Jumat, 07 April 2017

diet for over 50 male

diet for over 50 male

hey guys, dr. axe here, founder of draxe.comand doctor of functional medicine. today, i'm going to share with you my five tips fornatural treatments for low testosterone. if you have low testosterone, like many men do,you're going to find that these natural cures will absolutely help you overcome it faster.in fact, i think, after watching this video, if you implement my about five or six stepprocess here, you're going to notice changes

diet for over 50 male, in probably 24 to 48 hours, that fast. the number one thing you can start to do toovercome low testosterone is start intermittent fasting. now, intermittent fasting, listento this, has been shown to increase testosterone by 400%. that's amazing. 400% increase intestosterone if you do it along with weight

training. so, again, step one, intermittent fasting.that basically means you skip breakfast and you eat your meals closer together. you'lleat three meals per day, one at noon, one at three, and your last meal around six o'clockin the evening. so again, you'll do three meals a day, but you'll bring them closertogether. that's going to allow your organs to rest, especially your liver, which is socrucial for naturally balancing hormones, especially testosterone. so again, just doingthat alone in the morning, you'll be drinking a lot of water. you can also do some greenveggie juice. no sugar, but again just green veggie juice and water. but that's reallyit. then at noon, you can consume your first

meal. so that's step number one, intermittentfasting. number two is heavy weight training, goingin the gym at least three days a week, ideally four or five days a week, and lifting heavyweights. that's another thing. if you do intermittent fasting, along with heavy weight training,you're going to find that you are going to see huge results in your low testosterone.specifically, being in there at least 30 minutes, but as long as an hour or so, can be very,very beneficial in doing heavy weight training to naturally boost low testosterone levels. step number three is add in a lot of healthyfat in your diet. most men with low testosterone are consuming too much junk food, too manycarbohydrates. you've got to get rid of that

stuff and load up on healthy fat. i want you to go for three categories of healthyfat. number one, healthy saturated fat. you're going to find healthy saturated fat in coconutoil, in raw, fermented dairy products, like raw goat's milk kefer and yogurt, even rawgoat's or sheep milk cheese, those things. not conventional dairy, that will actuallydamper your testosterone. raw, organic dairy products or just coconut oil, those formsof saturated fat. the other type of fat you need is healthyomega-3 fatty acids. so consuming salmon a couple times a week or doing a quality fishoil supplement is great. also flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts are also great forlow testosterone. you get those omega-3s.

then mono-unsaturated fats, consuming an avocadoa day or some olive oil, and almonds, those would be the other ones that would reallyhelp get those healthy fats that can help you naturally boost your testosterone levels. then step four is going to be detox your liver.your liver is so crucial, and for most men with low testosterone, if you struggle withfrustration, unforgiveness, anger issues, those things all drop your testosterone levelsover time. so if you know that you struggle with anger, unforgiveness, resentment, anyof those issues, again especially a lot of men, resentment and frustration are huge.i would write down a list of the people you need to forgive and forgive them. you cando that just yourself, between you and god.

or you can do that in person, but that reallyis important. along with, again, if there's somebody you resent, start working on yourheart issues. i really turn to the bible for that. you can also turn to other personalgrowth books for that, or seek out the help of a counselor or a good church. but reallytake care of those emotional issues, specifically resentment, unforgiveness, anger and frustration,and you'll see that's going to really help you cleanse and detoxify spiritually. it'sgoing to also help naturally raise your testosterone levels. then number five, you want to make sure you'regetting specific nutrients that can help boost testosterone levels. one of the most importantis vitamin d3. if you are low in vitamin d,

it will absolutely crush your testosteronelevels. so you want to be getting out in the sun 20 to 30 minutes every day. listen, ifyou are not in the sun that day, if you live up north or if you are inside all day, anyday where you're not getting 20 minutes of direct sunlight on your skin, you want tosupplement with 5,000 ius of vitamin d3, daily. again, not d2, vitamin d3 daily. if you getyour blood levels tested and you're extremely low, that's below 50, you typically want todo 5,000 ius twice a day, for three months, until you get those numbers up. but listen, you can do everything in the world,but if your vitamin d levels aren't right, your testosterone levels will stay low. that'sa very simple and easy thing you can do, just

taking that d3 supplement to naturally supporttestosterone levels. a few other supplements that can help, adaptogenic herbs, like ginseng.ginseng has been shown to naturally support healthy testosterone levels. a fish oil supplement,i mentioned earlier, you want the omega-3s. those omega-3s also may help in boosting testosteronelevels as well, and those are some of the most important supplements that you can betaking on a regular basis. so, if you can follow those five steps, youare going to see great results in naturally boosting your testosterone levels. hey, if you've enjoyed this video, then makesure to subscribe here to the youtube channel. i've got more great information coming upon how to naturally balance hormones and the

best superfood you can consume to help youburn fat, lose weight, and reverse disease. also, if you want to learn more about testosterone,i've got a great article on my website, draxe.com. that's draxe.com. that goes through my sevensteps to overcome low testosterone. thanks for watching, guys.

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