hello. we're going to talk about the subject called,ketosis, what is it? ketosis is a state of fat-burning, so whenyou're in ketosis, you're making something called ketones. what are ketones?
types of medical diets, ketones are those things that, it's a typeof fuel for the body that's alternative fuel than actual sugar or glucose. ketones would be like riding a car using electricityversus diesel fuel, which is more sugar, so it's a cleaner fuel source.
it's an alternative fuel source that willgive a person way more energy than glucose. even professional athletes can far outrunand perform on ketosis than the carbo-loading. okay. now what's the premises of ketosis? the premise of ketosis is lowering your insulinor your sugars, which is refined carbohydrates way, way, way down there, to close to zero. like 5% of your daily calories. let me explain what insulin is though. insulin is the hormone that regulates sugar.
normally, in your blood you only store, inyour entire body, two little teaspoons of sugar. that's all you store. that's all you have in your blood, so ourbodies were not designed to consume the amount of sweet or sugar that we consume. i mean, the average person eats 145 poundsa year, so that's just insane. anything more than two teaspoons is goingto be very toxic to the body. so, on an average person, they're consumingso much carbohydrate. well, the body will just jack up insulin.
it's like a whiplash response, and then getit out of the blood fast and stick it into the liver, and start building up fat aroundthe liver. that's what it does, so all these people witha fatty liver, with high cholesterol, high blood fats, that is the sugar in their diet. it's not coming from the fat in the diet. our bodies make a lot of cholesterol, 2,000milligrams a day. it's not that. in fact, here's some interesting things. the good benefits of being in ketosis, whichby the way, is lowering your carbs, increasing
your dietary fats, and having a moderate amountof protein. is it will lower your bad cholesterol. it increases your good cholesterol. it lowers your triglycerides. it improves blood sugars. improves insulin resistance. now, there are studies that will tell youthat it worsens. if you eat fat, it'll worsen diabetes or insulinresistance and that has to do with the type of study that they did.
they did it on rats and they used corn oil. they didn't use healthy fats. corn oil is not only genetically modified,but it's not a healthy fat, so i'm not surprised that that made things worse. so, you really want to, when you see thesestudies that say that something is bad, actually read what they're using as their fats or theirfoods, and you'll find that even that they just study on vitamins, and they used syntheticvitamins versus natural. i was kind of our suspect, unless i read thestudy myself. improve memory, improve dementia, good bloodsugar levels, reducing acne.
reducing cancer risk, why? because, sugar feeds cancer. in fact, there's even certain types of scansthat they do to detect cancer and they look for areas of your body that you're consumingexcess sugar, because cancer is very hungry for sugar. so, why not just cut the sugar out and decreasethe risk? decreased polycystic ovarian syndrome. so, what is that? that's a condition where a female has a lotof these little follicles that are growing
on the ovaries, and it's pumping out too muchof the wrong hormone, the male hormone, and they're getting acne, loss of hair. a lot of issues, but that will reduce, ifyou're on this eating plan. it decreases inflammation. i mean, how many people have inflammation? so, sugar will promote inflammation. also, digestive bloating. this is very good for digestion. now, the healthy fats that you need to beon are basically grass-fed animal products.
like beef, or something like that. do not consume the lean beefs, or the turkeybacon, or the chicken without the skin. why? because, we need those healthy fats. do not eat eggs without the yolks. we need that fat to be able to get you inketosis. but, i know the concern. the concern is, "oh, my gosh. i don't want to clog my arteries."
we've been, literally, brainwashed to thinkthat it's bad for your arteries. all i'm going to tell you is try it for acouple weeks. go get your blood test, and you will see thatit will go down, and you'll be ... i mean, your bad cholesterol will go down, your heartwill be clean, and you'll have to prove it to yourself. i'm going to list the studies underneath thisvideo, but i want you, personally, to experience the benefits of this. because, long-term for health, this runningat your body on sugar, you're not going to last.
if you combine sugar with protein, you createeven worse problems with insulin and that's why when i have people that say, "well, i'meating mostly healthy, everything in moderation," but they have just enough sugar in there tocause, bump them out of ketosis, so all that saturated fat will plug up their arteries,because they have just enough to nullify the benefits. we have a lot of benefits. we don't want to combine carbohydrates ortoo much protein, but i created a link below that lists the eating plan that i would recommend,types of foods that you should be on to be able to get yourself into ketosis.
you'll be hearing a lot more of this in theupcoming news. by athletes, by researchers, because it istrue and it creates a lot of benefits. there's a couple little twists to it. for example, if you've been running your bodyon sugar for so long, it takes a little bit to trans adapt your body to this new fuelsource. in that transition, you might have to takeit gradual, because you're not used to it. some people, because sugar really holds somuch fluid, you might drop a lot of water weight initially, and you also might losea little too much sodium. so, you might need to consume more salt onthis diet to be able to keep the blood pressure
up, because it lowers blood pressure and thenyou'll feel better, but when you start dumping all this fat and all this water off your body,and you might feel a little lightheaded, you just might need a little bit more salt. so, i suggest you push through it. it's only a transition phase, but runningyour body on ketones is much healthier long-term. apply what i just told you and make some commentsunderneath this video.
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