hey, guys. stalling for a minute or so till everyonelogs on. if you wouldn't mind just letting me knowif you can hear me, that'd be great. can you hear me? see if that works.
types of diets for weight loss, oh, awesome. oh, some people are saying no. a lot of people are saying yes and no, somy mic shows that i'm on, so you should be able to hear me.
worst case scenario, if you can't hear me,what i will do is, this is prerecorded, so, not prerecorded so we'll upload it and youcan watch it tomorrow. okay. i think we're good. good. i'm just going to give it a couple more minutes. i'm just playing around with these buttonshere, i see people logging in. we have about 2500 attendees today. for some reason, i saw this new button, itsays 'request' so i'm going to upload, it
says 'invite as a speaker,' so i'm just goingto press it and see if i can invite some of my attendees as speakers. if you get an invitation, we'll see what happens. maybe i could pop you in and we can talk toyou. we'll see if that works. okay, we'll just give it about 30 more seconds. all right. oh, cool. that worked.
hey, judy. judy: hi. eric berg: i just pulled you right into mywebinar here, so maybe you could help me, you can answer any questions as we go throughthis, okay? judy: okay. thank you. eric berg: sometimes it's a little difficultto do a seminar by yourself because you can't see anyone but at least i see one person. there's some other people here too, that i'mgoing to invite in.
welcome to the webinar, everyone. we're going to get started. this is a very vital webinar. it's on fat burning, and exactly how fat burningworks, so you might want to take some notes, you're going to have a lot of questions. i will be more than happy to answer the questionsyou're going to have as we go, but try to make them brief. it looks like judy, judy, could you mute yourmicrophone for a little bit until i pop you in?
cool. everyone able to do, because there's so manypeople i don't know if it's going to affect the pausing or not, but let's get started. a lot of you got my emails on my recent webinaron ketosis, and i really want to cover that in depth. it's a little bit complex but i'm going tomake it as simple as possible, then i'll answer any questions that you have. i've been doing ketosis for quite a while,and i use it on clients that have tried everything and nothing's worked, because a lot of peopleare carb-sensitive.
i want to get into the difference paleo andketosis. there's some big differences. i also want to get into what do you eat longterm. i think the biggest thing that comes up asa problem is that it's a red flag, are fats eating fats okay to eat, are they dangerousto eat, i want to cover that as well. i think the worst recommendation that we'veever heard is the concept of everything in moderation, because it allows everything inmoderation, a balance, which you'll never get into fat burning if you do that. that is the worst advice to tell someone,to have a balanced diet, because that doesn't
work. some of the anti-ketosis practitioners outthere, almost every single one of them have never practiced before in an actual clinicalsetting. they might do research on rats, but they don'tactually practice. when you work with actual people, over andover and over, over years and years, you will find that the whole calorie in, calorie outmodel does not work. eating less calories than you're burning doesnot work, so you have to think outside the box. i am totally convinced that the majority ofinformation being put out by conventional
means is the exact opposite of what you wantto do. i can prove that, and it just happens overand over and over. i'm going to pull up some slides, see if ican do a screen share here, hopefully i can do my screen share. i have all these slides. don't tell me that i can't pull up my ... well,that's not good. hang in there for a second. hmmm. let's see if i can do my screen share.
why isn't that working? i have all these great slides that i wantto cover. well, we're just going to keep going here. i'm just going to, i'm going to have to describesome of these slides. the first question i want to talk about is,is ketosis safe? is it healthy? i really think it's one of the healthiestthings you can do. there's some serious research being done,or has been done, on ketosis for all sorts of things.
probably the biggest thing is for brain andneural protection of your brain. alzheimer's, parkinson's, seizures, thingslike that. so the brain loves this type of fuel calledketones, which we'll get into describing what that is. the state of ketosis is very good for anytype of blood sugar issues. diabetes, heart related issues, neurological,cancer. the reason why it's good for cancer is becausethe cancer cell lives on sugar. pet scans basically scan the body for certainparts of your body that are eating up a lot of sugar.
a cancer cell loves sugar, and if i had canceri would completely and utterly eliminate all my sugars and i would have a much better chanceof surviving. respiratory issues, asthma, allergies, acne,polycystic ovarian syndrome, and especially weight loss, those are some of the healthbenefits. i'm going to probably send everyone accessto the slides so you can get all the slides. i have research studies if you want to lookat, especially ones on cardiovascular that basically state that when you consume dietarysaturative fats it does not in any way shape or form increase risk of cardiovascular accidents,or heart attacks. that's pretty powerful stuff because thatgoes exactly against what we've been brainwashed
to think. it's very good for cognitive function andbrain function. i'll have to kind of describe some of theseimages that we're talking about. when we're dealing with excess stubborn fat,we're dealing with the problem of stuck energy in the fat cell. that is the biggest problem that we have. i want to move beyond the conventional viewpointthat all you have to do is balance your calories and eat less than you're burning and you'lllose weight. that's absolutely not true.
