freaks you out, but then doesn’t really happen. and i i also want to say that there’sa book called, ‘the untethered soul’. i forget the author’s name off hand, butthat, it it’s a very good book that talks about this, this idea. anyway, that’s verygood, very good point about being stressed out. it carries off into everything, yeahawesome david, so yeah, so stress, one of the factors, this situation may have happenedto david. but yet another david, you know, you didn’t start raw foods diet until, youknow, a little bit later in your life. you’ve

only been doing this fir sixteen years andyou don’t look a day over fifty. thank you.but, but you know i i, one of the things, you know is thatyou didn’t tell them how old i am yeah, we’ve all gone through this life andthrough this journey, unless you’re raised as a child as a vegan, and your mom was avegan and you ate clean and you know, we’re all we’re all coming to the plant-baseddiet with previous health conditions and previous health level, based on what we did previous,and a lot of people fail to get this and sometimes you need to, you know , heal through all thisstuff and be extra prudent in your diet, to you know, heal the damage that was alreadydone. so david, do you want to talk about

some of the maybe pre-existing conditionsthat you learned only after his event? sure, sure, so in relevant, relative to whatyou’re saying, relevant to what you’re saying, a lot of people get into the raw foodmovement or the vegan movement or the natural hygiene, or whatever it is in this genre,because they have health problems and they’re looking for another way to deal with, to dealwith their health and life. so so what i found in my case is my bloodwork that i had doneand the medical tests that i had done, i i normally wouldn’t do, like i mentioned beforeabout the cat scan, i really just think it’s unhealthy that kind of radiation, but sometimesyou don’t have a choice, and when i when i had my problem, i went to a medical facility,really i was kind of forced into it, but that’s

another story. and had this cat scan and theywere able to determine i had previous strokes, like they call them tias or sometimes they’renot even noticeable. people can have a blocked blood vessel in their brain. so this showedthese previous problems. so i’m asking myself why am i having, why did i have those problems,why am i having this problem. and this bloodwork, normally i wouldn’t do that kind of intenseblood work and i wouldn’t normally not have a cat scan but as a result of all that maybeit was a wakeup call, it helped me determine that certain, certain of my blood values wereway out of whack for a healthy person, healthy person determined by global standards, nothealthy determined by let’s say american averages and what i mean is for example, myblood fats were intensely analyzed and i was

very surprised to find out, i won’t evenpreface it by saying certain fats in your blood, i’m specifically talking about omegafats and the two, there’s a bunch, i think like twelve or more that had been identified.about twelve or so omega fats. there’s many many kinds of fats, but the omega threes andthe omega sixes, i’m sure everyone has heard about this. a lot of people say you have toeat fish because of the omega threes and this and that. but the bottom line through allthat is my balance of omega sixes to omega threes, was way out of whack, it was somethinglike at the time of the stroke, somewhere around 16 or 17 to one. the healthiest countryin the world or healthiest people in the world, the japanese, asians, okinawans, those typeof people, well studies were done and showed

that their ratio of six to three is reallyaround three to one or a little less, down to about one and half. you do need, you doneed omega sixes, i’m not saying you shouldn’t have omega sixes, they’re the inflammatoryfat, whereas omega threes are the opposite so it’s good to be non-inflammatory in ahealthy state, and threes help that and that’s maybe one of the reasons why the japaneseare so healthy. they don’t have cardiovascular disease like we do, strokes like we do, orother problems like we do. so they get high omega three intake into their diet from fish,so, and i don’t eat fish. but when i determined that that balance was out of whack, and thatcould have affected my stroke because it caused arterial blockage over time, having high sixesand other fats that are problematic, coupled

with, we’ll talk about it as sugar can,cam help you become probe to getting cardiovascular disease meaning blockages in your arteries,meaning like little little patches of fat that have caused the problems and then yourbody going into a normal repair mechanism. but that kind of backfires sometimes and youcan have a piece if that fat come off and even a tiny tiny piece and go form let’ssay a carotid into your brain and that causes a stroke or it happen in your vessels downhere and into your heart. so i became aware of that also with having an ultrasound inmy carotid arteries, something i normally wouldn’t normally do or even think aboutand my carotid arteries are a little bit blocked. thank god they’re not a lot blocked. butthe theory is that one of the reasons why

i could have this problem is because pieceof that blockage came off and went up to my brain. so now i want to clear out my arteriesand we can talk about that in a second. alright, yeah so david you had a pre-, wasa, problem you had, pre-existing situation like some blockages. did that happen beforeyou’re a raw vegan or after? okay so this is an interesting story, andi’m glad you asked that. when this happened to me, and we’re trying to keep things kindof short and to only emphasize the main points. i called one of my gurus and i’ll mentionnames, call him campbell, and a a man that i really love and respect, and he he was surprisedalso but you vegans die and vegans have cardiovascular problems, heart attacks and everything else,i’m sure you’ve heard stories about that.

but he said let me let me let me connect youwith the expert, and the expert was a fellow named, then again there many people involved,but i’m just i’m i’m emphasizing a few that were very important to me in my life,his name was caldwell esselstyn, e-s-s-e-l-s-t-y-n and just google them and you’ll see tonsof videos. but anyway, i get a, he’s a retired surgeon from from cleveland clinic. he’sstill active, but he wrote a book called, ‘how to prevent reverse heart disease’,that probably still is a best seller, a long time ago and has dealt with people, patientsover many years to see, to corroborate what his belief is, and he connected with collin,because they both determined that epidemiologically, diet played a huge role in health, certainlynot the only role, but a huge role in health.

