do we chose what we eat or do the bacterialiving in our gut decide? hello everyone! i'm reina and this is dnews.the friendly bacteria that live within us may not only be affecting food cravings butalso our moods. research has shown that this may even lead to a causal relationship withobesity. researchers from uc san francisco, arizonastate university and university of new mexico
diets that work and are easy to stick to, have concluded that microbes do in fact influenceeating habits and food choices to favor consumption of specific nutrients that the microbes themselvesthrive best on. in the past it was thought that microbes passively took in whatever nutrientswe ingested. bacterial species have different nutrientsthey thrive off of; some favor sugars, others
can favor starches, fats, et cetera. and becausethe human gut is directly linked to the immune system, nervous system, and endocrine system,the community of microbes that live within you influence your eating choices! the gutmicrobiome does this by releasing signaling molecules, which allow the cells to perceiveand respond correctly to the microenvironment. then, those signals go on to influence ourphysiologic and behavioral responses. the director of human and social evolutionat ucsf, explains "microbes have the capacity to manipulate behavior and mood through alteringthe neural signals in the vagus nerve, changing taste receptors, producing toxins to makeus feel bad, and releasing chemical rewards to make us feel good."
for example, in mice particular strands ofbacteria can increase anxious behavior. in a nutshell, the bacteria didn’t like whatthe mice were eating so they chemically signaled a reaction that would cause the mice to feelanxiety. the mice would then correlate the food to be causing the anxiety and cease tocontinue eating it.[a] on a larger scale, clinical trials discoveredthat drinking a probiotic containing lactobacillus casei (kay see ee), which can relieve gastrointestinalpathogenic bacterial disease, actually improved low moods. dr. carlo maley, director of the ucsf centerfor evolution and cancer explains "bacteria within the gut are manipulative.there is a diversity of interests represented
in the microbiome, some aligned with our owndietary goals, and others not." the speed with which the microbiome can changemay be encouraging to those who seek to improve health by altering microbial populations.this usually happens through food and supplement choices, by ingesting specific bacterial speciesin the form of probiotics, or by killing targeted species with antibiotics. according to researchers,optimizing the balance among bacterial species in our gut may allow us to lead less obeseand healthier lives. researchers[b] proposed further studies toinvestigate the power microbes hold over us. they say that "targeting the microbiome couldopen up possibilities for preventing a variety of disease from obesity and diabetes to cancersof the gastro-intestinal tract. we are only
beginning to scratch the surface of the importanceof the microbiome for human health.†what do you think? would you get a gut microbetransplant in hopes of improving your health? tell us in the comment section down below,don’t forget to give that like button some love and subscribe if you haven’t already!for more of my videos head on over to sourcefed and sourcefednerd! thanks for tunin in!
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