so, so why don't you come on up. with the cup.... did you drink some of this?- no, i did not. oh, okay.- i've just opened it. i was ready okay. you was just slobbering all over it.by the way, (unintelligible)
list all fad diets, yeah. i guess you're right. - i mean, i even get up in the middle of the night and drink coke. you do? yeah- yeah yeah. alright. alright.this is gonna be pretty simple for you as well.
alright. so, how do you knowyou've really gotta have coke? - i just crave it. how do you know you cra..?you feel it somewhere? how do you know you crave it? - it's just i like that taste.i like that co.... - especially if i get one that's real strong.- you know, that's strong. okay. let me ask you so, have you ever drunk a coke & you just thought'oh, i just don't want a coke.' ? - no. no.never?
- coke. dr. pepper. i don't like mountain dews or anything,but coke & dr. pepper. okay. so. um. have you had, i mean, can you remember some of theearliest experiences with coke or dr. pepper? - i was thinking about this.when you said that early experience. - i used to go to my aunt's house.i felt real safe there in tulsa. - and that's the only time i had cokewas at her house. alright. very good. i want you to take a deep breath. close your eyes. and i want you to drift back in time whereyou're there with your aunt.
and i want you to drink the cokeand feel that safe feeling. you got it?while you're feeling this feeling it's really not the coke, but send it to your aunt. and then go give her a hug and a kiss. and let her know how much you really appreciate her. and you've already just noticed thatthat coke has faded off, hasn't it? it's really her that makes it important, isn't it? take a deep breath. (inhales & exhales)peace.
those here in class, you may notice alright now. let's think about coke.i got a coke over here that you ordered. are you ready to drink it? you have this real craving, don't you?- no, i'm thirsty. - i'm just thirsty. - i don't care what i drink. - i just want something to drink. i'm sorry. water? (she laughs) - sorry.
but, but we're talking about your coke addiction. no, what?- no, i don't have to have that coke. - because i found out where it comes from. (laughter) what, what are you talking about?here, let's.... - i wanted the love from my aunt.no, it's coke. here. - can i have it? oh. alright. now we're gonna play with your coke. what, what's your desire?zero to ten that you want that coke? - probably 8, but...okay.
- i could have some water. now, we're gonna play with your coke.- it's not cold. no. no. i'm sorry. right. now we're gonna play a little bit. alright? alright. take a deep breath.close your eyes. now, i know if you've tasted coke before &there's a certain feeling with coke, isn't there? do you still have that craving inside you at all? - no.alright. but you know what it tastes like? - yup.taste it in your mind. - uh huh.alright, guys, this is what i want you to do now.
in your mind think about the taste of whatever that is. just notice the taste. you're not tasting it.you're not even gonna get it close to your mouth. i want you to remember the taste. and i want you to remember who you ate it with,in the past. and if it's somebody, see 'em in your mind. and taste it in your mind, with them,and feel that feeling you had with them. send that taste to that person, that feeling that you felt. notice you already have it, right?- uh huh.
alright. take a deep breath. blow it out.(inahles & exhales). peace. - peace. alright. now.now in your mind you know what it tastes like. - uh. huh.alright, taste it in your mou..., in your mind. in your mouth.what's the first thing you notice when you taste it? - my aunt. (she laughs) i'm sorry. we're talking about coke.- i know but - it's not really a.... it's a taste, but it's not like it was.okay. okay.- i'm taking the coke and when i think of the coke i think of my aunt.
okay. well now just let's think about tasting coke.- okay. notice. guys, you remember when i shared with youthe lady with the mountain dew. and you noticed it had a little trigger. this just changed it big time, for her. because we put the emotions backwhere they originally came from. that's why we have addictions. we have, you know pavlov and the dogs you know what happened with those dogsafter they kept ringing the bell and no food? the dogs got angry.....
.... at the bell. they kept thinking the bell did it to them. you see it? now, she thought it was in this (indicates the coke) but we went back and we put the emotion.now that'd an unconscious programme you didn't even know it was there, did you?- uh. huh. alright. right. now let's just do the taste.strictly the taste of this. and you know what it tastes like. taste it in your mind.
what's the first thing you notice when you take a bite? it's kinda hard to taste it now. well, you said, you'd talk about that burn.you remember that burn in the back? - yeah, but, - i don't really have that, either. really? wow! alright. you know what coke tastes like? - now i forgot.- no, i do. okay. taste it.
taste it in your mind.in your mind, taste it. you got that taste? - uh. huh.what's the taste, taste like? - it tastes kinda sweety, but i don't have that burning. alright. taste, taste whatever you taste in your mind. that sweet taste. that sweet taste.that sweet sensation. release and let it go. just let it go. deep breath. (inhales & exhales). peace alright. now, in your mind, taste it again.can you still taste that sweetness?