and colin campbell had the china study, longestnutritional study in history really and most significant, and colin himself was a dairyfarmer, became vegan or mostly vegan, just shortly into his study, forgive collin ifi don’t get this exactly right but, but the the the results of the diet were so significantthat he actually changed his diet. anyway, dr esselstyn called me on the phone a fewdays after i spoke to dr campbell, and he said well you know you might doing, havinga very good diet now but, and he said a few other things about raw food diet which i won’ttalk about now. but he said you were on a standard american diet when you were a kidand you came from parents who most likely were on a standard american diet too, andso so what does that all mean. he said well

you were eating in a way at that time, thatwas already laying the groundwork for your stroke. and for many people, strokes and heartattacks and other cardiovascular problems and all other kinds of health problems. andwhat he was talking about was, if you eat a diet that’s out of whack in terms of particularlyfats, you’re you’re, and other things that you mostly get on an animal diet, particularlya cooked animal diet around the world, you gonna lay the groundwork for problems. andas evidence, he mentioned that he had done autopsies of young people who might’ve diedfrom something else, and found evidence of cardiovascular disease, you know, in theirblood vessels at a very young age kids. and then there were autopsies done on soldiers,young soldiers, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen

years old who got killed and they showed theevidence of arterial plaque and prolems that normally won’t show up until much laterin life. it’s curious that most stroke and heart attacks start when you like sixty, seventy.that’s when it shows up, but the ground work was layed when you were a child.wow, wow, so so david does that mean i should just not even do raw vegan diet, cause i’mgoing to get a stroke anyways? and you can’t fix it once once, you know, once you got thegroundwork layed? it’s just inevitable right? well, maybe a little bit, but the idea isthat if you, your body is so powerful, that if you do change your, the reasons why you’rehaving health problems no matter how bad you are, i don’t care if you’re on the deathbed, with having had a severe heart attack.

if you’re still breathing, there’s hope.and and when you are, you don’t wanna be having a mcdonald’s and fries with a shake,you want to be having kale. or or or wild arugula, or green juice, you know, becausethat that’s what we’re really designed to be eating and that’s most harmoniouswith our bodies and that will help you get into a great, health-filled state. so yes,so there is hope. and i will mention that these people are not raw and they’d likeall aspects, a lot of aspects of the raw diet and dr esselstyn, dr campbell, they have otherissues with the raw diet, but the the main point that it’s about being vegan and noteating anything from an animal and not eating anything unnatural, like oils, any kind ofoil, even olive oil and i know people say

ah that’s you’re crazy it’s, you knowlook at the mediterranean diet and that well those people have heart attacks too and thosepeople have strokes too. maybe less than somebody who has, who’s eating beef and red meatevery day, or deep fried this or that every day.yeah so next let’s get into two of the diet elements, especially in a raw food diet oreven vegan diet, that are very critical as to why this may have happened to david. thefirst one i want to talk about is fats. you touched on this earlier and know can eatingthe wrong kind of fats, like the oils, is the wrong kind of fat, or you know, eatingtoo many nuts and seeds, or the improper kind of nuts and seeds, you know, play have playeda role in your specific situation and how

can we correct this as people into a raw plant-baseddiet. okay, to answer your question, very good question,there’s there’s many factors involved but just try for the sake of time to be briefand concise as possible. as i said, one of the biggest problems with my bloodwork wasto show me that my fats were out of whack and although my my omega six and omega threeratio which is a really critical piece of bloodwork, i advise anybody to do that. itcost like like fifty dollars and there’s several places that do it. just search onlineomega 3 index or aa/epa ratio. aa being omega sixes and omega threes being epa. omega threeis, i’m sorry, omega three is dha and epa. you didn’t know, what they stand for butthey just types of fats, and you do not have

to eat fish to get to get omega threes. they’rein kale, you know, in small quantities. but therapeutically you can get them from flaxseed and chia seeds mainly, a little bit from hemp but hemp has a lotta six, so those arereally the top nuts and seeds. chia, flax. chia first, flax ground up and eaten of course,fresh and then maybe hemp, but i’ll stick to flax and chia. not flax oil, but but flax.anyway, again there’s a lot to talk about, so to try to, to try to focus.alright david, so it sounds like we really focus on these omega threes, cause you knowi got my blood work tested with omega three to six balance and i’m like you know, igot that test probably like five years ago. and even me paying attention to my omega threeto six balance, i was a little bit higher,

i was lower than the average american, sothat’s good, but i want to be even lower and have a higher level of omega threes, whichare anti-inflammatory versus the omega sixes. so is it really important to dial in and watchyou know the types of fats we’re eating, like we wanna definitely get rid of the oils,but we can have some whole food sources of fats, but one of the predominant you knowfats on a raw foods diet, on whole plant raw foods diet, is things like, you know, sesameseeds and tahini, or like you know sunflower seeds or you know almonds. those are veryvery very high in omega sixes and you know that’s probably not the best thing to doafter after you know hearing your information and actually i try not to eat a lot of thosenuts and seeds too often.

