Kamis, 06 April 2017

crash diets studied for type 2 diabetes

crash diets studied for type 2 diabetes

put your hands together and give a warmand wonderful conscious life expo welcome to david wilcox and corey goode. all right, how's everybody feeling out there? awesome. hi, okay, the clothes, i get it, all right?

crash diets studied for type 2 diabetes, cuban tuxedo. but there's a method to this, okay? the thing is, the tuxedo comes off,when it gets so hot inhere from the body heat, that we, as your entertainers, and informers,

are sweating and in other yearswhen i do this expo, you notice i'm always touchingmy nose and people are accusing me of doing cocaine! what i'm trying got tell you is thatyou think it's hot down there, i got six feet more of heat thatgoes to rise, right? and within 20 minutes, my nose isjust gonna be dumping of sweat, so i will try to remember not to touch my nose. but i don't expect that will work.so, how the heck did i end up after being online for 20 years,doing all this stuff,

how did i end up crossing pathswith somebody like corey goode, because it's almost like a foreign language. one of the problems that we haveis people who have not really been educated about the big pictureof ufos they watch something like cosmic disclosure, they're like,“who the heck is this dude?” because you notice, when corey's talking,he's like, totally dead pan. right? he's not in it, he's not likemugging for the camera. -he's not wanting to look good.-the opposite.

he's out there, and we have bothbeen through incredible hardships to do what we're doing. and we are not giving up,not even after we did our last taping and corey ends up in the frickingemergency room, i don't know if you heard about this? but i put the whole thing out on my facebook page,and you guys prayed for him, and that's probably why he's alive right now. thank you. i'm really not kidding.

it's a whole other talk, i don't havetime to go into today. but suffice it to say there's a guynamed doctor daniel benore, and he analyzed hundreds andhundreds of different studies of healing done scientificallyin laboratory conditions. 64% of the healing studies of psychichealing showed a profound effect. so, what the mainstream is gonna do,is they're gonna show you one of the 36%. that didn't work, and they say,“oh! see! healing's been scientifically disproven.” but we know that it works. and i don't use that power very often,but in the case like that, i absolutely said,

“this is it. if there is ever a time to marshallthe crowdfunding of healing.” okay? we did it, and he's still with us, thank god. i got broken into a very strange,new reality in 1993. when a good friend of mine in college comes in all white faced and says, “dude, aliens are real,”and i'm like laughing. and he wanted me to sit down,but i could tell pretty quickly, he's very serious. turns out he had a two-hour private briefingwith his college physics professor who had worked for nasa throughoutthe 1970s and in the higher echelons of nasa it was considered common knowledgethat extra-terrestrials had visited earth,

that they had landed here. that they had crashed their shipsand that their ships had been back engineered into useful technology. and he said, and this was in 1993, “within 20 years the technology thatyou are going to see will blow your mind. and it will come out in the open.” and now we take for granted thatwe got these little buddies here. okay? in which this is like the whole frickingdesktop tower computer in one little thing.

we've kind of taken this for granted. well, that's about the 20 year frame is 2013. sure enough, all this technology thatnobody anticipated ends up emerging. and that was pretty fantastic in of itself,a fulfilled prophecy. after he told me this data,which included a lot of specifics, you probably all heard it before,about how there were three-- all this nasa guy knew was thatthere were three types of beings, some of which looked like greys,some of which looked just like humans, but they're definitely not born on earth,and they might have little differences,

like their irises are purple and they havelike a diamond shape instead of a round iris. or subtle, little things, like ridgeson the roof of their mouth, instead of a flat pallet like we have. you get enough specifics like that,including propulsion systems and all this weird stuff and you say, “you know what? this guy is telling the truth.” then a few years later, out comescolonel philip corso who literally said exactly the same thing thati was told in the book, “the day after roswell”,

about parts that had been taken outof ufos and back engineered into and i will list some for you: computerchips, fiber optic cables, light emitting diodes, led lights,we didn't have that before. kevlar, like for the bullet proof vest,velcro, believe it or not. infra red night vision, and thenthere's other technologies that we don't' get to hear about,like anti-gravity so even back in 1993, i'm thinking, “well, wait a minute. if our government, if you wantto call it that, got these things, and used them and couldback engineer them,

then why wouldn't they have takenoff outside of earth's atmosphere? why wouldn't they have gonearound our solar system?” and then, “why wouldn't they wantto land on some of these other places and figure out what was there?” so, very early along in my work,i was lucky enough to find the work of richard c. houghlandwho got into mars and this was the way the book looked,when i first got it, back in again, 1993. and it fricking blew me away,because i had heard from my buddy that he had done a presentationat the united nations,

talking about this face on mars,that he's pointing to, right here. that this is not just some trickof light and shadow, but in fact, as you see here, you have thisartificial looking face. it's clearly human-like,with the headdress around it. next to what very obviously lookslike a city of pyramids. so, you notice there's some very,very pyramid-like things here, but let's take a look at kind ofa side angle now? you see the face up at the top, right? the pyramids down there on the leftand look down there on the right.

that one down there is a five-sided pyramid,called the dnm. and this is what it looks like from overhead. do you think that's some kind of just random,crater or mountain? no, come on. and also, what we see is thatthe proportions, the human, the vetruvian man, like leonardo da vinci drew,you spread your arms and legs out, that's what it looks like,like it's a human being. now, this thing is estimated to beone and a half miles wide, based on the size of the mars orbiter frames.

one and a half miles wide andprobably over half a mile tall. you could fit millions of peopleinside this structure alone. and then the other very strange thing,if you look at it, let's see, can probably look at it better here. you'll notice that at the top leftthere is this river of what looks like like something ran off of it. and it appears that this thing wasactually blown up from the inside and that's the melt off of all the heateddebris that was inside there was a war, these people got wiped out.

so, houghland was also reallyinto this stuff about alignments and he said there were all these alignmentsbetween the objects on mars that we found, and i got so excited about this,that it began a research binge. in his book, he also describes some verystrange stuff that they found on the moon, beginning with the first missionaround the moon that took pictures, which was not america. it was the russians in 1965. now, look at this stuff. this is before it all got classified.

now, you're not gonnasee very much here, so i'm gonna zoom in whatwe're looking at right now, is a photo of the moon, now thatthing on the bottom left, that circle, is not what we're looking at,that is just some instrument that got in the way of the shot. you look down at the bottomright corner of this photo, i'm gonna zoom in on it a little bit now,you can't really see it, so i'm gonna do it again, even closer. there is a fricking glass dome down there,you see that on the bottom right?

on the limb of the moon? it's a fricking dome of glass! what the heck is that thing doing down there? that's not supposed to be there. and if you look carefully-- it used to be a dome. well, yeah, it got blown up. no, he's right. and this is all gonna be part of our story.

so, this is smashed up dome,and this is the physical evidence, this is 1965 before the governmentwas classifying what they saw, there it is. and it looks like a pyramid, you notice there'stwo sides slope up to the same size and then it's got a flat top,just like the ones in meso-america. very shortly, just a few frames after,the moon rotates a little bit more, that one that we saw on the bottomright is now out of view, because it's now coveredby more of the moon's size. and then this little guy shows upin the middle on the right, look at that! you see it over there?

let's take a closer look now. oh my god! now, this thing is estimated to be miles tall. and you actually have the skeptics trying to say, “oh yeah, this is just some glitch in the film.” two glitches in a row? one that looks like a pyramid of glass,one that looks like a tower? you're telling me that's a glitch? how could this thing be stickingmiles above the surface?

now, if these were the only examples,that would be fine, but then we have this very, verystrange thing houghland found, frame 4822, a lot of times you ask for it,you get totally nothing, it just looks black. but then, he kept askingfor it and asking for it, and it turns out that one of the timesthat they sent in a request for it, they got this guy, it doesn'tlook like a whole lot. and one of the things that hepointed out here was this weird, little area in which you see what appearsto be a square clearing, right here.

and you can see the sides of the square,you also see what kind of look like pyramids, a row of pyramids here. okay. that's all fine and good, some peoplewant to believe that, some people don't. but when you go over here, nasa typicallycrops it out, right about here. but when he got the original, when whoeverwas supposed to hide things away and drawer 4822 forgot aboutnot giving them the original, 'cause they got 12 differentcopies of this thing. some of it didn't have thiscropped out over here

and this is what they saw onthe surface of the moon. it's in the original, lots of people haveseen the original, this is not fake. do you think that looks likea geological formation? absolutely not. this is a base, it's verylikely an active base, this was taken during the apollo mission,so we're looking at 1969. and it clearly looks as ifyou have a series of rooms that are all interconnected at right angles,and a tower in the middle, that sticks up a little more.

and it looks like it's made outof glass-like material. there could be lots of people living in there. then, we have this very strange thing. this is an example of photos thatthe engineer ken johnston was told to destroy his original copies,of apollo photographs which he was storing, at one point they were stored in a brokendown vagrant mcdonald's, believe it or not. and it was no longer being used,and so there was all these boxes of nasa images of the moon.

and they told him burn them, destroy them. and he didn't, thank god. now, we've had donna teats forthe disclosure project 2001, i was there, she then got the name donna hare,saying that nasa, her testimony was that nasa airbrushesreal stuff out of these photographs. this is the official nasa imageof this frame right here. and you notice down here,where the arrow is, it's different. if you go to the ken johnstonversion over here, there's a fricking dome on the surfaceof the moon, which they deleted.

so, please, when yourfriends are telling you--. this is a live stream,so you guys can get this, and you can have this home, you can watch itas many times as you want, you can show people the proof. something is going on here. there's stuff on the moon thatisn't supposed to be there. and then, this one really blew me away,this is one richard houghland and i ended up co-authoring together,this is the original nasa as14-66-9301 and it doesn't look like much,although there's this little tiny fleck of blue,

you can't really see, but whenyou image enhance it, you see all this stuff that looks like glass. and then, another frame takenjust a few steps away, is 66-92-79 look at this! just with a little bit of photoshop,all you've gotta do is use the curves filter, which just pulls out moreof what's in the image, and all of a sudden you see glassbeams on a massive scale, i mean, this thing, whatever they posed in front of it,it is fricking enormous, okay? that is an enormous, enormous object.

here's another examplewhere the sun was setting, and light catches off of someof these glass ruins. and you see shards poking upoff the surface of the moon. it's totally amazing. now, corey has also talked aboutthe idea that a lot of ships were left behind on the moon's surface. and this is one that i didn't put in my book,for whatever reason, i can only use so many images. but this is as 15-p9625 and 9630.

now, look at this, what we're seeinghere is a crater that has this very strange object in it, and whenwe do these two images together, and then we basically sharpen it usingknown filters, look at what happens. it's called a composite. oh my gosh. now, corey does this look likeanything that you've ever seen? do you think this one is a real example? it very well could be, there are a numbercrashed vessels there on the moon, that were from antiquity.

there was a major treaty signed,in that treaty they left all of the debris from the big battle that they had, a reminder,or a testament for other generations. so that they wouldn't havesuch a terrible war again. so, to me, this is an example and this isanother one that's really, really classic. it's called the blair cuspids,i talk about it in the book. this is one of the onlysurviving images of it from argussy magazine by ivan t. sanderson,and if you can't see it very well, let's do this next one. okay, what you're seeing here, is literallyan object that is many stories tall,

at least 13 stories tall, obelisk on the surfaceof the moon, with others around it. and this was formallybeing analyzed, scientifically, as of about 1968 and then once again,the clamp goes down. so, corey do you think that they weredeliberately allowing some stuff like this out, in case they might disclose earlierthan they ended up doing? is that part of what was going on here? yes, they have to seed the consciousness,that's the way their magic works. they will put out information and then redact it,or ridicule it later, but the seed is planted.

so, yes, it's to set things up, that theyhave things planned out 100s of years. and it's just a part of their limited disclosure. all right, the jacket is off,this is getting real, folks. we've gone from tux to cuba. now, this was a russian depictionof a more side angled view of what they think was down there. and sure enough, it looks like a cityof obelisks and interestingly enough, a comic book that comes out two yearsafter this breaks into the news, called ufo flying saucers issue number two,actually did a comic treatment of this.

here's the cover of the magazine,and gold key comics, they're the ones that usedto do the donald duck, my father used to take meto the newsstand every sunday, i'd buy these gold keycomics all the time. our graphic novel's gonnalook way better than that. okay, fair enough. this is a historical document, though,bro, you've got to appreciate that. and sure enough, what we seehere is ufos on the moon. and then, sure enough, we havethis guy here, and he says,

“my colleagues and i believe thatthey may be some kind of obelisk, completely different from anythingelse on the moon's surface.” now, i don't know if you canwhat i can see from here, but you look at this dude's eyes for a minute,those are the eyes of a happy man, that's all i'm gonna say, folks. they are blood red -keeping this secret is just too much.-you can extrapolate you can extrapolate from that what you like. he looks like he's as baked as a cake.

