hey guys, thank you for joining me today.i am your keto coach. i wanted to talk to you about the top five reasons why a yourketo diet may not be working. a lot of people are contacting me saying, "i'm doing a ketogenicdiet and it's not working and i don't know why." so hopefully one of the five thingswill help. first one: keto sticks. people use keto sticksthinking that it's telling them what kind
easy diets that you can stick to, of state their body is in, if they're in ketosisare not. highly unlikely. it's not accurate. the problem with keto sticks is that if youdrink a lot of water, you'll have a diluted reading, so it'd be like a light color. ifyou're dehydrated, you're going to have a dark color reading. it doesn't mean how many— it's not telling you how much ketones
are in your blood, it's the excess ketonescoming out, which is another factor. we don't want to read what's coming out of our body.it's most likely because you have high glucose and high ketones, which is a bad environment,but your body is going to use keto — the glucose and then just expell the ketones,so you're reading the wrong thing. number two: unstable glucose levels. so again,up and down glucose is not good for your body, it's not good for your body deciding whatparts or fuel source to use. so really try to keep that stable and the best ways is oneof these. so, reading your glucose with glucometer. this is a precision extra. it's good becauseit does ketones and glucose, so it's excellent. really monitoring it and just watching whatyou're eating and keeping that glucose at
a good level. i would recommend a formulaless than 4.4 mm/ol around there is a good reading to have for glucose level. number three: too much food protein. peopleare on keto so they think they're going to be eating beef and chicken and bacon everythingall day long. that's not the case. even myself, i eat 70 to 80 grams. still feel strong atthe gym, feel great all day, lots of energy. so don't think you have to be eating 100-200grams of protein. you don't want to do that. all that excess protein, the body convertsit into sugar in a process called glucogeo-nast. gluconeogenesis, sorry about that. so whatthat is is a process of the protein getting converted to sugar for the body to use ina different way and what happens is that sugar
goes in your blood and then we're back intothat vicious cycle again. so don't eat too much protein. again, 70, 80 grams is whati eat, but you know, it's very individual-based, but that's the general rule. number four: eating too much. so, people thinkthat "i can just see a ton of food and i'll be okay as long as i don't eat carbs." that'sfalse. we want to — you know, you don't count calories – we don't have to countcalories, but we've got to be conscious of what were eating. let's be smart and whenwe're smart, we're not going to overeat. as well as when you start getting ketosis, youstart getting keto adapted, your hunger will drop and you won't want to eat as much. soin that long-term, it's going to be easier
for you, so just stick it out in the heartof the beginning. and number five. number five is probably themost important one. we don't eat enough fat. people have this fat phobia, even though we'reon keto. it's supposed to be high-fat, but you don't want to eat too much fat. it justdoesn't make sense. eat lots of fat. 80% of your daily intake macros should be fat. youknow, one of the good things to eat for sources are fat, i've got some good examples here:coconut oil. this is a good brand and it's available at costco and other places, butit's really good. lots of nutrients and healthy for you. how about avocado? just pure avocado.it's great, you can make guacamole and all great things out of it, great side dish aswell and tastes good. mct oil, the best part
of the coconut oil is in here, but coconuthas a lot of nutrients in it. this is great as well. gives you good energy. i take itbefore i go to the gym, it's awesome. avocado oil. so you can cook with it, season it onyour salad dressing. it's great. all these great sources of fat. when we're talking about meat, you want fullfat meat, so this one here, this is full fat beef and regular ground beef, if you will,chicken wings, that type of thing, bacon of course, the holy grail, full fat beef likei mentioned, and some cheese, hard cheese. so don't be buying chicken breast and low-fatthis and that, you're not helping yourself. keep it high-fat, you'll stay full, you'llhave lots of energy, and that's what we want.
so that's my top five list, try to keep itshort. if you want more information about getting keto adapted, ketosis, keto diet,visit myketocoach.com were i have custom keto plans as well as keto consulting and coachingservices. lastly, if you look over there, that's actuallya bone broth that's been brewing for two days so it's going to be — i'm going to takeit out today. i'll probably make a separate video for that. all right, thank you. see you.
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