exactly and and i i’ve stopped eating nutsand seeds except for except for chia and flax, until i can clear up my my blood vessels,as we said that my problem started a long time ago before i was a raw vegan. but butyou can you can get omegas threes from as we said chia and flax seed ground up fresh.but that ratio is is key, something that came out of harvard university, it’s an easystudy to do, i mentioned before that’s about fifty dollars, just google it. that’ll tellyou your ratio, as i said, mine was around fifteen to sixteen to seventeen to one. injapan, the longest lived people in the world, the okinawans, theirs is like one or evenone and half. ideally some people say it should be one to one, but the average american issomewhere in the twenties to one. it’s unbelievable,

so i had, i got, in a matter of just months,like four months, i got mine down from from, i don’t remember the exact number, sixteento one to to right now it’s four to one. and i did that by stopping all oils, all nutsand seeds, except like a tablespoon or two of flax and or chia every day, and had anamazing effect and also being much aware of the sugars that i was eating in my fruit,cause i don’t eat any kind of sugar except fruit,yeah so, let’s get in get into that for a second there. but i have another questionregarding the fats. so we want to make eat the right kind of fats and also, you know,i would encourage you guys like i have. get your omega three to six ratio checked andi would personally encourage everybody to

be in a little, definitely the single digits,for sure, you know, the lower the better. and besides just like nuts and seeds david,i know there’s other sources of the essential fats, or omega threes or the more advancedtypes, such as the dha and the epa. and they’re in things like the allergy, that’s wherethe fish gets all their omega threes. and they say oh you need fish for your omega threes,well we just need to eat what the fish eats. we need to eat lower on the food chain nothigher on the food chain. so i know you’re aware of like the different algae oils andthere’s some problems with some of the algae oils out there, you know that people takefor dha and epa, even some of the ones some doctors recommend. you want to share yourknowledge about this because you also researched

this topic.very heavily, it’s very hard to ferret out the true information and it’s very hardfor us to get the kind of algae that salmon are eating you know, or much less get downthere and eat it. we can eat it, it it’s certainly fine, and i’m a big fan of eatingsea vegetables. so the the algae actually, there a few species of algae that have verylong complicated names that supply huge amounts of omega threes, maybe a little bit of sixes.and it’s a huge commercial market in the recent years in the vegan community gettingomega fats is a blossoming industry, and there’s a lot of companies out there providing it.the only problem, and i think this is what you were referring to is, a lotta of thesecompanies that make these products use methods

that are not really optimal. they’ll usehexane or other other chemicals to be able to dislodge the the good fats that are reallyin oils, but again, these aren’t these aren’t bad kind of oils, like i say don’t eat oils,but short of eating the actual algae in huge quantity, i don’t mind having a quarterof a teaspoon of the oil from it, and in addition to once in a while, the flax and chia seedswould have every day. so once in a while i do a capsule of oil or eat a little bit ofthe oil. anyway the, i don’t know if i should say the name of the companies, but there’sa few companies out there that make water processed oils from these algae, they giveyou most importantly dha and some epa, and again the amount that you should eat is thefunction of what your bloodwork is, not by

what someone is going to tell you you shouldhave. see what your bloodwork is, what you blood fat profile is and then that’ll determinewhether you should have, you know, four grams a day or one little, you know, 800 300 millimeterlittle capsule, milligram capsule. so i would say if you’re looking into omega three,six supplements, look for ones that are water-processed, not hexane-processed and as least processedas possible and are certainly vegan and vegan capsules or you can get the oil or they comefrom those common drops. i think that’s very beneficial. awesome david. so the main thing about thissection is, you know, dial in your fats, eat whole food sources of fats, eat ‘em in smallamounts and more importantly eat the right

types for you, based on your omega six andomega three testing. so david the last part i want to get into and i know this is reallycontroversial because i have a lotta people out there that eat a lot of fruit, you know,including myself, although just within the last two months i’ve made some dietary changesin myself, actually pertaining is not knowing that this is what happened to david, actuallyi’ll say it publicly, you know i went from eating maybe two fruit meals a day, on a rareoccasion three, to like eating one fruit meal a day, like sweet fruit meals, and i don’tcount berries. if i want to have berries with a meal, that doesn’t really count causeit’s not super sweet and try to like really include more vegetables cause based on myresearch and you know i’m able to grow my

vegetables and not my fruit, i still get itfrom conventional sources, that you know, the fruit sugar, there’s pros and cons toeverything and i’d rather eat some fruit and some fruit sugars than a snickers bar,candy bar, diet cheese and a whole bunch of other stuff out there. but i think that vegetablesreally are much more important and actually what david’s experienced has just kind ofsolidifies that for me. so david what’s the problem with the sugars in a raw foodsdiet today and how can this be corrected or addressed. okay, very good question and one like likejohn said is very controversial and i think it’s controversial because so many peopleare going to be honest and truthful. a lot

of the information’s not out there, andthe point is, it’s not just the fats that are the problem, that we were just talkingabout, bad bad fats which are in nuts like sunflower seeds, for example, versus chiaseeds. the ratio of omega sixes and all vegetable oils the ‘o’ sixes, the number of sixesare off the charts. this one of the reasons why it’s so bad to eat oil and again, youlisten to dr novic from p center or dr esselstyn. they say no oil, they don’t say at once,they’re screamin’ at their audience because people are just incredulous, even no oliveoil? and that is true and they have the the epidemiological study and the clinical experiencedknow this, like they know their own name, but people who don’t just can’t believeit. i certainly had trouble hearing it the

first time i heard this. i actually heardabout olive oil years ago, but didn’t pay any attention to it. i was wrong and maybethat’s part of the reason why i had the stroke. okay, so the the issue with the sugar,is not just the fats, it’s the sugar in the fats and to really make the long storyshort about the sugars, the problem with fruit today, is that it is generally way too highin, out of whack, unfavorable, nutritional array. meaning that fruit in general has beenhybridized over many years by man, of course there’s natural hybridization which occurs,we all know that. i’m not talking about that. i’m talking about doing things togenerate cultivated fruit that travel well, that doesn’t bruise too easily, that looksgood, that is a very sweet. cause that’s

