alright, so time for another delicious lunchin seoul (서울). yeah, exactly. so today we're going for a very classic koreandish. we're having bulgogi (ë¶ˆê³ ê¸°) which literallymeans 'fire meat' and we've placed our order. we've also ordered something else that isa bit of mystery and we'll show it to you
south korean celebrity diets, when it arrives. so there is a lot happening at the table rightnow. our two orders have arrived. and the first one is cooking.
we also have our little side dishes and somesoup. so if you have a look here we have miyeokguk (미ì—êµ) which is a seaweed soup. and they've given us a little bowl so we canjust serve ourselves. yeah, this is one of our favorite little sidesoups that are often served at korean restaurants. and it is so healthy. you can feel good about eating this. it is really what is interesting to is thatif i remember correctly you're supposed to eat this on your birthday. it is special birthday food.
oh yeah. to live a long life. maybe? here is yours. so why don't you try it. okay, i'm going to serve myself now. okay. i was a kind wifey. my first one.
so yeah, you can see the big thick piecesof seaweed in there. seaweed. unlike some of the other seaweed productsyou get in korea the seaweed here isn't salty. it is just cooked as it is. how is that? it is really nice. it is like even lighter than a miso soup. it is super light. really tasty.
i like it. alright, so the first dish here has finishedcooking. so you can see it sizzling. here is the classic bulgogi (ë¶ˆê³ ê¸°) andthis is one of my favorite korean foods. it is just amazing and i haven't had thisin a long time. this is my first time to have it since wecame back to seoul (서울). so if we take a look down here we'll showyou some of the ingredients. so here you can see the strips of meat andthey've what really makes pulgogi (ë¶ˆê³ ê¸°) so delicious is that the marinade.
the marinade is just awesome. a sweet marinade. it is a very sweet marinade. so it is made with soy sauce, sugar, sesameseed sauce and it also has garlic and peppers. pepper in it too. it is just an amazing sauce. that is really what makes it. and you can also see here we have a what ithink it called kongnamnul (콩나물) which are the bean sprouts.
the beansprouts. yeah. and we also have some tteok (ë–¡). some rice cakes. korean rice cakes. so we've got a lot of different things goingon. and some noodles. i saw some glass noodles in there earlier. right, there is also some glass noodles here.
alright. see if we can find them. right there. there you go. so you have a lot going on. alright, let's dish it up. there we go. so i'm going to put in a little bit like this. and then i'm going to grab some of the saucebecause that is the best part.
haha. can't leave that behind. yeah, i'm going to drown and put that saucein. okay, it is looks like it is piping hot. straight from the pan so you know what i'mgoing to eat this properly with chopsticks. going in for the first bite. going to blow on that a bit. don't burn yourself in the process. oh, how is that?
wow! that is the real deal. that is classic bulgogi (ë¶ˆê³ ê¸°) and itthe sauce that makes it taste so good. mmmm. those thin slices of meat. this restaurant specializes in bulgogi (ë¶ˆê³ ê¸°)so they have so many different variations and i'm really excited to try the next one. alright, so the second one that we orderedis ready. sam, you know the name.
what is this one called. it is called cheese kongbul (치즈 콩불). alright so it is a cheese kongbul (치즈콩불) and we have never had this before. this is korean food we have yet to try. it was amazing. the guy came and cooked both dishes for us. and then once this one was done he added cheeseand all over it and it has just been melting and getting sticky and gooey. it kind of looks like something in betweenbulgogi (ë¶ˆê³ ê¸°) and tteokbokki (떡볶ì´)
with cheese. let's try it. it has got a lot going on. so what can we can tell from the ingredientsthat we have so far? alright, well again we have your beansprouts. we have some onions, we have rice cakes, thebeef of course the bulgogi (ë¶ˆê³ ê¸°). lots of cheese. um, and yeah i think it is going to be spicy. i'm seeing some of the red pepper happeninghere.
okay, let's try it. you can see the cheese. oh my god. is it good? that is really good. yeah, it was one on the menu it had a littlestar beside it saying this is a hit. you know one of the best things. it is super spicy. oh my.
super spicy. my eyes are actually watering right now. do you think they use a gochujang sauce (ê³ ì¶”ìž¥)possibly? red pepper paste. definitely. and it is so cheesy and gooey. i feel like i'm having korean pizza toppingsin a way. this is amazing. wow.
see. to all our viewers it is worth trying newthings. we have never had this before. first time reaction. this is incredible. i haven't even tried the other one yet buti already know this is going to be my favorite. even if it is making me tear up. like this one is really fire-y. i know bulgogi (ë¶ˆê³ ê¸°) meat is fire meatbecause you cook it over the fire but this
is like burning my whole throat. sam is going for the cheese and the spice. yeah, so i loaded up a little portion here. so let's see how that is. you're going to feel it. oh wow. in a matter of seconds. that is really spicy as you said. loved the addition of cheese.
of course you did. it is not like a traditional korean ingredientbut whenever you add cheese to something like this it really does enhance it. i probably like the bulgogi (ë¶ˆê³ ê¸°) alittle bit more. really? but i do like this though. alright, so i'm going to try more of the classicrecipe right now. the pulgogi (ë¶ˆê³ ê¸°). the sweet one.
my mouth is like still watering from all thatspice. i'm like salivating over here. that second one that we ordered really wasspicy. we still have more to eat of it too. okay, going in for my first bite. let's get some noodles, some beef, some beansprouts. look at that. it is still steaming. i'm eating my own hair.
how gross. how do you like that? one second. hang on i'm choking. okay, so this one is definitely a lot milder. really sweet but after having the spicy onewith cheese i don't know if i liked burned my taste buds or what or numbed them but thisone isn't as flavorful in comparison so i'm going to have to go for the spicy one. spice and cheese.
that was a hit in my books. and it is a hit on the menu so that is howyou know it is good. so i think it is fair to say that our onlycomplaint is that the portions could be a lot bigger. because we just polished that off in secondsand it was so good that now we're scrapping the plate. yeah, we took care of that. nothing left. we took care of that.
although in terms of the price point theywere eight thousand won (ì›) each. so sixteen thousand won (ì›) in total. which is â‚©16,000 krw. so you're looking at about thirteen or forteenus dollars for those dishes. and yeah they were really tasty. yeah, and that also came of course with thebanchan (반찬), the sides, the rice which we kind of ignored because the beef was sotasty. yeah and the miyeok guk (미ì—êµ) soup. so yeah, there was a lot of food but we reallykeyed in on the principle courses.
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