for this video, i'm going to show you howto lose weight in your bathroom without you actually taking a shit. now, don'tworry. i'm not going to take my clothes off or anything like that. in eightseconds we're going to do ski steps, which is almost like running inplace. all right. stand up. get ready. three seconds.get ready, about to start.
top 10 fad diets list, and go. doing ski steps as fast as you can.come on, go. go as fast as you can. like i said, it's like you're almostrunning in place, just doing ski steps like you're on a ski machine. keep goingas fast as you can. see how i'm going right now and how you're going rightnow? i want you to keep that
same pace for this whole workout. don't slackoff. go as fast as you can. we're going to keep that same pace. and stop. all right, you get a short 10 second break.if you want to, you can keep moving around like i'm moving around or youcan have a seat on your toilet. just keep moving. all right, get ready. andgo. come on. go as fast as you can. i want youto go as fast as you can because the speed you're going now, i want you tokeep that same speed the whole workout. i don't want you to ever slack offwith that speed. the other thing i want you to do is try to go a littlebit faster every time. eight
seconds. keep going. keep going. go as fastas you can doing those ski steps. don't slow down. get ready. stop. nowyou can slow down. you can keep moving or have a seat. there'sno excuses for you to not do this workout. do not sit there and watch it.get ready. go. this is not a movie. this is a workout. nota movie. don't sit there and watch it. stand up and do something. keepgoing. keep going. go as fast as you can. remember, keep that same speed. it'sthe third one we've done. you should be at that same speed. your workoutshould be still somewhat easy for you right now. keep going as fast as youcan. stop.
all right, keep going. like i said, we'regoing to lose weight in the bathroom today without you actually takinga shit on the toilet. lose weight in the bathroom. get ready. go. keep going. look, if it's too hard, have aseat on the toilet or have a seat in a regular chair and do this workout.all right? i don't want you to have any excuses for why you can't do this.bad knees? no excuse. bad back? no excuse. you can still do this. keep going.i'm about to stop. keep going. and stop. that's right. keep moving or have a seat onthe toilet. whatever you got to
do to keep going. all right. get ready. we'regoing right back to it in two seconds. go. we're going right back into it. for thoseof you who are lazy or those of you have excuses, look to the right of yourscreen. for those of you who want to lose as much weight as you can, let'sdo what i'm doing the regular way. i'm doing punches right now to make ita little harder. the punches are only for people who think this is tooeasy. keep going. and stop. like i said, when you're doing the ski stepsand you add the punches, that's going to make it a little harder. getready. we're going right back
to it in three seconds. and go. now, look. if you hate my voice or you'retired of me talking, hit "mute". put some earphones on and use your own musicto pump yourself up. do what you got to do to go as fast as you can tonot give up. keep going. get ready. i'm about to stop. keep going, keepgoing. give it to me. stop. remember, keep that same pace you always kept.every time i say "go", pretend it's the first one you've ever done.all right, get ready. this is your first one. we're starting over. go. youjust started. just started. brand new, come on. keep going. keep going.come on, you should still be a
little bit fresh right now. come on, keepgoing. keep going. i know that voice in your head right now is telling you,"oh man, this is hard. i'm not going to be able to finish," but tell thatvoice to shut up and tell that voice that you will finish. you will get thebody you want. keep going. stop. keep moving. like i said, don't ever let thatvoice in your head make you quit. think about those reasons why you wantto do this. go. keep going as fast as you can. as you're goingand as you're going as fast as you can, think about why you're doing this.think about the body you
want. think about how people are going toreact to you when they see you lost 10 pounds, 20 pounds or 50 pounds. thinkabout all those things while you're thinking about quitting. all right,three more seconds. come on, as fast as you can. don't slack. stop. come on. please don't slack off. keep thesame intensity, same pace, same speed. you've got to do it for me. you'vegot to do it for yourself. get ready. go. come on. as fast as you can. come on. don'tstop. look at me. you want to add those punches to make it harder? i'm doinguppercuts right now.
