Jumat, 07 April 2017

diet for 14 year old swimmer

diet for 14 year old swimmer

here are the 10 most dangerous tourist spotsyou don't want to visit. you may want to think twice before headingto these locations, as they might end up being your final destination ever. number 10: jacob's wellthis dazzling natural swimming spot attracts thrill seeking swimmers looking to take adive into its bottomless black hole.

diet for 14 year old swimmer, located in wimberley,texas, jacob's well isan artesian spring that enchants visitors with its intricate system of underwater cavesand limestone cliffs. its cave descends downwards, reaching an averagedepth of 120 feet. for many adventure-seeking outsiders, thecool, clean, and clear waters of jacob's well

offers relief from the hot texan sun...butit comes at a price. considered one of the most dangerous divingspots in the world, the depths of the waters can easily swallow anyone alive. this, however, has not stopped daredevil open-waterdivers from risking their lives by plunging into its seemingly never-ending hole. taking the dive requires experience with specializedtechniques and cave diving equipment, since there is a high risk of getting lost in thecaves deep down. otherwise you might as well just swim closeto the surface like most visitors do. to this day, eight diver deaths have beenrecorded at the site.

number 9: the danakil desertin the northern end of africa's great rift valley lies the danakil desert in ethiopia,one of the hottest places on the surface of the planet. it's one of the most inhospitable places knownto man, with daytime temperatures exceeding 122â°f (or 50â°c). volcanoes and earthquakes continually ripthe ground apart, spewing lava and noxious gases, and giving the place its name "thegateway to hell". the idea that anyone would actually live hereseems absurd, yet people have been inhabiting the place continuously for thousands of years.

as salt traders, natives make regular two-daylong treks on camels to collect salt. one interesting note about the native danakilsis that they used to have a reputation of cutting off unwanted visitors' testicles;although nowadays the practice has stopped. the proximity of the region to eritrea's bordersalso makes it a dangerous place for visitors. in 2012, five european tourists were filledand four others bid trapped by african revel groups near a volcano in the area. number 8: madidi national parkbolivia's madidi national park has long been considered the most biologically diverse protectedarea on the planet, with new wildlife species being frequently discovered in the area.

but in the middle of such a steamy tropicalrainforest, there's bound to be plenty of creatures above you in the food chain. as beautiful as the place may be, the diversespecies have developed different types of poison to protect themselves: toxic moths,flesh-eating maggots, and skin-eating fungi to name a few. direct contact with the park's plants leadsto severe itching, rash, and dizziness. any small wound or cut can quickly get infectedby parasites. visitors will also get the chance to experiencewild animals such as snakes, jaguars, and bears; all of which prey on humans.

the wild pigs are among the worst; known toliterally tear human visitors apart, leaving them strewn across the park floor in pieces. number 7: death valleydeath valley is a stunningly beautiful desert surrounded by mountains. located in eastern california near the nevadaborder, death valley seems like something out of this world with its alien-like topographyand scorching heat. you might have experienced hot and dry places,but none can compare to what is considered earth's natural oven. during the summers, death valley commonlyexperiences temperatures above 120â°f (or

49â°c), with its highest recorded temperaturereaching a staggering 134â°f (or 56.7â°c). the blazing sun and searing heat would quicklydehydrate and exhaust anyone, and without water, death would come within less than 14hours. despite that, the place is continuously visitedby tourists. many deaths have been recorded in the pastfor those not honoring the valley's extreme climate. in august of 2016 for example, 40-year-oldlinda hung took a turn into death valley and got her car stuck in the sand. she then walked off to get help, but collapsedjust five miles away from the car, where rescuers

later found her tread body. number 6: rio de janeiro, brazilfamous for its legendary carnivals and festivals, rio may seem like a great place for a holiday. with its soaring mountains and white sandybeaches, the brazilian city manages to attract millions of tourists every year. but the sheer amount of gun crimes on thestreets means that anything could happen at anytime anywhere in the city. in fact, brazil has one of the highest violentcrime rates in the world. there are also the spontaneous dangers ofcutthroat drug trafficking, kidnapping, and

rape. in august of 2016, rio hosted the 31st summerolympics. concerns were made regarding the city's reputationfor violent crimes. despite promises for increased security andcriminal crackdown by the brazilian government, countless incidents still occurred throughoutthe 16-day event. numerous crimes targeting athletes and touristswere reported, including gunpoint and knifepoint robberies, hotel break-ins, and burglaries. number 5: pyongyang, north koreaofficially known as the democratic people's republican of korea, the extremely reclusivenation is not widely known as a favorite travel

