>> mom vo: how can i help develop healthyeating habits... for my two year old? >> expert vo: serving a variety of foods fromeach food group helps ensure your child gets the nutrients he needs... and teaches habits for a lifetime of healthyeating. here's what your toddler age 2 to 4 shouldeat in a day:
healthy food for 14 year old boy, about 3 ounces of grains. 1 cup of fruits or 1 cup of veggies has carbsfor energy, vitamins and minerals, and fiber for healthy digestion. about 2 ounces of lean meat or poultry
eggs or legumes has protein a key building block for growth. about 2 cups of dairy a day has calcium forstrong bones as well as protein. foods with healthy fats and oils offer vitamine, an antioxidant. you can provide healthy choices... and a good example. remember a lifetime of healthy eating startsearly. >> sign up for mygerber to learn more abouthealthy eating habits for toddlers 2 years of age or older.
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