okay, i'm gonna make it easy for you. it wasn't legal back then, either. but there's the obelisks in 1970 comic book! fricking crazy, and then they fictionalize a little bit, and they have one of these obelisks whichcreates some kind of gravitational field around itself. but, corey, look at this! all this fricking ancient space junk and bodies, captured by the gravitational fieldof the obelisk, in 1970.

what do you think theymight be telling us there? they're prepping us for eitherancient builder race, or some of the groups that came afterwards,that built structures. right. and the idea being that there's a lotof junk left behind on the moon, right? oh yeah, it's covered in debris. so, that's a very interesting thing,there's all this stuff going on, including back in 1958, now rememberthe nasa frame of that face that i showed you,that didn't show up until 1976.

this is 1958, what the heck is this?come on. how do you possibly maintain a skeptical opinionin the face of evidence like this? a 1958 comic that is called“the face on mars”, in which the actual shape andstructure of the face itself, other than the fact that it's tiltedup straight, instead of lying flat, it looks fricking identical, almost. to the actual face on mars,and then the whole story-- i talk about this in ascension mysteries,my new book, it's all about this ancient race that warredand blew up their planet.

they talk about the asteroid belt,being the remnants of this exploded planet. so, i'm doing all this research,houghland's book totally blew my mind, i'm seeing there's ruins on the moon,there's ruins on mars, somebody's been out in our solarsystem for a long time. then, in 1996 i read this law of onematerial which is the first book of which is called the ra material,because ra is the name of the source. it claims to be a positive entity,that helped the atlantians and the egyptians way back when,and their message got distorted and confused and they had to withdraw.

then they come back and theywere able to get through, people that were actually doing intuitivechanneling and get messages through. now, in general, i don't reallyendorse channeling at all. i think it's kind of really takinga big down turn, but you read this stuff and it's like divinginto some fricking scientific manual, that has all this jargon and all thisvery interesting stuff going on. and corey, we're about to getinto the space program, but when you were in the program,did they know about this? yes, absolutely.

the rank and file were told that it wasluciferian and evil and to stay away from it. but the brass were encouraged to read itand a number of other books. so the thing that blew my mind is that therewas so much stuff in this law of one that matched up with the researchi had gotten out of three years of reading probably 300 books. and it's a terrible shame,because i left my computer behind, when i moved from new yorkin the house i'd been staying in, and i had to complete list of everybook i'd read in college. and it was about 300 and i lost that file,which drives me crazy.

anyway, here's the cosmology,because it's not just all this weird stuff about ets, it's a philosophy that they're teachingin this material and it's very strange. it says that the only thing in the universethat really exists is identity, consciousness, meaning there's only one identity, there's only one consciousnessin the universe. then, it basically this cosmicconsciousness became lonely or bored something like that,and it decided to experience multiplicity. but the trick is it can't just sit therelike somebody crazy in the corner with two puppets on his hands,and “hahaha, yeah, yeah”

it had to actually give each piece free willto be able to define its own curriculum and so that law of free will becomescentral to the whole discussion. the law of free will, free will must be preserved,for anybody in the universe, which means if you violatefree will you get karma. so, one of the things that coreyfound out in the course of his work, and remember, he's truly unique in the senseof being a whistleblower, who actually was out there in a spaceshipand managed to come back to earth recover his memoriesand come forward as an insider, and he validated what so manyother people had told me.

and so, he's actually out there flyingaround and remembered everything, and one of the things you said, corey,is that they... that these different space programs,they already have over a hundred colonies in our solar system. and what would-- i mean, we have some artcoming up in a minute, but what are some of these colonies like? what are we seeing? well, the ones that are owned by the icc,they are very sprawling,

they have everything. they have areas to where theytake raw materials, smelt them, break them down, create the raw materialsto be put into whatever they're building or manufacturing. then they have manufacturing plants,they have the actual the part of the colony where everyone resides. it's just imagine any typeof industrial program down here, it's pretty much mirrored up there. and we got some great art coming up,and i don't want to run too far out on that,

so as he just said, there's mining facilities and then they have the livingquarters fairly nearby, and you said that there'sthese truck kind of ships that they use sometimes, to move? yeah, very, for mining, mostly,very large look like giant containers that you would see on a-- but they look kind of like big rigs. strangely enough. but without wheels, yeah.

yeah, without wheels, but those,i've seen those several times and they're usually transferring things back and forth from the mining operations. and so the mining could be occurringon any number of moons or asteroids in our solar system? correct. it is happening on almost all of them,'cause they have unique properties. interesting. all right, so we also know thatthere are multiple gigantic

manufacturing plants juston the planet mars alone. there's one less now. there's one less, yeah,after the mars atrocity. so, given that we showed peopleearlier in this talk the face on mars, the pyramids on mars,that stuff's obviously really old. total recall, very strange movie right? they go in and if you don't, if you miss it,you don't see that at the end, when arnold puts his hand into this thing,and all the cores go into the ice ` and melt that ice to create atmosphere for mars,

it all the water comes shooting upout of a pyramid. so, if those pyramids are still there,and viking photographed them, have we gone back inside? have we seen what's in there? can we use it? what's going on with the faceon mars pyramids? well, most of what is on marsis completely destroyed. you'll see it looks like,is that machu petchu? macchu picchu?

or poona punku? poona punku where all the stonesare just strewn about, you'll see sometimes you'll seelike a corner of a block sticking up and it'll look like a pyramid? it's just it's just, it's all destroyed. so, there's really nothing to go inand look at when you go in there? well, whatever has been-- they have people that come-- or not people, non-terrestrials usually,that come and pick through all of that

and take what is useful. but yeah, we've found some things thatwe've removed from these locations. so, you can imagine now, it's got to befrustrating it's frustrating for me, right? hearing all this stuff and going why the f,are we not being allowed to see all this great stuff? why are we being keptin the dark down here? you saw the stuff on mars, you really thinkthat that's a trick of light and shadow? you really think that those towerson the moon were just because, oh, well, yeah, the camera screwed up.

no, this stuff is real, and that's i wantedto start with some really hard data, because corey is not alone. we've been hoping that new insiderswere gonna come forward to corroborate this, we've got people that are starting to wantto come forward now, we're getting more testimonyand it all crosses together. there's no way that all these peoplecould be lying about this, with all the data in the law of oneand all the provable things that we know. and so, this is a really rare and amazingopportunity for us to learn about something

that is so much beyond andi don't want to insult anybody, but you all know, if you've beento ufo conferences, maybe even as little as fiveyears ago, roswell again? you know, right, the saucer, look,it's metallic, oh my god. come on, we're done with that,we've got to actually figure out why are there so manydifferent types of ufos? why do they look different? and what corey's revealing to usas he said, if you didn't catch that, it's very important, our people, in the militaryindustrial complex space program,

the greater one, of course,which is not really the military industrial complex any more,it's like a breakaway group. they're working with 900 different civilizationsand that's as they told you, right? that's the ones that they'retrading with the most. and there are others as well, right? they are actively trading with over900 non-terrestrial groups. but then there's other groups that arekind of sometimes trading with them, as well, right? yeah. yeah, there are sort oflike nomadic amongst groups

and they may get around to our area,and then we trade. so, this is where thingsget really interesting. we're gonna start with the onethat corey got introduced to first. as you've heard his story before,i'm sure all of you have, if not, go watch cosmic disclosurewe have a nice opening intro that you can see forfree on blueavians.com as he said, b-l-u-e-a-v-i-a-n-s.comyou can watch it free of charge. don't have to sign up or anything,it had a huge number of views online and he had done these programsin the space program, like we said,

going and visiting these coloniesand then he gets pulled back in, starting on february 27th 2015,only really about three months after we started to talk regularly. and he started to reveal allof his information to me. these blue avians, which he hadn't,you had had them contact you at home, that's one of your testimonials and i rememberyou wouldn't even tell me about it. no. it was very personal, private to you,you wouldn't say a word about it. well, for a couple of reasons.

when i first got contacted by the blue avians,i was concerned, because i'd been in all these projects, i'd known about hundredsof different non-terrestrials, not once have i heard aboutan eight-foot tall blue bird. not once. so, yeah, i was a little concerned. and i definitely was not wantingto go around telling people i was talking to an eight-foot tall bird, especially when i was just startingto get to know him.

well, i can take anything, i mean. pour me three of those, bartender. blue bird, got it. aliens? just don't drink it at the airport. exactly. then, very shortly after they askedthis secret space program alliance, they said, “go, get this man,his name is corey goode”, about three days later, two, three dayslater i forget whether it was 28

or 29 days in 2015, of februarybut you actually got, i say teleported, but that was wrong.it was a transport, right? that was when you had the dark craft? to this lunar operations command. now, this is brand new. world debut, you guys are seeingstuff nobody's ever seen before. -yeah, it's part of the graphic novel.-you might need to live stream to really get a good view if you're wayin the back, but this is what corey, what are we looking at right now?

this is the dart, what i sometimesi accidentally call a dodge dart. (laughs) but, it fits two crew in the front,and then in the back there are three seats. not a lot of room for cargo,it's just a transport. this was what was sentto my back yard, to pick me up to take meto several different places, but on this occasion to the lunaroperation command. so, this is you said, two seatsin the front, three in the back? and you mentioned before that a lotof people are getting picked up and they don't even know it,'cause they're getting blank slated.

well, these people that came upwith me during that time period, were not blank slated. they came, they're back here on earth,i don't know what their mandate is. but you said this is really not muchbigger than like a van, right? it's... yeah, it's about the sizeof a like a car. okay. and you said it kind of fluttersa little bit when you step on it, yeah, the doors would pop upand when i'd step in it, it would kind of it would go downand slide a little, like is this corey, semi-accurate at leastdepiction of what you ended up

seeing when you got up to this lunaroperations command? or loc? no, this is actually one of the first i guessedgoes at creating the briefing room that i was in at the lunar operation command. it was very much like what you wouldsee at a college campus, very similar. so, this is i guess more of a stylized viewthat we've sort of corrected since then. these guys are not they're not wantingto keep this all secret from us, right? this meeting that you got brought to,wasn't about keeping secrecy, it was about disclosure? absolutely.

the mandate of the ssp alliancehas been it is time to disseminate all of these advanced technologiesbut disseminate it in a way to where all of humanity is exposedto it at the same time, not just a small group of privileged. this is-- this is their mandate,this is they want full disclosure. the ssp alliance is probablythe only group out there right now that still rooting for full disclosure. and i think we're gonna get it… i think we're gonna get it.

so this sphere being alliance ties backinto a bunch of actually visible things, and i did it last year, we're onlygoing to do a couple now. 'cause people always complain,“oh my god, he repeated information.” but what started to happenin the late 1990s, is that these gigantic planet sizedobjects were seen around the sun, in some cases flying into the sun. here's an example of two planet sizedobjects colliding with the sun, and nasa says it's a complete coincidencethat these things collided with the sun, and then the sun has an emission.

and i'm not even, we're not doing that. no, no, no semen jokes or anything like that. he tells the joke, without telling the joke. i'm not gonna tell you how stupid you are. same kind of thing. they already know. look at this. this is an animated gif fileof two gigantic objects, it's fast, but you can see thesetwo things go crash into the sun

and the sun belches out this huge blastof light and fire, and nasa says, “oh, those two eventsare completely unrelated.” okay, now what do they try to do? they try to say, “oh well, theseare just a couple of comets.” okay, well, i don't think so, but anyway.here's one of the ones that's really stunning,and there's a bunch of these and in the future we're gonnapresent them all, much more streamlinedwe're getting to that. july 31, 2012 if you look carefully,what you see here,

this is there's two white flecks,it's gonna be hard to see this from the audience. but if you're on the live stream, or you have itordered at home, you can see this. you see there's a white spot on the left,and a white spot over on the right. now, the white spot over on the right,is a planet sized object that is not supposed to be there. the one on the left is mars. the one on the right is what this guy,kent steadman on cyberspaceorbit.com, he's now deceased,he was the guy following this. he was the guy calling them sun cruisers.

now, you'll notice there's a whiteline through the middle of it, that is because it's so bright, it's overloadingwhat's called the ccd sensor on the soho satellite that took this picture. there is no actual line around this thing,it is just a gigantic planet sized object. and these things are flying around the sun. now, look at this. the very next day,august 1 2002, remember, 'cause it was july 31stnow it's august 1st, we go back and there's marsparked in the exact same position, and the planet sized object on the otherside is totally missing.