maybe if you're 18 years old, but when youget 20, 30, 40, you don't, it doesn't work anymore. there's really two fuel sources. you have the sugar fuel, and we have the fatfuel. fat fuel, you really can only tap into thatwhen you're in ketosis. ketosis is a condition that the body is burningfat, and it's actually using ketones as a by-product of fat burning, so ketones area fuel source that's very similar function to glucose, but it's a much cleaner fuel thathas three times as much energy as glucose. the problem with running on glucose, or sugar,is that you get high blood sugar and you get
low blood sugar. the only, the total amount of sugar in yourblood is basically two teaspoons. that's it. if you ever get your blood tested and theysay you have diabetes, or you don't have diabetes, we're going to look at these numbers. if you're higher than 100, it's hyper-glycemiaor diabetes, if it's lower than 100 it's hypo-glycemia, so you want to be 100. what that 100 means is two teaspoons of sugarin your blood at any one time. as you do ketosis, the blood sugars will comedown a little bit, but it won't create a hypo-glycemic
state. a lot of people oscillate from high sugarsto low sugars, all day long. can anyone tell me what are some of the symptomsof high blood sugar? can you tell me? wow. i just clicked on a button that someone sentme. i shouldn't have done that. can anyone tell me, just go ahead and typein, what symptoms do you get when you everything high sugar in your blood?
very good. you get brain fog. you get tired. blurred vision. you get thirsty. that's right. cold sweats. so those are some of the symptoms with hyper-glycemia. basically, thirsty, need to urinate often,dry skin, hungry, blurred vision, fatigue,
brain fog. okay? that's with high sugar. now what are the symptoms with low blood sugar? does anyone know? it's called hypo-glycemia. shaky, sweating, dizziness, anxiety, irritability,psychosis, craving for sugar, vision problems, weak, so they really affect your cognitivefunction. any time that sugar goes high or low, it justmesses with your physical and mental capacities.
that's why running on ketosis is very therapeuticfor your mood, for your sense of calmness. for your overall stress. because the brain is very greedy. it basically sucks up ... it's only two percentof your whole body, but it sucks up 20 percent of the energy. it's constantly wanting that sugar. you'll probably hear from some people thatthe brain only runs on sugar. well, it only runs on sugar until you don'tgive it sugar. then it can switch to ketosis.
so what happens is that your body will notfeed the brain ketones unless there is no sugar in the bloodstream. it does convert. here's the thing. you have a storage of sugar. your sugar's mainly stored in the liver andthe muscles. let's talk about the muscles first. the muscle has stored sugar, but it only isused for the muscles. the muscle will not give up any of its storedsugar to the rest of the body.
it will keep it self-contained, so you reallycan't use the stored sugar for your muscles at all. it's there to feed your muscles as its solepurpose. so now we're left with the liver. the liver is storing about seven tablespoonsof sugar, enough to last for about 72 hours. if you ate nothing or no sugar, you wouldbe dead in 72 hours unless there was a backup fuel system. that's your fat. one thing that's cool about this eating planis that it really fixes a lot of symptoms
that people have with their cognitive function,with their memory, with their mood, with anxiety. because when these sugars come up and down,up and down, when you're craving and you're hungry, that is not the way to live. in fact there's even a stage three, type iiidiabetes, which affects the brain or memory. i better define what i mean by diabetes. there's two types. type i is where you don't have enough insulinfrom that pancreas, and so the sugar goes higher and higher, because the purpose ofinsulin is to control sugar by lowering sugars, storing in the fat.
the type ii is that insulin is being producedbut it's not being received into the receptors, into the liver. it's not being listened to. it's another problem with storage of sugar. i'm sorry, insulin. what happens is that the sugars go high, becausethe insulin's there but it's not available to the cells. they're both a similar problem, but one'smore advanced. i'm getting some interesting comments here,that people feel great and lose a lot of weight
when they're in ketosis. that's awesome. again, i will send all of you these slides. i will just send this, because i have youremails. unless you don't have any stored sugar forover 72 hours, unless you have a good amount of fat reserves and you know how to do this,you won't be able to tap into fat. so here's the big questions, and i want tosee if you guys can get this right. does anyone know if what the purpose of fatis? can anyone tell me?
