oh hey didn't see you there just put in my boy pfa to sleep took a pic i want you to see my friends have come to watch another awesome video shh you can't stay up for this video
good diet for 14 year old boy, clip it this isn't a pg-13 video you go to bed sup guys we are back because today is a very special set
no it's not my first day it's a day when we got some insane footage of the girl that thinks she's playing gta5 now you guys know me you guys know me i play a lot of gta 5 in fact i have overlooked how many hours play it's over 1000 hours gcn5 place that's like master sensei monk level but sometimes you can go a little bit too far sometimes you can
play a little bit too much gta 5 and that is exactly what happens in this video that we have here slow controls the video we come over though you could the place but you think i'm going to put my own play button click the play button loading click it click play like that but there you go we're playing it now so as you can see
here we've got a girl was driving a car very normally i mean she's coming this guy off not very nice of course but then out of nowhere comes the cops because it's tj five mother trucker and she's like oh shit well i don't really blame i don't blame her because like flatpoint gta5 the second i see the cost i'm like i gotta go
that's what is peddling melt and we out of your point she seems that a realize she was like i gotta go fix those guns and shit across half of the friggin freeway okay she's gonna get out of them and this is that ok guys this is gonna get you know it's one thing if you're in like a lamb burger we or if you
interfere in like a like a ferrari it makes sense it makes sense but this is like a soccer moms minivan this thing it's not meant to estate the cops i got when you're playing gta 5 and you're in the ups truck escaping the cops that's not realistic those things are meant to do that it is that that's like taking your grandma getting a pair of strap
strap into your grandma getting on back and be like pomegranate getting up its last doesn't work that way i think she's at least up to 3 stars solid three stars but luckily for her this is real life so there's there's no one's gonna shoot at her she's also got her up she's got her hazard lights thought very important guys if you're
ever in a police chase turn that on let everyone else know to move out of the way she does not stop told you stopped here but she stopped and i got guys like you want to buy some ice cream from some can do what is just great let's just say fuck oh shit nice trip ok so i thought that guy was trying to sell her ice cream in fact he was not
trying to sell our ice-cream he was slowly spike strips interface so now we're tires are god but i think guys before we go any farther in this video and see what happens after this car gets sliced sure it's important to realize how this started such open gt5 take a look at that matter whether i need to know right now this
here we have any poconos that lets you walk away from me i behold it this house never has any public out i'm going to get some damn travers posting photos i'm going on the start guide am out of my way out of my way get these hoes since the last thing i'd all shit oh shit the cops cops cops laycool ok oh okay so it's all j's model areas wow
the lights get better start getting the ball goes the drive who's got the gun crazy always yes all the ground it's not care about follow you out my challenge is nothing wrong lg started playing gta5 right now i'm good i'm going to just kick back but i got so now that we have a better idea as to how we got into this situation we're
back into the action here we go what this job do it goes on we got to go back to that yo i guess that in gta5 tops you may not be the smartest for what would she see some spaceships you like now i'm not about that spaceship so she takes a little detour right bye we like very close to going over a cliff
nose around here what is this cop think he was gonna do like look at this point what did he think he was gonna do he was far enough away from the car there's like at least 15 feet between him and the car like a list of guys got the arm of jesus christ he's not going to throw that white strip in front of the car at this point guys she's
probably she's probably at four stars i'm not gonna lie wait you got all should i'm not just don't drive through obviously if i was never in a police chase that would be my number one thing to try is the drive through that would be that would be the best hey hey may but what's that shit it's
here hey how's it going hank wanted to come back it does not like the epic drink he's a little bit of sheep that's not very nice i don't love you play because at some it's my son pick up a little sheet what is your uh yeah he cannot love you like enough he knows i'm just going to
take this now now that advice just got a video is right we got a video go back to sleep as i was god dealing with my family matters the mother ship went down in the video but since then despite ships have caught up with her but this is woman this is one example want to welcome her okay so what's the number one thing that happens once you get
spike strips in gta5 alright you lose you lose that air pressure in your tires to get deflated and all of a sudden bam those things turning the i ski it happens to the best of us i honestly don't know how she feel like doing this to be to be quite honest with you this car this car is still giving it i'll give her that i'll give her credit
your guests at this point she's probably rock in five stars all right guys all right guys i think the back tires gone i since the back tires got a not entirely sure hear what you know all and ask all there goes there holy shit no its parts city opendir oh my god this is exactly what it's like to
cc a5 you're still going any faster what do this girl's alleged i'ma call her mama june she her new name is mama june and she is the legend of driving without tires just haulin ass down the street like they tell us they tell us guys if you ever get up if you ever get a flat tire pullo call cia or roadside assistance
bitch i just thought his check out run six cops at a hundred miles an hour and keep missing or two back tires see you don't even need to do next time next time just do a mama june does i get somehow it's only her back tire that golfers out this is actually pretty crazy we need to run this through the
simulation because i know what you got your ticket you think jake mama june she's a trained veteran well we're gonna recreate the scene right now gta 5 i'm gonna be mama june and show you guys what it's like if your message to back types she's still going down the street you guys just haulin ass ocean probably got
more parts point food party i actually love there's something about those spark that are extremely satisfied i don't know why but it's extremely satisfied oh she's in traffic what you're going to do normally in gta you just kind of go up the middle it looks like oh yeah no that's what oh just get everyone else is going to call it going shower oh my god
that this tradition like she's got fire were strapped to the back of your card that is absolutely insane ok looks like she's pulling into the mall now i think at this point i think at this point she's like look i can't drive any faster i came back to my hotel i'm hungry she's probably got hungry mama june hungry is
this point you may i need some food so she was going to come back chill out and just just enjoy enjoy your life but realistically should probably go to jail for a very long time she can't park the car or no she's just driving through here oh i don't think she's stopping boys i think she's still giving it all she's
not done she's not done with this rate she's going for the legendary six-star alright looks like she's oh no she's stopping you can't go any further she's outside the casino but oh my god after all the bad guys which is vital you stop holy crap that is actually in sage you
lost both of her back tires she's gotten probably across half of the freaking city that she's done she's done at this point she's like i put too much gta 5 fucked up against boise realize like wait a second this is in gta5 this is real life i screwed up i screwed up so she's going to give herself up here guys guys
this needs to be the lessons you all right logan when you're editing it i want you to zoom in the mama june space want you to zoom it so guys that's the lesson for you don't play too much gta 5 and don't do this if you enjoyed this video i want you to smash that like button down below i want you to destroy that like button i
want to see if we can't get 7000 life on this video loading put that at the start of the video this video get 15,000 like we're doing a real-life police shape it happened i don't care i'll go to jail for you got good luck she ocean put up a struggle here why they're 25 meant for my mama too she's a pretty flower she wouldn't hurt
nobody thank you so very much has happened jacob rothstein epiphany and i will see you guys next time for another awesome video logan give you happy yes
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