what people want. they want stuff that reallytastes good to their jaded taste buds, which are used to things that are really sweet beinggood, doesn’t have to be, we’re not really born that way. yes, we were born to appreciatesweet things, the monkeys like sweet things. but when when it’s hugely sweet, or artificiallysweet, that’s wrong for us. anyways, the balance of sugar. so there’s there’s manydifferent kinds of sugars, and the the, like fructose for example, is one type of sugarthat’s really harmful for us. and corn syrup is loaded with fructose for example. but anyway,the array of nutrients gets changed by this hybridization process and we wind up withsomething that tastes great to some people, doesn’t taste good to me anymore. but i,the sweetness tastes great, but it’s really

not what it is in nature and what we’rereally designed to eat. like big fat strawberries that are super sweet, have nothing to do withwith our our natural berry that was called the strawberry years ago, that today you couldfind them growing wild and they’re called fres dubois and you mentionedoh yea, or just alpine strawberries for us in the us.right, alpine strawberries, as opposed to the super hybridized ones, or you know thebig seedless watermelons and oranges that are that are big and fat and have very fewseeds. i mean real oranges like a sour orange is full of seeds, it’s not too sweet.you can barely eat it. right, exactly. it makes great juice for saladdressing too, if you want to make an oil-free

dressing. but that that’s the problem. sothe food generally, the cultivated food has been worked on by man to make it more marketablefor many reasons and that’s the problem with most of the fruit and those sugars wreakhavoc on your body, particularly if you have high fat or the wrong kind of fat balancein your body, cause the sugar and fats, i won’t get into it now for the sake of time,but the, not that i’m the expert, you can check this out yourselves. but the sugarsand fats really work together, particularly if you have too much fat and too much sugarof the wrong kinds and that can contribute to cardiovascular plaque, among other problems.mood issues, is is it’s endless and how how how much this is all inter-related. sothat that’s the problem with the sugars.

so you know i see i see john here at the festivalenjoying his fruit, but he has it at one time, like a mono-meal and i don’t see him eatingit all the time and i watch what he does and the natural fruit, if you can find it, isthe best way to go and it doesn’t taste like or look like most of the stuff that we’reeating, that’s the cultivated fruits that’s in our fruit markets.right yeah, i always encourage you guys to get the highest quality and most natural,so when you go out foraging in the woods and find the natural fruits that we’d be eating,you know things like elder berries, you know they, they not even that sweet, you know,and there’s all different kinds of amazing berries, and other non-sweet or not that sweetfruits that have very high antioxidants and

phytochemicals and phytonutrients, that areprobably health-protective, heart-protective and all those kind of stuff. so david thequestion i have is, how do you think the sugars played a role in your specific situation,potentially played a role in your situation. right the.the mechanism. so the way i understand it and i’m certainlyno expert and i don’t know if anybody really is, the the fact that i used to eat a lotof fruit and had a lot of fruit sugar previously in, previous, previously in my life and wheni first raw i was mostly fruitarian and which i now know is not the way to go, at leastfor me. my, the the the interaction between the fats, which were too high, and the sugarswhich were too high and of the wrong array,

could have caused plaque in my arteries andthat what most likely contributed to the fact that i had this health challenge.wow, wow i mean these are some of the factors that i want you guys to pay attention to.and i want to go ahead and review them really quickly for you. so number one. stress. stressis definitely a killer. i’m i’m by no expert means on stress, i’ve learned howto effectively deal with my stress being on this lifestyle oath for the last twenty years,and i want to encourage you guys to look into solutions for stress. number two. pre-existingconditions. you know, that we cannot change too much, but you can start today and youknow improve your condition and i mean that’d what david’s working on now and he had achallenge, and now he’s working very hard

to reverse the challenge and it’s alwaysharder to do what david’s doing, instead of just making small minute changes now likeeating less fruit, you know eating less fat and the right types of fat, so that you don’thave this challenge, right. so yeah, your pre-existing health condition and if you’regoing to have babies right, make sure they’re plant whole food plant-based from birth andeven when you, before you’re talking about even getting pregnant and all this stuff.number three. the fats. super critical, super important. i’ve talked about this before.i had dr rick deena on, talking about essential fats or fats essential in a raw foods dietand you know, eating the right types of fat number one and number two, very important,get tested to know where you are at, you know

whether that’s b12, vitamin d. the essentialfats or other health indicators. get tested so that you know where you at, so you canactually start making changes now, instead of waiting to a catatatric catato catatatricevent or catatros catastrophic events that may happen later. and number three. you knowwe all love fruit, i love fruit, but i want to ask you guys to reduce your fruit consumption.if you’re eating three meals of fruit a day, like i would really encourage you guysto move toward the vegetables. you know, i’m now eating like one main fruit meal a dayand sometimes i try to even you know minimize that and not do that and you know i try toeat more out of my garden, i’m not growing a whole lot of fruits in my garden. and wheni do, i like to grow fruits that are like,

you know, a little bit different and not assweet, like i loved the sweet gome fruit. you know that thing has probably no sugarand there’s lots of antioxidants. things like the loquat, which have like huge seedsand barely any flesh and if you get a good one it’s you know kind of sweet. but youknow, these are kind of more natural fruits we would eat before they started getting hybridized,before man started getting involved and making them super sweet. so reduce your fruit consumption.and on the flip side, increase your green consumption. the leafy greens are the mosthealing and actually david i want you to share some of your favorite leafy greens, causeactually you’re on some of these leafy greens to to help you with your condition. so whatare these leafy greens and some of the new