i want to see if anyone can get this correct. this is a key question. see if anyone knows the purpose of fat. and judy, why don't you put on your mike? i can see the top of your head, judy. what's the purpose of fat over there? judy: to protect yourself. eric berg: very close. it's definitely to protect something.
a lot of people say it's like a cushion oran insulator and that type of thing. judy: yeah. eric berg: yeah, well, that's not the primarypurpose but thank you for answering that. if you can put your thing back on mute andi'll come back to you in a second. energy storage, energy's protective fuel,energy, wow, when you're doing a seminar this big you have a lot of answers that scrollpretty fast. storage of energy. okay, so i have not seen one person get thiscorrect. no, and this leads me to my point.
the biggest misunderstood word or subjectis basically what the purpose of fat is. here's the primary purpose of fat. you guys ready for this? i don't think you're quite ready. maybe we'll have to do this next month, judy,what do you think? no, i'm just kidding. we're going to do it. i'm just playing with you. this is the purpose of fat.
it's a survival gland that protects againstthe starvation of, what? sugar. let me say that again. fat's primary purpose is to protect againstthe starvation of sugar. it protects you against sugar starvation. what does that mean? that means that fat is a backup organ to sugar. it backs up storage, it's a backup to sugar. it's really, because you wouldn't last formore than 72 hours, especially your brain,
your body gains fat in case it needs to dothat. what does this tell us? how does this relate to what we have to doto get this fat off our bodies? it means that you have to starve your bodyof sugar. most of you already have done this, some ofyou are trying to do this, a lot of people have questions, so basically the most importantthing to know is that it's a backup organ to sugar. knowing this data will now tell you what dietwould be best to be on, and if we look at this compared to the conventional reduce yourcalories and exercise more, well yeah, you're
going to reduce your calories but accordingto the government you're still going to consume 65 percent of your calories in carbohydrates. you will never tap into your fat. weight watchers. a lot of slim fast. you're never going to burn fat. because you're lowering calories, you mightlose water weight, but i guarantee you you're not going to lose much fat. here's the most important thing.
we must starve the body of sugar. that's the bad news. the good news is we can replace it with morehealthy fats, which is going to be very satisfying to your body. we'll get into exactly what that means ina bit. we must bring down the carbohydrates to aboutfive percent of our overall calories, which comes out to about no more than 50 grams ofnet carbohydrates. now, judy, can you pop your mike back on? judy, tell me, do you know what a net carbohydrateis?
judy: not really, i don't. eric berg: it's very simple. you basically look on the back of the labeland you get the total carbohydrates, then you minus the fiber. you minus that. thank you for answering me there, you canput it back on mute. we just take the total carbohydrates and weminus the dietary fiber. i want to just, i wish you could see thisslide but i'll send it to you. i want to take broccoli, for example.
broccoli has about 10 grams of carbohydrate,but it has 3.8 grams of fiber. so if you minus those two, you end up with6.2 grams of carbohydrates. not that much. you're not going to have any problems witheating broccoli, i'll tell you that right now. let's take an apple. an apple has 25 grams of sugar and it has4.4 grams of fiber. that means it's 20.6 grams of carbohydrate. so really, you could only get away with, ifyou only ate that as your carbohydrate, you're
only going to get away with maybe two anda half apples a day. a lot of people, because they eat other things,and there's a little bit of carbohydrate in cheese and nuts and things like that, theapples are going to blow them way out of ketosis. i know i recommend apples in my book, so again,i am very willing to change my ideas when i test out new theories. i'm not recommending apples any more, especiallyif you're trying to lose weight. maybe if you're maintaining weight, you candefinitely have them. one thing i want to talk about apples, isthat it has just a tiny bit of fiber, so that means that 19 grams of the total 25 gramsare completely sugar.
it's a lot of sugar. it's a tremendous amount of sugar. let's get to celery. check how many carbohydrates are in celery. 1.2 grams, and there's .6 grams of fiber,so we're left with .6 grams of total carbohydrates, net carbohydrates. that's like half a gram of carbohydrate. in other words, you can eat a lot of celeryand you don't have to worry about anything. there's actually no dietary sugar in celery.
all right, good. you guys are responsive. you have a lot of good comments here. i'll get to those. hang in there. obviously there's sour apples and there'ssweet apples but i think, i didn't check on the amount of sugar in the sour apples, buti'm sure it's not that low compared to where we're going with this. that's a constant.
we're going to keep our carbs very low. the next topic we're going to talk about isprotein. protein is needed for the raw material forligaments, muscles, tendons, enzymes, hormones, bones, cholesterol transportation, like goodand better cholesterol. you have high density lipo proteins. basically, cholesterol has a protein shuttlethat moves it around. the problem with protein is we need some,but we don't want too much. the reason for that is that too much can triggerinsulin. that's the problem.
