hello its kinoshita yuka < change font size color and transparency via the options menu> today! i will be eating this... this was sent to me by the person doing the korean subtitles a female, her name is ? pak sua and she sent me this this is a popular and very hot instant ramen from korea and she wanted me to eat this and korea is known for their spicy dishes already and from that country she sent me thier version of spicy... and i don't really do a lot of spicy things and am not that great at spicy challenges as it stands and i think if i eat this.... i'l........
korean celebrity banana diet, die and here it is... it looks really dangerous and hot and inside the bag we have a normal dried ramen and then well just looking at it it looks super hot
and here is a dried topping pack and since i have 6 packs total i'lll make 3 as per the instructions and the other ones i'll add my own toppings i believe you can cook these just like regular japanese ramen and it looks like we don't add the soup so i'll drain it now and then place it here then we pour on top the spicy looking soup pack from earlier ahh just look at the color of this omg omg omg just looking at it you know its going to be super hot then we mix it then add the dry toppings ok it looks like this and this one is the same as before
and i believe adding cheese and egg will make this taste better and since it looks hot i'm going to add extra extra cheese to this and just give it a mix and then add the danger pack to this ahh i want to add sugar or something to soften the blow of the spice and now we mix and once done we add the toppings and it looks like this and i believe this one will feel less spicy ok its done this one is the normal version and this one has cheese and egg mixed into it i added 4 slices of cheese to it its totes going to be super hot and while making this i took a tiny bite and man... my mouth was on fire and because i'm scared at how hot this is going to be i have some milk standing by to hopefully make things less hot itadakimasu omg this is going to be sooooo hot
look at how red this is its so red. and remember folks this isn't no napolitan or anyhing like that ahh i'm so scared of this lol from the moment you swallow the heat just flares up the first bite is tasty but this spicy heat has no.... there is no comparison hot.... so hot.... hot it is certainly hot but.... its hot afterall lol the first bite had some umami but then the heat hits you and there really is no comparison its been a while since i had anything hot like this you really gott watch how you eat this you definitely can't slurp too hard omg i need some milk quickly .... quick quick some milk lets drink some oh wow... i never noticed how sweet milk tastes
omg that's it its all so hot i can't eat... ahh my tongue.... its ... pain.... but i must... ea.... ea...... eat this i absolutely hate leaving food uneaten omg my mouth is just in pain right now and right now my mouth is reacting and trying to cope with this heat and i think if you get past the heat this really is a good tasting ramen and its super spicy but there is a good umami to this will you look at this the plate is covered in this super hot stuff and this milk is.... its so hot... and its only when you have milk in your mouth that you get away from the heat for a bit and once you put this stuff in your mouth it just hits you it hits you its hot... its so hot ok i finished it omg it was truly hot
omg its still so hot in my mouth omg what should i do about this its so hot i can't talk anymore well the noodles had a nice mouthfeel and it was yummy and next up is this the one with cheese and egg this might be less spicy ok its like this omg my mouth is still on fire mmm this one is not as hot and since i ate the hotter one first you can really tell how much milder the egg and cheese make this its really yummy this is really very yummy and well cheese and egg are ' kami ' gods after all and perhaps after eating a bunch of this the searing pain in my mouth is diminishing just a bit
cheese and egg are ' kami ' afteralll eating this the regular way was too hot but this one tastes less hot this has a lot of cheese and egg mixed into it final mouthful itadakimasu gochisosamadeshita ahh it was sooo hot but eating the super hot one first and then this one second made it taste so much better and the noodles were a medium kind of flat style noodles and they had a very toothsome feel to it and it really had a good umami to it before the heat really got to you and it was pretty yummy on a scale it had a 1 for umami and 9 for spice and this one had 3 for umami and 7 for spice
and sicne i ate this one first then this it made it really good and this might rank among the spiciest things i've ever eaten and this should be only tried be those who are used to eating spicy things and if you are unused to eating spicy things i think you just might die eating this lol and eating just one packed might be a bit tough but despite that it was very tasty and eating things from overseas is wonderful and i love eating and i want to experience all sorts of things from around the world and i am happy to have done this thank you very much!!! and this was my first time eating a well known spicy ramen from korea it was very hot but very tasty as well so please if you are up to it.. give it a try and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons bai bai .. ahhh its so hot...
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