foods you’re eating now to reverse the situationthat you’re currently in. okay, that’s a very good point and it’sinteresting that dr esselstyn who’s on a raw food is, tells his patients who have cardiovasculardisease, like me, to eat greens. and he doesn’t care whether it’s raw or steamed or if youdo cook them, cook them a little bit, five or six times a day. and i said what, and hesaid yeah, and a fist full five or six times a day to keep bathing your body with all theantiotics, antioxidants and beneficial nutrients that are in greens, and i thought that wasvery interesting that he would he would talk about that. i mean it’s all about greens.and while it’s true that the higher you go like the bonobos monkeys that are, monkeysthat are closest to us, eat mostly fruit and

gorillas eat mostly greens, the fruit thatthe bonobos eat is not the same fruit we get from the supermarket. but the point is, they’reeating a lot of greens too. they forage all day, which, before i answer your your yourquestion, it brings up an interesting point that really should be mentioned, that’sabout calories. if you don’t eat a lot sweet fruit, most likely you’re going to see abig drop in your caloric intake. and for you to make that up with the most important thing,is greens and vegetables, you’d have to be eating a ton of them. so you could juicethem, you could get in more that way. but still, you’re really not going to do that.so, you you have to be very careful about your caloric intake. i’m i’m in favorof this concept of eighty ten ten and this

has been around before the book about it waswritten. but naturally in fruits and vegetables, what’s the breakdown in terms of carbohydrates,fats and proteins. it’s not what most people are eating, but if you don’t eat a lot ofsweet fruit to to, because you’re watching your blood sugar, and still get the calories,i don’t think there’s anything wrong with having some sprouted garbanzo beans or some,what can i say, even whole oats if they’re non-gluten, oatmeal even a little bit nowand then, or if you’re going to cook anything to steam it lightly, raw is still the bestby far, but if you have to make up calories and you have to eat beans or legumes, thendo it. you know you don’t have to be a hundred percent raw, it could be ninety percent oreighty percent raw, still get the benefit

until you can find real fruit. like like johnwould say, grow your own. get really fruit, really good fruit, that’s not too nutritionallycompromised, where the sugars are still in the correct balances and they not super sweet,you get calories that way, but until then if you have to supplement a little bit with,with some beans, it’s better that you have more beans than sunflower seeds or almonds,which are fine a little bit. but the way people eats nuts in the raw food movement, againputs too much of the wrong fats in your body and it can lead to what happened to me. iused to eat nut by days, i see people here scooping out raw nut butters 46:24). we’renot designed to eat that quantity of nuts and seedsyeah, i mean i i completely agree. now i’d

also agree with david, you know i mean i’mall raw and that’s what i prefer, but for you guys, you know, i wish my parents wouldeat what david’s talking about, with some some beans and a lot of raw, and some beansyou know and actually not eat too many fruits, you know, especially as i find people geta little bit more mature and little bit older in age, they do much better on this stylediet than like a high fruit diet, unless their body is used to it.so so so i support the raw food diet, i think the raw food is the best way to go, if it’sdone correctly. i’ll mention one other person who i think is quite significant in my life,his name is dr fred bisci b-i-s-c-i. he’s somebody in his mid-eighties who’s seenthe fruitarians and these people in their

entire lives and can tell you which ones aredead and which ones are still living and why, he wrote a book called your healthy journey,which i think i recommend to most people to read, and he’s a raw foodist for i don’tknow how many years, forty something years. awesome david so let’s get into those greens,you know i mean one of the things is i have found the power of greens for at least thelast ten plus years, i mean i’ve a youtube channel called growing your greens, causei want you guys, besides the fruit, which are good. you know i think the greens arebetter than the fruit personally and it’s it’s kind of hard and challenging if youdon’t have a lotta space to grow fruit trees, but you could easily grow all your greensin a whole spectrum of different greens that

even money can’t buy. so yeah learn howto grow your greens, at growing your greens dot com or the youtube channel. but david,what are some of the most important greens that you’re taking to to help with yoursituation, other greens and you know other vegetablesokay so fruits, the vegetables are extremely important including greens like like likeyou said not that aren’t good nutrients in fruit, but on balance really the greensare more important for us, for a lot of reasons we won’t go into now for time considerations.but of course kale, everybody knows about kale. but the and lacinato kale or or dinosaurkale is better for you than the curly kale, by the way, and also the more dark, the darkerthe colors, the better it is. iceberg lettuce

definitely has some value, but nothing likea piece of purple kale. okay so kale, bok choy, collard greens. by far one of the mostunderrated greens out there on the planet, it really just need to have the light shoneon is arugula. closest thing to a wild green and to the real original greens that werein nature. and they have wild arugula, like i’m growinglike a half dozen variety of arugula including wild arugula in my garden.right, and the amazing thing about arugula is if you really get into this and i wishit’s just a complex issue in a way but in another way really simple. we just don’thave time to get into the whole thing, but there’s something called nitric oxide. ifyou don’t know what nitric oxide is, just

google it and start reading. question thesource of the information though. but nitiric oxide is a gas that’s produced in your bodyinside your blood by endothelial tissue. endothelial tissue is the inner lining of the blood vesselsthat kind of have a lot do to with how the vessel expands and contracts which affectsblood pressure and responses to stressors. nitric oxide is key and we make some nitricoxide in mostly in the mouth, bacteria in the mouth, certain things that happen to createnitric oxide. but certain foods have extraordinary ability to create nitric oxide and and bythat i mean, make you calmer, give you more energy, allow more oxygen to be carried byyour blood. like for some of you, you might be aware of the fact in the olympics particularrecent olympics olympics, people have been

