Jumat, 07 April 2017

diets for 14 year olds girl

diets for 14 year olds girl

ready for the coolest and most fascinatingscience experiments you've ever seen? i bet you are so check these out! i'm back and today we're making a bunch ofawesome science experiments! they are all so amazing and magical and thebest part is that you can find all the ingredients in your kitchen.

diets for 14 year olds girl, so let's put our scientific glasses on andlet's get started! let's make a mesmerizing and magical galaxyout of milk! yup, you heard me right, how mind-blowingis that? take some whole milk and pour it onto a plate.

i'm using a pie plate, but any kind will work. now grab some food coloring and squeeze itout, making a few color bunches around the plate. i decided to use blue and purple, becauseas said - i wanted to make it look like a galaxy. you can also make a rainbow explosion, byusing all the beautiful colors of the rainbow! to activate our magical galaxy we need todip a cotton pad or a napkin in some dish soap. then place it right in the middle of yourplate and let this epic show begin! the colors will start dancing around, creatinggorgeous marbled effect. seems like the dish soap is pushing milk towardsthe outer edge of a plate. food coloring wants to have some fun too,so it joins the ride, leaving beautiful colored

traces behind. to make this look like a real galaxy, letspour in some silver glitter to represent the stars! you can even take a couple of q-tips and playwith it. just one swipe creates such a gorgeous swirlymarble effect, how pretty! i could seriously play and watch these swirlsfor days! let's take our galaxy to another level ofepicness – yup that's possible! i'm going to add in some holographic heartshaped confetti too. these hearts are so sparkly and beautiful. sprinkle them all around your milky galaxyand you are ready to enjoy the sparkliest

galaxy dance. but what is the science behind this awesomeexperiment? the main job of dish soap is to go after fatand break it down. soap chases the fat molecules in milk andtries to dissolve them. this causes the food coloring to move andmix, creating a beautiful colorful display. that's why whole milk works the best for thisexperiment – the fattier the better! this way the soap has lots of fat moleculesto catch, which results in a happier colorful dance on your plate. how mesmerizing is this?!

i've been playing with this magical galaxyfor over an hour and the colors just kept bursting from the center! milk and soap truly are a magic couple! honey, i put the lunch box in your schoolbag! yes mum, like always! hahahaha! mum! all you need to make cute banana messagesis a toothpick! make small holes in the banana peel closeto each other.

you can write dotted words or make littledrawings. at first these holes will look yellow, butafter a minute they will become brown! if you leave a banana on the counter it willget browny and ripe. this happens because bananas contain an enzymecalled polyphenol oxidase. this enzyme reacts with oxygen and coats thebanana with a sort of rust, which accounts for the dark brown color. when making small holes in the banana peelwe are in a way speeding up this reaction – polyphenol oxidase cells burst and mixup with oxygen. an oxidation reaction happens and the partswhere we make holes, turn brown.

but no worries, the banana inside will remaintotally intact. what a cool oxidation experiment and nonethelessamazing diy life hack! these banana messages are so adorable andperfect to brighten up your own or your friend's day! time to make the most epic and mesmerizinglava lamp experiment. fill up your glass or a vase with any kindof oil. i'm using the cheapest vegetable oil i couldfind in my supermarket. pour in a bit of water as well. since water has higher density than oil, itwill sink to the bottom of the glass. this already looks so satisfying to watch!

but you guys are not ready for the magic thathappens later. drip a few drops of food coloring into theglass. food coloring doesn't mix with oil. because of the density, color drops travelthrough the oil layer until they reach the water surface. now for the fun part! take any kind of fizz tablet and drop it intoyour glass. the tablet will immediately sink to the bottomand start releasing small bubbles of carbon dioxide gas.

this happens because fizz tablet containscitric acid and baking soda. when these two ingredients react with watersodium citrate and carbon dioxide gas are formed. the carbon dioxide gas bubbles start risingto the top and take some of the colored water along for the ride. the gas escapes into the air when it reachesthe top and the colored water is left alone on the oil surface. since water has a higher density than oil,the little water bubble falls back down. anyhow, this lava lamp looks so fascinatingand i could literally watch these colored bubbles traveling up and down for hours.

when your tablet fizzes away completely, youcan simply throw in a new one and enjoy the show again. this experiment is so inexpensive to try butso satisfying to watch! a must try for sure! wanna take a bet? i bet ten bucks that i can eat glass! of course, that's stupid! well, you owe me ten bucks because check thisout! another super yummy experiment, which totallyworks as a delicious dessert is edible glass!

