Rabu, 12 April 2017

type of diet for gout

type of diet for gout

my name is christine marquette and i'm a registereddietitian with the austin regional clinic and i'm going to talk to you about bananasand gout. gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by increased levels of uric acid.foods that have a lot of uric acid are generally thought of as high purinated foods and forthe most part these are foods that have a lot of protein in them. now there are certainfoods that have been reported to cause a decrease

type of diet for gout, in flare ups or decrease of painful symptomsof gout and one of these includes bananas. the reason why bananas are thought to helpdecrease the symptoms of gout are for two reasons, that they have a lot of potassiumand that they have a lot of vitamin c. the reason why the potassium in bananas may bebeneficial is that potassium actually helps

regulate acid based balance in the body withgout again because it involves high levels of uric acid, it can increase the acidityof your body so eating high potassium foods can decrease that acidity and make your bodymore alkaline so for that perspective bananas can help with the symptoms of gout. vitaminc also has been reported to have anti-inflammatory properties so with the flare up of gout itdoes cause an increase in inflammation so therefore eating bananas may help with decreasingthat painful inflammation. so bananas can definitely be a good addition to your dietif you are having a flare up of gout because again it has a lot of potassium and it hasa lot of vitamin c so it may decrease acidity and it may decrease inflammation in your body.

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