eating beet juice right before they performbecause about an hour later, your body kind of clicks into a high gear and boy you’vegot a little bit of an edge because you’re carrying more oxygen and your blood and you’reable to achieve a greater result because of this. well beets are great for nitric oxide,but but but they have too much sugar unfortunately. but probably the number one nitric oxide producingfood that’s readily available to all of us is arugula. so look at that. arugula makesyou work the best possible way. so i just wanted to mention that. so those are the keygreens, again, kale collard, bok choy, arugula and then then all the rest of ‘em, spinach,but a ton of spinach is more problematic than a than a ton of arugula. arugula doesn’thave oxalic acid issues. if you don’t know

what that is, just google it. so arugula reallyis better than spinach. it should’ve been popeye and arugula, instead of spinach outof the can. but all those greens, if it’s dark leafy and comes out of the ground, boyand most of those, you know, there’s very few greens that grow wild like that that wewouldn’t be attracted to and that would be harmful for us. i mean watch the primatesgo around, they just stripping leaves off of branches as the forage the whole day andthey getting a lot of exercise foraging, which doesn’t happen today when you go to thesupermarket, buy a bag of nuts or a box of nut butter, a jar of nut butter and then you’regobbling down all these calories from bad fat or you’re eating oil. it’s not natural.anyway, this is what, this is about growing

your greens, highly recommend to growing yourown greens, particularly the dark leafy greens. yeah i want to encourage you guys to alsorotate the greens. so as good as arugula is, you know eat arugula, eat some wild arugula,eat some you know kale and always switch up what you’re eating. so david, probably aboutthe last question i have for you is you know, if you would share the diet that you’reactually on right now, cause i mean it’s mostly raw but not all raw because you know,he’s he’s he’s having the best diet for him to to counteract his situation andif you’re in some situation like this, you might want to do something very similar, idon’t necessarily recommend copying anybody in particular diet, because that’s suitedto them, but this will give you an idea of

some of the food you may want to eat duringthe day. absolutely, good question. okay first of all,i i i love the concept of being a raw foodist. i was a raw foodist for many years and hadi not had this happen to me and i heard this or watched this video, i probably would’velooked at my fats and i probably wouldn’t have gotten more sick. and by the way my rawfood diet, as i mentioned to you earlier, probably started healing my body to the extentthat i had a minor episode, i could have a major one, you you don’t know what what’sgoing to influence these health issues, but i believe that my health is definitely beenhelped by my raw vegan diet for all these years. john to answer your question aboutwhat my diet is today, again i believe in

the raw food diet and i wish i could be acomplete raw foodist, a hundred percent raw foodist again, but i can’t and here’swhy and here’s what happened to me. although i was hundred percent raw foodist for allthose years, my fats got out of whack as we explained earlier in the talk. so now on theadvice of my my gurus, i’ve eliminated all outside fats. i don’t eat any oils. i don’teat any nuts and seeds except chia and flax and only about a couple tablespoons of oneor each usually every day and no other oils other than the the oil from the algae whichis the tiny tiny amount for the omega threes. but there’s a big problem that happens,we touched on earlier. it’s called calories. people talk about eighty ten ten but theydon’t talk about calories. i won’t go

into that but it but you might want to check,he knows, you might want to check out. make sure you’re getting enough calories. becausei was, i’m i’m five feet ten and a half and i i i, as a ideal raw foodist, i was weighingaround one forty five, one forty eight, in that range. i was in pretty good shape, untilrecently. but then when i eliminated the olive oil and i eliminated the nuts and seeds andi stopped eating so much sweet fruit with the same lifestyle otherwise, i try to walk,mainly walk as exercise, with nothing really much changing, i went from a hundred fortyfive in a very short period of time to about a hundred and thirty three and i was lookingmore gaunt than some people say i look now and i i wasn’t feeling the best, becausei was literally starving, you know, and i

wasn’t then feeling like i was starvingbut my body was clamoring for more more calories. and even though a nutrient away now, nutrientarray now is improved with with fewer fats and fewer bad sugars, you need to get thosecalories somewhere. so i had to make a big compromise cause it’s really not naturalto me to boil chickpeas, although you can have them sprouted too, a little starchy,but they’re okay. or or lentils. lentils are great, but not only do they give you alotta nutrients, it’s not true that when you cook it except if you deep fry or do itat a high temperature for a long time that you lose all the nutrients. you don’t loseall the nutrients, you lose some of the nutrients, but then you get other benefits for example,more calories and protein. we don’t need

a lot of protein. there’s tons of proteinin our vegetables for us, what we need, in our fruits so we can eat. but the caloriesare key. so what did i do, i added some beans and like a variety beans, like you say a varietyis key. so i’ll have a cup of, maybe half a cup twice a day of kidney beans, navy beans,certainly lentils and so many different kinds of lentils. lentils are a powerhouse beyondbelief. and you can sprout lentils and eat ‘em too, that’s fine.or you can sprout ‘em and cook ‘em, which would be better than just cooking ‘em.right, but then you fiber your fiber array changes, actually when you do cook those things.we need the fiber from those things. by the way our systems work on fiber, from fruitsand vegetables there’s no fiber in any meat