- not really. what do you taste now when you drink it?- nothing. i mean, you've...- i don't. i don't taste anything. i mean, you've tasted hundreds of these.- oh, i know. - i don't taste anything.okay. can you remember what it smells like? - mmm. not really.well, try to imagine you've got a can there and you're smelling it. - okay. i've never thought about the smell, but okay.- okay. any sensations? any smells? - not really.really?
- really, i don't. isn't that interesting? okay. now we have the real deal, guys.(break in the video) alright, now what i want you to do is smell it. smell yours. - okay. see i didn't. i couldn't even remember.smell yours. notice the smell. you got that smell?- uh huh. alright, now we're gonna tap on that smell got it?- uh huh.
that smell. that smell.- that smell. that smell. whatever it smells like.- whatever it smells like i release and let go of that smell.- i release and let go of that smell. it's safe to let it go.- it's safe to let it go. i still have the good feelings.- i still have the good feelings. deep breath. (inhales & exhales) peace- peace. alright. smell it again. - i can't smell it - i really can't.
- what did you do? i didn't do nothing.(laughter) isn't that interesting?(break in the video) okay. alright. so now what i want you to do is... i know some of you still have the smell.we're gonna come right back to that. okay? now, i want you to take a little taste of that.see what it tastes like. - tastes real sweet.okay. alright. that real sweet. it's almost sicky sweet isn't it?- yeah. say: even though ..- even though ..
i use coke.- i use coke. to cover up.- to cover up. all my pain.- all my pain. my loneliness.- my loneliness. and it never worked.- and it never worked. let it go now.- let it go now. deep breath. (inhales & exhales) peace.- peace. alright. taste it again. - oh my god! that sweet taste is gone.
what does it taste like?- burning kind of.... - ooh. it's bitter, kind of. - do it again. i want it to really be bitter. that bitter taste.- no, i want the bitter taste. all my bitter- all my bitterness in my life all the hurt.- all the hurt. all the rejections.- all the rejections. all that bitterness.- all that bitterness. let it go.- let it go.
deep breath. (inhales & exhales) smell it again. i mean, taste it, i mean. - oh, my god! no, i don't wanna coke now. no. - that tastes bad.i just bought that for you. - no, i bought it! i want my money back. (laughter) - no, really.seriously? - it's serious now. - oh. it just tastes like, er,like it doesn't have any syrup in it. - like carbonated water.
alright. let's do that one. that nasty carbonated feeling.- that nasty carbonated feeling. that false fun.- that false fun. that false security.- that false security. let it go. let it go.- let it go. let it go. (inhales & exhales) peace.- peace. - i wanna tell... how do you do this?- it doesn't taste of anything now. what does it taste like?- it doesn't taste of anything. tastes like water. - tastes like water.good.
alright guys. i have something to show..- that is weird. this is it's not weird. say it, say it correctly, this is powerful.- this is powerful. - you are powerful.no, it's not me, it's just, it's how the mind it's your mind. alright guys, this is the meaning guys, who gave it the meaning? you know, if you'll notice everything she said also represented her world. you understand that? you give food meaning. -- whatever you're addicted to. whatever you, whatever the food is.now, where did the programme come from?
it came from your past.the reason why you were addicted because you wanted that security. and you also had bitterness, and hurt and unsafety. - yeah. i did. you see?- very much so. and we operate from that and we project itand put it everywhere we go. and we just now changed it.- oh, my gosh, that's wonderful. - that is wonderful.isn't that interesting? alright.- that is so, your mind is so hooked.
your mind is so powerful.- that's what i'm saying, the mind is just so powerful. and i didn't do it. i just did... you could have done this. how many of you have kind of noticed a little bit that it's changed that whatever you're doing? isn't that true? (break in the video) - it just tastes flat. you just opened it. - i know, it's just, it's not.. is it important any more?- no.
- no, it's not fun.give her a hand. (clapping) - i guess i'll go throw that sucker away! - thank you so much.thank you. subtitles: antoinette iacobucci yeah. how many of you noticed her expression.
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