10 dumbest diets 10. tongue patch diet a doctor in california introduced the tonguepatch diet, which involves sewing a patch of plastic mesh onto a patient’s tongue. the patch causes severe pain when the patientattempts to eat solid food and therefore forces
weight loss fad diets list, the dieter to stop eating and only consumeliquids. no scientific data has been carried out toensure the diet’s safety, and dr. rob huizenga [high zinger], a weight loss specialist, hasslated the procedure, stating that ‘it’s no different from somebody holding a gun toyour head threatening to shoot you every time
you eat’. source: abc news 9. cotton balls originating in the modeling industry, thisdiet involves eating a cotton ball that has been soaked in juice. dieters claim that eating cotton wool makesthem feel full and suppresses their appetite, reducing their calorie intake from real food. however, eating cotton balls leads not onlyto malnutrition, but also to serious digestion issues, such as the occurrence of bezoars[bee-zores]. a bezoar is a something that
gets swallowed and becomes trapped in theintestine. if not treated, it can be life threatening. source: huffington post 8. red bull diet in 2009 a mother from new zealand lost 45kgin 8 months by drinking nothing but 10-14 cans of red bull a day. the only solid food she consumed was a dailyhandful of dry honey puffs. after losing almost half of her body weight,she was forced to the end the diet after it triggered a heart attack.
stopping the diet caused her to experienceextreme caffeine withdrawals and she now suffers from lifelong health issues, such as a heartmurmur and severe stomach cramps. source: new zealand herald 7. sleeping beauty diet this diet became particularly popular in the1970s when elvis presley adopted it after finding it difficult to fit into his trademarkjumpsuits. the diet involves taking pills that put thebody under heavy sedation for several days. essentially a form of starvation, the bodyis forced to burn calories it has stored up, because no food is being digested to replenishnutrient levels.
dieters experience extreme malnutrition andoften become addicted to the sedatives. source: cnn 6. ear stapling diet the ear stapling diet involves surgicallyattaching small staples into the inner cartilage of each ear for several months. dieters claim that the staples stimulate apressure point that controls appetite and reduces sugar cravings, thus burning fat. however, there is no scientific data to provethat it works, and most research states that it is merely the placebo effect that leadsto weight loss.
this procedure has health risks and has beenknown to cause severe infection and permanent disfigurement to the ear. 5. baby food diet celebrity fitness trainer tracy anderson establishedthe baby food diet, which involves replacing 3 regular meals with 14 pots of baby foodeach day. after actress jennifer aniston was reportedto have lost 3kgs on the diet, the weight loss technique became widely popular. it supposedly cuts calorie intake and encouragesfood portion control, allowing dieters to shed weight quickly.
the diet can often backfire, however. babyfood lacks the protein that adults require and consumption can thus slow down metabolicrate. 4. the cigarette diet in the 1930s major tobacco company lucky strikecigarettes ran advertisements claiming that smoking would cause weight loss, exploitingnicotine’s potential to reduce appetite. slogans claimed that ‘instead of eatingbetween meals, beautiful women keep youthful slenderness by smoking luckies cigarettes’. the campaign became pivotal in the growthof the female smoking market, boosting sales by over 200%. however, unsurprisingly, iteventually led to higher rates of lung cancer
in women. source: the cigarette century: the rise, falland deadly persistence of the product that defined america, allan brandt. 3. the tapeworm diet this diet involves taking illegal pills filledwith the eggs of a tapeworm. once ingested, the tapeworms grow inside the body and absorbsome of the food the dieter eats, thus hindering weight gain. however, the tapeworms aren’t confined tothe stomach and can deviate to other parts of the body, including the brain.
in 2014 a teenage girl from florida was foundwith dozens of tapeworms inside her intestines, after her mother secretly fed her the pillsto make her thinner for an upcoming beauty pageant. 2. hcg diet injecting a hormone found in the urine ofpregnant women supposedly accelerates weight loss. the hormone, known as hcg, is injected intodieters once a day, and combined with a 500-calorie-a-day diet. the hormone supposedly tricks the body intothinking it is pregnant, burning off fat and
converting it into energy intended for botha mother and fetus. there is no scientific evidence to prove this,however, and research has showed that weight loss occurs purely from the severe calorierestriction, rather than the presence of hcg. sources: huffington post, complete healing 1. feeding tube diet most popular with brides-to-be, the feedingtube diet promises to shed 9kg in just 10 days. as part of the diet, a feeding tube is insertedthrough the nose and down into the stomach, which then slowly drip-feeds a liquid solutionof protein and vitamins 24 hours a day.
this thrusts the patient’s body into thefirst stages of starvation, forcing the body to burn stored fat. dieters are put at a health risk, as the procedureis not medically supervised, and can cause a severe erosion of nose tissue. source: cbs news
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