Selasa, 11 April 2017

type of diet for cancer patients

type of diet for cancer patients

the importance of alkaline diet that everycancer patient should know! ph balance is not only crucial for the peoplewho suffer from cancer, but for every person in general. in order to stay healthy, every person hasto keep an alkaline environment. in order to maintain slightly alkaline phof 7.35, the human body actually goes to great

type of diet for cancer patients, lengths, but stress and poor diet often changethe environment to an acidic one in which illnesses can thrive. maintaining alkaline diet is not so easy becausewe really have bad eating habits. people are used to consume microwave meals,fast foods, processed foods, packages snacks,

all of them unhealthy on the case of cancer. in order to accelerate the process of healing,cancer patients have to consume alkaline foods. today we will present you the most importantdietary changes: acidic environment and ph imbalance is creatingby the consumption of unhealthy foods. on the contrary, you can fight inflammationand restore the balance by consuming alkaline foods. this diet primarily includes root vegetables,broccoli, leafy green veggies, peas and lentils, beans, spices, herbs, seeds, nuts, chivesand leek, onions, garlic, cabbage, cauliflower and small amounts of non gluten grains suchas rice.

the diet also includes organic poultry a fewtimes a week, clean fish, 2-4 ounces of grass-fed meat and as much fresh vegetables and fruitsas you can. avoid glutinous grains because it leads toinflammation. avoid the consumption of high-gluten grainssuch as baked goods, cookies, crackers, muffins, bread, cakes, pasta, cereals, wheat, rye andwhole grains. consume non gluten grains such as millet,amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa and rice. do not forget that you should also avoid “glutenfree” prepared products, because they are full of processed oils and added sugar. more glucose per unit is actually used bythe cancer cells compared with others cells.

that is the main reason why you should avoidthe intake of sugar. it also drains the magnesium in the body andcontributes to cancer. however, agave and honey should be avoidedtoo. instead, consume fresh pineapple, unsweetenedapplesauce, dried apricots and figs. due to the casein protein, dairy is one ofthe most cancer promoting foods. due to the inflammation and high acidic production,these foods usually lead to bone deterioration and promote cancer proliferation.

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