Jumat, 07 April 2017

diet for female over 50

diet for female over 50

hi, my name is heather and through this videoi will show you exactly how to lose 50 pounds in 3 months and how to lose 100 pounds in6 months, so stop everything you�re doing , and watch this video till the end, becausei will give you for free the exact diet and exercise routine to follow so that you canwear a bikini in a few months. in fact, after having watched my video, ifyou click the link in the description below,

diet for female over 50, you can download it for free and since over100 women followed it and managed to lose at least 50 pounds fast, i am sure it willwork for you too! now, before we continue, i just want to tellyou a few things about me and how i became an expert in weigt loss for women.you see, i was not always skinny. in fact,in

the past, i didn�t pay any attention athow i ate, i didn�t exercise and somehow i gained almost 90 pounds. this is a pictureof me�. as you see i was really fat!but you see i realized that i became almost obese, only in one family reunion.one of my nephews, who i haven�t seen in 2 years, saw me and asked me: ount heather,what happened to you? you are so fat! all my family heard that, even my husband... iwas so embarrassed! that was the moment when i realized that i have to change somethingand start losing weight! i needed to know how to lose 50 pounds quickly�.because losing weight fast after a long time when i haven�t done anything, was so difficult,slowly my confidence and my self esteem got

really low � i�m sure that if you area woman and you�re overweight , you know how it feels, especially if you want to besexy! to wake up every morning, look in the mirror and just ne unhappy with the way youlook. that was my reality for a long time! i also started to be really worried aboutmy health. i was afraid i might develop diabetes if i don�t lose 50 lbs fast �.i came to a point where i was ashamed to go out of the house. because i was so heavy,my ankles were always in pain.... it was a horrible time for me!so i started so many diets, killed myself in the gym, even starved so many times. in6 months i only lost 7 pounds. i was really depressed�.but, i didn�t give up. i wanted to be able

to wear shorts or a bikini at the beach, iwanted my husband to be crazy about me again, so i didn�t give up, i found a weight losssystem for women, created a daily routine and in 4 and half months i managed to lose70 pounds.... this is my transformation.... even though it was not easy, it was reallyworth it, because my life is simply amazing right now. my husband is crazy about me, evenwomen are admiring my thighs when i am at the beach or in the park...then, i started to became even more interested in fat loss and women�s health, so i readover 100 books, i went to many nutrition courses and seminars and i am proud to say that ialready helped a few hundred women lose at least 50 pounds fast and change their life.so, here�s how to lose 50 pounds in 3 months

and how to lose 100 pounds in 6 months!to lose 50 pounds in 3 months and to lose 100 pounds in 6 months, you must lose halfpound of fat per day. normally in order to lose 1 pound per day, you must have a caloricdeficit of at least 3500 calories, so to lose half pound per day, you must have a caloricdeficit of 1700 calories per day. if you exercise daily and stay active, yourbody consumes about 2000 calories per day. if you exercise for about an hour, and combinecardio with lifting weights you�ll burn about 400 calories in that workout. so intotal, you�ll consume 2400 calories per day.if you follow a 1200 calorie diet, your daily deficit can be close to 1200 calories daily,but that�s still not enough, because in

order to lose 50 pounds in 3 months and lose100 lbs in 6 months, you need to have a caloric deficit of 1700 calories per day. so, you�llhave to boost your metabolism and force your body to burn another 500 calories per day.this is key for losing 50 lbs or dropping 100 lbs.so, i have a few great tips for you to help you lose 50 pounds in 3 months, and a greatvideo, which will teach you how to boost your metabolism drastically.but before that, there�s something very important: hope! you mus believe in yourself!there are so many women that want to lose weight fast but don�t have hope. they hatethe way they look , they start but they don�t really expect to look better. so, don�tbe like that, be positive about your future,

appreciate yourself, smile, because this willreally help you ... here are the tips for losing 50 pounds in3 months and losing 100 pounds in 6 months. so, tip # 1 is to drink 3 liters of watermixed with fresh lemon juice every day. this will detoxify your body and clean your liverand colon of toxins. and first thing in the morning, drink half liter of this lemon water.tip #2 is to do an intense workout in the morning, a combination of cardio and strengthexercises, mostly on your lower body. this will boost your metabolism and even thoughit�s hard to believe, you will have more energy throughout the day if you do it. infact, in the link from the description below you�ll get for free a workout that takesonly 20 minutes to do and burns almost 300

calories and help you lose 100 pounds in 6months. tip #3 is to consume a maximum of 1200 caloriesper day. even though many will say that 1200 calories is not enough. but, if you take carbsfrom fresh veggies, eat enough fibers, vitamins and proteins, you�ll have enough energyto do 2 workouts per day. and because i really want to help you, i have a diet plan for you,for the first 7 days. just click the link below the video to get it for free becausethis diet plan is essential for losing 50 pounds in 3 months.tip #4 is to use a massage brush and massage your lower body, even your arms, daily. thisincreases blood flow and boost metabolism, and it is great for losing fat from thighs,butt and belly. i got mine on amazon, and

if you click the link below, i will give youa coupon code to get it for only $13. tip #5 is stay active. walk to work, climbthe stairs, wash the dishes by hand, do whatever you can to keep your blood moving. i recommendyou take some dancing lessons, during a salsa class of 90 minutes you will burn about 700calories and you�ll have a lot of fun. i also recommend doing a second workout in theafternoon, but this one focused on lifting weights, so that you will build some muscles,because these muscles will use a lot of calories. tip no 6 is to boost your metabolism. in fact,the reason why you are overweight is the fact that your metabolism became slow, so thisis probably the most important aspect in weight loss for women, so, to help you lose 50 poundsin 3 months or drop 100 lbs in 6 months i

have a great video for you, from a world classweight loss expert and it will teach you how to boost your female metabolism with almost52%. you will also learn some foods and exercises that increase burnings. just click the linkbelow the video to watch it for free. i also want to give you for free a list withall the weight loss mistakes i did in the past , so you can avoid them and the exactroutine i followed to lose so much weight � even give you my favorite 1200 daily calorieplan, so that you are never hungry, but burn a lot of fat.you will also get a great book , called �the no. 1 metabolism boosting tip for women�and it will teach you everything about your female body and how to help it lose weightfast!

so, just click the link in the descriptionbelow to get for free - the video to learn how to boost your metabolismwith 52%, - my mistakes and my exact daily routine,- the diet plan for 7 days and the morning workout- the ebook and the discount link for the brush, all for free.just click it right now and lose 50 pounds in 3 months and lose 100 pounds in 6 monthsso you can wear bikini at the beach.

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