because we don't shed off that much proteineach day. protein is used mainly for structural typethings, to replace the damaged parts. i know people that when they try to beef upand get bigger at the gym, they eat more protein, what's going to happen, they're going to straintheir livers and their kidneys, so it's not good advice. we want to adjust the protein to the person. to their size, and to their adrenal health. the adrenal puts a person in, called a counterblockstate. it breaks down protein a lot faster, especiallyin the quadriceps muscles in your legs and
your gluteus maximus, which is your butt muscle. both of those muscles can break down if youhave adrenal stress, so you need a little bit more protein, but overall we're not doinga lot of protein. i would say anywhere between three and sixounces of protein per meal is perfect. when you talk about the atkins diet, they'retalking about doing a lot more protein. we're not talking about, ketosis is not alot of protein. it's a moderate amount of protein. we're going to keep that as a constant. we keep our carbs down and our proteins ata constant.
so now, what's the last variable? you got it. fat. i know we've been taught that if you eat fat,you get fat, it's very bad, blah blah blah blah blah. let me just give you some date on what fatreally will do when you consume the right amount. the first thing that it won't do is it willnot raise your insulin, because fat is neutral with insulin.
that's one thing. the second thing is that when you start consumingthe right type of fats, you're going to need that to satisfy the brain for the fat-solublevitamins that most vegetarians and other people are deficient in. when you eat your vegetables, even kale, peoplewill say, i eat spinach and i eat kale and it's loaded with vitamin a, that's true. but it's a precursor to vitamin a. it's notthe active form. you need animal fats to get the active, availableform of the fats out of the vitamins, like vitamin a. where do you get vitamin a?
in butter. grass-fed butter. kerrygold butter is the best. carrots provide the precursor that convertinto the active form, but you really, if your system is good, you only convert about fivepercent of that so you'd have to eat a lot of vegetables to get your fats out of vitaminsand so people that are eating a lot of vegetables and hardly any fat, they dry out. the skin dries out. we need those fats out of vitamins.
one thing to help you when you eat vegetablesto get more fats out of vitamins, out of that vegetable, is to consume fat with your vegetables,like butter. very smart thing to do. the goal of ketosis goes beyond just weightloss, but here's what we want to do when you get on the ketosis. we want you to not just burn the fat thatyou're eating, which you will, but we want you to tap into your reserves. that is the only way you're going to do it,is if you cut the carbs down. you will have to adjust the amount of fatsto your activity level.
there is something of, certain people burnmore calories than others and some people are going to need a little bit more fat. if you're sedentary and you have a very poormetabolism, you might not be able to have the amount of fats of someone 18. but you can definitely have some to satisfyyour body and run the machine a lot better. so that's another variable that we have toadjust as we go through this. why do we need fat to burn fat? that's an interesting question. first of all, the body considers fat as thelast-stored ditch effort of survival, and
so if you cut the fat away your body willstart holding on to fat more dearly. when you start putting that fat back, it willfeel a lot safer to be able to let some of it go, because again it's a survival mechanism. if you have no dietary fats, you starve thebody of not only the ketones but the structural types of fats that you need to surround allthe cells of your body, to surround all the nerve endings, because all your nerves aresurrounded with myelin sheath, that's fat, and your brain is mostly fat, so you actuallystarve some of the structural fats and you end up having a lot of health problems withthe immune system. i think it was pritikin, he had a lot of healthproblems, i think he committed suicide, i
think it probably affected his whole moodwhen you cut your fats was down. it's very dangerous to have a very low-fatdiet. it's much healthier to have the healthy fats. i've been doing the fats forever, and i consumea tremendous amount of fats. if you do a low-carb, low-fat and high-proteindiet, you will then spike that insulin because high protein stimulates insulin. it stresses the kidneys and liver. so the person will start feeling more bloated. they'll get back pain a little bit higherup.
that's the stress on the kidney. if you do a low-carb, low-fat, low protein,there's not enough fats to stimulate the ketosis and so your body because of the low protein,low fat, will have a tendency to go after structural proteins of your body, so it startsto break down more protein. really, the ideal, when you look at it fromall different sides, the ideal situation is to have about five percent of the total caloriesbeing carbohydrate, 20 to 25 percent being protein, and the rest being fat. then you just have adjust the quantities. really eating fat keeps the body out of stress.
you don't have those danger signals. in fact, think about what sugar metabolismis. eating sugar puts your body in the state offight or flight mode, all the time, because it's a sudden burst of quick energy that keepsdropping blood sugars up and down, up and down. that's stress. it's going to activate cortisol, that's thatstress hormone. where do you get your vitamin a, vitamin d,vitamin e, k2? you get vitamin a from the grass-fed butter.
