Rabu, 12 April 2017

type of diet for cystic fibrosis

type of diet for cystic fibrosis

♪ [music playing--no dialogue] ♪♪. hi, my name is jaimi sheenan andi'm a graduate student here at eastern illinois university. today, i'm going to talk toyou about cystic fibrosis and how to make acarrot-raisin salad.

type of diet for cystic fibrosis, to start off, what iscystic fibrosis? well, cystic fibrosis, alsoknown as cf, is an inherited and chronic disease that affects thelungs and digestive system. it's a defective gene thatcauses the body to produce

abnormally thick andsticky mucus. this clogs the lungs and causespersistant lung infections and also causes the pancreas andother organs to have an affect on the way it digests food. according to the cystic fibrosisfoundation approximately 30,000 adults and childrenare affected by this disease, and that's 70,000 worldwide. approximately 70% of patientsare diagnosed by the age of 2, and the averagelife expectancy is between

30 and 40 years and beyond. people with cf typically havesymptoms including persistant coughing, usually with phlegm,abmormal salty-tasting skin, and wheezing or shortness ofbreath and also poor growth despite good appetite. by following a treatment plan,people with cf can slow the progression of their disease. a healthier body isbetter able to fight off lung infection and bacteria.

an important factor for stayinghealthy is nutrition. good nutrition and lung healthgo hand-in-hand. people with cf may needextra calories to compensate for malabsorbption. this problem can be treated withpancreatic enzyme supplements, vitamins and minerals, and alsoa high-calorie, high-fat diet. in cf, a high-calorie, high-fatdiet can help children to have normal growth anddevelopment and also for adults to maintainnormal vital health.

people with cf do not absorb fatproperly, so that means that fat-soluble vitamins are notgoing to be absorbed as well. these include vitaminsa, d, e, and k. according to the nationalinstitute of health, some other good tips for people withcystic fibrosis include excercise, drinking plentyof fluids, and also washing their hands frequently. now, we're going to go onto the carrot-raisin salad. here i've brought theingredients for it over here.

we're going to have one cupof raisins...and 3/4 cup of shredded carrots,...8 ouncesof crushed pineapple, and you're going to want to makesure that you drain this before you add it to therecipe,...and one apple. and you want to leave the skinon because this is where most of the nutrients aregoing to be found, and you quarter and cut it into smallpieces like i have here. i've also brought, you can have1/2 tablespoon of lemon juice, i'm not going to include all ofthis, and a 1/4 cup of mayo.

now this is regular mayobecause i did mention before, you're going to have ahigh-calorie high-fat diet in cystic fibrosis, and that'sgoing to provide that. for those of you watching thatwould rather have a low-fat, low-calorie recipe, you caninclude a yogurt dressing or anything that you can findonline or from somebody that you know that has donethis recipe before. just stir this up. this is also going to includepotassium, betacarotene,

vitamins a and e--thosefat-soluble vitamins--and then the calories and fat likei mentioned before. so its looking good,good colors. i'm just going to platethis right here. a serving size is typicallygoing to be about one cup. just make sure you get someof those apples, too. okay, doesn't thatlook good? so cystic fibrosis is achronic and serious disease that affects many people.

if you'd like furtherinformation, you can visit the cystic fibrosis foundationat www.cff.org. thank you.

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