product or animal product. so we’re supposedto have fruits and vegetables. anyway so i added some of those things to my diet andi get more calories. now i’m back up to around a hundred and forty and i just reallystarted doing this in february. so i add some cooked food, so now i guess you can call mehigh raw. you know i had a raw food restaurant for a while and if i were going to do it againnow, i’d make it a high raw restaurant. and by the way, the restaurant was named themonkey or the primate that was closest to us called the bonobo. they’re the closestthing to us in nature. so they don’t listen to food manufacturers or other people tellingthem what to do. their natural diet is fruits and vegetables. mostly, you know, are allwild if they’re in the wild. they get sick

when they’re in zoos and the veterinariansgive them food other than wild fruits and vegetables. but that’s so i believe that’sour natural diet, but i have to compromise because i need to get more calories and ican’t eat you know, a bathtub full of kale every day. or any mixed greens.so how many greens do you eat a day and at what times, do you do it at one meal all greens,or do you kind of space it out during the day.okay so i i i i’m eating a lot. i have greens in the morning, sometimes i’ll have, i usedto always love oatmeal as a kid and now i love it again. but i’m not eating instantoatmeal, i’m eating the whole oat grouts, that i soak overnight, you don’t even reallyhave to cook ‘em, because they get really

soft and kind of good, but you can cook ‘emfor a little bit, and they become more chewy and i add a little oat bran in there for otherreasons, b vitamins and other things because the cooking will destroy more the water solublevitamins like the bs and cs, but it doesn’t do that much at low temperature cooking tominerals and other things like, there’s several other things, antioxidants and variousother nutrients that relate to the food and the color mainly from the color of the food.so i i do that, i don’t know if you want to get. so the the i‘m eating the greensfirst thing in the morning with my little bit oat meal maybe and it’s usually arugulaand i usually eat some cooked, some raw. when cooked, i mean lightly steamed, four fiveminutes in a good steamer until they become

softer. it allows me to eat a huge bowl ofarugula in about three bites that would take me about, you know, ten minutes to eat otherwise,if it were to get soft. but most of the nutrients that need is still there, particularly becausethey help clear out my cardiovascular problem, the way dr esselstyn says from years of experience.and then i have mid-morning, i’ll have another intake of greens, usually raw, sometimes rawand steamed and then midday i have another one. midafternoon i try to have another one.and then at night i’ll have another one. so that takes care of the greens. and thenthe other foods that eat are vegetables, and all kinds of vegetables. you name it, i’lltry it. i even go to asian markets and buy all these greens, the names of which i’venever heard before, still don’t understand.

but an amazing thing i’ve discovered isa lot of these greens, particularly like chinese spinach, tatsoi, not tatsoi, there’s anotherone that’s very, gai lan, gai lan is a chinese spinach. and it’s very high, believe this,omega fats, the good ones with the right ratios of omega fats. very high, and in terms ofgrains to go back to legumes and grains again, there’s a lentil, i was extoling lentils,there is a lentil called uradal, u-r-a-d-dal, which is off the charts in omega three’s.i say what? and i’ve immediately found uradal very hard to find it organic and you can sproutit, but you have to, if it’s been produced the right way you can sprout it, and i eata couple of that. i have a cup earlier in the day i have a cup later in the day. andagain vegetables, al l different kinds of

vegetables, and look beyond your standardamerican diet, supermarket. and if you can get seeds, do what john does and grow yourown in good soil, and you need the minerals in your soil otherwise you don’t have properlyenriched food with the correct balance of nutrients that we’re designed to eat. soall those vegetables, and i’ll eat some raw, some steamed, for me mostly steamed nowbecause i’m trying to increase caloric intake and i need help. so i’m lightly steamingzucchini and squashes and beets, carrots of different kinds. so i eat that throughoutthe day and so that takes care of the beans or the greens, and then the next thing isthe fruit. okay so i try to have a little bit of fruit in the morning and i agree withjohn that berries, if you can find the ones

that aren’t super hybridized, super sweet,if it looks ugly, if it’s kinda shriveled and full of seeds, i buy it. you know, that’sit and i’ll eat it. but i have like berries in the morning. where i live recently we hadberries in season and i was able to get great, you know, gooseberries, blackberries, strawberries,so i ate those. not a lot – cup, cup and a half in the morning, and then i might havea little bit of fruit midday. but then vegetables, i very rarely do i have sweet fruit. as amatter of fact, since february here at the woodstock fruit vegetable i had my first reallysweet fruit. i had a little piece of durian which, by the way, is nothing like a truedurian. a true, wild durian is not fat and sweet like this. they’re called durian baan,b-a-a-n, and it’s like you say when, they’re

tiny. right, they’re very small. huge seed,little bit of meat around it, not cloyingly sweet like these monthong durians that weget, which people think are great. but you know what they’re not so great for us becausethey’re too high in sugar, they get decent fats, but still we can eat them – i’mnot saying don’t eat them. but don’t sit there and eat two or three whole durians.years ago i’d eat a whole durian. i’d never eat a whole durian today because ofwhat i know. so a little bit of sweet fruit, but very carefully chosen usually except ifi’m at a place like this. and that’s about it. i watch carbohydrates, make sure mostof my calories come from carbohydrates like eighty ten ten. and i really watch fats, andyour protein. i make sure i get enough protein,