you also will get it from the cod liver oil. vitamin d from the sun, cod liver oil again,fish oils, grass-fed butter and egg yolks are loaded with vitamin d. vitamin e you canget from butter again, but you can also get it from nuts and seeds and certain oils. the other one i want to talk about is vitamink2. vitamin k2 is one of the most important vitaminsfor a lot of health problems, specifically making your arteries elastic, so it's reallygood for blood pressure. it's good to clean out the calcium buildupin your arteries and your joints. that's in grass-fed beef, butter and cheese.
so you want that grass-fed cow. very important. it's kind of a recently discovered vitamin,but it makes sense now that putting your body in ketosis would naturally have you gravitateto more of these fatty foods that have the vitamins that you've been missing this wholetime. i always ask people that are vegetarians,i says, "where do you get your vitamin k2?" you could get it from a vegetarian source,it's called natto. but where do you get all your vitamin a? and where do you get your other fats out ofthe vitamins?
it's just something to consider. it's very difficult to get into ketosis ifyou're vegetarian. i have nothing against trying to do that,but most vegetarians are grainaterians. they do the grains and the breads and thepastas. now, what types of fats are healthy? that is the question. the types of fats that are low stress to theliver and don't stress the gall bladder are the medium chain fats, medium chain triglycerides. that means that those fats that you wouldconsume, like grass-fed butter, that's a medium
chain triglyceride. coconut butter is a, called mct, medium chaintriglyceride. olive oil is good, grass-fed cheese, pastureraised eggs, where chickens go out there and can go and eat grass. grass-fed beef, pasture raised chickens, thoseare the ones that you're going to have to eat. believe it or not, grass-fed beef has a reallygood type of fat. it's called a mono-unsaturated fat, that bypassesyour liver and it's used just for energy. i feel really good when i do that, but youdon't want to consume the lean beef.
you want to have the fattier beef. you don't want to have the chicken with theskin off. you want that skin. it's exactly opposite of what we've been taught. ketones provide three times as much energy,so you'll find that your brain just has more energy. you actually need a little bit less sleepif you do this and it's very stable on your blood sugar so you don't get so moody. so many people have anxiety.
it's just their blood sugar. especially if they're waking up in the middleof the night having anxiety. ketones are only made, and i'm not talkingabout diabetes, but ketones, called nutritional ketosis, only occurs when the body is starvingof carbohydrates. that's what you have to do. there's some other benefits too that i wantto talk about with your gut. a lot of people get swelling in their gutwhen they have just a little bit of fruit and beans and some other grains, it just tearsthem up. when they start going more fat, their entiredigestive system does wonderful.
i'll never forget, i was living on grains,trying to be a vegetarian when i was 28, and then one day i was in california, i was drivingdown the street, and i see this huge building. it says, the health house. it's this yellow building. i said, "honey, let's go in there. let's see what they have. maybe they can help me." this old-time weight lifter guy was sellingvitamins and things, and he brought me in the back and he gave me some raw milk andhe said here, eat this beef, whatever, and
that was in the morning and i ate that andi felt so amazingly good. so i started having that for breakfast, andi do much much better and i cut the cereal out. i used to be the epitome of the junk-foodjunkie. i used to eat the muffins, huge muffins, lifecereal, i would do that. i would live on sugar. but coming back to my point was that yourgut could do very well on fats. in fact, the microbes in your gut primarilylive on something called butyric acid, and yes, that does come from the breakdown ofeating vegetables, but it also comes from
butter. that's the main source to feed your microbes. the other source, smaller source of somethingthat feeds your microbes would be acetic acid, and that is in apple cider vinegar. apple cider vinegar is a really good thing. a teaspoon in some water and as you drinkthat with your lemon, forget the cranberry, but just drink that through the day, thatwill really help you in shrinking your stomach. now i want to talk about beef, for example. let's say a hamburger without the bun.
how much carbohydrate is in the hamburger? zero. how much fat is in there? 24 percent of that hamburger is fat. guess how much protein? 30 percent. so we got, it's almost half fat and half protein. when i say you need 60 percent of your dietfat, i'm talking about a lot of the protein sources that you're eating have a tremendousamount of fat already.
we're not talking about thinking that pieceof meat, for example, is pure protein and you have to eat all this lard. i'm not talking about that. a lot of the proteins that you already eatare loaded with a certain percentage of fat. there's a study that i'm going to send you. it's called the long term effects of a ketogenicdiet in obese patients. this is what it says. this is experimental clinical cardiology. says, "the administration of a ketogenic dietfor relatively longer periods of time did
not produce any significant side effects inpatients. it's safe to use for longer periods." you know, they're not going to admit thisbecause who wants to be wrong, right? all right, so, i also, i wish i could showyou this picture. let me see if i can do that now. let's see if that screen share ... no. it doesn't work. that's fine. i have these new keto bombs i want to sharewith you.
