Jumat, 07 April 2017

easy diet plans that work fast

easy diet plans that work fast

hello and welcome to the really simple guideto the fast two-day 5:2 diet plan. are you interested in an effective diet planthat will help you lose weight and improve your health, whilst still allowing you toeat all of the foods that you love? what about a diet plan when you only needto focus your effort twice a week, leaving you relaxed and free to eat well for fivedays out of seven?

easy diet plans that work fast, the 5:2 diet plan is an extremely popularway to both lose weight and improve your overall health. it is a plan that is:* easy to understand * easy to adapt to your own lifestyle* easy to stick with.

the 5:2 diet plan works as, within a weekas a whole, you consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain your current weight. the plan is so simple it�s almost an oxymoronto actually call it a plan, but here�s the 3 steps to what you need to do:for step 1, each week choose which 2 separate days are going to be your diet days. a �diet day� is 24 hours long and canstart at any point in the day to suit your schedule. in step 2, on your diet day, make sure thatyou only eat 500 calories as a women or 600 calories if you�re a man.

this needs to cover everything you eat anddrink in that 24 hour period. in step 3, for the remaining five days, eatnormally and mainly healthily (but treats are allowed)! just remember that the two diet days are thereto create a weekly calorie deficit which leads to weight-loss, so make sure don�t treatthem as a license to binge on the non-diet days. the 5 2 diet is a very convenient and practicaldiet plan to follow even if you normally struggle to incorporate dieting into your lifestyle,for example if perhaps because you work shifts, or like me have to travel and stay away onbusiness.

so, you can vary the two days that you dietto suit your schedule in any given week. you can eat out, socialise, visit with friendsand family � all without having to worry about what to eat. if you work shifts, you can start your dietday a whatever point in the day or night you like, and then follow it for 24 hours. often we can eat for emotional reasons, ifyou are having a bad or stressful day that�s making you struggle, just swap your diet dayin that week. you may be wondering if this is a fad dietand is it actually a healthy one? in fact, there have been several scientificresearch studies which have found that there

can be wider health benefits to be gainedfrom a healthy eating plan that incorporates intermittent fasting, which is what you areactually doing on your diet days. studies have found a correlation between intermittentfasting and lowered blood pressure, lowered cholesterol levels and improvements in insulinsensitivity. nevertheless, you should always consult yourdoctor before commencing any new diet or exercise regime and that includes this plan. in particular, fasting is not suitable foreveryone so the 5:2 diet plan is not suitable for some people, and particularly it is notappropriate for: * anyone who is pregnant, planning a pregnancyor breast-feeding

* anyone with a major health condition suchas diabetes or irritable bowel syndrome * anyone who has had an eating disorder. but the $64,000 question is will i lose weight? earlier i covered how the 5 2 diet plan createsa weekly calorie deficit as long as you don�t treat it as a license to binge on the non-dietdays. it�s this which leads to weight loss. research has found the 5:2 diet can be aseffective at losing weight and improving insulin sensitivity as following a daily calorie-controlleddiet. you can reasonably expect to lose 1-2lbs or0.5-1kg per week.

so if you like the sound of this diet andthink it would suit you but you want to learn more, especially about what you can actuallyeat on your diet days, you may want to grab a copy of my two-day 5:2 diet plan low caloriemeals cookbook. it includes over 40 filling and satisfyingbut low calorie meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner on diet days. it also includes a full guide to the dietplan and there are plenty of tips for success including example meal plans that will helpkeep hunger and boredom at bay. available as a paperback or kindle book fromamazon, or as an ebook from ibooks, nook or kobo, you�ll find links in the box belowplus a link to my video that shows an example

of what exactly you can eat on a 500 calorieday. i hope you have found this useful, pleasegive it a thumbs up if you have and bye for now!

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