yup, this thing looks just as glass, but tastesexactly like a lollipop. take a mold - i'm using this heart siliconeone and spray it with a bit of non stick cooking spray. spread it around the mold evenly with a tissuepaper. now let's cook up some yummy glass. place a pot over the heat and pour in 3.5parts of sugar, 1.5 parts of corn syrup and 1 part of water. optionally add a drop or two of food coloring. even after the mixture starts boiling, youshould keep on cooking and stirring it all the time.

your edible glass has to reach the temperatureof 150 degree celsius or 300 fahrenheit, if you want it to set hard. now we can take this yumminess of the heatand carefully pour it into the mold. the mixture is extremely hot so be super carefulwith it. leave your edible glass to cool down and thentake it out of the mold. voila here's our edible glass all done andit tastes delicious! the most important part when making lollipopsor hard candy is that you boil the mixture until it reaches 300 fahrenheit. once cooled down this candy becomes shiny,transparent and rigid but fragile – exactly

like glass! try pranking your friends making them believeyou can eat glass. i'm sure they'll be so confused! how flipping cool is this fizzy colored reaction,right? pour a teaspoon of baking soda in any kindof glass, jar or a test tube. i'm using a funnel to help me out. i want to make 6 colorful reactions so i'mfilling up 6 transparent glass tubes. to make the eruptions nice and colorful, goahead and add a few drops of food coloring in your glass.

if you skip this step your explosions willbe white, which is just as cool. i'm alternating between purple and blue ineach of my test tubes. alright, are we ready for some epic bubblyexplosions? let's quickly add a splash of vinegar to eachtube and enjoy the awesome fizzy performance! wow, so cool, right? i made my explosions look like a galaxy withpurple and blue but imagine making one with all the rainbow colors. that would look fantastic! when the reaction slows down and the eruptionsstop, you can simply pour more vinegar into your glass and watch the show once again!

so what causes these fascinating explosions? baking soda and vinegar react to form carbondioxide gas. the carbon dioxide bubbles rise to the surfaceof the baking soda and vinegar mixture in the same way that carbon dioxide rises incarbonated beverages. when the bubbles pop, carbon dioxide escapesin the air. this experiment is so affordable and easyto make but so fascinating and cool! have fun mixing different colors, or evenadding glitter and confetti. i bet that would look amaze-balls! also, you don't have to have all the protectiveequipment as glasses and stuff.

this experiment is super safe. i just wanted to look more scientific andserious! i've seen a skittles experiment allover internetand it looked super cool so i had to try it out. take a bunch of skittles and place them ona plate, making a giant circle, heart, star, or any other shape. i went for the tropical version of skittlesbecause i think the colors are prettier then with the original ones. my circle is complete and luckily there'sone skittle left for me, yummy! pour a small amount of warm water onto a plateand watch the magic happen!

the colors from skittles will start traveling towards the center, making a magical colorful wheel. however, it seems like my table is not completelyhorizontal, because as you can see the colors on one side have expanded way further fromthe edge than the colors on the other side. instead of symmetrical colored wheel i gotmore like a palm tree design! i actually really love it! nah, i'm so sick of this spaghetti. why settle down for plain and boring pastawhen we can easily transform it into the most epic rainbow color explosion?! this is such a fun coloring experiment plusa totally delicious recipe!

first off you need to cook your spaghettias usual. fill a pot with water and wait for it to startboiling. take any kind of pasta or spaghetti and throwit into the boiling water. when that's cooked, drain your pasta by pouringthe pot of spaghetti and water through a colander. now it's time for the fun part, which is coloringup our delicious spaghetti. take a few smaller bowls – one for eachcolor - and fill them up with water. add a bit of food coloring into each bowlto color it up. i went for red, green, yellow and blue. keep in mind that the more color you mix inyour water, the more vibrant and potent the

color of your spaghetti will be. these are ready so let's throw in our spaghetti! leave them soak for at least five to ten minutes. the longer you leave your spaghetti sit intheir colorful bath, the more color they absorb and brighter they get. all that's left to do is to drain them andlook at these amazing colors! i seriously didn't expect them to turn outthat vibrant! definitely the coolest spaghetti i've everseen. imagine inviting your friends over for a dinnerand serving them with these epic rainbow spaghetti.

they would be so impressed and probably abit confused too! this coloring technique is super quick andeasy, so much fun to try, plus you can use it for spaghetti, macaroni, basically pastain any shape or form. and don't be scared, the spaghetti will tastejust as usual! enjoy them like this or add any topping orsauce of your choice. bon appetite! i've always found it so fascinating how someliquids don't mix but they rather float on top of each other. the reason is density.