it's an amazing recipe. in fact, i will send, let me see if i cansend that right now. some of you have already clicked on and wentto drberg.com fat burning diets. let me just see if i can send that to youhere. yeah, maybe i can. i think that went to everyone. let me see if i can, oh, to everyone. here we go. to everyone.
i'll paste it in there, boom. now everyone should get this link, and youcould look at this later, not right now, but if you go in there, a lot of you already wentin there but i added some new things. i added these new keto bombs that are justamazingly delicious. i give you the recipe and you can make themas a base and you can put all sorts of things in there to make them interesting with nutsand they're delicious and they're very healthy. it's one of the best treats that you can eat,and i'm going through quite a few of those little guys. i also have in here kind of a general eatingplan that i'm going to recommend for you,
but the other thing i want to mention is that... yes. i want to answer a question. yes, it will be later available on youtube. here's the thing that i wanted to mention. that the kale recipe, the kale shake recipethat i've been recommending, i'm changing that recipe and i'm actually going to putit in a booklet and just get it out there. it'll be on my website, but here's the thingthat i wanted to mention about that, is that i'm taking out the fruit and i'm putting inthere something called liquid stevia. very flavored, with two tablespoons of coconutoil.
you blend it up, i swear, it tastes just likea kale shake. it's amazing, and you don't really need theberries. that would be something you can do on a regularbasis. i have a whole week of foods that i'm goingto get to your guys, and then i have the new kale shake recipe and how to make it, andthere's a couple other things that you need to think about when you to this ketosis eatingplan. one is that some people are going to haveto adapt to ketosis, and that adaptation takes anywhere between three days to two weeks butthink about, it could probably take you more than two weeks to get into a good state.
your body has to adapt to it, it has to makenew enzymes, it has to produce more bile, and if you have any liver or gall bladderissues you may need to add bile in there. a lot of you are taking my gall bladder formula,but i want to let you know i changed the formula just recently. the new formula, i added something calledpancreatin to the gall bladder formula. not only does it have the bile for the gallbladder support and the stomach enzymes, but now we have the ultimate pancreatic enzymes,especially lipase. lipase is the main enzymes to digest lipidsor fats, so the reason i put that in there is because i realized that when people takethe bile and it breaks down the fat, it doesn't
break it all the way down to the smallestlevel. they need the lipase to take it all the waydown to complete, full digestion so the new gall bladder formula has all three main componentparts so it handles all parts of the digestion. that's kind of something that a lot of peopletake when they are doing more fats. the other thing you want to think about whenyou do this is that you're going to have to increase your sea salt when you do this, becausecarbohydrates store so much sugar and when you actually eating them, you dump all thesugar and you dump some of the electrolytes, and if you don't add the sea salt back intothe diet you might be a little dizzy, headachy, lethargy, fatigue, all those symptoms.
i also recommend doing a calcium/magnesiumbefore bed. you can get calcium citrate, magnesium citrateand just take it before bed, because calcium/magnesium is going to be a little bit more importantnow if you're doing more fat and low carbs. unless you have too much calcium, which isprobably not the case. we want to look at several things. we want to make sure that the minerals arein there, that we can digest some of these fats, we want to keep the constant low carbohydrate,moderate protein, and higher fats. now we're going to adjust the fats for yourtolerance, for your digestion and for your weight loss.
if you are not active, obviously you're notgoing to have as many fats as i do. but if you're exercising, you can get awaywith more fats. now that your body is getting more in ketosis,you're not going to crave anything anymore, you're not going to be as hungry, so you'renot going to have the appetite you had before. it's going to be much better to do this andlet's say, before you go to bed just take one of those keto snacks and you're good togo. what i want to do, i want to answer some questions. someone asked about milk. milk is high in protein, but it has lactose.
you might want to look on the label and seehow many net carbohydrates, because i don't think there's a lot of fiber in that milk,so you want to end up with no more than 50 net carbohydrates per day, so you might wantto do a little calculation on that. what are the optimum numbers for ketosis? as far as what numbers? when you test your urine for ketosis? you can get a keto strip and urinate and seeif you're in strong ketosis or not, but don't be discouraged if you don't get into ketosisright away. it might take two weeks, or four weeks.
