(sleigh bells) - psst! lilly! - yeah? did you just have a seizure? - no, no! shh, shh!
easy meals for working moms, i am doing sign language. - you want me to watch you give birth? - no, dumb girl! i am saying, "what christmaspresent i should buy your mom?"
- how does that mean what you just did? - hello! "what present i should get mom?" - i dunno. what about like, perfume? - bleh. - okay, jewelry. - meh. - ooh, what about a nice purse? - nah. - okay, a ferrari! whatdo you want from me?
- be serious, okay? i want to give mommysomething really nice. you know, i was reading article on google and they say if somebodyalready have everything and you don't know what to get them, you improve something they already have. - hmm. improve something. - yeah! but everythingshe have already perfect! - hmm.
- you know what i mean? (burps) whew. was samosas! - hmm. well, maybe noteverything is perfect. - what are you thinking? - i got it. hold on. hey, yo. do you think youcan come over for a bit? i need your help. - really? you ordering pizza?
okay, tell them well done, okay? - nope. you are getting a makeover. - huh? (doorbell rings) (battle music) - no, no thank you. i don't need makeover. i am very handsome guy. people thinking i lookjust like johnny depp. look at my selfie.
- wait, wait, wait. i got a better idea. (whispering) all right, ingrid, i needyou to work your magic. go through everything i own and create the perfect d.i.y. outfit for my dad. i know if anyone cando it, girl, it's you. - all right, pops! timefor your new outfit! - huh? what's wrong with this, huh? this brand-new gray shirt!
(sighs) what size is this? - um, your size. - no, no. sometimes my muscle ripsright through i'm putting on. - uh, cool. - thank you. - cool. very cool. you like the gym?
- that's right. the gym like me! - oh! - you know what i mean? that's right! - okay, that's it! you're all set! - oh, i understand! youdress me like a firefighter! the sexy guy! that's right! - no, a pirate! - pirate? oh, i understand! like titanic!
- no! pirates of the caribbean! - huh? caribbean? but i am from india! - okay, pirate from india. - pirate from india!captain jack deep sparrow! - good job, muffin. now that he's dressed like johnny depp, i think he should actuallylook like johnny depp. - candy, work your magic, girl.
(laughs) - candy? no candy for me, please! i am diabetic. (sneezes) (pirates of the caribbean-esque music) hello. - damn, candy! damn! high five! high five! (all three cheering)
- my mom is going to love this gift. - hello there, pretty thing. - huh? huh?! - it's me, manjeet. - manjeet?! what the bloody hell are you doing? - i'm a pirate, babe. - like titanic? - what? no, no, no, no!
from pirate of the caribbean, eh? - but you from india. - okay, pirate of india! same thing! - why you dressed like this, huh? - because it's christmas, love. and i thought i'd give yousomething a little special. - what, what? oh, manjeet! manjeet! no, manjeet. i don't want this.
(record scratch) i don't want you thinking youhave to change for me, okay? i love you the way you are.i love you for manjeet. manjeet is bloody perfectthe way he is, okay? - i love you so much. you know, you make me feel so happy. - and i don't want him change ever. - really, baby? - no, pfft! i'm just kidding!
this is the bloody best present ever! come over here, johnny! - you bloody mean, okay? you, me, no, no! okay, if you don't likemanjeet for manjeet, manjeet no sleeping with you! okay? - johnny! johnny! - but captain jack deepsparrow, on the other hand... - thanks so much for watching!
i hope you enjoyed that video! thank you so much to ingrid and to candy for making this video! - group hug! - and if you don't know who these gorgeous women are, why, why? all of their links are in the description. check out their channelsbecause they are awesome sauce! if you liked this video,give it a big thumbs up!
make sure you comment below! if you wanna check out mylast video, it is over there. my vlogs are over there.and make sure you subscribe! because i make new videosevery monday and thursday. y'all wanna try my outtro?see if you can do it? - yeah. - okay, here we go. one love. superwoman! here it comes. you got it?
- what? wait, what? - that is a wrap! and, zoop! girl's night! girl's night! girl's night!
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