and then a lot of times, this would happen,the soho would capture these, and then there's an accident. the sensor breaks down, oop,we got to take it offline. so corey, there it is,i got to stop doing that, man. damn. okay, so there it is, july 31st, you cansee the little white dot on the right. and i'm going to hit it again, and boom,the very next day it's gone. but mars is parked rightwhere it always was. and there it is again, on the right,and notice where mars is on the left here,

it doesn't even move when i hit the button. but this other object disappears completely. okay, so you were one of the onesthat informed me that people were aware of these things,besides just guys on the internet, saying, “ooh, it's a big spaceshiparound the sun.” what was the view on the insidewhen these giant spheres started to show up? originally, when the spheres startedto show up there was a lot of excitement. they thought it was the returnof the samarian gods.

and the people that they were verywilling to worship and work with, but these spheres came intothe solar system, parked, then cloaked and then didn't answer any hails. any communications. so, immediately-- how many spheres? in the beginning it was like 100 and then theyjust kept on pouring in and pouring in. and they could tell that theywere lining up equidistantly all throughout the solar system,so militarily minded are thinking,

“this is an invasion, maybe we should attack them.” let's get ahead to that slide,'cause we have that here, of it was one of the original artthings that you commissioned. yeah, that's really old. yeah. so, the cool part is that when youactually get brought up there, some of what starts to happen is thatyou're getting these spheres actually showing up in your house,and tell us how that transport system worked. what was the experience that you had?

it is a blue sphere appearin my house, an orb, and it'll zig zag around almost likea ping pong ball, bouncing around, until i indicate that i'm ready for transport. usually i have to take off my electronic watch,i can't bring any electronics. so, i prepare and then i indicatethat i'm ready, i put on clothes. there are many other times i've toldthe stories about going different places, but i don't talk aboutmy hair sticking straight up and-- so, i indicate that i'm ready to go, all of a suddenthe sphere just changes sizes, to where it encompasses my body,and once i'm inside of it, it's just a quick,

it's almost like a blur or a smear,it happens so quickly. and then i'm at the location. and so this is not how most people aregetting around in the space program, this is a very unusual thing. extremely unusual. yes. all right, so the blue avians finallyreveal themselves after all these years the spheresnot saying who they are, not responding to hailing signals.

then, the alliance in the secretspace program finds out about these guys and they ask for you by name. right, the blue avians around 2011started contacting both gonzalez and i through dreams, which they havea protocol they follow this protocol religiously almost. so, yeah, i was getting the contact, they were sort of nurturing a relationship with me. they were doing the same thing with gonzalez. and while they were communicating with him,he reported it to the ssp alliance,

who wanted more information, of course. but what had occurred is, they hadgone to gonzalez the blue avians went to gonzalez and stated that theywanted a certain person by name, who he-- he didn't know who i was. after that, they looked into my background, they found a lot of the ssp information,a lot of it was redacted, which is not supposed to be possible, so they really wanted gonzalez to bethe ambassador, someone military, someone they can control.

but instead i was chosen, and i hadno idea that he was in contact with a blue avians and he had no ideathat anyone else was in contact. right, and so the blue avians at this point,it was already well known that i had the show on gaia and thatwe were actively looking for insiders who wanted to come forward. and this only happened to you, right afteryou actually did use your real name, and go public. that's a nice way to put it. even though it wasn't something you wanted.

right. i was sort of outed unceremoniously,but yeah, yeah. but do you think that you comingforward with your face, your real name, your real identity,was part of the cosmic handshake that had to take place, in orderto allow this contact to occur? i guess it showed commitment. yeah. all right. so, this is what you actually saw. and if you haven't seen this before,this is the art that we got from andrew jones, which was then turned into 3d.

yeah, that was turnedinto 3d by someone else. and i was there as we constructedthis and it was very emotionally powerful for me, i actually broke into tears andthis image was appearing. it moved a number of people in the room. yeah, it was very intense, actuallywhen this was happening. and so we're seeing a beingthat looks pretty human like, but it's got small fine feathersall over its body, right? that's part of, if we're correctlyinterpreting what we're looking at here.

there's sort of these shiny,purplish blue feathers and then longer feathers that kind of actas hair, a very punk kind of hairdo, new age, new wave. so, then we have the goldentriangle head beings, that have some unpronounceable name. could you try to pronounce it,or is it not even possible. i thought you went like zzz,or something like that? wasn't that? it's something really weird.it's almost like a screech and it's weird. so, here's what they look like,now how tall was this guy?

ten feet. so he's even taller than the blue avian, 'cause the blue avian you said is eight feet. it looks like they're either...there's a mirage in front of him, or they're under water or theymove very fluid like and they don't look like they have bones. and i mean, kind of like an octopusand then their toes and fingers, they have three, and they stand upon their toes like a tripod. and then i mean, their toes do this,and they kind of go up and down.

it's very strange, very strange looking. okay, now, one of the first questions, that the ssp alliance askedthe blue avian was what? are you the wrath from the law of one? and he said, “are you the ra from the law of one?” and what was their answer? terrier just had me answer back i am raul to your heir. raul like ra? yeah, they pronounce it raul.

which maybe the waythe original word was-- yeah, we probably got it messed up, which we mess up everythingon this planet, right? that's part of the game. now, what's interesting about that, and it's kind of like theirfree will chess game, is that every time they're askeda question law of one, their answer starts with i am ra. so, it very much looked likethat's what was going on.

now, i was really suspecting that thisis the same ra as the law of one. and at home, shortly afterthis happened to you, i was in my kitchen, you mighthave heard this story before, if not, i want to get it on record. i'm in my kitchen and i say,“are these blue avians in fact the group that did the law of one? 'cause it sure looks like it”. and i asked the question telepathically, which is something we're going to getinto tomorrow, for the first time,

i'm actually gonna talk about this. i've been doing this conference 12 years. i haven't talked about this stuff in ten years, i'm gonna talk about it tomorrow night, i'm finally coming out of the cosmic closet, okay which is a lot worse than being gay. being gay is not even a big deal anymore,which i'm not, okay? but everybody thinks i'm gay on the internet,apparently military does, too. that's fine.

but (laughs) saying that you can channelhigher beings of consciousness i think thou protest too much. we're not going there. this could get into a big, big thing. so, i had this experienceof doing psychic readings, and i actually ran a business from 1998to 2005 with 500 paying clients, people bursting into tears,i'm speaking on behalf of higher beings of consciousness, telling peoplethings that predicted the future, there was one lady who had allthese poems that she'd written,

they actually started to quote fromher poems, which i'd never... i didn't even know she wrote poems. not only did they quote from the poems,but they explained to her what they meant. so, this was an experience i had,that's not you, okay, i was like “uh oh”. he's doing that, i'm dying on stage, right? they quoted from her fricking poems andthis didn't happen just once or twice, this happened a lot. and so of course, when i'm on the george nouripanel tomorrow, at two o'clock, he's obviously gonna bring up,“so, edgar casey.”

right? oh, man, really?you're gonna do that again? every fricking time, yes,i'm gonna show you again, tomorrow night the facial similarityand edgar casey because it's time. i've so many people don't wantme to talk about this, that corey didn't even know about it. believe it not, when we actually didour last taping, i sat him down, i explained to him this whole casey thingand he hadn't even heard it before, 'cause i've totally avoided talking about it. so, i was in the kitchen,and i still can get access.

it's not as much as i used to do, i had somevery bad things happening in my life and i didn't dare try to do this,'cause you have to have a really sacred consciousnessor it's not gonna work, you're gonna get the wrong channel. and i did not want that,so basically after about 2005 i pretty much discontinued it, 'cause my lifestarted to get really intense. and i didn't want to try my fatewith the wrong side of the fence. but i can still get little things, and i'm tryingto build it back to the point where i have the right consciousnessto do it properly again.

so, i'm in the kitchen, and i say,“okay, are you guys the ra from the law of one?” and i wait and i listen, i meditate andi get deep and i hear three words, “go outside now”. you didn't answer the question, “are you the ra from the law of one?”“go outside now”. sounds like a text you got from me,at contact in the desert. that's similar yeah. third time, “are you the ra from the law...?” “go outside now.”

okay, fricking fine, i'll go outside,walk out the front and i film this, and at some point i'm gonna use the film. there's this huge fricking rainbow in the valley. this big, full arc rainbow andthen another time later on, when i ask the same question again,and i'm on a walk, boom, i turn the corner and there'sanother big rainbow. and then corey and i were talkingabout this, remember this? we were at a restaurant,i'm not going to say which one, we're at a restaurant in boulder,'cause it's like product placement

if i give the restaurant name, we don't needto give them free publicity, but and we're talking about the samething and we fricking walk outside and there's a double rainbow again,so it's happened three times. i was quite amused at the people around's reaction, when you started jumping up and down. “a rainbow, a rainbow!” double rainbow, dude. yeah interesting looks.

-oh my god.-even in boulder. yeah, one guy asked you,“is that your god?” yeah, that's right, he did, he did,that was funny. and you remember there was a littlegirl in the restaurant that started, “oh, the bird, the bird.” that was another really weird synchronicity. we get these weird synchronicitiesand so i ask the question and they say go outside now. which seems like the rainbow isthe answer and the answer is yes,

but again, it's like this weird thingwhere they don't really say it. never a direct answer. but eventually they did tell you flat out, “yes, we wrote the law of one.” and that's a huge development for me. because it explains okay, yes, they're the group,they're the ancient builder race. law of one says they startedon venus 2.6 billion years ago, they build all these pyramids everywhere. they took off, they ascendedbut now they become

what's called the guardians, right? and they've come back in these giant spheres. so, then these guys, in the sspalliance were asking them, “why did you come in these giant spheres? what's the purpose of this?”what was their answer? to attenuate the energiesthat are coming from... through the cosmic web,through our sun. right because we wouldn't be ableto handle it in our current state.

attenuate means to kind ofcontrol it and modulate it, so it doesn't happen too much at once. if they didn't use these spheres,and we're talking about the mayan calendar end date of courseyou guys all know 2012 was a big flop, but look, the science was so good,that i was going forward with this year after year, leading up to 2012. 2012 was not a big flop.what was supposed to happen, happened we were just all wrong. that's interesting.

that's also during the timethat the spheres started coming in en masse into the solar system, so you know, a lot occurred in 2012. it all very congruent, this idea of ascension, i'm gonna get way more into thattomorrow and on the monday workshop. it's a huge subject about this ideathe sun's gonna do a flash and corey, you have still heard that there is goingto be some sort of solar event that has a transformative effect on consciousness, but the date range now is morelike 2018 to 2023.

is that still true? 2024. 2024, okay. they added a year. so, look, all this stuff,if you've seen my scholarship, we have extensive documentationof so many ancient cultures predicting the sun is gonna dosomething huge and that it transforms the very essenceof what it means to be human, it totally ties in with the ideaof the tibetan rainbow body.

there's 160,000 document casesas i always say of people meditating for 12 or 13 years, if you can onlyhave loving thoughts for 13 years, then you get to ascend any timeyou want, which is very difficult. it took me two hours to get herein the traffic today in the rain. so, we start the clock today. no probably, start the clock again tomorrow. and start it again the next day. all right. three time bestselling author! star of tv!

film, the one and only david wilcock! how's everybody feeling out there? are you ready to rock and roll? all right, we now have absoluteconfirmation from four different sources on the inside that 47 top level washington dcpedophile prosecutions are going to be filed next week. it's backwards, guys. can you all read backwards? i don't know.

i think we might have a technical glitch. it looks good to you back there,but it doesn't look good to everybody, i'm just gonna clue you in. at least we got something. warts and all, david wilcock show. how amazing is that shit? now, look, i'm not, i don't supportwhat these people are doing at all, this is a very, very horrible thing. but as you all know,i've said this so many times,

it's if you throw up, you'll feel better. we can't change the fact that they're drunk. we can't change the fact thatthere's a sickness here. you're not-- this is not somethingthat we do on our own, per se. but it is something that must be dealtwith when it is coming to our attention and so we don't go anywhereby being in denial. but one of the really great peoplewho have been covering this, is a guy who worked for the huffington post, and he published a very popularvideo from info wars,

on huffington post, it was questioninghillary's health. 'cause remember she was havingthose seizures and stuff? and they fired him from huffington postand they deleted every article he'd ever written,just for publishing this thing on hillary. his name is david seaman. and he's awesome, okay,some of you know who he is. well, i guess i can say this now,i sought him out, and i actually was able to makecontact with him, 'cause he lives in boulder colorado.

and i gave him an enormous briefing,like four hour briefing over dinner. and the guy's just like “uck, uh, uck.”i mean, it was crazy. oh, okay, well, gotta run before you can fly. i think we're kind of halfway there now. desktop rear ceiling, oh, boom! oh shit! yeah! it's happening. i told him, “dude, i apologize,'cause this stuff is so weird, and you're coming at thisas an academic,

you're coming at this as somebodywho wants the credibility and i'm sorry that the truthis so fricking weird. but it is the truth, dude. i'm sorry, dude, but like reptilian aliens exist. i'm sorry, but there's giantswith elongated skulls and their skeletons have beenfound all over the planet you can research it and you'll find out.” the smithsonian's institution would say, “oh yeah, don't worry about it,we'll take care of it.”

