howdy muncher pals, i know you guys love mealprep and i get requests all the time for slow cooker meals and dinner mealsso i am super excited to share these three freezer meals with you. all three ofthese meals are super easy to make. i am showing you 2 slow cooker meals whichare vegan or have vegan options and one meatloaf and all of them you canprepare in advance freeze and then you
easy meals to work, just throw them in the slow cooker orthe oven whenever you're ready. thumbs up for convenience with healthyeating. it can be done. first let's start with my sweet potato lentil curry. my personalfavorite. for this freezer meal you will need sweet potato, lentils, onion, carrots,coconut milk, canned tomatoes, curry
powder and salt. place a bag into a large mixing bowland simply add in all your ingredients except your coconut milk. seal it up, label it,and transfer to the freezer. when you're ready to make your curry remove from the freezer the nightbefore and allow it to thaw in the refrigerator overnight. in the morningempty your ingredients into your slow cooker, add your coconut milk, and let itcook. then come dinner time you'll have a delicious curry, hot and ready to enjoy. yum.next let's make my freezer chili. for this freezer meal you will need black beans andwhite beans, ground turkey or for vegan
you could use additional beans of your choice, onion, bell pepper, celery, tomato sauce,vegetable broth, diced tomatoes, garlic, chili powder, cocoa powder my secretchili ingredient, cumin, garlic powder, paprika, cinnamon, salt and pep, and cayenne. yes quite a few ingredients as is usually the case with a chill but really no work at allfor so much flavor. once again you can place a bag into a large mixing bowland add in all of your ingredients except your vegetable broth. seal it up nice andtight and don't forget to label it. when you're ready to make it you canremove from the freezer the night before and allow it to thaw in the refrigeratorovernight. in the morning simply dump
your chili bag into your slow cooker, add yourvegetable broth, and let it cook. perfect easy peasy and ready to eat. last we're going to makemy freezer meatloaf. for this freezer meal you will need ground turkey, an egg, oats,onion, green onion, tomato sauce, bell pepper, garlic, wurst-s-sher..worchestershire..what is it? salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder,and sage. add all of your ingredients into a bowl and mix well. don't be afraid to useyour hands to dig in. line a loaf pan with foil and fill it with you meatloaf mixture. fold your foil to covered completely and transfer it to the freezer. once frozen i like to remove the loaf from the pan soi still have access to my pan until whenever i'm ready to eat the loaf. thumbs up
for hacks. transfer to a freezer bag and don'tforget to label it. when you're ready to make it transfer back to your loaf pan andallow to thaw in the refrigerator overnight. the next day open it up andbrush on your meatloaf glaze which is just ketchup, honey, and worcestershire. bake in an oven preheated at 375 degrees fahrenheit for about an hour. then there's nothing leftto do but enjoy. so yummy. i hope you guys enjoy these freezer meals. don't forgetto thumbs up this video if you want more. the pdf in the description has all ofthe recipes from this episode to make your lives easier so i hope you enjoy itand just so you know these will all last around three months in the freezer. ifyou make any of these recipes or my
other recipes don't forget to tag meon social and comment below and let me know which one you're most excited totry. if you want to learn more about prepping and storing food efficiently andeffectively i encourage you to check out my meal prep a beginner's guide ebookand if you use the code frozen at mindovermunch.com/ebooks for the next48 hours you can get 10% off any ebook or package of your choice. i hope you allhave a wonderful week i really appreciate you spending time with meevery single thursday and i will be back here with you next thursday for a newexciting video and remember it's all a matter of mind over munch.
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