let's make an epic density experiment! i gathered various liquids that i found inmy kitchen and we're going to layer them up. first off is honey! it is the most dense off all the liquids ihave. density basically tells you how much weightis packed into a particular volume. it’s a comparison between an object’smass and its volume. next up is dish soap. it has lower density than honey, so it floatsabove it. if we take the same amount of two liquidsor objects, the one that is heavier has a

larger density. now it's time for water! i colored it blue so that it's easier to distinguishfrom other liquids used in the experiment. while pouring the water in, it can mix withdish soap a bit, but it will eventually separate and gather on top, due to lower density. let's continue with oil. oil is lighter than water, so it naturallyfloats above it. the last liquid to join our density toweris spirit or pure alcohol. i colored it in red, to make it a bit prettier. spirit is the lightest and the least denseliquid of all so it stays at the top.

at this point you can try experimenting withother liquids that you have... see which of those are more or less densethan water. i kind of want to put this density tower inmy room as a decoration! let's take our experiment on a next level by dropping in some objectsas well! a rubber duck stays on top as it's filledwith air, which is less dense than spirit. a metal ring is the heaviest and most denseof all the liquids and objects. it sinks right to the bottom. a cherry tomato is an interesting one! as you can see, it stops right below the watersurface.

these plastic beads got stuck above the tomatoat first, but they ended up sinking down and stopped just above the honey layer. this is so interesting, right? what a great and fun way to test density ofdifferent objects. it looks so cool to see the objects floatingon different layers of our density tower. i casually decided to throw a fizz tabletinto this density column! and i'm so happy that i did it because lookat this epicness! the reason for this crazy tablet behavioris that the fizz tablet contains citric acid and baking soda.

when these two ingredients get in contactwith water, sodium citrate and carbon dioxide gas are formed. carbon dioxide bubbles gather around the tabletand carry it on top of the tower. once this happy bunch reaches the surface,carbon dioxide gas bubbles say â«byeâ» and they escape in the air. poor tablet is left alone and without allthe bubbly helpers it sinks right down. this is the reason why our little fizz tabletlooks like it's gone ballistic, jumping up and down the tower like a crazy bouncy ball. it's time for a super cool glow in the darkexperiment which also doubles up as a delicious treat!

we are making yummy glow in dark popsicles. to make these even more fascinating we'regoing to add gummy candy as well! grab your favorite gummy candy – i wentfor gummy bears and sour gummy patches – and throw them into your popsicle molds. for the glow in the dark ingredient we areusing tonic water! fill the molds with this magical glowing liquid. lastly we need to put lids on and stick ourpopsicles into the freezer for a few hours. there we go – delicious gummy candy glow in the dark popsicles are all done and ready to eat. these popsicles also look so gorgeous withall the pretty colors.

but they look even better in the dark, underthe uv light. tonic water is a carbonated soft drink whichcontains quinine. quinine is a fluorescent substance. see how our popsicles glow in the dark? pretty amazing right?! i think they are perfect for a party! you can surprise your friends with spookyglow in the dark popsicles and drinks. i am sure they would be totally amazed. what an easy, affordable and hands down awesomediy treat idea. i absolutely love it! i'm bored..

let's play with sand! don't stress out if there's no good sand playgroundnearby. you can make your very own rainbow sand usingrice! mix a few drops of food coloring into onequarter of a cup of vinegar. fill a zip lock bag with one cup of whiterice. now pour the colored vinegar in the bag. zip the bag tightly and have fun squishingit until all the rice is colored evenly. you can make a lot of different colors. my first one was red, here i'm making a prettyteal rice and last but not least i have yellow.

pour your colored rice out onto a tray linedwith baking paper and let it dry for a few hours. i like to spread it around evenly to speedup the drying time. the rice is all dry so let the fun begin! you can play with it just like with sand – feelsso nice and satisfying. there is seriously so many fun things youcan do with this beautiful colorful rice. i honestly became like a 5 year old playingwith it! you can even use it as a decoration and filla transparent vase with layers of colored sand – it looks so gorgeous! i want to make colored rice in minty greenand pink – it would fit my room perfectly.

next we're making a super fascinating lemonvolcano experiment! grab a lemon, put it on your cutting boardand snip away the bottom and top parts like this. the next step is pretty aggressive, but inorder to release more juice we got to stab our lemon a few times using a knife, spoonor a wooden popsicle stick. pour in about a tablespoon of baking soda. add a few drops of food coloring, drip ina bit of soap as well and we are ready to activate this epic bubbly volcano! simply pour in some lemon juice and look atthis cool volcano eruption! so what's the science behind these awesomevolcanic explosions?

lemon juice contains citric acid. when citric acid is mixed with baking soda,the two react to form carbon dioxide and sodium citrate, which causes the liquid to fizz andbubble. dish soap further enhances the formation offoam and bubbles. this science experiment is so exciting and fascinating but it also smells super fresh and yummy. you can make it with any possible color. as you can see the combination of blue andpurple results in an epic galaxy eruption! how gorgeous: lemony scented galaxy volcano- world's coolest volcano for sure! mmmm.