smithson is the guy that foundedthe smithsonian institution, high level illuminati member. thirty third degree mason, smithson, yeah,smithsonian, it's his organization. they were going around and theywere grabbing these skeletons and according to one of my highestlevel insiders, uh oh, that's me. according to one of my highestlevel insiders in the beginning they were literally taking these skeletonsand dumping them out into the ocean, 'cause they didn't wantanything to ever be found. so, they're not...they weren't necessarily storing them.

then, at a certain point, they realize,okay, we need to hold on to this stuff, because this is our heritage. now, what does that mean? well, that's what we get into this wholecosmic history of the illuminati thing. it's very interesting one of the titlesthat i've been tossing around for the end game part three is illuminatibeginnings and endings. because it's very interestingthat this, okay, look, come on. if you've spent any timelooking into pizza gate, you know that it's not just aboutdisgusting sexual practices.

it's about a fricking cult thatdoes this because they have weird occult ceremonies in which theythink that lucifer's the good guy. now, why do they think that? because the god of the bible,created noah's flood to cleanse the earth of whoever was here before and createwhat they call the “adam” which is us. we are the adam, we are a racegenetically created and seeded here and we were given dominion of the earth. we were, oh my god, david,you're talking about the bible. judeo-christian nonsense,mind wash, brain control!

look, i'm gonna quote now fromone of my really funny insiders, this guy that we call bruce. “it doesn't matter whetheryou believe it's true or not. this is what they believe and it'sas serious as a heart attack.” okay? so these peopleare really into the bible, they really take this stuff in the bibleseriously and we're gonna see some of the hidden quotes,that you don't usually find out about, in what's called the book of enoch. when corey goode comes into my life,you know, in october 2014,

that's when i start to get all these briefings, it was soon followed early in 2015,after he revealed all this stuff about the secret space program to me,which most of you already know, and we're gonna cover some of it again. i did wonderful thing last night,how many of you saw it last night? okay, did you like it? all right, i thought that was a prettybomb ass talk, thank you very much. that's what i kept hearing,everybody's like, “oh my god! oh my god!”

yeah, i know, the truth is amazing!it's embarrassing to try to explain to somebody like david seaman,that's totally new to it, it's like, “well, okay, well, the militaryindustrial complex has 100 mining colonies throughout our solarsystem and many others, and they're working with over900 different types of aliens” you've got to kind of do the 10% rule. you give people a little bit,see if they can handle it, then give them 10% more, 10% more. don't just do a big frigging cosmicdownload without taking a breath.

it's probably not gonna work.oh, i can do it! so, we have these beings show upand we don't really know who they are, they show up only for the first time afterthey used corey as their messenger. and corey had just comeforward with his real name, as a result of circumstancesoutside of his control, and they immediately sound likethe law of one material, they have the bird-like appearanceand ra and the law of one says that they were... that the hawk istheir totem, it's their symbol. so right away, i'm thinking,

“okay, there's something going on here,with the law of one.” and the first question that was askedby the secret space program alliance, the people that are now trying to declassifyall this amazing high technology we talked about last night, that almostall of you seem to have seen it. so, i don't need to repeat myself,and also if you're watching the streaming, people get mad if you sayany information twice, “that's not new information!” okay. so, we're just gonna partition this up,so assume now this is like a series, and this is part one, tonight's part two,monday night's part three.

if you have streaming you can see it all. so, these beings showed up onlybecause corey and i start talking and they sound an awful lot like the beingsdescribed in the law of one. and then, sure enough,we have william henry come along, later on, who sadly was not ableto be with us this weekend, because his wife has ended upin hospital, it's very sad. but he points out oh my god. here in egypt they have avian headedhumanoids that are blue! like horace right here. some of them stillhave the paint on it, where it's still blue.

so, these are not, these beings are nothingnew, and we didn't' know this, that's the point, we put this intel out withoutrealizing that horace was blue. we put this intel without realizing thatjapan had what they call tengu, bird men of the mountains that are blue,avian humanoids. okay? and this is only somethingi found out because of some research i did for ancient aliens. and then i was looking through thingsand sure enough i found out okay, tengu bird men, i look up whatthey look like, boom. blue avians. and another, this isa tengu bird man statue in japan,

so you can see, these beings weredown there in physical form, and now they have statuesmade out of them. this one's kind of hard to see. but once again, if you lookcarefully at the head, this is a bird-like headon a human body. so it definitely appears that these beingstime to time will contact groups that are receptive to their messageand will actually get that message across to us in waysthat are very provocative, because they showed upin these huge spheres.

and all this seems to tie back withmy journey and how i ended up getting involved in all this, becausethe first book i ever read was something that my grandmothergave me, when i was five years old. and she's a fundamentalist christian,and i said this last year, but it's worth repeating, 'cause it's so cool,it was called strange stories, amazing facts from readers' digest. and i couldn't even read, i was fiveyears old and it's an adult book. so, i kind of used it like a picture book,and i flipped to the back, and there was this chaptercalled “enigma of the ufo”

and it had these really coolpictures of flying saucers, which i've never heard of before,except that i was seeing them in dreams. most of the time i'd seecylinder shaped objects. and then i'm seeing these thingsthat i'd only ever heard about in my dreams in a book, and i'm like,“what the hell is that doing in there?” it was amazing, but what eventripped me out even more was this article with isaac asimovas a co-author called “looking into the future”and then this picture down here, commissioned by an artist where they'redepicting a base inside an asteroid,

with these weird dark like stealthcraft going in and out of them. i remember this book was writtenoriginally in like 1978. that's when i got it, somewhere around there, the original edition's 1978 it wasalready in there by then. so, something led these guys to postulateand this is asimov, of notable science fiction writer,yeah, there might be asteroids with civilizations inside of them. well, is he just a very original thinker? apparently not.

apparently we have people on the inside, who are aware that stuff like thisis already in our solar system, with habitation inside. now, it doesn't have a nice,big gate in the front like that, you actually fly through the wall,you fly through the crust, because these ships can de-materialize,so you go in... but there may also be some thathave hatches or something. you go inside and you havea whole world in there. a whole civilization,with people and water,

most of the moons we now knowhave liquid water inside of them. so, this is pretty amazing becauseasimov and arthur c. clarke are getting these little dribsand drabs of information and they leak it through fiction. and this was how this all gets started. now, the focus of the talk tonightis of course antarctica. that's what you're here for, that's whathas got our excitement right now. and this is one of the pictures,it's not really pyramids, but it's just a very cool couple of icebergs,which kind of sets the tone.

this is taken in australia, antartica. woo! so we can see how beautifulit would be to travel down there and it's not as cold as theylead you to believe, you're not dying when you're down there. if you go during the right time,the right season, you'll get these gorgeous,gorgeous sunsets. and this is actually a real picture,this is not photoshopped, of a yacht, that was found underneaththe surface of the ocean in antarctica, somebody didn't have very good luck.

sailing during the wrong time. and to me, this kind of sets the stagefor the ancient architecture and the things we might see,once we get down there. why antartica? because antartica is where the foundingfathers of the people calling themselves the illuminatisupposedly crash landed when they came to earth, and becamewhat the bible calls the fallen angels. that's a very important point. they believe that the fallen angels are real.

but that because the godof the bible wiped out their people, in noah's flood, that that god must be evil. because this adam, which is us,they call us the adam, they think the adam is wicked,and they think that they with all their ancient knowledge and hightechnology that they crash landed here with thatthey are the good guys. so, they actually believe that theydeserve to rule the earth and that we are not worthy,and so when i explained that bit to our huffington post journalist,david seaman,

that's when he got it. that's when he really saw, okay,this is why these people are so sadistic. that stuff like pizza gate is actually happening. because they see us as an invasion,even though they invaded us, they believe that they havea right to the earth, that they belong here, and that we arethe insufferable fools who shouldn't be here. so, these pre-adamites,after they blew up their planet, they survive for approximately445,000 years on the moon, this is the latest, greatest intel.

and so approximately 55,000 years ago,they got attacked by guess who? the reptilians, the draco, they hada terrible war with the reptilians. that's how these ships ended up getting blown up,that's how the domes, that's how the glass got broken. their ships were getting shot down,only a very small number of them actually survived. now, they started out,as i said before, 70 feet tall, but because the moonwas so much smaller, they'd actually gottena lot shorter over time.

but they were still giants compared to us, anywhere up to 12 to 14 feet tall. they are badly, badly wounded,they only have a few ships left, and they crash landed on earth with those ships,which were gigantic in size, as we're going to see in a minute. and the stories of their landing here, were told in a book that shouldhave been in the bible, but the early roman empire said, “there ain't no way we're putting this in the bible,because this is our story.

and we're gonna be exposedif we put this in there.” so, they removed it,but it's as old as genesis. and jesus quotes from it,so he clearly took it seriously. so the book of enoch wasdiscovered only in 1773, in ethiopia translated, we didn't evenget to read it until 1821. then they find out, “wow, jesusis actually quoting chapter and verse out of this book,in the new testament.” and then, chapters one through 36are called the book of the watchers and that's where the really interestingstuff says it says to happen.

and enoch is actually noah's grandfather. so, these people on the inside believethat enoch is real, and noah is real. these are real people,and these were real events. noah's flood is the atlantian flood,and it's older than we think, it was 12,500 years ago. so in the book of enoch,enoch is basically working with these benevolent extra-terrestrials which verylikely were the blue avians, same beings, and he's working with them and heasks them if they will spare the lives of these people called the “watchers”.

now, the book says there was 200 of thesewatchers i don't really think that's true, the data suggests there were a lot more. but there were a small numberof these people that survive, they crashed here, and accordingto the new intel, they immediately set up cloning facilitiesand built lots of bodies for themselves, so they could spread across the earth. they crashed here 55,000 years ago,that's when this all started. so, the book of enoch goes on to say,that the fallen angels created great giants, whose height was 3,000 ls, enoch 7:3.

an l appears to be the distancebetween the elbow hence l and the tip of the middle finger. or a cubit, it's also called,and it's probably not really accurate, because 3,000 ls based on that,would be like 450 feet tall. so, it's likely an exaggeration,but they were large, of course, we know they were large. this is probably something that wasgreatly mythologized by the point this book was written. it says in enoch 7:5 through 6 the giantsbegin eating people on earth,

they were cannibals to the humans,that were supposed to be here. they begged god for forgiveness,enoch was used as their middle man, that 13:4, and they got turned down. and as a result of this,the biblical atlantian flood, the noah's flood was createdto cleanse them from the earth. and they believe this is actual history, and in the ascension mysteriesi trace out all the different things that lead to this conclusion. noah, the great grandson of enoch,became the guy who preserved

the animals and plants and people,one of each species, right? so that we would survive through the flood. and this very likely is somekind of extra-terrestrial craft that noah's arc is kind of an allegoryof a much more advanced object, and it just becomes a boat in this story, because it's been re-written and re-written and people kind of missed the original point. so, these pre-adamites,this is what they looked like based on corey goode's intel.

these are the people who weredeemed to be the wicked, the giants with elongated skulls,where the flood largely wiped them out. but not completely. surviving remnants of their populationlasted through the flood, even though they were in muchsmaller numbers than the humans that were then seeded here as the adam. and those humans had alreadybeen here before, but then they were built to inherit the earth,so the bible's a little bit off on that, too. but the point is, these beingswere not completely destroyed,

when they survived in europe and asia, they eventually made their wayinto the egyptian pharaohs, as i talk about in ascension mysteries,and when they first landed here, before all this crazy stuff happened, this is an important point thatwe get from the new briefings, they knew that the continent thatwe now call antarctica had ancient builder race ruins below the surface.it's a very important point. ancient stuff, 1.6 billion years old,is how old they estimate that it was. so, their ships were badly damagedand they landed where they could

then tear apart the ships. use the parts that were inside them,use the power systems, and set up their own little enclave,because they were badly damaged. so, then they colonized those undergroundbases built by the ancient builders. there were other places they could havelanded that would have had better land and better water and better game,but they went to antarctica because at that time it was tropical,the earth had not shifted on its axis yet. it was a nice place to be becauseof the underground stuff that they were able to get into.

that's where they started up all thiscloning and all this crazy stuff. so, now here we are, people are like,"oh, don't show me his face." why in god's name did john kerrygo to antarctica on election day? literally, i'm not kidding. this is a picture of him travelling withthe military on the day of the election. like, maybe he's worried that the electionisn't going to turn out in a way that's good for pizzagate people. i'm not saying that he is,but it's probably going to be. he wants to go see it while he's stillgot the chance, in case hilary loses.

here he is in antarctica. notice that he's not wearing gloves and a hat. it's warm enough down there that youcan sail around and be comfortable. that's him in antarctica. why was he there? because, recently, as in,within the last 30 years, according to some mayan sighters,they found new ruins under the ice that are very advanced, of these originalancient builders that crash landed there. and here is buzz aldrin.