some people get constipation. they might need a little bit of bile support,and that's in the gall bladder formula. that lubricates the colon and add a littlemore sea salt to add more fluid and water so you don't dry out. that should handle those symptoms. if you don't have a gall bladder, you definitelyneed some support in that area, because where's the bile coming from? strictly down your liver. you're going to have to take bile as extractwith each meal because you don't have enough,
and you won't be able to pull in the fatsout of vitamins that you need, you'll end up with dry skin. someone asked about alcohol. alcohol is out. you can't do alcohol, i'm sorry, because it'sgoing to bump you out of ketosis for probably a good week. if you're willing to do that, you can do it. someone asked about kefir. there is a type of kefir that you can usethat is non-lactate, so that's no sugar.
lactate is milk sugar, so i think you canget away with that. one of the great ingredients in this ketobomb is cream cheese, organic cream cheese. oh my gosh, it makes the cookies so amazing. eggs, that depends on your size. i do four eggs and cheese in the morning everysingle morning. my wife can't do more than two eggs, she can'tdo it. so it really depends on how many that you,how big you are and your appetite. turkey bacon? i don't recommend it because it's too lean.
you actually need a good source of bacon thathas no nitrates and hormone free. that's what i'm going to recommend. unless you want the turkey bacon just foryour protein. there's a lot of questions coming in here. if you're pregnant and nursing, that's somethingi'm not going to recommend on line here because i don't want to take responsibility. i think what i would do is i would check withyour doctor and see if it's okay, but just make sure that ... if you take an infant,breast milk is the ultimate ketose diet because you're getting all these fats.
an infant used ketones in a developing brain. that's what they use. diet soda? well, it's better than sugar but it's notthe greatest. what i do is i take pellegrino, this stuffright here, pellegrino, i go through tons of them. i put about five drops of flavored root beeror cola stevia, and it tastes like a soda. i love it. pam asked, can i skip a meal if i'm not hungry?
absolutely. see, this is the thing. you're going to find that your appetite'sgoing to go down, you're not going to be as hungry, then don't eat. you don't need to. it's not going to actually help you. and you'll do fine, because you're actuallyeating denser calorie foods and you're going to have enough nutrients and you can tap intomore fat if you do that. someone asked about avocados.
wonderful. wonderful fat, i love it. someone asked about xylitol. that's my sugar, that i have. xylitol is a great birchbark type of sweetener,it's way better than the other ones. some of the vegetarian chocolate chips usemaltitol. don't buy them with maltitol. you can do with mannitol if you want. i like the stevia.
but maltitol, i don't recommend it. i don't recommend honey, either. coffee, if you have a small amount of coffeewith xylitol, not any more of that, it's not going to be a big problem. kidney disease. if you have kidney disease, that's another,i'm not going to answer that online because someone's going to say, "oh, yeah, dr. berg..." that's something like a one on one question, but i will say that people with kidney diseasedo not do well with a lot of protein, but they do really well on some fats.
they do very well. in fact, i would love to do a research project,go down to the local dialysis unit and just put everyone on the right eating plan. i bet you i would see incredible things. but they're not going to let me do that. what about the adrenal? someone's asking about the adrenal. it's a really good program for the adrenal,but you just have to have a little bit more protein.
more protein. the problem with some people, if they're real,have severe blood sugar issues, have severe hypoglycemic, they might have the transitionphase that's a little more gradual, so you may have to add maybe some fruit into thatmix for a little bit. out of all, oh, you might want to mute yourmike, judy. out of all the sweet things, there's levelof damaging sweet fruits. if we have potatoes and things like that versusfruit, fruit is much better even though it's sweet, and the reason for that, the fructosehas a different pathway than starches. fructose does not necessarily spike insulin.
it does create fat in the liver, but it doesn'tjack up insulin as much as some of these starches. so if someone was a diabetic and they hadlow blood sugar, don't take the glucose tablets, take some fruit. not orange juice, but actual fruit. does the diet affect hypo-thyroidism and adrenalfatigue? it probably would improve both conditions,but hypo-thyroid is usually coming secondary from estrogen dominance or a gall bladder/liverproblem. you can watch that video that i created onthat. nutritional yeast is totally fine, becausethat'll give you the b vitamins that you need.
type i diabetics need to do this. it'll take the stress off the pancreas andreally help them stabilize the blood sugars. the only thing you have to do is you haveto make sure your greens are very high. so in this eating plan, where i get all myvitamins and minerals is from the greens. my salads are huge. i'm going a lot of green vegetable, but ieat the fiber. i don't just juice everything. i want the nutrients, i want some of the fiberin there. these are coming through.