and if you’re not sure have your blood workcheck. you know, check your albumin level, total protein. mine was very low as a rawfoodist i found out. ‘cos when i had the stroke, it was like barely in the charts low,and i said how’d that, how could that be. so now i eat, i try to augment protein – andwhere do i get the protein from? greens and a little bit of beans. but i watch it. andyou can check your blood work and know where you’re going with this. and as one presenteri’ll just throw in the fellow here presenting - don bennet – exactly. who i just reallydiscovered amazingly who talks about, you know, future health and it isn’t just abouthow you feel and how you are today, it’s you’re laying the groundwork for the restof your life. and the sooner you become aware

of what’s true flow, what’s natural andwhat we’re really supposed to have, the better. and although raw food is spectacular,you can be a raw foodist and have a heart attack or have a stroke or have other healthissues just like that. and you don’t realize it and you don’t know, most people don’tbecause they have a huge advantage going for them – they’re young. this doesn’t happenusually while you’re young. this happens, i’m seventy, it happens cumulatively overtime that these problems happen. the build-up of cardio vascular plaque usually is a veryslow, very long process. i’m trying to reverse mine with greens. i do some green juices usually.i try to have green juice throughout the day. i give my kids green juices. grow your owngreens – that’s the way to get greens

that are full of minerals and nutrients. thestuff we get in the store who knows when it was picked. try to always get organic. i havea better chance of getting it from decent soil. the commercial soils are deplete ofthe right nutrient array, particularly minerals. they have three minerals that they add tothe, uh three chemicals that they add to the soil. this is the expert on that because hegrows the most amazing food. so yeah, so that’s basically what my diet is and it’s subjectto change. i’m learning new things every day. the more i know, the more i know i don’tknow and it’s a continual quest but i wanna be around, i wanna enjoy what god has givenus. but you have to take care of yourself. yep, i mean i totally agree, that’s whyi make these videos for you guys. ‘cos i

mean you guys are going along with my journey.you know, i saw an old friend, thought i’d make a video for you guys to share what he’sgone through. some of these things have actually come up on my own accord and figured out,and you know, i’ve been doing this now for twenty years and i’m always trying to getbetter and trying to, you know, improve my diet. you know, i learned about greens andstarted incorporating them. you know, i’m gonna get even more critical on my omega threeto six balance. maybe probably take some of that water derived allergy oil that he’staking, or even better yet i just wanna get the allergy that they make the allergy oilout of and eat that stuff raw. as much as i can get. and, you know, dial back my fruitsand, you know, these are things that you may

want to look into. and i would strongly encourageyou guys to look into if they’re, you know, fruit based diets. you’re not feeling right,you get blood sugar highs and lows and crashes and stuff sometimes, you know, and find thediet that works best for you. i still will always advocate plant based diet 100% andas much raw foods as you can. i happen to do 99.999% raw, and that’s what i like todo. but, you know, one day maybe i’ll change like david if i need to. and it’s very importantalso to get your proper amount of calories in and don’t be a skinny, boney, you know,unhealthy raw foodist. and just try to eat leaves and, you know, eat low fat, i mean,you could get into some trouble. so i mean, i fully, you know, would recommend, you know,some lightly cooked, you know, steaming, boiling,

you know, i don’t recommend heavily cookedbaking or frying or anything like that. you know, sprouted beans, lentils, actually imake lentils for my dog. he’s a vegan and didn’t even know it. and yeah, and justgo on each day and try to do better as you learn new information and more importantly,try to share this with others, you know, so that there’s not these raw foodists, youknow, keeling over when they get older, and especially for you guys that are younger outthere. i’ve been doing this for twenty years now, and some of you guys might be in yourtwenties who watch me. you know, heed the words of people that have been doing thisa while and maybe if you’re not gonna completely cut out fruit, just reduce your fruit andincrease the greens. and watch the fat intake,

if you don’t get anything else from thisand of course, you know, reduce the stress in your life. any last comments or words,david, that you’d like to share with my viewers today? just i have to personally thankyou for being an active person in the raw community for getting this word out, becausei think it’s so essential and critical to hear this kind of information. and in summaryi would say to everybody to keep an open mind and don’t be married to it like it’s areligion. the concept is miraculous, it’s fantastic. the idea of raw food, the naturalbeing the natural environment is where you can possibly be in in this crazy world. butjust to get as much knowledge as you can and youtube is something that’s come into thisgeneration and changing the world. the fact

that john can have spectacular videos, andi’ve seen a lot of them, on his different channels – okraw.com and growingyourgreens.com.and these videos that he does on juices and blenders – any time i wanna buy something,i check to see whether he has a review on it. so that’s all i’d say. just keep anopen mind and discover things for yourself. yes, it’s true all our cells burn glucosebut, you know, you want your glucose from your fruits and your vegetables and not becauseyour body had to work hard to change fat into something that our cells can use for energy.awesome david. well i wanna thank you for being on the show and thank you for sharingyour story. i mean, seriously, i mean, you told me the story the first day of woodstock,i’m like oh my god, i gotta make more changes

in my life, but more importantly i wantedto make a video and thank you for being on the video because i don’t know if you’reeven on any other videos on youtube. but to share this story with you guys ‘cos, youknow, we’re here to, you know, have you guys live a better life, you know, based onour teachings and what we’ve learned through our lives. and i mean, this is what peopleneed to do for other people in the planet to make the whole planet a better place. yes,spread the word about a plant-based diet, yeah. high raw, but plant based all the way.low fat, watch the fruits, watch the fats and watch the stress and be healthy becauseof it. so once again this is john kohler coming at you from the woodstock food festival 2015.we’ll see you next time, and until then

remember, keep eating your fresh fruits andvegetables, especially the ones with low sugar they ‘re the best.

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