whatever you've got to do. when you add thosepunches, like i've said, it's a little bit tougher but it'll help you loseweight a little bit faster and burn fat that much faster. keep going. comeon. three seconds. stop. okay. keep going. all right, get ready. we'regoing back to it. two come on, as fast as you can. don't listento that voice in your head telling you to quit. all right? see rightnow how i'm punching? i'm twisting my waist. when i'm twisting my waistit also helps me firm up my love handles and helps me burn some of thatbelly fat a little bit faster. keep going. we're losing weight all over.stop.
all right, keep moving if you want to. lookat me. even i'm having a seat right now. this workout is tough so you canhave a seat if you want to. get you a little bit of water to drink. go. go right back to it. remember, we're doing20 seconds as fast as you can. then we take a short 10 second break. so 20-10s.20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. come on. 10 more seconds. remember, we'redoing this like your first one. remember when we first started? thatsame speed. keep going. stop. all right, show me that you want it. in fiveseconds i want you to prove to me that you want that body. prove to me thatyou want that body by going a
little bit faster this time. little bit faster.go. come on, show me that you want that body.show me you want to lose weight. come on. go on. show me that you want to lookget naked. come on. prove it to me. don't slow down. come on, pick it up.don't slow. this is not the time to slow down. come on. come on, go faster.add some punches in if it's too easy for you. come on. if it's too hard,have a seat. all right, stop. all right, keep moving. for those of you ifit's too hard, take an extra 10 second rest. when we get to 10 seconds inthe work part, keep going. go. all right, keep going. come on. as fast asyou can. come, doing those ski
steps. remember, same pace, same intensity,the same speed throughout the whole workout. that's what we've got to doif you want to get that body you want. come on, five more seconds. come on,keep going. stop. look, there is no excuse for you not to dothis workout. i don't want to hear that excuse that "i don't have the space."i'm in a tiny bathroom right now. no excuses. get ready. go. as fast as you can. look, no excuses. lookhow small that bathroom is that i'm in. i bet your bathroom is probably twicethat size. there's no excuse for you to not do this. i don't want to hear,"i don't have space. i don't
have time. i don't feel like it." no excuses.you can do this workout. no excuses. keep going. and stop. all right, going right back to it. get yourlittle rest. have a seat if you want to. look how small that bathroom is.no excuses. get ready. go. come on. we're going to lose weight in yourbathroom today without you actually using the bathroom, if you know whati mean. keep going. keep going. see how i'm punching and twisting?when you punch and twist like that as you do this, you're going to burnsome of that love handle fat off and firm up that waist. keep going. come on.and stop.
this workout is tough. even i have to takea seat and take a drink of water as i'm doing this. get ready. go. we're goingright back to it. that's why i'm doing voiceovers. this workoutis tough. i can't do this workout and actually talk to you at the sametime. i can't talk. that's the intensity it is. i can't talk to you and havea clear conversation when i'm doing this at the same time. this is a realintense workout. keep going. two more seconds. and stop. there you go. so if you're doing this workoutright now with a friend of yours, you should be so tired that you couldn'tbe able to talk to them
clearly. go. going right back to it. going right back toit. i know it's tough. keep going. remember, do every 20 second part likeit's your first time doing this. stay fresh. stay strong. give it 100%the whole time. come on, three more seconds. and stop. look, it's not about how many calories youburn. it's about doing a workout that's going to actually kick your butt everytime. you do that workouts that kick your butt, you're going to loseweight faster. don't worry about the calories you've burned. go.
