Selasa, 11 April 2017

pros and cons of low carb high fat diets

pros and cons of low carb high fat diets

what’s going on, guys? sean nalewayj hereat the question today is should you use a weightliftingbelt? so, is a weightlifting belt necessary and what are the pros and cons? so, firstoff, what is the purpose of a weightlifting belt? the central purpose of a weightliftingbelt is to help you increase intra-abdominal pressure. so on the plus side, that extrapressure increases overall core stability

pros and cons of low carb high fat diets, which helps to support your spine and lowerback and it also allows you to lift more weight. on the negative side, it can reduce the developmentof your core which in the long run can increase your chance for injury and on top of thatit can also end up becoming a crutch that you rely on and that you can’t lift properlywithout. so, who should actually use a weightlifting

belt? it’s not a black and white thing,but the simple overall, sort of bottom line answer that i’d give is that the majorityof lifters don’t need to be wearing a weightlifting belt the majority of the time. a weightliftingbelt should only be looked at as an extra tool that some lifters will benefit from insome situations. so, first off, if you’re still in the beginning stages of trainingand you’re otherwise healthy then i definitely don’t recommend the use of a weightliftingbelt. as a novice your goal should be to focus on building overall size and strength’re not going to be lifting very heavy weight at that point. and so there’s nogood reason to be wearing a weightlifting belt, because it’s only going to interferewith the development of your core strength.

so bottom line if you’re a beginner, oreven a beginner/intermediate, don’t even think about lifting belts and just focusedon proper form and on gradually increasing your overall raw strength. secondly, if you’rean athlete who’s training for a non-weightlifting sport then you’d also want to use the beltvery sparingly because your goal with athletics is to build an overall balanced and functionalbody. and if you’re wearing a belt, sorry if you’re not wearing a belt in you sportthen frequently using a belt in the weight room is not going to be a good idea. third,you don’t need to use a belt on every exercise or even on a large percentage of you’ve probably seeing guys like this in the gym, who walk in, wearing a weightliftingbelt right from the start and they keep it

on for the entire workout during every exercisewhether it’s a deadlift or a triceps kickback. again, you only want to use a belt when it’sabsolutely necessary. you definitely don’t want to be using it on exercises where you’resitting or lying down and wearing it for your entire workout isn’t helping you either.if anything it’s having the opposite effect, you think that you’re protecting your lowerback but you’re actually just making your core weaker and weaker, because it’s neverbeing worked naturally. so if you are going to be using a belt, then the only exerciseswhere i’d recommend using it would be on the squat, the deadlift or the overhead press.not even necessarily all three, but those are the main lifts where a belt can assistyou. and number four, don’t bother with

a belt if you’re only using light to moderateloads in medium to higher rep ranges. so if you’re training with something like a 70%of your one-rep max for say, eight to ten reps, you don’t need a belt in that situation.focus on correct technique and leave the belt alone. so those are the main situations wherei wouldn’t recommend using a weightlifting belt. remember that when you engaged yourcore properly it already acts like an internal weightlifting belt. so you want to use thatnatural belt and build up its strength as much as you can first before moving on tousing any sort of external belt. and the way that you use your internal weightlifting beltis by bracing your core during those big compound lifts. i won’t go into huge detail here,but basically it just means drawing a big

breath into your belly before each rep, lockingthat air in and then pushing your abs outward. and a good cue for this is too perform thesame movement that you would as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach. andyou want to be doing that whether you’re using an actual weightlifting belt or, with all of that out of the way that leaves us with the situation when a weightliftingbelt could be useful. and that is if you’re an intermediate or advance lifter, you’venaturally progress without a belt to lifting fairly heavy weights, so you’re squattingat least three plates or deadlifting at least four. you have a proper lifting techniqueand you’re performing heavy sets around 85% or more of your one-rep max. okay, withthose factors in place a lifting belt can

be used as an extra tool to help you completethe lift and to reduce the chances of injury. and even then it’s definitely not mandatory.if you’re consistently progressing in weight and your form is on point and your lower backfeels fine, then i would say to just continue without a belt and only start using one ifit becomes absolutely necessary to really help you pushed out to those higher numbers.just make sure that you’re using your belt properly, which means that the belt is tight,but also loose enough that you can get a full breath into your stomach and brace your absand your core against the belt. if you’re wearing your belt so tight you can’t breatheproperly then you’ll definitely want to loosen it up. and the one other exceptionhere is for people with pre-existing lower

back injuries. as long as you’re takingsteps to actively improve your lower back health whatever the issue might be, so you’reworking on building up your core strength and as long as you’re not using the beltas a band-aid fixed to lift really heavy weights then a belt can also be used in that situationif you find that it reduces the stress on your lower back. so bottom line guys, a weightliftingbelt is an optional extra tool that can be used by more advanced lifters to lift heavyloads or by people with lower back issues. but it’s not going to do the work for you,it’s not going to make up for bad form and you still need to be incorporating separatedirect core training in your plan regardless. so thanks for watching guys. if you foundthis advice helpful and you want to get all

the tools you need to gain muscle and loosefat as effectively as possible, the workouts, the meal plans, the supplement guides, aswell as one-on-one coaching then you can download my body transformation blueprint by clickinghere or by heading over to using the link in the description box. ifyou enjoyed the video, as always make sure to hit the like button, leave a comment andsubscribe to stay up to date on future videos. you can also check out my official blog overat for all of my latest updates. and you can follow me on social media hereif you aren’t already. thanks for watching guys, and i’ll see you in the next video.

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