ouch! to avoid such painful situations, let's makesome diy edible bowls. they are completely safe to eat and tastedivine. put your chocolate or candy melts in a doubleboiler. i am using green and white candy melts. due to the heat our chocolate pieces undergoa physical change, from solid to liquid. on a hot day, sunlight is usually enough tomelt the chocolate, something we've probably all experienced already. how delicious does this look, yummy!

place both, white and green melted chocolateinto a bowl. you can just pour the mixtures in simultaneously,but mine are quite thick so i have to use two spoons to do that. grab a knife and make a swirl to mix the twochocolate colors a little bit. blow a bunch of small balloons. i'm using regular water balloons and theywork perfectly! so let's make our first chocolate bowl. dip a balloon in your melted chocolate. you can roll it around to make the bowl deeperand to get more of that marble effect.

pull the balloon up and now you can decoratethe bowl with loads of beautiful sprinkles. place it on a piece of parchment paper andwait for the chocolate to harden. you can of course make lots of edible bowls,by dipping more balloons in your melted chocolate. also be creative with your toppings, i'm usingsprinkles, but anything from crushed cookies, nuts or dried fruits will work. i made my bowls look like a spring grass field,full of flowers and blooms – so pretty! when the chocolate is completely hard, it'stime to pop the balloons. so grab a needle and let the fun begin! there we go - the bowls are done and theyturned out gorgeous!

for two colored bowls you can simply use darkand white chocolate. i happened to have green and white candy meltson hand so i decided to use them. i filled one up with a raspberry sorbet, whippedcream and some more sprinkles. these chocolate bowls are perfect for a party,especially because you can customize them to fit any theme. for a halloween party you can use dark chocolate,and decorate them with halloween themed sprinkles. for valentines you can sprinkle them withred hearts. mine turned out like the perfect easter baskets,right? using only two kitchen ingredients you canmake this amazing glow in the dark slime,

which magically transforms from solid to liquid. take about half a cup of corn starch plussix tablespoons of tonic water and mix in a bowl until they're evenly combined. you'll notice that the mixture gets thickand pretty hard to mix but as soon as you stop stirring, it becomes runny like a liquid. and when you touch it feels kinda like a veryhard pudding! if you take it in your hands it behaves likea play dough as long as you are moving it. the second you keep it still, this magicaldough will run everywhere - just like a liquid! this is so weird!

you can make your slime using only corn starchand water. but we used tonic water, and we already knowthat tonic water glows under the uv light. consequently our magical slime glows in thedark as well! this makes it even more fascinating and cool. but why is our cornstarch slime behaving soweirdly? applying pressure to the mixture increasesits viscosity or thickness. throwing this dough back and forth betweenhands makes it feel hard, because it forces the cornstarch particles together. but if you leave it still for a few moments,the dough will run down your fingers like water.

standing still will give the cornstarch particlestime to move and gravity will naturally pull them down. what a fun, quick and inexpensive diy experimentto make! this one seriously blew me away! i'll show you how to instantly transform waterinto ice and grow these magical ice mountains right in front of your eyes! take a bottle of purified or distilled waterand put it in the freezer. wait for about 2 hours and fifteen to thirtyminutes. carefully take the bottle out of the freezerand unscrew the lid.

have a piece of ice or frozen metal on handand start pouring the water on the ice. as you can see a real ice mountain startsgrowing right in front of you! how flipping amazing is that! this happens because in the freezer the watertemperature has dropped below 0 degree celsius. water wants to freeze but there are no impuritiesto initiate the formation of ice crystals – we say that the water is super-cooled. as soon as it touches an ice cube the crystallizationoccurs and we get an epic ice mountain. so mind blowing! alternatively try carefully pouring the super-cooledwater into a clean glass.

the glass has to be extremely clean, sinceeven the slightest impurity and can initiate the crystallization. drop a piece of ice in and check out how icecrystals start forming instantly. how cool right? you can totally freeze a glass of water inan instant just by dropping in a bit of ice. so there you go me and you are just as cooland magical as elsa from frozen! reading about science in books can sometimesbe boring and hard to understand. but if you actually try it out, you'll findout how fascinating and cool it is! these science experiments are easy, fun andsuper affordable - i hope you try them out!

so, which of these experiments was your favorite? i honestly had the best time filming all ofthem but my favorite was probably the milk galaxy one, because it was just so magical and mesmerizing! give the video a big thumbs up if you wantto see more experiments like these and i'll talk to you soon! bye! don't be afraid to try out something new,different and crazy. because life is one big experiment and themore experiments you make, the better!

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