believe me, it's going to burn a whole lotof calories. you're going to burn a lot of calories while you're doingthis workout and you're going to burn a lot of calories after you do this workout.all right, keep going. i just want you to give it all you got so youcan keep kicking your butt every time you do this workout. come on, threemore seconds. come on, a little bit faster. come on. all right, stop. all right, wait a little bit longer this time.that's all right. all right, get ready. come on, we're going right backto it. go. come on. come on, you've still got to giveit to me. don't slack off. come
on. please don't slack off. come on, you'vegot to give it to me. i know you want that body. look, i know this workoutlooks a little bit stupid right now, but think about it. but what looksmore embarrassing to you right now: the way you look or doing thisworkout to make yourself look better? all right, eight more seconds. come on, getready. going back in five more seconds. come on, a little bit faster thistime. go. come on. a little bit faster this time. alittle bit faster. this is the middle of the movie. a little faster. an inchmore faster. an itty bit more
faster. come on, don't slack off for me. comeon. come on. don't let that voice tell you that you can't go faster. youcan go faster. you will go faster because you want that body. you wantto look good naked. you want to get rid of the ugly fat. keep going. stop. all right. right now what we're about to dois 30 seconds on, then a 10 second break. then 20 seconds on and 10 secondsbreak. i'm going to ask for a little bit more. keep going. go. come on. 30 seconds right now. come on. i'masking for an extra ten seconds of work. an extra 10 seconds. come on. don'tthink about it as work. think
about it as you losing more fat when you doit. keep going. come on. 15 more seconds. come on. pump it up, come on.don't give up. all right, 10 more seconds right here. that's all i'm asking.10 seconds right here, then we can go back to regular. come on. keep going.keep going. come on, three seconds. stop. all right, this time we're going right backto the regular 20 seconds. but you've got to give it to me. i' know you'rea little bit tired this time, but forget about that. go. come on, come on. you're not tired. you'restrong right now. this is easy
to you. easy workout. come on. easy workout.come on. go fast. this workout is too easy for you. come on, add those punchesin there. come on. think about why you're doing this. come on, thinkabout that body you want. keep all right. yeah, i know it's tough. that'swhy i'm having a seat. all right, in three seconds we're going rightback to the 30 seconds again. you've got to give it to me. go. come on, 30 seconds. right here. if you can'tdo the full 30 seconds, do 10 seconds. but do something. come on. come on.the whole 30 seconds. don't slack off. come on, do something. do whatyou've got to do. come on. get
that burn in. get that burn in. come on. getthat burn in. come on. you don't like the ugly fat. come on. get ridof it. three more seconds. get ready. stop. you only get but 10 seconds. come on. we'regoing right back to it in five seconds. get ready. go. come on, going right back to it. this is only20 seconds. 20 seconds should be easy for you now. 20 seconds should beeasy. it's nothing compared to 30. come on. 20 seconds, easy. so you cangive it all you got. come on. come on, don't stop. come on, do not slackoff on me. five more seconds.
keep going. keep going. stop. remember, before you think about quitting,think about all the reasons why you want to do this. think about how muchbetter you're going to look. think about all the ugly fat melting away.go. come on, think about those reasons. come on.come on, we're doing the full 30 seconds right here. 30 seconds. if youcan't do the full 30 seconds, stop at 20. if you can't do 20 seconds, stopat 10. keep going. keep going. come on, give me five. come on. come on, 10more seconds. 10 more seconds. you can do this. you will do this becauseyou want that body. come on.
raise the roof. come on. keep going. stop. see? i'm having a seat because i know it'stough. this workout is kicking my butt. it should be kicking yours, too.get ready. go right back to it. go. going right back to it. we're just doing 20seconds this time. 15 more seconds. this should be easy. that's nothingright now. look, we're more than halfway finished. we're more than halfwayfinished at this point in the workout. more than halfway finished. look,there's no need for you to quit. there's no need for you to keep askingyourself when it's going to be
over. it's almost over. stop. come on. see? i'm having a seat every timenow. it's absolutely kicking my butt. but, hey, that's a good thing. get ready.go. keep going. come on. come on. come on. comeon, keep up with me. go faster than me. beat me. go faster than me. i knowyou can beat me. come on, you can beat me. add those punches in there. dowhat you've got to do to beat me. come on, 10 more seconds left. come on,keep going. keep going. come on, three more seconds. and stop. like i said, please don't let that voice inyour head make you quit this.