destination. however, the hermit kingdom does open itsborders for foreign travelers, albeit with extremely strict travel restrictions. with foreigners limited to just hundreds ata time, you will definitely feel a little out of place in north korea. in fact, tourists are usually constantly accompaniedby tour guides, and any interaction with locals outside of the planned tours is completelyforbidden. with a reportedly oppressive and unpredictableregime—as well as an uncertain security situation due to housing nuclear weapons—northkorea can be one of the most spontaneous places

in the world; just not necessarily in a goodway. in january of 2016, 21-year-old american studentotto warmbier was touring north korea when he got arrested by officials at the airportjust before his departure from the country. he was accused of theft of a political propagandaposter at the hotel he was staying at in pyongyang. citing the act as a serious crime againsttheir leaders, the government sentenced warmbier to 15 years of hard labor in prison. the u.s. government has repeatedly pressurednorth korea for his release but to this day, he still remains incarcerated. number 4: southern philippineswithout a doubt, philippines is home to some

of the most beautiful islands and beachesin the world. with over 7,000 tropical islands, beach loversand sun bathers can't get enough of the magnificent shorelines of philippines' southern islands. but the tropical paradise on earth comes withits dangers. philippines' southern region has long beenthe base for must in separatist groups since the 1960s. with terrorist groups making the islands theirbase of operations, many accounts of kiblings and cat nap operations targeting touristshave become a recurring problem throughout the years.

in 2001, militant group abu sigh aff seizedtwenty hostages from the philippines’ island province of palawan and held them ransom. the crisis lasted for 12 months, with additionalhostage takings and repeated rescue attempts by the philippine army. the incident concluded with the death of fivehostages and over 30 filipino soldiers and abu sigh aff militants. then in september, 2015, the abu sayyaf committedanother kidnap and ransom operation, this time involving four hostages. when the deadline for their demands had expired,they beheaded 68-year-old canadian businessman

john risdel, leaving his head and body inseparate locations in the sulu province. number 3: yosemite national parklocated in california's sierra nevada mountains, yosemite national park is famed for its sequoiatrees, bridalveil waterfall, and the well known rock formation known as half dome thatrises over 5,000 feet above the valley below. seen as a yosemite icon, many hikers are temptedto undergo the challenge of conquering the magnificent granite dome. park rangers are available to assist hikers,although the national park services still discourages anyone who is out of shape fromembarking on the journey. there are metal cables that allow hikers toclimb the last 100 meters up to the summit

without any harnesses. but climbing is highly discouraged when conditionsare wet. the climb takes an entire day, and up untiltoday, 60 people have died while trying to make it to the top. two hikers who died had their bodies sweptaway by the rapid waters below. it is also interesting to note that the mirrorlake side of the half dome is known as "the death slabs". number 2: mount huashan, chinasituated near the city of huayin in china's shanxi province, mount hua is not only knownfor its beautiful views and vista, but also

for having one of the most dangerous and terrifyingplank path walks in the world. seen as a holy place, mount hua is consideredone of china's great five mountains. monks and pilgrims have constructed pathsand staircases as a means of climbing the mountain. but in order to reach the five peaks, theclimb is not for the faint of heart. as tourists walk the cliffside of the mountain,they are left to hook and unhook themselves to the various cables until they reach theend of the skywalk. they will literally be clinging for theirlife on iron chains while walking on the rickety planks that are only two feet wide.

the paths have been reinforced in recent yearsdue to the incline in the number of tourists venturing out. there are no exact statistics on how manypeople have fallen to their deaths, but local rumors name about a hundred deaths per year. number 1: baghdadonce known as the greatest city in the world during the medieval times, baghdad is nowherenear what it was before. more than a decade after the death of saidom who's sane, iraq still suffers greatly from the damage wrought in the overthrow ofits bloody mick tator and the chaos that followed. although few and far between, foreign visitorsstill fly into the war-torn country for various

purposes. despite the withdrawal of american troopsin 2011, the eye rocky insurgency still continues; meaning the country still has a hostile atmosphereof gunfire and public mobbings. iraq has very limited support for touristswhen it comes to policing...not to mention frequent attacks, bombings, kidnappings, andbeheadings from groups like al kitedom and the so-called is lambic state eye sis to makematters worse. in june of 2016, baghdad witnessed its worstmobbing since the city's invasion in 2003. a lorry truck packed with explosives was detonatedin the middle of a shopping district, hitting over 250 people.

the lasting days of peace seem like an impossibledream in the city that is currently listed as one of the least hospitable places in theworld. find out more about fatal entities that willkill you by subscribing or clicking on one of the links below.

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