Sabtu, 08 April 2017

good healthy diets for 14 year olds

good healthy diets for 14 year olds

spring wife's i let's do this audio cassettes to getsaw this audio i am newsperson on america blog this is fourteen-year-old anti gm 0 activists rachel correct she'scanadian

good healthy diets for 14 year olds, this debate is taking place on a progamo canadian the will make canadian tv show i can remember the name but its i amhosting kevin o'leary who apparently was also won the hosts ofshark tank whatever that i'm still is

where that show is a go about the itsit's it's about entrepreneurs china raise money fromthese big ceo's this guy's exposing himself as a verygreasy old man in some respects and it's not even that old i so greedy greedy yes kevin o'leary who apparently had them i a lot to say about anti gm 0 activistsand he really is they've invited thisfourteen-year-old on who do who challenge kevin o'leary at a publicspeech to a debate

and here's o'leary tried and she's been onthe show for a minute or two when the circlip picks up his o'leary pretending that he caresabout the poor starving kids in third world countries are coursesdebate about gm 0 i g mo usage in labeling in canada but here's o'leary trying to trump herarguments play this clip and let's say

you weren't as lucky as you are you wereborn in asian country or fourteen-years-old you're only food was rice that have novitamin e you're going blind and then you die550,000 people your age die that way every year and a company like monsanto to comealong an offer you a genetically modified rice includes vitamin a pic tosave your eyesight and your life how do you feel about that richeractually funny you mention this golden rice was scrapped because it didn't work

and in order for the average 11-year-oldboy to get enough vitamin a from rice he'd have to eat eleven no 27 balls aprice per day i'm and another thing is the reasonthere's blindness is it because there's a lack of vitamina in the race it's because they're diets are simplyrights but that's the problem you're saying even if the st. 30 balls arristhere's no vitamin a what he's eating now it's not scrap is still being tested andthe bottom line is that the other ways to modify food to say peoplelike that should we not be trying these

things to help those that are dying or okay so here is just got faced on istalking point that he got from monsanto about a product that does not existessentially now he's all argument now to this thisfourteen-year-old girls well if they a unicorn came and said we could sell more probs wouldyou be against solving all problems continue you against that too should we be messing with mother naturewell what do you say to a child your age that's going to die

what you say i mean in all realitybecause golden eyes didn't work how can we fight for that and so youdon't wanna see any attempts to stop food from beingdestroyed by insects i mean that but i'm trying to focus youon this is there no merits to this at all from your point of viewmy point of view was just that it should be for civil tested a lot morei mean it's only tested by the very companies that stand to gain by theirapproval so i really think that it we should haveindependent studies and then mandatory jima labeling

that's my thing that way we can asconsumers have informed decisions well there's twodebates going on here when you wanna see lake now are we just got this guy got facedagain are you against everything that's good well actually i'm saying that we need tohave labeling and we need to test this stuff and now what leary's going to do o'leary's gonna dois he's now going to break this out

he thought he realizes he's just lostthe labeling debate to this fourteen-year-old girl andthere's no reason in the world why we shouldn't have transparency about this in if gm owes have a bad image in grmoser afraid that if we label this stuff that peopleare gonna buy it that's their problem that's their problem they need to do more to compelpeople to feel like they can trust somethingthat has that on the label that's their problem so he's not gonnatry conflict these things and now i

realize he's lost once we need to bringin the other went to conflate got blink thats one thing but are you against modifying food atall which one i actually i know this sounds radical but yes i amagainst genetically modifying our food i race ihave a problem with that that may be causing or basically giving death sentence tomillions of people around the world are not as fortunate as you are

you know that gm owes actually don'thave higher yield either i thought the point is to stopexperimentation in a sign posit this now he just lostthe debate he's trying to make the argument that bysaying that you're against genetically modified foods you are you are york your cat to death sentence you'recausing people to die by being against it and then she sayswell there's no evidence that it is stopping the death so thatanyone there's no higher yields

these going now he has to change thedebate again to saying that she's againstexperimentation go that has so much promise could be a hugemistake and effectively be a death sentence forthose that need higher heels if they can get them okay so he's now change shifted thedebate from you're against a energy amo foodshere against labeling you're against the the existence assuming they could dowhat i am claiming that they can do but we both

it now acknowledge they can't so nowyou're against experimentation well she responds a couple minutes later for she talkedabout the difference between hybrid in gm oh the notion that we've always hadhybrids but gm always is is very different thisguy you taking by dna from from from different term from my different a organisms that would never essentially be able tobe injected into someone else's or something else is dna but then shegoes on to talk about

you talk about experimentation there areno independent s for instance a common trait is pesticide producing so to make thecrops pesticide producing but they haven'tadequately tested monsanto's longer studies ninety days that really doesn't determine how longterm it's going to affect our health the environment and even our entireecosystem you know saying my centos test to 90 days is alittle mislabeling it because many other organizations including us out note theirony of him saying mislabeling

get like some once you're involved intoo much more testing so a product comes to market many peopletested including the government itself monsanto know was that about physicallyand can i just it help and then or the fda do anyindependent studies and they rely only on the very start isprovided by the companies that stand to gain by their approval like monsanto there's other companies as well rightyes so there you have it he the this guy is bald-faced lying to a14-year-old because he's losing the

debate by claiming that there are otherextensive studies that exist out there by some an organization certainly not thegovernment it turns out he's completely wrong so here he is in full retreat now and this is just the the capper no infact i fourteen-year-old there are it couldextensive tests to definitely we need a long-term study to determine if its a friend not onlyare ecosystem but our health as well

i rachel were in a long-term study hereeating genetically modified food by the writer the lab rats that and yeah exactly where the lab rats exactly miss guys simply arguing that we shouldwe are the lab rats over the lab rats least there's lot rats good for her upload 10 put that clip inthe the been up clips that i will play mydaughter very impressive this incredible really

and it just goes on and then later on weto she he tries to ambush her with the clip from adocumentary that his daughter made and she's like yeah i actually have seenthat has some problems with that admitted he decided not to run theclever if he still afraid that eases daughters now bout to get faced

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