that voice in your head wants you to staythe way you are. go. the little voice in your head wants you tostay the way you are. but you've got to tell that voice that you want to change.you want to look better. keep going. 10 more seconds. if you get tiredof my voice, hit "mute". put some headphones on. i don't want you to haveany excuses to quit. don't leave me. don't leave me. get ready. stop. okay. for the last part of this workout we'redoing 30 seconds only. so 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off. come on. go. come on. you've got to push yourself. you'vegot to push yourself. we don't
have that many more of these left, but they'reall going to be 30 seconds. come on. you've got to go. if it's too hardto do the full 30 seconds, then do 10 seconds. do 15 or 20 or whatever. youcan do 25. do what you've got to do to not quit. come on. you will finishthis. come on, 10 more seconds. come on. come on. i know it's hard. but look,it's the hard workouts that's actually going to get you that body you want.not those long walks in the park. stop. doing those easy walks on the treadmill, ithelps a little bit, but it's not going to help you get a body like thisright here. keep going. keep
going. go. that's right. going as fast asyou can. if you want to lose five pounds this week. this is the type of workoutyou want to do, not those easy workouts you're doing on the treadmillevery day. these kinds of workouts are going to get youthe body you want quickly. all right, 15 more seconds. come on. you're gettingthat body you want today, not tomorrow. keep going. come on. 10 moreseconds. i know it's tough. we're going all out. keep going. keep going.all right, three more seconds. get ready. stop. come on. get ready. going right back to it.don't give up. come on, stand
right back up. go. come on. come on. you can do this. rememberwhy you're doing this workout. you know why you're doing this. because youwanted to lose weight or you wanted to look better. you wanted to burnfat. whatever the reason is, remember that reason and you keep going. thinkabout like in 30 days when people see the brand new you. think of howshocked they're going to be to see that you lost 10 pounds or 20 pounds oreven 50 pounds. think about that to keep you going before you quit. stop. like i said, for those of you who still thinkthis workout is too easy,
stand up and keep moving. or have a seat.get ready. go. for those of you who think this is too hardright now, stay seated on the toilet. when my clock gets to about 20 or15, then you can stand up. but like i said, whatever you've got to do tomake this workout more intense so you won't quit, you keep doing that. 15 moreseconds. no excuses. like i said, i'm going to say it again: thisis not a movie. all right? this is not some video you sit down and watchwith your friends. y'all should all be standing up and doing this workoutwith me. five more seconds. come on. we've got about three tofive minutes left. stop.
keep going. come on. here we go. going inthree seconds. get ready. go. come on. keep going. go a little bit fasterthan me. but look, i'm not saying you have to be better than me or fasterthan me. i'm just saying i don't want you to slack off so much. you musttry to give it your all. 100% each time. go your fastest. do your best.but eventually when you do this workout, maybe by your third or fourth timeyou do this workout, you should be going faster than me. you should be beatingme every time. all right, keep going. come on, three seconds. get ready.stop. now, look, this time we do this, this is abrand new workout. pretend that
you just started. in three seconds we're doinga brand new workout. you're fresh. brand new workout. go. brand new workout. brand new workout. you'renot tired. you just started. come on, this workout is easy. you just startedand you're thinking to yourself, "wow, this is easy. i can go fastright now". come on. this workout is easy right now. brand new workout.you're fresh. come on, keep going. 15 seconds. come on, keep going. remember, we're going to do these last fewminutes like your first few minutes when you were fresh. we're going allout. are you keeping that same
speed, that same intensity you kept when youfirst started? good. if not, we've got to pick it up. stop. all right, going back to it in five seconds.is your butt getting kicked? good. go. we want that. we want those tough workouts.you've got to sweat. you've got to work if you want to get what you want.that's true for anything in your life. you've got to work to get what you want.some things come easy, but believe me, when it comes to losing weightand getting that body you want, you have to work. you have to sweat. 10 moreseconds. come on. keep going.
keep going. like i said, if it's too easy,make it harder. if it's too hard, you can rest a bit longer. get ready.stop. all right, get ready. this is the last onewe're doing. 40 seconds. go. going for 40 seconds for the last one. keepgoing. keep going. all right, come on. this is the last one. the last one,give it all you got. this is the last one. come on, last one. do your lastone like your first one. come on, don't stop on me. come on. come on, keepgoing. last one like your first one. keep going. come on. come on. faster,faster. last one. last one then you get the rest of the day.keep going. come on, 10 more
seconds. it's your last one. after that, youget to do whatever you want for the rest of the day. keep going. as fastas you can. keep going. and stop. good job. that's it. that workout is too easy.the bathroom workout. good job.
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