and there he is in the middlewith his shirt that says, well yeah, one of them says,"get your ass to mars," that's the one the woman's wearing. she's got the red bag. her shirt says, "get your ass to mars." the other one says something similar. "destination mars," thank you,i can't really read it from here. notice that they're on a russian plane. you can't even charter an americanplane in antarctica.

you had to go through russia.and here it is right there on abc, breaking news, buzz aldrin hadto be evacuated from antarctica. the 86-year-old fell ill whilevisiting the south pole. we didn't know why. and you're going to find out later. teaser. teaser, teaser, teaser. you're going to find out whyhe had to be taken out. it's amazing.

wait 'til you hear that bit. and there he is, it is actually true,if you watch the film, "total recall," arnold actuallydoes say at one point, "get your ass to mars." and it's such a weird, stupid one-linerthat it became a shirt. now why, think about this fora moment folks, buzz aldren, 33rd degree mason, goes to antarctica advertising "get your ass to mars" on his shirt,in all of the pictures. what's the relationship betweenmars and antarctica?

well, they know. this is what i'm trying to tell you,this is not accidental. this is on purpose. and notice that mars is embedded inside what? the nasa logo. whoa. they know what they're going to tell us over time. and they have to hide it out in the open, right? they have to tell you what they're doing,this is what they're doing. antarctica and mars are connected.

antarctica is where the survivors frommars finally ended up before they became what we now call the illuminati. those people crash landedhere 55,000 years ago. for 5,000 years, they built a huge civilizationin what we now call the sahara desert. it became very technological,they spread out across the earth, they set up kingdoms in every continent,every country of the time. they were the leaders, the rulers,they had much bigger brains, much higher iq's, must better technology,and they subjugated the planet. and there was a catastrophe 50,000years ago that wiped them out.

and then they bounced back and anothercatastrophe happens 25,000 years ago, wipes them out again. then the third one was the onewe associate with atlantis. so, that's how this works and it's totallydescribed in the edgar cayce readings. and there's so many things the edgar caycereadings has in common with this, it can't be an accident. so, corey gets this incredible body of information. he wasn't telling me what it was. he just said it's something aboutantarctica but i can't release it.

and i mean, we knew therewas ruins down there but i didn't know that these excavationswere so active and new. and then, finally, i get a briefingand he can tell me, and this happens right before we'reabout to go for a gaiam taping. and so, we make it into episodesand then we also integrated it into what became endgame part i and ii. part i i go into pizzagate. part ii i go into antarctica. but not with all the rest of the stuffi'm going to tell you today.

so, if you've read endgame iithat will really help because i'm not going to gothrough all of this again, i'm just going to repeat myself. the point is, we start to release thisinformation that they've found these ruins in antarctica. that the ruins were technologically advanced. that they found some very cool stuff there. and then we start to hear thatthere's a plan to release this. and this is actually part of whatthe alliance wants to do.

now i don't want to diss the alliance. i think it's awesome that they'vestood up against the cabal and they're bringing the cabal downand they want to give us disclosure. but they're also saying this is the onlyresponsible way to do disclosure because if you do it too fastpeople will freak out. that's the excuse. the reality is, that if we got full disclosurewith the data dumps, all the data that there is, then the vastmajority of everybody in the alliance has got unspeakablecrimes associated with them.

because heroes can turn. you could have somebody workingfor hitler in nazi germany who then becomes a defector andcomes to the us, in this case, if you want to think of hitler as bad,us is good. even though ultimately, as i said,the cabal seems to have been controlling both sides of world war ii and there'ssome really good data on that. some people are going to beshocked when i say that. but not you guys, you're like, yeah, okay. us, nazi, the same thing. right, got it.

no big deal. nobody's like, [shocked expression],i don't see any faces doing that. so, let's just go with this nice victorianparadigm of us good, nazis bad. you have a defector, you have a naziscientist and he gets compromised, he's part of that regime.and now he's a hero, he's a whistleblower, he comes forward. so, please, if you are aware thatthis stuff starts to happen and this video ends up going all over the internet, let's try to give these people someamnesty, for god's sake,

if they are in the alliance and they'rerisking their lives to save our butts, they deserve a second chancebecause they are now heroes. can i get an amen on that? alright. we have to be able to practice the forgiveness that the ancient teachings of all majorreligions tell us we should be doing. we have to be able to see thatthese people are not lizards and they're not monstersand they're not creatures, they're human beings who might havegotten stuck in something really bad.

some of the stuff that corey goodewas involved in was really bad. he's admitted it on our show. but he's a hero because he came forward. there's other insiders that havecome forward but the alliance has pushed this thing out because,and this is the real story, they all want to die beforethe stuff would come out that would cause us to judge them. they want to die a natural death,they want to live out their life, and i understand that up to a point.

i do understand why they would wantto push this thing out 50 years, maybe even 100 years. and drib and drab it out. but, here's the thing, our planetdoes not have that time. what the hell did we just hear about fukushima? it's fricking 560 whatever sievertsper hour which means that the robots would break down in two hours. a human being exposed to it fora flash is instantaneously dead. we have technology that can dial outthat radiation like nothing ever happened.

it's already there. that's known. the good old insider, henry deacon,told me that people that go into space, they have a little pill that you can take, and once you've taken this pill you'reessentially immune to radiation. you can get a massive doseand nothing happens to you. they have these very thin coatings thatthey can put on the outside of ships, even including our own nasa spaceprobes, they had them too. because otherwise those guys would have been

hash browns inside there, literally. that's why people say,"oh, we never went to the moon." and one of the reasons, radiation fromthe sun would cook you if you don't have the atmosphere. well, yeah that's true. but, what they don't know is that it wascoated with this special polymer that totally shields radiation. so, we have the technology. so, look you guys, i understand and i get it,

you don't want to have embarrassing information. there's going to be a witch hunt. you probably will have to be,if this does happen with full disclosure, you guys are going to haveto end up going somewhere that you're safe from the torturesand pitchforks of the masses. i get that. and i apologize because people will be like that. they're not going to like what they hear. but i will be one of the onessupporting you as heroes

and saying that you deserve clemency. and this audience also, as you’ve just said, how do you feel about them being heroes? if they're going to save the planet for us? they need our support. they need to see that we're not going to seethem as creatures and monsters, that we're ready for the truth eventhough it's going to hurt. and this truth is something thatthey very much know to be true. so, we get this briefing fromthe space program alliance,

because people at that level, where they've gotall this really advanced technology, they want the whole disclosure to come out. and that's what we're fighting for. i believe that we will heal fromthis and when these people in the alliance are kept in safety,that they can eventually be forgiven, brought back out, and we'renot going to try to kill them. because the things that we're goingto get as we get full disclosure, will quickly make us capable of forgiveness. because imagine if insteadof having to drive home

tonight you just portal back home. if you have a little pocket portal. off you go. that really didn't sound good. i promised i wasn't going to do a dick joke. that's two of them. wow. it's hot in here. can you imagine being at home,having a portal device in your home,

and getting to travel out to a base on plutoand come back in time for dinner? and get to meet all your coolnew friends who are et's. and get to see things that areso spectacular that you're literally shedding tears in amazementat what you're looking at. if we get to that point where you havea materializer in your home and you think about the best mealyou ever had in your life, and you hit the button and boom,there it is, perfect. and it digests into pure nutrition in your body, cleans your mouth as you eat it,and leaves no waste products behind.

and you don't get fat, you don't lose your teeth,you actually gain dental health. i think we'd start to feela little more forgiving. if you got anti-gravity and you have yourhoverboard that's a real hoverboard. not the fricking thing thatblows up under your feet. i saw this guy smoking weedon his hoverboard. it's true, it actually did happen. you've got to have fun with this, right? it's really hot in here so i'm tryingnot to touch my nose. remember the other videosi'm always doing this all the time.

it itches but i'm not touching it. people say, "oh, david's on cocaine, man. he fricking did lines, that's why he talks so fast." no, it's blisteringly hot in here, okay? even up there you can feel the heat. it just radiates down from the ceiling. there's a lot of bodies in this room. so, we do all this intel,we get all this stuff put together, and the alliance people are pushingcorey like crazy,

which means he's pushing me like crazy,we've got to get this out, we've got to get this out,we've got to get this out. and remember, the alliance doesn'twant us to release all this because they want to do this overthe course of 50 or 100 years. the earth alliance doesn't want us to do this. but the space program alliancedoes and the beings, the sphere beings want us to do this. so, we've got different factionsthat are trying to help the planet but some of us want us to do one thingand others vociferously oppose.

so, we're going with whatthe space program people and the sphere being peoplehave told us they want. and you have to trust that theseare benevolent people, especially the higher beings,and that if they're advocating for this that it's going to work out and we're notgoing to have all the alliance people killed in a genocide. it's not going to happen. once you have that technology,once you have anti-gravity, once you have a car that youcan fly through the air,

point and click and neverhave a car accident again. you can go anywhere you want,you can travel all over the cosmos, you can see incredible ancient ruins. archaeology's going to becomeone of the most common jobs people take on, right? because we're not going to need money. you're not going to work a job. you're going to do somethingbecause you love it, because you're passionate about it,isn't that awesome?

i would definitely get my ass to mars. i want to see those pyramids,i want to see that face. i'm going to put on my spelunkinghat with a little light on it and a pick and i'm going to bein there fricking looking for stuff. there's entire areas insidethe earth of ancient cities that they've barely even exploredbecause they don't have the staff. with all this technology just sittingaround waiting for us to look at. they need the numbers, they needthe population of people who are going to be proactive enoughto want to investigate this stuff.

that's a good thing. the way that society will change isso dramatic we can barely even imagine. and how exciting it is for meto be standing on this stage with you tonight disclosing whatmay be the very last stages before we finally get the truth. amazing. "oh, david's a conspiracy theorist, man. nothing's ever going to happen. he's just lying. he's just trying to sell books."

yeah, right, like, selling booksmakes a lot of money. the publishing industry's basically dead. i still do it because i want to getinformation out but it's basically, when you add up the hours that it takes, it's almost not much more thanminimum wage, really, honestly. and i'm one of the top selling authors. so, anybody else who'swriting a book, you know, please help them, buy their book,because they need it, okay? it's like, nobody makes moneywriting books anymore.

it's almost a dead art. so, if this was just a story,just a conspiracy theory, it doesn't explain, okay,why did buzz aldrin go down there, why did john kerry go down there,why did the pope go down there? the black pope, right? some of this is classified. a lot of these people didn't goon a public basis. but they're all going down there. they're all really excited about this.

so, we're told, hurry, hurry, hurry. and it freaked me out. i mean, i worked my butt off and we got it outon december 11th and literally, i am not kidding, well, this is the videothat we made a few days later and it was wildly successful. over a million unique views. so, this really got out to the public big time. two hours after my article came out iswhen the first thing showed up. and, big plug here, if you go todwilcock.com the actual mixed

and mastered mp3 of endgame is available. you just put your email address in. it's free, you can listen to it in the car. it's awesome. and it's really important to dothose emails because they have been hacking my site like crazy. we had to turn off the entire discussion forum. we had to delete ten years' worth... well, we have it in the hard drive on our server...

but we had to take it offline. ten years’ worth of everybody's discussions. because somebody put malware somewherein there and google says, oh, your site links to malware, you must be hacked,oh, we're going to ban you. so, this is how they take your site offline. all you've got to do is have a discussionforum or a comment section and one thing goes in and you're done. two hours after we put this article out,tabloids start saying exactly the same thing, and it ended up on the frontpage of drudge report.

now, here's the shrinking reindeerfrom global warming, which is a sad story in itself. but then there it is in italics,"the lost city of antarctica: massive ancient civilization lies frozen under ice." holy shit! two hours after my article comes out?is that a coincidence? come on. this says, "the lost city of antarctica. shock claims massive civilizationexists beneath a mile of ice. antarctica is hiding a hugecity underneath more than

a mile of ice according to incredible claims." december 11th. artist's impressionof a doorway to atlantis. they're getting you ready. and we were told, "you've got to getthis out before you get scooped. and look, there it was,two hours later, unbelievable. they talk about the piri reismap and they say, look, it's got the subglacial topography of antarctica, before they were supposed to know what it was. and they quote from charles hapgood,

they original guy that had the theory thatthe earth shifted on its axis in space. the article was originally not on the polebut it was tropical, and it moved. what they didn't get intowas this interesting fact that you can look at antarcticanow and if you look at the top of this image is says,subglacial lakes. so, these blue areas are beneaththe surface of the ice. the surface is all whiteand you just see ice. but if you go in there they know thatthere are areas where there are lakes, meaning there's warm water.