it says dr. gregg doesn't agree with extractingfiber from the carbs. he says carbs are carbs. you don't want to just look at the net carb. you want to see if there's actual sugars inthere and you want to use judgment. obviously if it's a vegetable, you don't reallyhave to worry about it so much. if it's some box food, you do. there's certain things that you know thatare high glycemic, you're going to have to avoid them. make sure that your xylitol, that's a goodpoint, lynn, is from birchbark, not from corn.
yes. wheat grass juice powder is totally fine toconsume because it's, there's not a lot of sugar in that and it's a tremendous amountof concentrated green juice that will give you a lot of nutrition. almond butter is good, unsweetened peanutbutter is good unless you have allergies. someone says, will i ever be able to eat fruitagain? yeah, you will. once you lose the weight, then you can stickin the fruits more as a maintenance because you're going to be able to get away with morecarbohydrate the more you do this.
you're basically fixing your pancreas, you'refixing your liver when you do this, because you're taking all the stress off the pancreasthat's been working so hard, so it starts to come back and recover. it's a wonderful thing to do for your body. kombucha tea? you want to get the one with two grams ofsugar and make sure that you don't have any more than that. some of them have a lot more sugar. you just have to look at labels.
cruciferous vegetables, if you can't do those,that's fine. do spinach. do leafy greens. totally fine. let me just grab this right here. there's four more minutes. someone mentioned ketosis for polycystic ovariansyndrome, absolutely. it would be the thing that i think would helpyou more than anything. boy, you guys ask a lot of questions.
these flowing through so fast. how do you gain muscle on ketosis? well, you're going to get leaner, you're goingto burn fat, you don't need a lot of protein to build muscle. you need exercise, but you need to keep theinsulin low so you don't get that conversion to the fatty tissue. i have lots of people who lost tremendousamount of weight doing this, and they were very stubborn before, this is what they reallyneeded. you have to take it one step further.
i want to send everyone a link to somethingthat i want to ask you. a lot of you are on my email list, a lot ofyou watch my videos and you know that i give a lot of free stuff out. i hope you appreciate that. what i'm going to ask from you in exchangetonight is to give me an unbiased review. that's all i want in exchange, i want a review. i'm going to send you a link to this reviewsite, you just type in a review, tell me what's your experience with my information, whatyou think about me, whatever. be honest and say whatever you want to say,but then you'll get an email, probably tomorrow
morning, that will tell you to cut and pastethat review onto either google plus or another site, and i'd really appreciate that is youwould do that for me. i'm going to continue to give you guys a lotof good content but in exchange i would really appreciate it if you could give me a review. i sent you the link, and you can do that afterwe're done. i want to thank you in advance for that. someone just asked me a question, i got togo back, i just quickly saw that, oh, you're welcome. neuropathy.
peripheral neuropathy is purely high sugarin the blood, so when you do this eating plan, your sugars will be so much better it'll takethe pressure off the destruction of the myelin sheath and it will greatly improve the peripheralneuropathy. but you're going to have to add nutritionalyeast to add those b vitamins to be able to feed the deficiencies that you're creatingby all this insulin. someone said, but i can't buy and afford everythingin the world. well, here's the thing. you don't have to spend a lot of money ona ketosis diet. you could make these keto bombs in bulk.
you're not eating as much food. you can make the most incredible ice cream,i'm going to create some videos on how to make some ice cream that is totally legal,and you can do that, and it's not expensive. you make a whole bunch and you freeze it. there is a way to do it. how many carbs can i have per day? i would say no more than 50 carbs a day, butdon't worry about salads. you're not going to get a lot of carbs fromthem. but even ... i'm 50, and my skin keeps gettingbetter and better the more i do this.
i do take a lot of fat-soluble vitamins, iuse the gall bladder formula to emulsify, so i'm constantly pushing fats into my systemand i don't have dry skin or anything like that. okay, if you didn't get the email that i sentto everyone, i'll send it one more time, but i'll just send it to your email right now,actually. it should be going right now, so if you don'tget an email, i sent it to you, and if you still don't get an email, do me a favor. tomorrow, go to my google plus page and doa review on google plus. i would appreciate that very much.
i want to keep it to an hour, i do these monthly,i'm going to be asking for more ideas to talk about, but i hope you got some tips. i'll be doing more seminars. i really appreciate the attention and allthe questions, and yes, i will send you that recipe, george, for ice cream and the ketobombs. i'm going to be checking out now, so i wantto thank you guys for coming out and thank you, judy, for being there, to be someonei could relay stuff back and forth. this video will be recorded on my youtubechannel, which is, you could find that by typing in dr. berg, and i know you guys arejust downloaded all these questions.
i'm not going to be able to get to all ofthem but i want to thank you guys and have a great evening. see you next time.
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