Jumat, 07 April 2017

crazy fad diets list

crazy fad diets list

so, what do you have here? - i have salty and sweet. salty and sweet. so which one is the strongest? - the sweet right now. okay. and, and...

crazy fad diets list, some of you still have a little bit. is that true? okay. associate to whatever it is. now, how do you know that it is important? this is chocolate, right?

and, anybody give you chocolate because you were important? or ate chocolate with somebody? - no, i use chocolate to sabotage myself,so i won't look nice. and the reason why you don't wanna look nice is? - because i'm afraid of relationships.- you knew. alright. alright. listen to this, guys. di... remember i mentioned that earlier? we'll use food to sabotage ourselves.we'll use food to punish ourselves. we'll use food to be mean to ourselves.

and, so, is it really the food?- no. it's me, it's really the attitude we have about ourself.right. -- i would also say to protect yourself from pain. to protect ourse... . well, here's the crazy part. he said 'is it to protect ourself from pain'? the crazy part is: she already has pain. and she's holding onto the pain and, in order to support the pain, we keep doing what? - eating.eating and sabotaging ourself.

which not only supports the pain, it brings more pain.and it also escalates. i mean, it gets bigger and bigger.it's a, it's a vicious cycle. so, if, if, if this programme's inside her,how many diets will it take to fix it? -- none.how many... none. you can take, you can do a hundred diets.it will never sovle the problem. that make sense? so, what we have to do is we have to addressthe real deal. the real deal is, is our attitude about ourself. the real deal is, is the hurts, the memories,

the past that we use to beat ourself up with.you see it? - uh hum.and so, what we wanna do is... of course, you know, i could address the chocolate and we could change a little bit of the chocolate. and the chocolate may representeverything in the past but the emotions will show up there, too, because when we're talking about the chocolate, self-sabotage, i'm being mean to myself. er, punishing myself, abandonment issues,does that make sense?

so, so we're gonna.. you can feel all this now, right? - mmm.i want you to think about it and i want you to make it, er, ten times stronger.okay? and, and, how you do that is you think aboutthe reasons why you wanna sabotage it. think about the people that, that hurt you. or the people you hurt, too.- uh huh. and i want you to feel your hurt, as well, for the last time.- okay. zero: i can't feel it. ten: really strong.can you get it to a ten? - i can get it past a ten.alright, how high can you make it?

- i can make it a twenty.alright. do a twenty. - uh huh.alright. feel it. - yep.make it stronger. make it a thirty. see? she's doing it, right?who's in control of it? she is. alright, now, in your mind, see the tree.the roots are pulled. let it go. right? i release and let it go.- i release and let it go. all my sadness.- all my sadness. all my fears.- all my fears.

angers.- angers. rejections.- rejections. abandonments.- abandonments. all the betrayals.- all the betrayals. i lovingly release and let it go.- i lovingly release and let it go. in the past,- in the past, if you love me,- if you love me, you'd be mean to me.- you'd be mean to me. if you love me,- if you love me,

you'll sabotage me.- you'll sabotage me. you'll punish me.- you'll punish me. i'm tired of that type of love.- i'm tired of that type of love. and all it did was hurt.- and all it did was hurt. it's time to let it go.- it's time to let it go. i lovingly release.- i lovingly release. and let go of the pain.- and let go of the pain. the pain is not me.- the pain is not me. it's not mine.- it's not mine.

i can produce it.- i can produce it. and i can get tired of it.- and i can get tired of it. today.- today. deep breath (inhales & exhales) peace.- peace. alright. now go back to it again.i want you to bring it up to a ten, if you can. (she nods)you got it? do you have a picture with it? you see, what do you see? you or somebody else. you?

look at your face. notice the expression. let it go.- let it go. release and let it go.guys, everybody tap with me. very good, sweety. now, look at your face again. what is the expression? you remember at training class guys?you remember the technique? look at the face. any emotions?

it's lessened, hasn't it?- it's lessened. feel what's left. it's safe now.it's safe now. deep breath. (inhales & exhales) peace.- peace. look at your face again. - a tiny bit. notice the tiny bit. it's safe now.- it's safe now. look at your face again. any emotions?

alright. i want you to drift back in time, maybe a time that you held a little babythat you felt love for. - uh huh.be right there with that baby. feel that love.- i feel it. notice where in your body that you feel it. notice where you feel it. and as you feel that, i want you to look at you, over there and send it to you, cause that's all you really want. send it to her.

send her more.- uh huh. invite her over to you. hold her really tight. is that okay to hold her tight?- uh huh. and whisper in her ear something that she needs to know. listen to her. she wants to tell you something, too. say: i forgive myself.- i forgive myself. for being so hard on myself.- for being so hard on myself. i forgive myself.- i forgive myself.

for punishing myself.- for punishing myself. for sabotaging myself.- for sabotaging myself. it's now time.- it's now time. to love me.- to love me. i've always did the best i could.- i've always did the best i could. based on what i knew at the time.- based on what i knew at the time. the past is over.- the past is over. and i'm here now.- and i'm here now. alright. now, think about it again.

you remember you used to sabotage yourself with food?- uh huh. get you some tissue. thank you, linda.- thank you. i'll keep it. i may need some more. - okay.alright? now, you remember you sabotaged yourself with chocolate? i want you to feel that feeling'i'd sabotage myself with chocolate.' do you still feel that feeling? - not as strong.okay.

chocolate equals love.- chocolate equals love. and i don't know if i deserve that much love. - i don't deserve that much love (laughter) and since chocolate can't love me.- and since chocolate can't love me. i should eat a lot of chocolate.- i should eat a lot of chocolate. you see it? it can't love me.- it can't love me. and that's all i wanted.- that's all i wanted. i was afraid of love.- i was afraid of love.

but now i can love me.- but now i can love me. chocolate's not so important.- chocolate's not so important. alright. how do you feel about chocolate and the sabotager? - i hope i won't do it again. well, you know what? if you do, you can just still love you. and, of course, there's more to this structure. you notice. you know it's really not the chocolate. you notice that, even with the coke, was it really the coke?- no, it's not. so, it's not the food, guys.

it's the meaning you give to the food. and, all you want is the skills, and the abilityto change you. and i highly recommend, there's a seminar coming up.it's gonna start next week it's not about dieting.it's not about starving. it's about learning to love yourself. learning to put food back where it belongs. learning to take control of your emotions, your feelingsand what you do inside you. there's no greater gift than the gift of freedom. and that's what i'll give you.

now i, i realize that a lot of us have stuff within us that we've ran from, we try to run from and the problem is: we take us with us. we take our memories,we take our emotions. we take all of our feelings.all our references. and if you don't like what's in you,learn how to change it. that's what i'm giving you. the ability is to change what you do in here.(points to his head) if you want to lose the weight,gain control of your life.

love yourself. pretty simple?- yes. alright. thank you. give her a hand. subtitles: antoinette iacobucci.

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