and you can take a look andsee where the lakes are, meaning this is where the continental masses are and where two chunks of antarctica,there's a big chunk on the right, a littler chunk on the left.we only knew that since 1958. there's another image of it in grey. but yet, here we have from 1754,the buache map from the vatican, showing antarctica with a channelin between the middle right where those subglacial lakes are. so, what the heck is going on here?

they knew. antarctica wasn't even discovereduntil the late 1800's. this is all going to be part of the disclosure. it was mapped back when it wasn't frozen. back with the pre-adamites, they copiedthis over from pre-adamite books. that's how they got it. that's all part of the disclosure. then the next day, december 12th,12/12, important ritual date, the lost city of antarctica,shock claims massive ancient civilization

lies frozen beneath a mile of antarcticice and could even be atlantis. isn't that something? just one day after we were rushed to publish this thing. and i broke my butt doing it. there it is. now, this is what it says in that article. check this out. there's the link so youcan look it up yourself. "conspiracy theorists went wildearlier this year when a video

claiming to be from the lost city emerged." now wait a minute, is anybodyhere realistically going to deny that i'm not one of the greatestconspiracy theorists of our era? i sell books, i do conferences, got a hugecrowd here at conscious life. i'm definitely one of those people. i didn't go wild because there was no video. they make this stuff up. they're leaking a fake story. it's fake news.

but it's actually getting us readyfor something that's very real. this alleged video, that nobodyever actually saw, they just say, oh, conspiracy theorists,but you don't know who they are. they don't post a link,they don't show you the video, they don't give you any wayof seeing where this video is or who wrote about it, they don't linkto one article of anybody who said anything about this. oh, just take my word for it, yeah,the conspiracy theorists went wild. "it appeared to show extensiveancient ruins hidden in the ice

and was a video supposedly leftbehind by a california tv crew who have been missing since 2002." now this is what's so crazyand it's one of the things that we really have kicked ourselves for,is that corey had told me, before they wrote this, that therewere teams down there that had been embedded since 2002,filming the archaeological ruins, getting ready for this disclosure. they'd been doing it all that time, 14 years. and then this comes out a couple days later,

i was kicking myself that we didn't leakthat part of the intel in our article. because it was so amazing. so, i put it in as an update after this happened. so, that crew is still down there now. they've been making documentaries for 14 years, and notice, it's the year after 9/11. they needed this plan in case the botchedjob of 9/11 got exposed. and then they needed a get-out-of-jail free card. they needed to say, oh,well look everybody, you know,

yeah, we did some bad stuff, but hey, now we're going to give you something good. can't you be nice? can't we all kiss and be friends now? that's the cabal's plan. now, the alliance wants to release thisas part of a benevolent disclosure. the only thing we're disagreeingwith them on is how fast we get it. but they're setting the stage for thatreal disclosure with this right here. so, then it goes on to say,"archaeologist jonathan grey claimed

that the us government is tryingto block the video from being seen because it reveals that there isa massive archaeological dig underway two miles beneath the ice. but that's not the wildest claim - with several online websites claiming..." wait a minute, what website isn't online, dude? online websites, hmm. it's not exactly well-written. "...several websites claiming thatthere is a city in antarctica

and hitler knew about it,making it a secret nazi base." now look at this, what they're doing isthey're setting up the release of this video. they're promising something theyintend to deliver, folks. they intend to deliver a video that showsa massive archaeological dig two miles beneath the ice. that is going to happen. this is the proof. it happened right after we published our intel. is this a coincidence?

no way! then, in the same article, they say,oh, by the way, we just found a nazi base in the arctic, not antarctica, but they've show you a nazi base in the arctic. but then i did some research, and i start looking up, okay, let me just see if anybody else didsomething on antarctica as atlantis. the mainstream scientificjournal known as science, as good as it gets in academia,published this very strange thing in 1998. check this out. there it is,there's the science logo, aaas.

and look at the bottom, march 31st1998. "ancient ruins found in antarctica." now, the first clue that something'swrong here is you've got this little image of a guy dressed up inold-fashioned shakespearean clothing, and he goes, "oh, please." okay, but that's about the only clue youget at first that something's wrong. ancient ruins found in antarctica,in a mainstream scientific journal. and here's the text whichi'm now going to read to you. from 1998.

argentina, that's the first cluesomething's wrong. why would it be... and is thereeven a place called durak? it ends up being a spoofbut they're hiding things in jest. this is in science journal, okay? "scientists have uncovered the remainsof a massive stone structure and other artifacts,estimated to be 4000 years old, in a remote corner of antarctica. the find, announced at a pressconference here today, is the first evidence of ancientcivilization on the icy continent

and is being hailed as oneof the most important archaeological digs of the century. working in dwindling light justbefore antarctica's first sunset of the year in mid-february, a team led by geologist scott amundsenof wyoming state university came across the rubble of a stonebuilding roughly the size of rome's ancient amphitheater.” hmm, interesting. “’one of my students tripped overa squat pentagonal block

while we were hiking up neardoubleday glacier,’ amundsen says.” and in fact, the briefings aresaying that the melting of the ice in antarctica is causing thesebuildings to poke out now. this is actually real. all the stuff they’re telling you here is true. and they’re preparing you for the disclosure that they might have done rightafter 9/11 if they needed it. which is why they sendthose guys down in 2002. this was setting that up backin 1998 four years in advance.

they knew what they were going to find. “doubleday,” the glacier, “has been recedingat an estimated 3 meters per year for the last century, and the lastgeologic expeditions,” that they’re going to talk about,“visited the site in the 1920s. ‘previous researchers could haveeasily missed it,’ amundsen says.” because there wasn’t very many of them.” the team worked deep into march,well after the normal end of the field season. ‘so far the researchers haveuncovered the foundations of a massive columned structure thatmay have stood as high as 30 meters,’

says group member harvey sampson, who last,” here it comes, “who last year had provedby dna analysis that piltdown man was not an elaborate hoax but in factthe skeleton of the murdered st. nicholas, the last russian tsar.” sciencenow, april 1st, 1997.april 1st, april fool. they (inaudible) the big middle finger. and it goes on and they say allkinds of stupid crazy stuff then. it’s all joking, ha ha ha. that part makes me angry soi did not include it in the talk.

but the point is, they joke about it,oh april fool, april fool, in a mainstream science journal,talking about ruins in antarctica. they tell you the truthbut then they disguise it. isn’t that amazing? can i get a big round of applauseif you think this is amazing? unbelievable. then, the article that came out two days later, one day after we published endgame ii, links to this, “hitler’s ghost island: secret nazi‘treasure hunter’ base in the arctic

found by russian scientists afterbeing abandoned over 70 years when the crew was poisonedby bad polar bear meat.” that’d be a pretty rough mealin the first place, i don’t know. and it says a top-secret nazi basein the depths of the arctic has been found by the russian scientistsafter more than 70 years. it’s located on a remoteisland in russian territory more than 600 miles from the north pole. and here’s a rusted shellall these things they have all of these pictures they’ve found there.

so that’s getting us ready that the same thing could be in south of the pole, the south pole. we have william tompkins now who hascome out as our big new whistleblower. here he was as a youngman hired in world war 2 to debrief american scientists embeddedin nazi germany’s space program. including people that wereworking in antarctica, and he confirmed that theseruins were known about all the way back in the late 1930s. they’ve had a long time to prepare for telling us the truth.

which is really stunning. now what we’re hearing from coreyis that not only is it antarctica, they are finding that someof the ancient ruins that are found on earth havevery technological things like portal devices actuallyburied inside the stones. including some of the oldest sumerian stuff, and this is one of those examples. so we’re gonna have to probably protectthis stuff when that comes out, because people are going to want to tearthem apart looking for technology.

and they’ve been very quietly doing thiswith very advanced equipment to find these things and try to get themout before they tell us about this, but they’re finding all kinds of cool stuff in there. and while looking at these ancientruins i came across this, those are two ordinary humansof ordinary height. two men, holding like slaves an umbrellafor a very tall human being. isn’t that interesting? a pre-adamite. one of these elongated skull guys,one of the giants.

there’s more proof. one of the things corey’sintel has told us is that they are going to show us rooms thatare just literally lined with gold floors, walls and ceilings with all this gorgeous inlay. and corey actually got to see that stuff and so there’s this place i believe it’s in indonesia, called bao dong that has verysimilar type of a look to it. not exactly the same, but close. and people go there to pray and of course all

that gold is going to have amazing energy, it’s going to be a very energetic spot. and you can see how beautiful this is. corey was picked up by a craft likethis and that’s one of the ways that he got taken to antarctica. this is from the mic group the militaryspace complex secret space program. and when he was down there thisis a forensic reconstruction of what it looks like in one of the real bases. you’ve got these triangular craft down there,

all kinds of excavations going on. and then this is the ark that we commissionedfor end game two. this is what they actually do they’redigging holes through the ice, and you see these buildings down there. so i’m gonna zoom in selectivelyon certain parts of this. if you look carefully you can seethere’s an obelisk up at the top in the ice andthen there is these ruins which he said they do looklike pumapunku in peru and specifically the briefingwas that in pumapunku

was sort’ve like an extraterrestrial un. a lot of different groups metthere and this was very likely another place like that. these ruins this is sort’vewhat we’re going to see when they first release it,something like this. you notice there’s a bulldozer in there and then they got a little tunnel in the back and then there’s rails going up. then when we go down from therewe see this little guy on the left.

that’s a steam blowerand it generates steam, they use it to melt the ice. and then you see on that wooden cart they are hauling out the body of a mastodon. so they are finding lots of prehistoricanimals underneath the ice. and they are also findingall these pre-adamite bodies. now isn’t it interesting that the cabal, the largest object in washington d.c,is the washington monument, an obelisk, an egyptian obelisk,

which is an emulation of stuffthat’s over 2 billion years’ old that is all over our solarsystem and beyond. they still worship the same gods, they still have the same religion. they keep building the samestructures in honor of the very oldest stuff they ever found. that’s not an accident just likethe statue of liberty is the female goddess isis. her torch is the sacred mystery schools,they must keep the flame lit.

just like in the olympics they alwaysgotta have the olympic torch burning, they never let it go out. and then her book is the bookof the sacred mystery teachings. and then the crown, the rayscoming off of her head is the fact that she is ascended,that she’s a god or goddess. so they hide it out in the open with thingslike the statute of liberty, which is the female version and thenthe obelisk being the male version because this is their religion,it’s a mystery school religion. so these pre-adamites bredwith regular people on earth

and they had a whole different typesof hybrids they made. and some of the hybridswere human size height. but retained the elongatedskulls and had less hair and this includes egyptian pharaohs. this is akenhaten nefertiti's daughter meritaten. notice she has no hair anda very elongated skull. i’ve talked about this extensively. there’s the family of akhenaten nefertiti and their kids with all the pre-adamite features.

they were the survivors of this catastrophe. after atlantis they didn’t all die. some of them lived in europe and asia. some of them lived in the americas. they didn’t actually form backinto contact with each other until approximately the 1600sor 1700s based on ships that crossed the atlantic. but they went into hiding they werethe gods in mesoamerica as well. when the conquers camethey fled into the jungles

and underground bases they still had. and they hid out. and they eventually migratedback over to europe. and they all pretty much nowseem to be living in the vatican. but they still have warring factions. the beings that have been foundunder the ice are mummified. this is actually a real mummy. not one of the pre-adamites obviously. but this is kind of what you’regonna see that they look like.

and this is pompey andso pompey of course is where volcanic gassesat very high temperature flash-burned everybodyand they immediately died and their images were captured in the ash. and so this is real people that were captured that way so they are callingthis pompey under ice. one of the crazy things nowthis is a sculpture okay? it’s not real but they foundall kinds of chimeras, half human, half animal hybridswhich is exactly

what edgar cayce’s reading saidthe atlanteans were doing and as part of what made them wickedand what caused the flood is, you are not supposed to do this. they were hybridizing humanbeings with animals and then they were creating theseslaves that they used for work. and they were treated very, very badly. so some of them had a bull, the centaur. yeah it’s funny yeah? i put that in to make you laugh.

but the point is why do we haveall these records of this stuff? because people saw them they were real. they all died out eventually,but for a time these beings did exist, so we still have the records of them. when you actually go into the realstuff deep underground, these are the kind of things you see, gorgeous pillars with light all up and down. and one of the things fromcorey’s briefing was that one of the plans that theyhave for partial disclosure

is that they will tell us about ets. and the first group they wereplanning on telling us about is called the tall whites. and this is what they look like right here. charles hall is the whistleblowerwho’s got into this. now they were hoping this is moreof the cabal groups hoping that they could introduce us to these guys, force us to learn a brand-new language, that’s the tall white language.

and force us to learn their religion and then basically worship them as our gods. good luck with that! i don’t think that’s gonna work. but that’s one of the things they hoped for. so this is brand new art you’reprobably gonna see it again tomorrow. corey allowed me to use it for this talk. these are anchar egg shaped craft.

the anchar of the inner earth alliancethat we talked about last night. nobody’s ever seen this until right now. they’re gigantic now look atthe size of these eggs and then there’s little stairwellsgoing into them. and then there’s people waydown at the bottom okay? i’m gonna zoom in on thosepeople even more. you can get a sense of the enormousnessof these craft. why does it not want to do that? okay there they go.

okay i’m going back up again causei went through that too fast. so these are huge craft that are egg shaped. obviously anti-gravity and corey wastaken down there on an expedition and this is what he saw. over in the background you have an excavation site. so we’re gonna zoom in on that first. the excavation site has trucks, steam blowers, and then you’ll notice that what we are seeing here is some kind of obelisk or pyramidthat’s being steamed out of the ice.

notice the point of the pyramid,the white pyramid sticking up. the beams pointing at it. now the steam around it, that’s what he was seeing. and then over here where they snow is on the bottom. we have people walking up out of the craft. corey was one of them. and there’s a building poking out, you see that corner on the right? that’s the corner of a big stone megalithic building.

and they had already been pulling out pre-adamite bodies and they’d laid them out on the ice because this is a new expedition, a new archeology they are doing here. so what they see there is these bodies of giants wearing these curious outfits, and corey got to see them up close with the mummified look that i told you before. and he said these bodies were really thrashed

because remember these people died in a flood. and if that’s not bad enough an earthquake and flood. then they freeze and are frozen into icewhich becomes antarctica. so this is what he saw when he was there and nobody’s ever seen this until right now. so all of this was fascinating enough on its own. and then i called up pete peterson, and i had a dialogue with him on the phone about what corey had told me but i didn’t really

want to tell him anything. i just said “what do you know about anything interesting going on in antarctica?” and boy oh boy did that open up the bottle, uncorked the bottle and pour up a nice big drink. holy smokes! so the first thing that he told mewhen he started the briefing, he dealt with 15,000 human bodies, and this is a morbid but true thing

that i am authorized to tell you. i’m not really sure why but let me getthis pointer out of the way here. put that down there. he was told he was called and askedwhat to do for 15,000 dead bodies, and explained that they were casualties suffered after the alliance was going after underground bases. so what this means is the alliance is to try save the planet to try to stop these people from tryingto kill everybody with nukes or viruses or economic collapse or anyof the things they’re trying to do.

the alliance has been on an industrialscale getting everybody in these underground bases to eithersurrender or be wiped out and some of them are getting wiped out. and so they call pete up and say, “hey pete, you’re the expert. we got 15,000 dead bodies, what should we do with them to get rid of them?” and you gotta understand militaryguys can joke about stuff like this. so what he told me was that they’vecalled in the canadian marines

for some of these bases and they haverun through half a trailer of ammunition, so there is a big shooting war going on. this is the world war iii,it’s just all happening in places that we’re not supposed to know about. it’s going on right now.that’s a great deal of damage. half a trailer of ammunition isa ton of ammunition. it is set up so individual soldiersdo not know whether they fired real rounds or blanks, and he said this was also done in world war ii

to reduce psychological impact. now i’ve heard people think this is not true. get a lst boat, it’s a military boat. you can fit 120 abrams tanksin one of those lst boats, so it’s very large. let me get this thing out the way. five hundred troops can fit in one of the boats and you can sail the bodies out to sea, fit them with concrete galoshesand feed the sharks.

so that was his brilliant idea abouthow to get rid of 15,000 bodies. so this is how the briefing started. as you can see we are already likereally in the ozone layer here. very strange stuff and again,it’s morbid but this is a real war. and what they are doing is theyare cleaning up all this stuff first before we ever hear about itso that there’s not gonna be a lot of work left to do on the surface. and by the time we actually get disclosure, they’ve already solved most of the problemsand the war has been won.

isn’t that interesting? and that’s a good thing. that’s a good thing becausewhat that means is the rumors that we’ve heard over the yearsabout the destruction of underground bases is true. and that it’s now gotten tothe point where the cabal is almost completely gone. there is just a few little remnants left and they are being wiped out as we speak. it’s amazing!

and he’s telling me this just a few days after it starts raining in california. and it’s eliminated our draught. that’s the alliance too. i’ve been telling everybody thati know online and my friends, when we see it raining in californiafor days at a time that’s where we know the cabalhas been defeated. and that’s what’s happening. it’s fantastic.

so he said that’s been happeningand this is corey’s confirmation. he said that people havebeen locking... this is what corey said after i toldhim what pete told me. people have been locking themselves inside these protective underground facilities. the alliance is cutting throughthe doors with blowtorches, they are arresting people and removingthem off the premises, but if they resist violently thena shooting war results. and marine expeditionary forcesare clearing out the bases.

and one of the problems that happened, according to pete and coreyis that some of these marines were not vetted out on extraterrestrialsand they go into these underground basesand they see eight-foot- or even ten-foot-, 12-foot-tall reptilian, demonic-looking beings fightingagainst them with guns. and the psychological shock has been huge. so there’s a lot of these soldierswho are now in counselling cause they were shocked to seethese non-human dracos.

now i had started to ask himabout the underground cities that he’s talked about before becausethis is where these people are hiding that they are now going in and invading. he said a normal underground citywill house 40 to 45 thousand people. some bases are there to protectpeople who aren’t even there yet. meaning the bases are emptyand they plan on having people from the surface go down thereto be saved from cataclysms. he said that they’ve got thismt. timpanogos underground base where they’ve already set up his apartment.

they are trying to get him to go down there but he stays on the surface. they insisted that he haveone eight months ago. this was in january. and what they’re planning on doingat some point is saying “hello folks, guess what? the sun is changing. at 32,000 feet you are now getting the equivalent of an chest x-ray in an airplane every 8 minutes.” and they’re not telling us this yet.

so flying is becoming a problem. you are allowed two chest x-rays a year. they are hiring flight crews likethey are going out of style. so apparently they are tryingto keep this covered up, but people in flight crews that areon airplanes all the time are getting cancer a lot faster becausethey are getting all these x-rays. and this is because the sun is doing its thing. so i’m trying to fly a lot less than i have to. i’m getting all these invites to these conferences

and i’m thinking you know what i’m good. take my little two-hour flight to boulder and i’m happy once in a while. and it’s kind of a lower altitude anyway. so that’s even better. they’re trying to fly at lower altitudes now to prevent this from being worse. now i ask him a question. benjamin fulford recently reportedthat all of the us aircraft carriers

have been brought back intoport at the same time. and he said yes that’s true. this is happening in portsmouth,newport news, savannah north carolina, camp lejeune,i don’t know to spell that. lejeune okay? small bases in alaska,san francisco, long beach which is down here below la. all the ships are in. a lot of them were out because of what isgoing on in the middle east right now, this war with the alliance vs. the cabal,and isis which is the cabal’s cut-out army.

it takes 6 months of 24 hours a daywork to replenish a full aircraft carrier. you can house 7,000 people on these carriers, and there are two new onesnow that can hold 12,000. you have to fly the planes into thesecarriers from military bases and you have to land on the carrier. you don’t roll them in, you fly them in. the reason that these carriersare all being called in now is to load on weapons thatwe’ve never admitted to. and they weren’t going to tell usabout these weapons

for the next hundred years butdisclosure is moving forward so fast now that they are actually goingto tell us about this much sooner. you see now why i wanted to leakall this intel for the first time right here on stage witha security guard okay? this is very sensitive intel, and you guys are the very firstpeople to ever hear this. isn’t that awesome? so he said this on, this was january 12th and he said last night maurice cotterellwas on coast to coast

and admitted that he was aware of three-mile-longflying aircraft carriers, just like the ones we see in the avengersand in captain america. and he said they just finished the r&don these flying aircraft carriers, and in order to service thembecause they’re in the sky, they used f22 and f35 airplanes. so they’re flying these airplanesup to these aircraft carriers that are cloaked and they are gettingready to tell us about that stuff too because they’ve built new ones. the f22s and f35s have had so manyruns in order to properly do the work

that is needed to go up and downfrom these things that now the planes are alreadywearing out even though they were brand new when they started. so this is a huge effort that is being made. now what are they going to have? they are going to announce weapons systems that shoot laser solitons. the laser soliton will travel foreveruntil it hits something solid and this is part of the technology they needto actually take down draco ships,

which now the earth alliance has. the soliton can go through an 8-foot hull and penetrate directly into nuclear warhead racks. they can get rid of anything, they can shoot it down intothe ground take care of anything they need to take care of. they have things that will takeaircraft out of the air. russia has a nasty plane now andhe thought it was called the s23. this is all part of the briefing.

and it goes on. finally i get to the subject, do you knowanything about ancient ruins being discovered in antarctica? and i didn’t say anything elseand he doesn’t go online, he didn’t see my website. he didn’t know that i had leakedanything about this. this was totally original. and he says, “everybody's been there.obama, trump.” wow, he let that one go.

“buzz aldrin. how did buzz getaltitude sickness,” he asks me. “i heard,” he said “holy shit" seven times before he reachedan altitude of 200,000 feet.” 200,000 feet? yeah, that's way outside the earth. because the acceleration is so fast, he'd never seen anything like it and theyhad a window for him, so he flipped out. they went around the moon,saw the back of the moon and then he saw all the stuffon the back of the moon, all these civilizations andit totally tripped him out.

then they come back towards the earthand they go around one of these floating space station aircraft carriersi was just telling you about and then they tip the wings, the plane goes like this... whoop...and it shows, it's like a hello to the aircraft carrier, gave them a wing wave. so this is what ended up leadinghim having a heart attack. obama was told, “you too can gothrough a leaf grinder if you say a word, even if you breathe it at night while you're asleep.” and they talk to obama like thisall the time, it's really sad.

the president does not get a lotof respect to say the least. and this is where it's funnyand this is what he said, you know, take it for what you will... he said, “that’s the real obama and notone of the stand-ins. the real obama has been locked upfor almost six months now.” yeah, isn't that weird? and this gets into the idea of potentially cloning people and thatyou can have clones that are programmed to be likethe original or lookalikes.

they don't really... there's differentways they can do this. i don't know if this is true but, i just listened to him and i'm telling you what he said, so you can take it for what you will. now he talks about the craft. oh, the c is there because when i post things in, i have to put a character there in orderto make it so it actually looks white and proper so i forgot to deletethat one, i apologize. he said, “they have planes,and this is his funny way of talking,

it's not spaceships, he said, “they have planes, that fly regularly to mars and the moon.” he's admitting this now.-i say, “planes?” “not exactly the same kind of planesyou're thinking of in the public eye.” i said, “are you talking about theblack triangles with the dome on the top?” “yes, that is one type.”then we go on. “and the darts?” and i explain what the darts are, that's what corey has been describing. we had images of it last nightif you want to see that talk.

he said, “that is another type, i can't mention anything unlessyou already know what it is.” so basically, i have to know the answer first and then he’ll confirm that it's trueand that's how he's able to stay alive, he can't tell me anythingi didn't already know. now, this was really cool,this made me feel amazing. he told me, and i'm typing as fastas i can what he's saying, “you, david, are considereda hero to the alliance.” isn't that awesome?

and for god sake, let me drink some water here. he said, “the people in the alliance would love to disclose the things that you david are disclosing, but when they try, they end up making fat sharks.” they get fed to the sharks with concrete galoshes. so, they love the fact that i'm out there. he said, “david, there are so many people who wish they could be on this stage.” well, let's say he was here right now.

so many people that would wishthey could be on this stage tonight, doing the presentation that i'm doingfor you right now, and it gets to be me, so that's pretty frigging awesome, so thank you guys, thank you. okay? let's go on. so let’s get back to this thingabout the aircraft carriers. what exactly are they loading onto these ships? he said they have weapons systemsthat weren't set to be disclosed for 100 years, that's what they'reloading in carriers and airplanes.

“is it stuff that will look like flyingdrones but full-size?” and i of course, …you know, he's not going to tell meunless i already have the answer. corey had already told me this,he didn't know that. he totally confirmed it, he said yes. and then he goes on to say they have dozens of prototypes of three different sized drones. they have been using actual drones, the real ones in movies for almost four years now. and this includes the movie edge of tomorrowfeaturing tom cruise.

that movie had real technology in it and it looks very real in the movie,it's like, “wow, you know, they built a lot of sets for thismovie and they have that thing, it's like a metallic roboticsuit that he wears,” also in the movie avatar. the movie avatar is not fiction, it's disclosing the space programgoing to other planets and mining. and having indigenous populationsthat they then wipe out in order to get the materials they need.

that movie is true and the technology in it is true. and he said to me, “sometimes theyrun out of money on these film budgets and instead of trying to build the thing, they just haul in one of the real onesfrom an underground base and film it.” it's crazy. those were real units. so this is something corey sent me,it's got actually eight propellers on it, four on the top, four on the bottom. it is a powered drone.

and so one of the things that corey'sdisclosure has said is releasing these craft to the public eye soon. and it's going to start with propellersand then when they get to the point that they declassify anti-gravity,then they are just going to take off the propellers, that are already built modularly, to take off the propellers andstick on the anti-gravity cells. so this is going to be something that we're going to see very soonas part of the disclosure, so again, if this stuff really starts to happen,

you heard it here first. why would all the other stuffi'm saying then be wrong? this is how we're going to get full disclosure. this is why we were told,“tell the people everything,” because we're not going to wait50 years for this, so these guys are more worried about that they don'tever want to possibly get in trouble, while we have things that needurgent attention on earth right now. so full disclosure. absolutely. and the briefing goes on,

he starts to describe these threedifferent craft and other things. he said, “we have an airplane,”well, that's what he likes to call it. “there's an airplane that flies up to200,000 feet at the speed of mac 12 or 14, that's what actually caused buzzaldrin to say holy shit seven times. it doesn't require any fuelling. most of these craft go and hidebehind a bigger craft, meaning like a space station.” these space stations or platformsas he calls them, are camouflaged from outerspace at the bottom.

so you can't see them fromthe surface of the earth. and this is how he describes it works. stars move across these craft at nightat random and different brightnesses. it looks like there are cloudsin the sky below these craft from virtually every angle you cansee on the surface of the earth. let’s say that the space station is adisc that’s half a mile in diameter. they make a cloud beneath it thatis five miles in diameter and they also back project on itwhat it looks like behind the craft. and these technologies work 24hours a day, seven days a week,

so there's all this stuff in the sky right now, back projecting holographicimages of the stars behind them and you either see that or you see the cloud. and they're already there. they're just getting ready to turn off thecloaking and show us what they got. isn't that going to be crazy? it's amazing stuff. cloaking is very widely used. then we get into antarctica and beings.this is where it gets really interesting. have you heard anything aboutgiant pre-adamite bodies

being found in the antarctic ice,complete with elongated skulls? this is a very loaded question, but i want to see what he's goingto say when i throw this at him. “yes.” and then he goes on to say, “not onlydid they find dead ones, but they found living ones that are in stasis chambers.” and these are new excavations. they estimate the stasisbeings have been there for at least 800,000 years that we know of.

now, he had written all this down,he has diabetic neuropathy and he doesn't always remember dates very well, and his handwriting isn't necessarilyreadable to himself. and this was a briefing, he was writingthings down as fast as he could and they said to him, “we wantyou to tell david this stuff,” so i can share it with you. isn't that cool? so it appears that his five looks like an eight because later on i said, “is itpossible that it was 500,000 years?” he said, “yeah yeah, becausei wrote it in a funny way

and they told me so much stuffi couldn't remember everything and they wanted me to get this to you.i've done that. ”but i'm just telling you exactlyhow he said it at first, so this does appear to be500,000 years ago. now that's frickin crazy,because what that means is that some of the people fromthe original mars civilization, all the way back half a million years ago, put themselves in stasis chambersthat work so well that some of the half-million yearold stasis chambers are still there,

in antarctica inside theseships that crashed. and then i tell corey and he's like“you weren't supposed to know that”, he was shocked, well guess what dude, pete's people are telling me thatthey want me to know that your people are telling me, "oh don't tell david". well, there's two different factions not everybody's apparently co-coordinating on this. they were hiding from the annunakias well as other people. the annunaki here is referringto draco reptilians of course.

these annunaki means extraterrestrial but there's different types. so then, this is where it gets really amazing. corey had not leaked this to me. they found a gigantic mothershipunder the ice with a new satellite that uses a lowerthan infrared imaging system. they found a man-made objectwithout any question buried three miles below the surface. it was about thirty miles in diameter and looked like a craft.

now, this is where he gets really interesting. how did they get down to this craft?now that they find it, and it fairly was recently apparentlythat they found it. how did they get down there?-they made some things, that shot large plastic bags of water down that three mile shootas they dig the shoot, and then they flash boil it with microwaves and the eliminate the first forty feetof ice on top of things of snow. so in other words, the bag gets dropped,

they have very high powered microwaves,they hit the bag with the waves, suddenly it turns into steam,the steam evaporates the ice and that's how they dig down to the craft. i explained this to corey he said “wow,you weren't supposed to know that either.” then they followed it with pictures. so they start taking pictures of thecraft, obviously we're not seeing them. they found round ports, rectangularports, square ports, knobs, antenna bumps, sensor bumps,telescope bumps, this was a huge thing. it was obviously a craft.

craft were taking off from two different directions, the front and the back of themothership, it had little holes in it where craft would go in and out. the craft would come in from twodirections and they would cross over one on top of one another insidethe craft on conveyor belts. so this was a little bit more complex than what he explained,i'll give it to you in more detail. he said “some are on the top halfof the craft and some are on the bottom”, so what this means is:

the craft has a hole on one side, a holeon the other side, there's a conveyor belt, with sockets in the shapeof different types of ufo's. the ufo literally drops into thecraft, it sits inside nicely, then the conveyor belt moves forwardand another socket shows up but then that one pops in.and it goes on and on like this. and what was amazing was,then i go back to corey with all this stuff. well, let's get to that in a second.first, he had yet more to say. those things, those motherships,will take craft that we've already seen and call ufos,and they actually can hold them inside.

the mothership are set to hold a craftthat would be the shape and size of sliding panels, that slide around on this thing. sometimes, i was typing so fastthat one isn't very clear. but he's talking about the sliding conveyor belt. the thing on the inside goes in the socket, goes in then it rotates by ninety degrees,and turns into the conveyor belt so it kind of pops out like little egg holders. now you've got a big hole on the side. they take off out the front and go in in the back.

and then i say “i have other intelthat suggests they found a craft that had crash-landed near ancientbuilder race ruins in antarctica, they had to cannibalize they craftin other to build a settlement. have you heard anything like that?” and he said “yes”, he confirmed that was true. then he said “they also found an active city of 23 to 40,000 people who were still alive inside those craft after all this time, still living in there.” isn't that crazy?

that was the big thing everyone went down to look at and they wanted to meet some of these new people. we apparently are re-veered by them,corey then confirmed this was true but said that they are actually afraidof us because of our warlike nature. they consider us to be the relatives of their great, great, 800,000 year-old ancestors, which again, he had the number wrong it's 500,000 years old. but we are like long-distant cousins and so they see us as their long-lost familyand they are very excited about that.

everything we have in still orbit, meaning all the classified space stations and stuff, is now hanging over antarctica and looking to the other side to look for all theseartifacts, because now its like fully active. this wasn't known about before, it's fairly new. so, corey then, i go to him and i say, "corey, did you hear about a thirty-mile wide mothership?” and he said “yes,” and then he tells me that actually

there was three of them that have been discovered and the code names for these ships, believe it or not are the nina, the pinta and the santa maria. it's the original remnant of thefallen angels, the luciferian people, the pre-adamite, they're tall with elongated skulls that turned into what we now callthe illuminati that are actually still running the planet, or they were upuntil this alliance thing happened. corey confirms the three motherships,he confirms the sockets,

well he didn't know about the socketsactually, that was new to him. but he confirmed that they heldmultiple spaceships inside and those spaceships could gooutside the earth's atmosphere, but they didn't have enough fuel totravel outside the solar system. so they stayed within our solar system and then the draco were warring withthem so they really didn't leave the earth. but he said some of the craft thatwere found inside the motherships were like the vimanas and theylooked like depictions that we see in vedic artwork and

some of them look like what wesee in tibet, the stupas, very interesting. so we have these ruins down there, and corey has said and pete has said that the plan is that they wanted to roll this out slowly, they start with a very conventional thingof it's just ruins and it's just humans, they didn't want us to see the giants rightaway because that's too much too fast, but now i'm telling you about that part. and then eventually they reveal thatthey have a secret space program, they reveal the craft that they used to fly buzz aldrin

around the backside of the mooncausing him to have a heart attack. then they say “oh isn't it interesting? we found ruins like this also on mars and on the moon, they look very similar” which ishowed you pictures of already. then they're opening it up to full disclosure and at some point we start finding out about et's and the reason why they're doing this is that this is the cosmic history of the illuminati. this is what they believe to be their lineage.

they came from the exploded planetand from mars and from saturn, that's why it's called the cult of saturn or the cronus. and they use the saturn logo all over the place, the rolling stones have that album,their satanic majesties request, yes that was the title. and it has saturn sitting thereright on the top in the image. so now i'm going to summarize this for you, it's a little after 10:30,so i didn't run that far over. evidently, this is what petewas saying as a summary,

and this is his own words that he transcribed. “evidently it will change out entire world forever, just knowing the information. my problem and your problemand for the people in this audience and the military knew that they were goingto be talking to you when he said this. “my problem and your problem is for us,this is normal stuff. it's cool but we can handle it. we don't realize what a huge impactthis will have on most people. we may also end up addingthings to what we hear

based on our own personal beliefsand we need to avoid that.” so, to roll this thing out,i want to show you again, if you didn't see last night’s talkor the visuals on that screen weren't very good, now you'vegot the right screen. what we're going to see whenwe're finally allowed in to some of these gorgeousunderground cities like the one that's in antarctica, and there's many of them. now this is the picture corey found online that looks very similarto what he actually saw

so probably whoever did this art, was getting some kind of telepathic download. based on the reality of what's down there and they see this psychicand then they draw it, or maybe they have anotherlifetime or some kind of maybe they're being visited, who knows. this is an example of what it looks like inside the underground areas, they do have caves and vegetation and running water

and even forms of light caused by lightemitting bacteria on the surface. see stuff like this, we see caves of water and then they hollow out thoseareas and they build facilities in them and that's where theylive, these underground beings. this is another one that he said looksfairly close to what he actually saw, again this was kind of randomly doneby an artist, telepathically most likely another example of an artist gettingreally close, without having seen it, telepathically, most likely. and then this is one of the earlycommissions that we got,

it wasn't entirely accurate, there isn'treally enough stuff there, too much rock, but it was fairly close, it as the first attempt we made and some of the new stuff. thisis one of the brand new ones that he just, just commissioned, and no one has seen it before.except for last night. this is the antshark craft.you see the bell craft, you see the cigar shaped craft, you see these huge pillars filled with light because people are fillingin those pillars of rock.

there are cities along the ground,there's domes with glowing light and the light is like opaque so that you can't see inside,gives them some privacy. then you also have these egg shapedcrafts that i showed you before. and that's down there on the right,the egg shaped craft. here is an image of corey with karee standing in front of whatit actually looks like. now notice, interestingly, how similar this is to what those peopletelepathically downloaded psychically.

that it actually looks like. this is another illustration andi had to really level with him i was like “how real is this?”because this looks frickin fantastic. it's so high tech, it's so crazy, all these domes with all these lights on them. there must be millions of peopleliving in there, he said “yes. this is a very close renditionof what i actually saw and it's incredibly vast and there are millions of peopleliving down there already

and there's room for many more incertain areas that they've made for us. because there are going to beproblems with the sun that will require us to relocate.” and so it's kind of like santa claus, right? he's got the naughty list,and he's got the good list. and you really probably wantto be on the good list. because if you're on the surface ofthe earth it may not be very nice to say the least, it could be anotheratlantian kind of thing. so this is, all part of this ascension idea,

i believe corey is a harbinger, it's not stuff that is only happening to him, you're not only seeing thison cosmic disclosure and boy i wish whatever was happeningto corey would happen to me. no, this has become our reality.we're going to get tours of these places, maybe not where all the antcharare, but there will be other ones, that will look very cool,that we'll be able to go to, and so what i'm concluding with now is a statement that we are on the threshold

of potentially some of the most amazing releases of knowledge in theentire recorded history of humanity. this type of a disclosure is as significant as the advent of someone likejesus coming on earth, if he actually did in fact do the thingsthat the bible said that he did. it's as significant as whathappened to mohammed if you believe what's in the quran. it's as significant as what happened tomoses if you believe the old testament. it's as significant as what happened tokrishna if you read the mahabharata.

and other books like that. it's as significant as the tibetanascended masters, like padmasambhava reaching rainbow body and ascending and 160,000documented cases of that happening. what is going to occur if this is true is so vast, it's so amazingit's almost hard to imagine. you can be a radiant lightand transform the world, with your love, and you can know in the greatest sens,

that indeed you are the light. you are the love, you are the oneinfinite creator now and forever. this cannot be threatenedand it cannot be changed. and so it is. and now i'd like you to takea nice deep breath and come back to your physicalbody, we went way into the ocean, deep sea fishing i call it. wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes. and now when you're ready,i'd like everybody to stand up,

audience participation exercise, you know if you've beento my events that we do this. whatever appropriate, share the love,give your neighbor a handshake or a hug, don't keep it all locked up inside.

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